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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
fjnesdajr, July 1,. 1010 . ASRXAND JIDIXGS PAGE lla t:::;Uill!!t! wuuiMlttitititttlittSitltllllllll t Quality First tttttttt Modern Portraiture Picture Framing x Framed Pictures H Studio Ashland in'tfflKttfflttttttttttitttfflttntffly Kodak Finishing Kodak Films ' Photo Supplies The Camera Exchange On the Plaza LOCAL AND PERSONAL KttttffitffltttKttrctttnKintnniiiiiiitiiitw -Cliff Payne makes Ironing boards. Mrs. F. D. Smith of Grants Pass was a recent guest at the home of A. F. Ablott. The beat work shirt in town. Mitchells. Always getting new underwear. Mitchells. Opening dance Wednesday eve ning at open air pavilion, park en trance. Portland jazz orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood pnt Sunday with their niece, Mrs. Archie Waterman and husband, of Talent. Mrs. S. C Gunter Is home from 'San Francisco after making an ex tended visit there with friends. J. R. Toasr of Petaluma, Calif., 13 .-here, called by the death of his brother-in-law, the late L. A. Nell. Great Portland Jazz band will fur nish music at opening dance Wednes day at pavilion at Park entrance. Misses Frances McWIlIlams and Katbryn Miller have gone to Berke ley, Calif., to attend! the summer tchool at the university. Swimming contest Thursday night at Natatorium. 7:00 to 8.30. Races. Open to everyone. Mrs. Norman Ashcraft of Rich land, Ore., Is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bruner, of this ?ity. Mrs. A. D. Knight of Grants Pass Is visiting relatives In Ashland thl3 week. Ashland Trading Company for fruits and vegetables. 32tf Miss Vera Senseny returned to Tier home In Springfield the last cf the week after visiting In Ashland Mrs. R. R. Robley and children of Portland are visiting relatives and friends In Ashland. Mrs. M. S. Mullt has come to Ash' land from Portland with her grand children and will spend the summer here. Mrs. J. W. Boves of Seattle Is visiting In Ashland with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sayles. Burnslde, Post G. A R., sent an old comrade to the soldiers' home In Roseburg this week. This Is John W. Carpenter of Talent. Miss Babcock, a teacher In the city schools of Los Angeles, has rome to Ashland to spend her vaca tlon with her parents here this sum mer. Hear tlie noted jazz singer with thei Portland Jazz orchestra at the park entrance, Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. H. Walker, who Is now at it. Paul, Minn., .writes of having 8 '?lorious visit with friends and rela tives, but says it is most unbearably hot back there. . Furnished apartments, -108 N. Pioneer avenue. Ready for the Fourth. ' 43-2t Mrs. Pearl Heath and son Roland of San Francisco are visiting Miss Mamie Orr and nephew. William Hunt of 541 Falrview. They will re main in this city for some time. ' r THE CITIZENS BANK O FASH LAN I Within Your Reach -Prosperity Is within your ireach, if you earnestly ' strive for It. : ' Like a magnet an ac count with The Citizens Bank of Ashland attracts . j more dollars to your credit. ' 40N SAVINGS Fresh new goods arriving dally at Ashland Trading Co. 32tf Swimming contest Thursday night at Natatorium. 7:00 to 8.30. Races. Open to everyone. Mrs George Brookmlller and two little daughters, Loraine and Edith, left Monday morning for Idaho, where they will make an extended Visit with the former's sister. A new shipment of the latest hats. Mitchells. Big Dance Wednesday night at Natatonlum Launspach's Orchestra $1.00 per couple. Ten-cent dance every night during celebration until 3 o'clock a. m. i G. O. Van Natta shipped the first Reaches of the season out of Ash land today. This was four boxes of Early Greensboros that went to Weed. From now on peaches' will begin to be plentiful In the markets. Insure your hay and grain against fire. Billings Agency. 41-St Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fry of As toria are in Ashland this week to spend the celebration with the fami lies of the McNalr brothers and How ard Rose. . They made the trip in their car. Ernest Wick has returned home after serving as mechanician on "board a submarine chaser for the Vast 18 months. He has made an extensive tour of European and Gulf of Mexico waters during his absence. 