ASTILAXD TIDINGS Tucadar. June 10, 1010 PAGE nv6 Qualify Frsf ii modern Portraiture Picture Framing Framed Pictures Kodak Finishing Kodak Films Photo Supplies The Camera Exchange Oa the Plaza Studio Ashland M'L'CIAL COMMAXUEKY1 COXCLAVK Malta Commandery No. 4, K. T , will meet on Thursday evening, June 12. Work In the Order of the Temple. Visiting fraters cordially welcome, and the membership In general is urged to be present. Re freshments.. 0. F. CARSON', E. C. AV. H. DAY, Recorder. tt),;?!!!!!!8!li!'i'i??1TTtttt??t'4H'?"8t8;ai?t I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Orres will dye for you. Cliff Payne makes porch swings. Mrs. Anna Moore has returnei from an extended visit made In Eu pene and Portland. Orres cleans clothec Phone 64 Miss Hazel Emory Is home from Portland spending her vacation with hor parents here.' New shirts, belts and hosiery. Mitchells. Mr. Anna Kent of the Columbia Hotel will leave Wednesday for Portland whero she will visit for a couple of wejks. Fresh new goods arriving dally at Ashland Trading Co. 32tf Miss Emma Jenkins loft Saturday morning for Salem where she will make an extended visit at the home of A. A. Chlsholm. T. E. Hadfield has moved his fam ily from Gerber, where he had been engine hustler, to Ashland where he gees on extra engine work for the S P. Miss Ila Myers, who taught In the lul)llc schools at Eugene during the past year, has returned home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter left Sun Or.y for Portland where they will at tend the Victory Rose Festival this v.cok. Every lody line up and dress up for the big celebration. Let Orres take your measure. H. C. Span- and family, who have been living in Jacksonville for the psst six months where the former served as deputy sheriff, have re turned to Ashland to llvo. Ashland Trading Company for fruits and vegetables. 32tf Prof. J. G. Swan, principal of the city high school, has been elected a member of the Eugeno school facul ty. His work In that Institution has not yet been r.sclgned. Mrs. William Hulan and llttlo son Billy left Saturday for Crescent City whsre they will spend the summer with Mr. Hulen, who Is In business there. George E. Joyce, wife and two son's of Chicago are in Ashland spend ing a short vacation at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. H. II. 1-eavlll, on Chestnut street, THE CITIZENS BANK. O FASH LAN I 1 J tIT 3 Invite you to con- " fer with us regard ing your business prob lems. We endeavor to render helpful service. New Cheney cravats Just received at Mitchells. U. L. I'pson Is In the city today meeting with poultrymcn In the in terests of that business. Mrs. Edward Dunlap of Aberdeen, Wash., is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Herrlck' ' Dr. F. If. Johnson will leave today for Portland whene he will repre sent the annual meeting of Masons In session there tills week. , Among prominent Ashland Masons who are attending the grand lodge In fission in Portland is Stuart Saun ders, who Is representing the local lodge. Mrs. A, Schuerman and Mrs. Wal ter Everton are representing Alpha Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, at the grand lodge in Portland this week. Summery union underwear two aljasona' wear. Mitchells. E. H. Bush and family left Satur day night for Portland where they are spending this week enjoying tho festivities Incident to the Rose Fes tival. Mr. and Mrs-. J. B. Wlmer have re turned from a week's visit with friends In Glendale and other points In Douglas county, They will occu py apartments In the Camps build ing. When you think of Good Pnlnt, think of .the Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 20-tf n. A. Smith of the Southern Pa cific force last Thursday purchased a fine new Oakland car from tho Tourist garage. This is a new car on the market here, but very popu lar In Southern California and other sections. The board of directors of the Com mercial Club nt a meeting last night elected Lynn Mowat s!?cretary of the club to succeed F. J. Ehinn, who re signed last week. Mr. Mowat Is at present employed as electrician for thb S. P. company but will resign to accept the secretaryship of the Com mercial Club within a 'week or so. Bathing good ones--fresh stock Prices and up Foley's Drug Store Poley & Eihart, Druggists Eclipse Lawn Mdwers BALL BEARIXG EASY TO IU"X The sturdiest mower on the market. They are used exclusively in the park because they do better work, run easier and last longer. Provost Brothers HARDWARE L. Patterson arrived In Ashland from Salem yesterday and will be assistant to Supt. S. C. Dunn In the construction of the now' stretch of highway to the California line. Mr. Patterson expects to have direct charge of the work on the grade. Mervyn Flynn who has