ASttLASD i PACE FTTH Qua Modern Portraiture A PIMiipa Promina Framed Pictures 9 Studio Ashland On the ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cliff Payne makes screen doors. Mrs. Edd White left recently for (ho east where she was called by ttio Illness of a daughter.. Have a fit at Orres. H. L. Moore, the real estate man, has returned from an extended visit Hpent at his former home In Fleming, Colo. Eat your Sunday dinner at the Vic tory Cafe, Elks building. S0-3t Mrs. M. B. Brlggs, who has been (pending the past two months In Ahland with relatives, has returned to her home In San Francisco. Edwin Mowat has been added to the local potrtoffice clerical force, and serves as substitute In the vari ous departments. U J. Hettsenauer had the misfor tune to break hlj thumb while prac ticing base ball with the railroad men's tPara Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Ling of Medford was a suest at the home of Mrs. B. R. Greer on Granite street the fore part cf the week. Miss Pearl Good, who has leen lo cated for some time In Chicago vhere she was serving as a trained nurse, has returned to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Manley J. Cherry and family returned this week from Brooking, where they had leen tending the past two years. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. J. E. Patterson of the local ento mological bureau has gone to the Yosemite national park for the sum mer. This Is the third season he hag been employed there. Donald Sutherland returned this e.k to Ardencralg Farm rar Grants Pass after spending the win tor in Ashland at the home of li is daughter, Mrs. P. B. Whitney. Major and Mrs. C. A. Malone and children were In Ashland yesterday from Medford calling on friends. Ma jor Malone has been discharged from army Bervice and is now located In Medford. G. H. HedUurg and family leave today for a trip to New York where they will spend several weeks visit ing with relntlves. They expect to be back liy the first of July. Mrs. S P. Shntt arrived In Ash land Wednesday and will spend a few days at the home of her son, H. V. Shutt, after which she will go to Bunsmuir to Join her husband, who lias recently purchased the Dunsmuir News. See the new caps at Orres. ' C. E. Davis, who has been In San Francisco for several months taking treatment for his health, has re turned home, and Is not gTeatly benefitted. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Davis, who had been with hor husband In the city. See the 220 special all wool fab Tics reduced in price at Orres tailor Miop. r inc. y, fC'ITIZENSK . DAM If V w mm mm. v m -wof d m Strictly Confidential An account with The Citizens Bank of Ash- ' land is strictly confiden tial. No Information la given out unless so dl- i. rected by the depositors. Checking Accounts are solicited. I III i w SAVINGS DEPOSIT5J firsf Kodak Finishing Kodak Films Photo Supplies The Camera Exchange Plaza We are offering for a few days a few patterns of wall paper at spe cially reduced prices. Swenson & McRae. tf Tlio city council has come to an agreement on the prlco of an acre of j ground on Walker avenue from C. L. Splndler for right of way for the new Pacific highway Inside the city limits. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wllloughby and Mrs. Taylor, a sister of the for mer, of Baker, arrived In Ashland this week to spend the summer. They are occupying the residence of Mrs. A. L. Harvey on B. street Mrs. J. Ji Metzler and Mrs. I mo- gene Kidder of Portland, daughters of the late Mrs. A. U. Lamb, are in the city, called here by the sickness and death of their mother. Mrs. D. M, Johnson and Mrs. Fred A. Westcott of Utlca, X. Y., a sister and cousin of Mrs. H. St Sanford, are gueBts at the tatter's home and will remain here during the greater part of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McNalr leave Saturday for San Francisco to at tend a Rexall convention In session therei They will remain over Sun day In order to hear John MacCor mlck who sings there on that date. J. D. Wlmer, w ho has been detain ed in New York for several weeks after having returned from overseas military duty, has obtained his dis charge and will start today for horn?. He expects to arrive here some time next week, via Portland. Eclipse Lawn Mowers BALL BEARING EASY TO Kl'X The sturdiest mower on the market. They are used exclusively In the park because they do better work, run easier and last longer. Provost Brothers HARDWARE The lower tennis ccurt In the park Is liclng repaired and put in readi- Lness to use this summer. Workmen hare engaged In sprinkling it with tar. after which it is treated to a coat of sand and then