1 Big opening dance at the pavilion Wednesday evening, July 2. Port land jazz orchestra wilt furnish mu sic. , Miss Rhoda Burnett will preach in jthe Free Methodist chuTch next Sun day morning end evening, on ac count of the absence of the regular pastor, Rev. Elva Hobart, who will accompany the body of her husband to Idaho for burial. . Eclipse Lawn Mowers BALL BEARING EASY" TO RUN The sturdiest mower on the market. They are used exclusively in the park because they do better work, run easier and laBt longer. Provost Brothers HARDWARE FLAGS! Decorative Paper; all kinds of Baloons and other PATRIOTIC COODS Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists i L. A. NEIL BURIAL j. , i : MADE WEDNESDAY ' The funeral of the late Leaudor A. .Nell, whose sudden death occur red laBt Tuesday evening, will take , place In the Elks Temple Wednes I. day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The or- vices will be under direction of Asli i land Lodgo of Elks at the Temple, with a sermon by P.ev. C. F. Koehl er. Ashland Lodge No. 45, I. O. O, F., will conduct the services at the (grave In .Mountain View cemetery, i Tlie funeral of the deceased was postponed In order to await the com ing of Mr. Nell's two daughters from the east. Ashland Trading Co. under new management. 32tf Mrs. I. D. Applegate returned on Sunday from a visit of several weeks in Klamath Falls, with her daugh ter, Mrs. Smith. She was accom panied home by her grand-daughter, who will remain here for. some time. Mrs. Edna Torranee of Spring field, Mass., and Mrs. Angle King of Newark, N. J arrived in Ashland last evening where they were called by the death of their father, the late L. A. Nell, whose funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Mattle Shaw and two boys ar rived in Ashland from Marshfleld last evening. They are going to Portland to make their permanent home and will remain In Ashland for about a month. Mra. Jemnie AlCord of Klamath Falls and J. C. Nell and family Of Eugene are in Ashland, having been called here by the death of the late L. A. Nell. They will remain here for the funeral which takes place to morrow. . Mrs. Lotta E. Hatch of San Diego has been in Ashland within the past week trying to find a suitable lo cation for a permanent home. F. J- Newman of Medford was in town a few days ago looking for a furnished house for the use of his family during the coming Chautau qua season. Miss Florence Allen, "who has been attending the San Jose normal school for the past winter, has . re turned home ajnd Will spend her summer vacation here, after which she will be one of the faculty of the Hawthorne school. Open air pavilion secene of open ing dance Wednesday evening, Port land Jazz orchestra will furniBh mu sic. Meredith Beaver has come from Portland where he has been - era- ployed this summer and will remain here for tho roundup and Fourth of C E. Glazier and daughter ' of Grants Pass arrived In Ashland Fri day, and the former will conduct the Free Methodist quarterly con ference in the local church. Mr. Gla zier Is presiding elder of this dis trict. Don't forbet Globe underwear, two season's wear. Mitchells. Marlon A. Doran of Company F, 318th Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Doran, arrived home Sunday from overseas service spent iu Fraice and Germany. The jourg soldier is looking well and happy. Ashland Trading Co. will be pleas td to quofe you prices on seasonable groceries. 