been spend ing his honeymoon vacation With his wife at the home of their mother, Mrs. Bomar, on Allison street, met an old-time family friend In the pier son of Wlllard Veale, the genial clerk at Vaupel's store. Mr. Flynn will be returning to his work In another week. M. B. Pinion met with serious In juries last Thursday when he at tempted to round a curve on Walker avenue with his motorcycle and ran Into a sand bank. Ha was badly cut about the head and sustained a sprained ankle which necessitates crutches: to assi:(t him in getting around. F. J. Shlnn, who has been- serving as secretary of the Ashland Commer cial for the past two years, last Thursday night tendered his resig nation and will be identified with the Oskar Huber Construction com- nanv who are building , the new stretch of highway from the city lim its to the California line. In com pany with Superintendent Dunn Mr. Shlnn will open an office In the city and will have charge of the clerical work Incident to the construction of the highway? There is nothing worse man uau, foul smhlldng breath; get rid of It for your Mend's sake anyway. Hol- listeir's Rocky Mountain Tea will clean and puTify your stomach and bowels;' your breath will bo sweet, your imposition Improved, your frlendjs Increased! 35o. Tea . or Tablets. POLEY'S DRUG STORE. Fred Tostevin of Eugene, a former well known Ashland young man, was in Ashland over Sunday, He came h?ro to attend the annual reunion of the high school alumni association of which he Is a memler. A mammoth arratje rock specimen was brought into Ashland last Satur day by Tom Daly, who has a ranch In the Dead Indian country, This specimen weighs 270 pounds and Is on exhibition here. July 4th so .close. Get your clothes tailored to measure at Oriys. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert McCann of Dunsmuir have come to Ashland re cently to make tnlelr home. They are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bush on Oak street while the latter are away on their vacation. Hemstitching and plcoting 10c per yard. Mall orders given special attention. The Vanity Shop, Mod ford, Oregon, 31-lmo. Among the list of graduates from th University of Oregon Is the name of Harold R. Tregllgas, who receives a degree as bachelor of eclonce with major subject of xcology. Mr. Tre gllgas Is manager of tho Ashland Na Utoriura. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Powers of Elwood, Indiana, are spending two mount lis in Ashland, guests at the home of the latter's brother, Geo. W. Ross. Mn Bowera Is Interested with Mr. Ross In a ranch near Talent and Is spending his vacation In this vi cinity looking after his affairs here. Mr?) Lee Davenport of Medford has received an Invitation from the Department of the Interior to go to Washington, D. C, to attend the national Americanization conference of the work of tin Oregon Women's Christian Temperance I'nlon. Mrs. Davenport will also be on the Chau tauqua program here next month. Miss Clara Van Sant, librarian of tho Medford city library, accompan ied by a committee of the library board of that city, wen Ashland vis itors Friday, whero they came to meet with the Ashland library board to discuss the library situation In Jr.ckson county. This is In connec tion with the new county library law recently passed by the state leg islature which enables all rural dis tricts to have access to the libraries of tho county. W. J- Messenger of Dorena was a business visitor in Ashland Satur day. Mr. Messenger was a former resident of Ashland and spent some time while In the city trying to lo cate o'd landmarks and hunt out old-time acquaintances. The most of the f6rmor have changed with the passing of years, but the visitor was able to find many residents who have unchanged In this salubrious cli mate despite tho lapse of time. Miss Edith Horrln, who was grad uated from the Ashland high school last week,' has the distinction of be ing the first graduate of a graduate of the local schools. Hiss Herrln Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Herrln of this city and her moth er, who as Miss Ina G. Ford, was a gradual of tho class of 1S99, and Is the first member of the alumni to have a child graduate also from the city schools. Mr; and Mrs. W. M. Beaver of f Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson and sou Kennoth of White Salmon are guests of the Boavter and Yockoy families In the city tills week, Theso visitors are touring Southern Oregon ! In automobiles. j R. W,. Dunlap, who resides on No!) Hill street, nvot with an accident : alout a week ago, which has Inca-' pacltated him for several days. While , thinning peaches in his orchard the tall stepladder on which he was i standing gave way, precipitating him to the ground. Hu Jg