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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
r mam '0' u ma w Op Day at Chant N mm Lecures and Addresses in Park and Auditorium during Forenoon and Afternoon MOLLY OTJMY IM THE EVEMMG 11 iz I 3E Geo. L. Trcichlcr Motor Co., Liberty Building, Medford Dodge Brothers Motor Cars -.OldsmobUe While you are celebrating drive down to Medford and see u$ We handle the best Tires and Tubes on the market : . Goodrich and United States. See us for oils and ac cessories. We also have some good USED CARS AT RIGHT PRICES uminuiiitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiii The Social Realm :titiiitKiiwmt ' roreign MWwimry Society. - s ' The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. F. S. Engle, 534 Boulevard, .Wednesday of this week Instead of Friday, the -usual date, 1 ' . The (liurck of God. Corner Fifth and Mala Street.' Sermon subject, Saturday July !th, 11 a. m., Faddists. Also hypo crites In the churches and out. Tha straight Gospel. Audley B. Porter, Traveling Evangelist. Klamath Faflay 5 irrigation pumps running in Bonanza section. Several thousand acres being Irri gated for first Itme. Clenbrook, near, Alpine, to be re vived as one of the livest little man ufacturing townB in valley. Two sawmills, 100,009 ft. capacity each, to le erecld. Contracts let for atrectlon of 40 houses. Eugene One strawberry plant l.ears 1098 berries. Building for Paciflo International '(tEslj&RCH OF OREGON ' HISTORY IS PLANNED Organization of a system for the colletttan and distribution of infor mation on early Oregon local history will jibe undertaken by a committee to be appointed by Dr, H. D. Shel-. don, president of the teachers' con ference held at the University of Oregon this week, under authoriza tion given by the meeting recently held. Or. Sheldon has not yet an nounced the personnel of the com mittee. This action followed the Thurs day night session In Guild hall, In which Superintendent Robert Down of the Lebanon schools outlined his system of vitalizing history for bis students by directing them to search for early history material in the ter ritory around Brownsville, the ref uge of the survivors of the Whit man massacre. Means for organizing this local history work were suggested ly A N. French, professor of education In the ufnlversity, who collaborated with J. C. Almack, director of the extension division, in working out a system. Superintendent Alexander Roberts of the Everett schools described so cialization work in his city,. Mrs. Margaret B. Goodall .of Eugene and Miss Edna L, Sterling of Salem dis cussed debating and Professor Rob ert W. Prescott of the university urged more debating in high schools. f PA KOLE OFFICER TO SELL BLOODHOUNDS After Monday night the state pris on will be without the services of trained bloodhounds in hunting down escaped convicts. The dogs are the personal property of Joe Keller, parole officer, who will re tire from the state service on July 1. Mr. Keller sold one of the hounds and the other two will . be disposed of early next week. The dogs led every man hunt away from the prison during the past two years and also have been pressed Into service by various sher iffs of the state to assist in running down Jallbreakers. Mr,. Keller of fered to sell the state two . of tfie holing for $250, bujt the (prison management and the board of con trol decided agaalnst the purchase. Baker $12,000 paid for 80 acres land In Powder River Valley. r if OAKLAND CARS , On display at Ashland Auto Show, LithiaPark, July 3 4-5 Now On Display at Tourist Garage, East' Main Street It is one of the snappiest care in use and will prove aa popular in Ashland ; as it has in Southern California and other 6tates. It is the lightest car per horse power on the market. Only 40 pounds of weight to each horse power. Takes the same state license rate as the Ford. $1,275 1, o. b. Ashland. "A little Beauty" Bingmao & Potter, Ashland Agents. Paul Rutlencutter, Agent. Jackson Co. 3TI BILLY SUNDAY FLAYS j KCRl'H LIVESTOCK "Scrub livestock ought to be as scarce around the up-to-date farm as weeds are in any good garden patch. Scrubs ere the weeds of the livestock world, and bear the same relation to profitable pure-breds as do the nutriment-devouring, worth less weeds to good, honest vegeta bles that make a fair return to mau for his investment of time, money and trouble." This epigram was given by Billy Sunday, the greatest evangelist of his times, as well as en uptodate stockman of Oregon, who will be ir Ashland Friday, July 18, to open the session of the Southern Oregon Chautauqua assembly. Mr. Sunday owns a herd of more than 70 pure bred Berkshire bogs, and has just bought two blue-ribbon heifers, a Jersey and a! Holsteln, to add to hi two fine herds. "Ma" Sunday Is the proud owner of 700 pure-bred white Leghorn chickens, "with not a wrong feather In the bunch," "We wouldn' have a scrub animal of any kind on the ranch," said Billy emphatically, "and anybody that wants to run a farm or stock ranch of any kind on a business lias- Is had better adopt the same plan. A man that keeps scrubs usually keeps a mortgage. It takes the pure-breds to bring In the profits." 