32tf Ray Smith and a party of three from Montague have arranged with Mayor C. B. Lamkln to provide hous ing facilities for them in Ashland during the celebration, and will be here to spend the entire three days They will room with Mrs. Bomar during their sojourn here. - Big Dance Wednesday night at Natatorium Launspach's Orchestra 11.00 per couple. Ten-cent dance every night during celebration until 3 'o'clock a. m. Miss Stella Hays has returned home from Portland for her summer vacation which she will spend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hays Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Enders, Jr., have returned home from an automobile tour of three weeks thruout Cali fornia. H. C. Span has been secured to help Manager E. T. Staples in the (celebration headquarters. The man agement is listing a large number of rooms to accommodate the visitor during the three days of the cele bration. The Grants Pass band has been secured to help furnish music dur ing the celebration days here this week. This musical aggregation Is an old-time favorite with Fourth of July participants and Joy Is felt at the management being able to se cure them. ' Mrs. Simons is having her annual clearance sale to make room for fall stork. 20 per rent off on all trimmed and untrlmmod hots. New bats Just in. 41-3t MUTUAL MARKET FOR CO. FARM BUREAU Tho Jackson County Farm Bureau are arranging to market livestock and farm produce on a cooperative basis, as the result, of action taken by the executive committee of the bureau at Its June monthly meeting. Roland D. Flaherty, secretary-treasurer of the farm bureau, was elect ed manager and will be In charge of all shipping on a purely cooperative basla. The farmers and livestock men of the county will watch with Interest the euccess of this movement. Baptist Church Joseph, Prime Minister Surprise of Joseph's Brothers Splendid Tableaux Sunday, July 6, 8 p. m. ; Up at the top of the sValrway leading to Granite street from the Plaza stands a cherry tree that is a thing of beauty. This is a Royal An ue belonging to Emll Pell, and the boughs are b&nrtjng with the 'luscious fruit. Mr. Pell states that he expects to pick COO pounds of cherries from this one tree. I Good music, good floor, good peo ple, good time, at open air pavilion, park entrance, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hedburg, son Elwood and daughter Agnes, return ed home last evening after a month's visit In New Vork. The family re port a fine time on their trip, altlio they are glad to get back to Ashland. Elwood, who was a member of the 65th Coast Artillery during the lat last night that he had traveled 25, 000 miles during the past two years over the world, but of all the conn tny he had seen he would rather settle down In Ashland than any other place. CAXMXG FACTORY HAS HIU CONTRACTS The Ashland Preserving Company owned and operated on Helman street by M, C. Llniner and son, Bruce, Is getting In shape to start the summer run of canning, which will begin the latter part of July on apricots, and will continue all thru the season until late In the fall. The factory was renovated and virtually built over during the winter, and the equipment is now in shape for a good season's work. This industry has more large con tracts this year than ever before, and has turned down some that were ytondj their equipment to fill. When in full running capacity they will employ thirty or forty people, and are now open to applicants from women' who wish to seek employ ment there. Last week the factory canned 207 gallon cans and 470 quart cans of cherries, simply by way of adding variety to their 'pack, but the real season will open with the apricots, of which Messrs. Llulnger have about five tons contracted for. This will follow with tomatoes of which they have contracts for 15 acres, estimating about 200 tons, and 60 tons of -peaches. Pears and string beans will also be products of the factory and this cannery bids fair to be a leading Industry this summer. Reduced rates now effective on growing grain protect your' crop against fine while in the field ai wel as after cutting. Billings Agency. 41-3t Astoria Oregon-Pacific mill tak en over by new owners and will re sume operations. Universal Tire Filler Is now used In about 100 automobiles In the Rogue1. River Valley, Without advertising, purely by the irocommeiuljatlpn '.of satisfied users, It has spread. About CO curs In Medford use it, ranging from trucks to touring cars. A number In Ashland have ulso banished tire "trouble" by using the filler. The last order is for the drive wheels on a Chalmers 30 from Gold Hill. The one before that was on a Ford. 23 per cent of the autos In Portland are using the Universal Tire Filler, aftor four years' experience where the factory Is lo cated. YOU ELIMINATE EXPENSE OF FOLLOWING ITEMS Ford Cur 6 tubes 24.90 1 pump 2.50 1 extra tlrs 2 J SO You save (Increased mileage) on 4 tiros approxi mately 33 .1-3 per cent 31.50 82.40 Cost of Filler for 4 wheei8 57,00 - .