rolled. This will make two fine courts placed at the disposal of the public for this popu lar amusement. Junior minstrel show May 22 at the High school gymnasium. Come and see the "coons" of our town entertain you 29-2t H. E. Dingman and family, com posing a party of six, stopped at the auto camp ground a few days the fore part of the week, while on their kway from Los Angeles to Seattle. From there they will make a cross continent Journey to New York, and expect to consume about five months on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Gains have gone to Portland where the latter will be employed as an electrician. Mr Gains was formerly employed by the city as an electrician before entering the army service, and has recently returned from overseas and taken up civilian life. A jury In the city court Thursday decided that to sell a customer an article and give him a chance on a prize did not com'e under restric tions of the law against gambling de vices. The candy punch boards ope rated at several Ashland business houses will therefore be allowed to go without molestation. The latest soft collars and neck wear at Orres. J. N. Pace of Talent was an Ash land visitor Thursday. Mr. Pace and wife have recently return'ed from Arizona, where they went about two years ago to make their home. That section of country did not agrele with Mrs. Pace's health, and the -longing for the Rogue, River valley became too strong for them, so they return ed to their former home. Mr. Pace was accompanied to Ashland Thurs day by Jay Terrlll, also of Talent. We are showing a fine line of new baby buggies Ranging from the little go cart to the fine fiber, rubber tired kind. All prices. Come in and Inspect our stock. Swenson & Mc Rae. tf Parisian Ivory Just the thing for your young lady friends who graduate at Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists Wanted, man for porter work at Depot Hotel. 30-2t Dan Poling at the Chautauqua ready Already the organlza bultding Saturday evenipg at 8:00 ton tormei ,,y Mer temperance mis- o'clock. John 0. Rigg, who had been en gaged In Y. M. C. A. work overseas, arrived home this forenoon. 1 F. W. Shaw has returned home from California where he had beet; receiving special treatment at a sol diers' home. Mrs. D. Perozzl left for Portland Saturday, to visit for a time after which she will return to Salem to represent the Ashland Rebekah lodge at the state convention. Mrs. J. A. McMillan of Edmunton, Alberta, Canada, expects to leave the first of June for Ashland and will spend the summer here with her sis ters, Mrs. Susie Allen and Miss Sarah Fox. A dance will be held at the Elks' Temple for Elks only and their fam ilies Wednesday evening, May 28. Dancing will be from 9 to 1, and all Elks are expected to attend. Tick ets, $1.00. Ensign Perry Ashcraft Is home from New York after serving In the U. S. navy for nearly two years. 1 The young offiecr has been placed on the res?rved list, while virtually discharged he is subject to call. - Ex-Deputy sheriff E. W. Wilson spient a few hours in Ashlaud Wed- nesday. He has just been dlscharg- ed from a 20 months' service in the army. He will return early next week to Cooley City, Wash., where lie was engaged in the gTain busi ness when he enlisted and which business he will again assume when he returns there, H. M. Rasmussen and family, formerly of Toledo, Ohio, but who have been spending the past winter in Marshfield, are spending the week in Ashland and are camplpng In the auto park. Mn. Rasmussen had come here for his health, as the damp cli mate of the coast had disagreed with him, and already he claims to lie feeling much improved. J. L. Harner has commenced re pairs on the property known as the Strlckfadden house recently pur chased by him on Almond street. This house was badly injured by fire over two years ago and has stood va cant and unrepaired ever since, but with needed renovations it will be one of th'e handsomest residences In Ashland. It is Mr. Harner's inten tion to occupy this house for his home as soon as the repairs are com pleted. The city council held an adjourned meeting Tuesday evening at which an ordinance was passed requiring licenses for all public dance held in the city. The ordinance also pro vides that an official chaperone shall be present at all these dances, and her services are to be paid by the management. Children under 18 will be forbidden to attend pub lic dances unless accompanied by their parents or guardian. Among the delegates to the Inter denominational state Sunday school convention to be held In Corvallls May 15 to 18 Inclusive are the fol lowing representatives of the various (Ashland Sunday schools: