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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1919)
Taestiar. Jaly 1, Jl ;.wtt .vr H.irE a iretuuT rue err fx: V'" tank Sy aac a r ewury Sar; jf sumcxs f ti at Can. aal I When in Ashland 4- . Air. JiZr I. a ieiixit (tassiim wiHF t'l Ti'r: n, i-it-T-" H uri niiippA nact a o w 1-kA-v ti star pu I ti- jajr it twma txc it wnif V taw am LZ. Jvassjca Cans- t ojtjxt Bviirti. fMrlam. ZAm, 'H 5 suelunt la Uk eon tj for ti exz-tamaa tl jSajaat sitiKix f tl enm.miM::a li ti tfcw c Gror Oca rcsio'y. la ti inmtei ly ti aw;hrs it ti Jtnt Jiaoaal Ri tt relaUott to ft ritmn. fs:j of taaklag, jjt, gU4 as! wiling- f f xnJaii afTry rrJ i 3 noa-t wxl u :i-r aai FuKiur ar Saji w, S laiaiy 6ei.ten wl tai ei;- pw tiar. Ti eca- at the big show ' artaaira. PsUat CaHii, Ifirwj fie t.t aTc:ee ef . xnz rx6 CVie. s-V J II I I 5 TkHrstNaftottafflank a ti &at. VI' eni;.i alw t-vry?r. tan ta?l w.ii ti iiyw- i ftn. .1 a:t a.i rtrinc co.tT mist BW tV)K TOlTJT TR.tVEL t wr n-.iii a'yj'it ti ponltrr TiAt ti Pati; tcajt U taT f -jam ws7 a. tct we; vu ,he Ei.'caa battte- ; kaTr ti riu;ica cf kd of ti M a artra:i for tonr- . yw?7 iena m ta nty, i it, u rr.jM 7 th lad- f f mm. Xn " ia 1 tc1 Cmnraal Clob MOnLAI f V I I LJ I VV3Qr that wM b , it to a, 7 , tata uk ty Riehard Pr. EUMiaJl H7t (ttfttr ia ti tat. tare ti J(er, aaaat canatr of tb Et HfcLIXHED ZEKI-WTEZLT i PfI the fcrt fruit crop fa rrar-ei tot! of Saa Fraud;, who. F.Trrj jprvujiwi rrvM onxory ana tnre ii bo rx-x wbr ia an Jatrriw toMUhed recentlT July3-4-5 and in need of THE AMliAXtt rtaXTtXQ CfHPATT jakjoa coatt7 aonH tA ai o,- Brt ,aaa not on a R. Or tMJtnrfworta whil. mmw, eant too go tOffltaIDs to . . K & f n. at.:- . I - . . m l 1 1. I. ' u in mis 4iir rc-a year? la the Portland Telerrim, atatta' OFFICIAL CITY AMD COUNTY PAPER. eoonty fair that Ii,hat effect In hJi opinion the war Ai a Farm Brjrearr pr,ti-,itioa will hare on the eoat TELEPHONE 39 hOMK (AX)lt AIXniTll(i fti'isMotrrnox kites to Tear, hn paid at eiplraUoa , , .,. ,..2.I0 On Tear, when paid la adraa. 2 ftfti tat UittU. when paid Id adaa 1.25 1 TtM ornmeBt admln- Tare Montbi, when paid la adfanee. ., 7Sifatratlon haa Jnt Iwoed a ) fold- ptlon for leM'thu tbre nontha. All lobacnptlena dropped lf enlItl'd "Shore and Mounuln nleaa renewal la recelred. jfeaorta of the Great .VortJureat" In which Aahland geta tl following mention: "The city of Anliland, plc turvuely altuated In the foothills tio aafv:rl ai tiplratloti ooleM la ordering change of tb paper alwaya lira the eld street addreu or BOfHofflce aa well ai the new. AfiVEftTi.SI.VO IUTEH f lotl lnertlon, each Inch, 20c tHIx monthi' contract, for one laao each week each Inch, 25c Hix wiontha eontract, for two laanet each week each Inch, 20c One year contract, for on Imoo each week,, .each Inch, 20c On year toiitrt.ct. tot two liaue each week each Inch 17'c tmamg iiUffio cent the line, lCal XoUm t cfMt the line. Uaelfd tolomn On cent the word each time. Twenty worda 'one moniD, one auiuir. Card of Thanks, 11.00. Obltoarles, 2 ft rents the line. Fraternal Onint and Hodctlm Adrertlslnc for fraternal ordfrs or societies chart-In a regular Inltla tloa fee and dues, do discount. Itellgloos and benorolent orders will ta charted for all adrertlslnc when an admission or other charge Is made, at the reggtsr rate. 'hi i The direct !oa of mre-nii In kn. trl each aa the St. Francis, Proeaer thinks, will t offset by the great vol once of touriit bazlne: that al ready bids fair to make lilt an even more profitable year for Saa Fran cisco hotels thaa was 1S15, livs e position year. "Ran Francisco, Portland and the ntire Paomc Coaat are la for at t !