aide to bo around again at present after belnr confined to the house from the ef fects of th'e shock. RaymoiM A. Peabody of Trego, Wis., visited the last of the week at the homo of Mrs. F. C. Homes, Sr., south of Ashland. Mr. Peabody, who conducts an extensive nfercantllo business In northern Wisconsin, had not lieen In the section for 15 years, and was most enthusiastic In his praises for Ashland and her many attraction) Accompanying Mr. Pealtody was Mr. Georg'e Jbnks, n banker, nl.s of Wisconsin, who is looking for a location In somo west- em state and Is dcllghtod with south ern Oregon. Mlwi Kil-en Bowling of Adams. Ore., who has been visiting her cous ins F. S. and Miss Gertrudo Engl for several days, left this morning for her homo. Miss Bowling paid her first visit in Ashland at this time and was greatly attracted to this section of country. Mr, Englo took her with hit) family on an auto trip to Prospect where they camped over Saturday night and Sunday went to within 23 miles of Crater Iake. The country In this part of the state was a great revelation to the guest, and she was most enthusi astic over the scenic attractions of Southern Oregon. ! CSiaisSaifliia And siorram y Jnne lift Children 25c, Adults 60c and$l. Plus War Tax y ,7 y. o v H fl lit El lilil t far I'lltMliilKbilAl wiw '-fur LkU un.TVj'Li v?- v - -tv-- -r , t iwiMiTri iiinBiiii' VACATION SCHOOL Miss Stannard will open a vaca tion school at the high school on Monday, June 10th. Tutoring In I grade and high school subjects' Phone 419-J. 37-2t J k .1. I r.Mh B ' i 1 . "... ' 1 V? .'I 1 1 U'WU ROMK STAGE TALK Kow listen when you pay $6.00 of your good cash for an auto fare from Ashland to Klamath Falls you are entitled to iome consideration ha :to when and how you are to get there. Before buying your ticket just en quire or almost any one as to who has the reputation of getting there. I am operating three 7-passengor cars and after four years of opera tion I have not had a single delay but such as changing a tire. etc. My cars are kept In Al running order and my drivers are experienced In their lino. Better play safo and take the Howard Stage line tho safe one to travel on. Office nt Hotel Austin I have no affiliation with any other line Respectfully, CHAS. B. HOWARD. 37-lt ! CREOLE BEAUTY CHORUS The largest and Highest Class Mln Htrel Orgniii'Mition Mil Route, A Guaranteed Attraction. 40 MIXSTRKL KINGS AND QUEENS Including Famous Iliillnd Singers, Entrancing Dunrers, Novelty Enter Miners, Expert Comedians, hifrtru nieiitul nml Vorul SoIkInIn. A -) l'loco Bund, Every Man a Soloist. aw r:r . .. v. .. 10 Vaudeville Acts 10 Watch For the Parade Seat Sale at Chautauqua box offce at 7 p. m. Friday re NOTICE! FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, close In, Good gar don spot. Worth your while to look this up as it must be Bold. Terms. Address P. O. Box 546, or call at Transfer office on Oak st. 28-7t &fe VIRGINIA 72 Main Street Ashland's down town high class family apartments Rooms en-sulte or single. We give you all the com forts of home. Reasonable rates. Phone 388Y IGNITION REPAIRING! Magnetos spark coils Motors and Generators Re paired and Rewound. Guaranteed Rood as ::ev. We are Southern Oregon agents for the celebrated Burd Rings. Try them for compression. ' CRATER LAKE MOTOR COMPANY Medford, Oregon ui.llLmiai.i, I MIIIIWfrfflHMLliin mini im mmUBmuam fSE SEAM! ; for out-of-door life, with its demand lor light ap parel, is under way. We cordially invite you to come in and see our attractive offerings in summer dress fabrics, sport and vacation novelties, lace neckwear and other attractive summer articles. Our summer stocks are of high quality and you will find our prices remarkably low. Bathing Suits Complete line .of all wool hathlng suits now In stock. Big range of combinations to choose from. Priced at $3.00 suit. Also largo line of Caps priced at 30c each and up. Women's Footwear xFor hot Uays, for real comfort and styldt th'cre Is nothing to equal a white cloth Pump or Oxford. White shoes are more popular than evor before and we anticipate the greatest white season In tho history of this Btore,. Two models in white were Just received. Come in and .investigate these values. Notions In our Notion department you will find everything that you need in the way of va cation necessities. Complete lna of tapes. Vuttons, binding threads, ribbons and other articles awaits your noed. Caps and Neckwear Some very dainty caps and neckwoar were Just received by express. All tho latest novel tics in these dress accessories will be found in this new assortment. All theso articles are popularly priced. WOMAN'S TIDV At VALLS 1-V GALATEA, $iJ.50 each . i , Mailorder Specialists VAUPEL'S Quality Store Mail Order Specialists