8. A. DRIVE SHORT 1 IN JACKSON COUNTY The Salvation Army drive In Jack son county for funds ended Satur day night when the campaign In the state, ended. According to the Medford Mall Tribune of Saturday evening Indications were that the Medford district, comprising ,tliat "A man can borrow mortey on what he puts into a home. He can't on what he pays out for rent." "I want to see every wage-worker own his own home." W. B. Wilson, U. S. Sec'y of Labor. We have several choice homes as wnll as bargains in acreage. Some can be sold on small payments and easy terms. Beaver Realty Co. THE POPULAR REALTY CO. 211 E. Main St., Phone 68 day and all of the county north from Phoenix, will be about $1000 shy of its allotted quota, $4,650, and that the county would be about $500 short of Its quota. The Med ford Elks state that they will not stop until every corner of Jackson county is corolwd for possible subscribers. STRUCK RAD ROADS IN THE SOUTHEAST Among the recent campers at the auto park were F. Tozer and wife, 'and Mr., and Mrs. J. Duttenhoffer, all of Seattle, who were enrout? home from an automobile tour thru California. Before starting out from' San Francisco Mr. Toaer was routed by an automobile organiza tion In that city thru Eastern Ore gon. On striking- the mountain dis tricts, however, these tourists found eight cars stuck In one of the road ways. Not wishing to be a part of this aggregation this party cam around by the Pacific highway, touching Ashlund, where they stop ped over night. Other tourists com ing, from Klamath county report the Green Springs mountain road In good shape. Literary erecting O:?gon City Twilight and Entertainment Club fine new building. 'AlMny to get a creamery. Albany 50 head Jersey cattle bring $17,275 at sale hear here. Sllverton New school building to be erected here. Bend $3000 contract let for tho construction of Squaw Creek dam. 1 TM THEATER BEAUTIFUL SP Tuesday Vivian Martin in only "Liitle Comrade" Wednesday Priscilla Dean in onlv A Silk Lined Burglar r Thursday only Harry Carey in Bare Fists Friday Mary McLaren in only The Weaker Vessel RAISING THE DOUGH WITH SALVATION ARMY DOUGHNUTS Thie doughnut that made the doughPoy happy and was so widely and generously distributed to our boys "Over There" by the Salvation Army, has been prominently featur ed by that organization in the great national drive to raise funds to con tinue over here their great work in the cause of humanity. In the great drive in New York City, doughnuts were sold by the Salvation Army by the thousands at one dollar apiece. The Royal Bak ing Powder Company contributed to the Salvation Army a large quantity of their famous product, which not only raised the dough in the dough nuts but went a long way in helping to "raise the dough" tor the fund This famous doughnut is shaped like a life preserver and was no doutvt regarded aa such on many oc casions by our men in the battle line beyond the reach of rations. The soldiers have sung Its praise so much that the recipe for making four dozen of the kind of doughnuts that helped win the war Is given here for- the benefit of our readers: Five cups of flour, two cups of eusjar, ftve teaspoonfuls of Royal Baking Powder, one saltspoonful of salt, two eggs, one and three-quarters cups of milk and tablespoonful lard. Kmelail, shape with a doughnut cutter, drop Into very hot lard and In a few minutes you have It! Hood River Construction of road to Lost Lake begun. Pendleton1 Road work on Kame-la-Coibbage Hill district to begin. Salem Construction of $500,000 paper mill starts here. Gold Beach Ground broken for) brick block here. Gold Beach $157,590 contract to grade 7 miles in Curry county let. Hood River Two new buaine structures rising here. Pendleton Warren Construction Co. declare work on teel project will begin at once,. s . . i f f&, pllllilfilj Rev. P.illy Sunday, who will npeak here July 18