-st two years of the moat remark- THB Trill.VfiH IH THK OJfLT If EWHPAI'KK 1ST HOLTIIEItX ORE. Of J THAT nilMSHEO MTVER J,ES TIIAX EIGHT PAGES AS 18KIE. Tit TI'lInK haa a jcraUr clrnilaUoa In Aaliland and It U-iwIe trrrl- lery tliaa all other Jackson county papr enmblaea. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoflloe as second-class mall matter. IJIO (1WWI THE jmitTH , Inllcfctlons point to the Ukk&.I rrowd erer gathered In Sonthern Oregon on th third, fourth' and fifth. The pnMlclty has been glren Si rery wl(. sorpe tWs yr. The Roundup edition of th Tidings last Tffesday , went Into every towi be tween Portland and Ban Francisco, Ivlds a tremendous amount of fine sutvortlalng matter that haa been posted and rllstrlbuled In Southern Oregon SJid .Vortbern California dur- A.HHI.A.VD'H REPEAT ORDWtH Kvery manufiicturer, desiring to oulld up a aubstantlal buslncns, trie to manufacture an article with mwrlt enough to bring repeat orders II rightly Judges the 'merit of bis commodity by the number of cus tomers who purchSH It orer and oven. If Is the certain mot hod of Judgliig the merit of an article. Ily that measure Ashland climate, swnery and homlthfulness Is prov ing an article of great merit. This seaeon mor than fifty people who lag th past month. Knowledge ofipcnt lne Bummr here last year, or 1h big Urn Is spread broadcast. Tbrt adrertlslng committee, of which Mr. Ferguson Is chairman, has work H lght and day to bring th big crowd hero and Indications are that they will suocoed splendidly, Jt Is going to be a big Job to ooro forUtfJy hous them and every cltl with an eitra room should list Jt with th accommodation coaamlt- at Mr. WUplea' office In th Aus tin hotel block. MSAITIfTIi JIHiHT rKICXH Tb Uihla, Park now prints a tHMrtirul tr.glit seen. lately the Tark Urd haa renewed all the light loM aiid added many nnr lights thai turn thore ar few dark cor ners In the park, Th great oak tre at tha band stand b,v forty JTllllanl lights and th tall codas at tb tot camp ground' presents an Pet i4 beauty that ellcJl surprise from Dampers wtin tha lights are turned on In th ereclng. TTi4 Krounda art fcearl completed 1"r Ih ahlmals at th ujpw end of the park, and will no doubt be com M4 and tha animal Installed for fke Fourth. How work should Ife don on th a.uU camp drlr that starts at the Flrwt Kai,aJ bank conar and goes to tb ramp ground. Thar are om small, but very bad ditch In H that may result la broeVlnr. prlngs on heavily (M tamp ears Tb drlv sliould flsd before the relebrntton rnslv AOer the )ti avod fog of the rhlpplnf taard moddl baa Immd aleared away, shipbuilding and ship operation la th hands of private -Bterpnl can again get on Its lt nd mov ahead. Oregon has record wheat crop. th year Wore, are already here again for this year. Two families known to tb writer have come more than three thousand miles to spend their summer vacation In Ashland. TIU mns sometMng. People Ilk It so well they come again. As a resort for health and recreation Ashlsnd la delivering the goods.1 Tourist visitation la growing apace Yet, whw hundreds ar now en- jujius mis spienaiu ciimai thous ands can I brought here for the summer, and for. th winter too, for that matter, because Ashland win ter climate, aa well as her summer cumaie, so tar surpasse the sea sons of man other sections, that she can b made both a summer and winter resort for the lees favored sections of th country. ; ' Only those who bear of the ad vantages of Ashland will come, Tlio It follows that the more who aro ap prisod of It, the mor will come. Asuiano snouia enter into a sys tematic and aggressive advertising campaign. If she does, her future la assured. of the Slskfyons, overlooking