( - , Dividends 125.40 All other cars in proportion. You only buy the Filler onoe. Our Trial Offer Let us intall Universal Tire Filler In your tires. If after ten days' use you do not like It, we will take it out and replace your tubes, and return your money, with no hard feelings. We Guarantee That Universal Tire Filler, properly Installed, will run 100, 000 miles; can be changed from one casing to another at a cost of $1.50 per tire; and has the same riding qualities as the pneumatic tire inflated to its required pressure. Send For Price List Universal Tire Filler Agency Phone VV. R. Gaylord, Medford Nal. OREGON WOOL CLIP SOLD AT GOOD PRICE Many buyers were present at the wool sale held in Condon Friday. A total of 300,000 pounds was sold at prices ranging from 60 to 55 3-8 cents. Tha principal buyers were The Dalles scouring mills, Hallo well, Jones and Donald; Simmons and Pierce and the American Wool en company of Lawrence, Moss. . William RettteTs qtip of 21,000 pounds brought 55 3-8 dents, the highest price ever paid in this state. Look Here! When you come to celebrate, come and see me. I have some big bargains to offer in modern homes. The best location In Ash land alfalfa, orchard and farm lands. I sell my own property, so you deal direct with the own er. I bought chJeap and will sell cheap on your own terms. SOO Roc Street ASHLAND &he VIRGINIA 72 Main Street Ashland's down town high class family apartments Rooms en-suite or single. We give you all the com forts of home. Reasonable rates. Phone 388T Fafuallty Shoes- for style. . Shoes at the lowest prices. We have a complete stock of new up-to-date goods. ' , i'( Let us serve, you, , Come in and rest. ' We shall he open each morn ing 6t 'tlie celebration. ROW DE DOW flee VAUPEL'S Quality Store JULY 3-4-5 9 Wear Experience in supplying the needs of particular men has taught us that quality in Men's wear is essential. We have never had a more complete and up-to-date stock of apparel to show you than at the present time. Everything that you need for the Round-up will be found in our big stock 8 Cools the stomach, washes out the bowels, drives out Impurities, helps the liver It's Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. , Take It once-a-week during hot weather and v see how happy and contented you'll be. 35o. Tea or Tablets. rOLEY'S DRUG STORE. ARROW SHIRTS The Arrow Shirts are all of the highest quality and will fit any occasion Just as well as they will fit any man. Priced from $2.00 up to $5.50. CHENEY CRAVATS Are all that the name sig nifies. The only neck tie made with original de signs. Each and every tie a beauty. Priced from noc to $1.00 each. RELTS AND SUSPENDERS Complete assortment of these two accessories will be found on our Bhelves in all qualities. If In need of any of these articles buy them at Vaupel's and get the best. SOFT COLLARS Wear Arrow Soft Collars dur lng the three big days and enjoy comfort. Several beautiful styles to choose from. Latest advanced styles will be found in stock. 25c each and up. HOLEPROOF SOX The pure dyed sot. Cornea lu the following colors Black, White, Cordovan, Green) Palm Beach, Pearl and Dark Tan. Every pair will give good service. .00c pair. ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR Co.pers Kenosho Klosod Krotch and Sultan are two of the highest duality brands made In athletic union suits. Priced tt $1.00 and $1.50 per suit. SOISETTE PAJAMAS To rest well at night you must be properly dressed. Try a ooc pajama and become convinced in what we say. Priced at $2.00 a suit and upwards. CLUPECO HANDKERCHIEFS They are packed in sealed sanitary packages, and prices range from 10c to 25c each. Each and every handkerchief is laundered and ready for use. Very convenient if in a hurry. ,-.,.. I Make your headquarters during the big Round-up at Vaupel's, where every courtesy will be yours during the big celebration DEPOSITS Juty celebration.