the Rogue River Vsll?, Is 'Oregon's Famous Spa,' so called because of large numbers of mineral springs, hot and cold. Including the Lithla Springs, recognized for their remark able curative properties." These folders are being distribut ed by hundreds of thousands thrti- out the United Htates and Europe and constitute a fine advertisement for this splondld resort It was Is sued under the direction of our old friend John Scott. General Passen ger, agent of the Southern Pacific. Fresh Meat and Lunch Goods largest and Rest Stock In Ashland WE ARB HERE FOR SERVICE East Side Market James Barrett, Prop. Phone 18S CIVII, HhlVICK 1UI.K8 VVT RAN O.V MATRIMO.W Married women will be excluded from employment la Tacoraa If the new rules governing municipal civil service as adopted by th civil ser- vie board become effective. The new rules, prepared by a com mittee alter year's work, were sub mitted to tha city council for ap proval Wednesday and action was fcferr4. , , . Tb new rules further , provide that girls In th city's senrlc who get marrlod will automatically be oil mint tod from their Jobs. Wulhorlln Conntructlon of new cannery plant here progressing rap idly. WAR HTRMX ( AlHEH r.MVERHAI, HV.STERIA i ne psycnoiOKicai condition pro duced by the war strain of four years reflected itself In the almost hectic enthusiasm with which the news of the first trans-Atlantic air Journey by American fliers was received. In tiormal tiroes people woufd have wel comed this news and acclaimed the filers, but the average man would not, have 'quivered iwlth, Joy over the American victory. War has In creased tb tension of nationalistic prldb until it vibrates stridently at the sllghest touch, Nerves are on edge, emotions He so clorte to the surface that a pin prick feels like a knife wound. ' wore It not for this universal seml-hysterla, It is doubtful whether Hawker and Orleve woufd have hop ted off In a mad endeavor to beat the American plane to the goal Thley had no chance. Unless they maintained; maximum speed, their fuol aupply would not carry them twVOHt. Evtoa (Lf th motor luad worked without a flaw, they could not have completed the Journey, as tltny were 200 mlls off their course when' they abandoned' the attempt. Nationalistic pride drove them to an enterprise that was doomod before It began, thfe same pride that Is caus ing Poles and Ukranlans, Italians and Jugo-Slavs, Cxechs and Hungarians to kill one another. , What the world needs most Is a strong doso of mental bromide to r- duo the tension of Its overwrought norves. July "Sunset." ahle tourist business In hbrtory," Prosser said, "Since the day the armistice was signed, virtually ev ery hotel In San Francisco has been doing a capacity business, and there is no sign of let op. Ordinarily the summer months are very dull in San Francisco, but now the town Is crowded with visitors. Nor will the clamping on of the lid affect this kind of travel. "Tourists come to San Francisco for the same reacons tbey come to Portland for the. scenic attractions, recreation, sport and pleasure, not for alcoholic beverages. j "Of course, here on th Coast, we will not strike, whatever our new post-war normal level of tourist travel Is to be, until after European tourist travel strikes Its new normal level. I am satisfied that that will be at least two years, and meantime we will have this preaent very high level. "There Is much speculation as to whether the American tourist will flock abroad In large numbers, or whether that travel will be only ordl narly heavy. My own Judsment Is that every man, woman and child In America that can afford the trip will head for Europe the moment Europe Is ready for tourlnts, to see the bat tle fields, and gaze with their own eyes at the devastation wrought by war In France and Belgium. "We must bear In mind that the battlefields of Europe have been ad vertised for the last five years as nothing In the' world was ever ad vertised. Not a day has passed since August 4, 1914, that every person In this country has read not a col umn, but whole pages, about Europe and It takes only the most superfi cial knowledge of the fundamental principle ' of advertising repeated impression to see that the Ameri can people are bound to be filled with a consuming desire to see the battlefields of the great war. "TWere la a way, however, to ov ercome this in some degree. That la by offsetting It by other, and more appealing advertising. In other words, It Is up to every hotel, cham ber of commerce, tourist body and Individual on the Pacific Coast to advertise the attractions of this re gion as they have never been ad vertised before. "Our scenic attractions, and facil ities for entertaining the tourist the year round, are unequaled In the world. Put we must sell' the Pa- tclflo Coast to the world. This can be done by - newspaper ' and magazine advertising on nothing less than ' a national scale. The cheapest way to insure future tourist business on tltki Coast and) all advertising ia merely a form of Insurance on fu ture buslnfes would be for the Coast interests to pool their adver Using moneys and go after the busb Dry Goods, Underwear Ladies' or Men's Fur nishings, Hosiery don't fall to look up ' IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE Portland Pacific highway to be graded, rocked or paved from Port land to California line by end of year. , Good Cues and Tips Billiard players prefer this place because they know that they can get GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference in the pleas. nre or th game. You KNOW it' ' Profanity, gambling and pther nn aesiraoie elements are absolutely iabw nere. we invito GENTLE MEN only. This Is a clean, congenial amuse ment hall for decent clean-cut fel lows. Alnutt's Billiard Parlor "Clean Sport for Regular Fellows" Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. C. F. Bate, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement PHONE 117 Office 99 Oak Street, Ware house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon . IGNITION REPAIRING! ' ' . . ...... ' J ' ' Magnetos spark coils Motors and Generators Re paired and Rewound. Guaranteed good as new. We are Southern Oregon agents for the celebrated Burd Rings. Try them for compression. CRATER LAKE MOTOR COMPANY lledford, Oregon i for MONDKIiL PROPOSES '. . , REPEAL OF ZONK LAW Repeal of the postal tone system I ness on a large scale," newspapers and periodicals Is proposed In a bill by Representative Mondoll of Wyoming, the republi can leador. Under the measure sec ond class mall would be at the flat rate In force before the war revenue bill, of 1917 was passed. Klamath Falls Oil : drilling Klamath county to start. In Hptcl Austin Barber Shop N. G. BATES, Prop. . . First-class .Service, and : Equipment. Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon, if If 5 - VwV 4a .. m m bahsi action fccgnjfl witKtlie selection 'of your suit.whenyou buyoorn 1 ailonng. Woolens in unlimited varia-' tion of iweave and coloring bennit a satisfactory choice of .fabric you dictate any style t. features your fancy may suggest you find added satisfaction in the rice. v In fact, you sell yourself exactly what i you want, instead of buying what bob on wants to sell you. , Try the Born idea of clothes Mtlafae boo once, and you will insist upon it always. ' UUmJntBomDlm) I v. -.(.. Paulserild& Barrett Ashland, Oregon ' r t