Mrs. C. B. Larakln of the Presbyterian Sunday school R Carson of the Baptist; Victor J)ale of the Methodist, and Rev. Jfl.YT, Hoyt, Presbyterian Sun day missionary of Southern Oregon Presbytery. Thteee delegates left Wednesday evening for Corval lls. Ufe VIRGINIA 72 Main Street Ashland's down town high class family apartments Rooms en-sulte or single. We give you all the com forts of home. Reasonable rates. Phone 38SY SOUXI) Tlfti JUBILEE The Naliorfar Woman's Christian Temperance Union Jubilee Drive, which, begins Tuesday, May 20, for one million dollars and one million members has been called "The Greatest Missionary Movement of the Age." Greatest In its program for a bet ter and happier America greatest In Its program for a safer and hap pier world great In bringing to gether the trained womanhood, the organized motherhood of all Ameri ca with financial resources to pro tect child life, to safeguard Women In Industry, to put the spirit of America into the heart of the For eign Speaking Home, and to create a loyalty and faithfulness to Prohi bition and Christian laws great In its work for the World. When Fran ces E. Wlllard and her co-workers In 1884 founded the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union, they placed upon the United States or ganization a responsibility and privi lege that cannot be shaken off. Oth er organizations may need to hew new paths in the work for World Prohibition but that of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union is at- slonaries in forty-three countries have been doing the pioneer work and are ready for the big advanced plans. . Already schools, missions, and homes are pleading for more helpers, and more literature with which to defy the Incoming brewer. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union organized Christian women, organized Mother Love In a Chris tian land will bear the responsibili ty for mothers and children the world over. World Prohibition must be won! On with the Drive for, America and the World! A Jubilee Dare! Generous Georgia first to subscribe Her quota of funds in the Jubilee Drive Is challenged to hustle the cash on , its way, If she heads the great Honor Roll, "First State to pay!" North Dakota Is out to win this proud place, North Dakota declares she will win In the race, A thriU of high purpose each state now may share; 0ur Jul)Iee Drve has developed a "Dare." "How' beautiful upon the moun tains are the feet of him that brlng- j etU good tidings; that good tidings of good!" brlngeth Stirred with the loftiest spirit of patriotism to National plans eager to meet the great work just at hand for the World, one State already has said. "We will double our quota," and Union aftar Union has more than reached its goal. There may be a few states unable to fully meet the call, but with courage and spirit born of years of sacrifice and love, other States will pour in their added gifts, that the million dollars may Mail Order Specialists fadeless SHIRTS ANEW shirt may look good, but beauty in , a shirt docs not neces sarily mean service. The Arrow label marks the shirt that combines style and ser vice. It b your guarantee that the garment is made of durable, fadeless fabrics, in such a careful, thorough way that we depend upon its good qualities to sell you another shirt with the same label. Arrow Portland Firm Wishes to make agency arrangement -with first-class responsible cltlzten of Ashland as agent for largo Stock, ,, , . Fire Insurance, Casualty, and bond-'.' !,. j Ing companies, Man must be high- grado citizen, ambitious and ener getic. Address Representative L Care of Ashland Tidings Prices 15 ON RACINE TIRES Ford Harrison lie gained In full. Blessed are the women of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union! Sound the Jubilee! NOTICE! FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, close In. Good gar den spot. Worth your while to look this up as It must be sold. Terms. Address P. O. Box 546. or call at Transfer office on Oak st. 28-7t See here! Are you looking for a good residence proposl Hon at moderate cost. Close In. This Is a splendid oppor tunity. Don't delay. Call 63 Allda St, Ashland. Phone 1Y3. 29tf VAUPEL'S Quality Store Women's Boots IN Charming Mew Models Notable among the distinctive, rilever eyles we are phowlng for early Spring are several handsome new boots' from Uta & Dunn, of Rochesteri. Among the favorites are extra fine calf and kid walking boots with popular now military heels, also for strylo and substantial service, mod els in dark tan calf. In The Window All This Week We carry a comploto line of Vtt & Dunn "Style Shoes of Quality" for women and recommend them most highly. Reduced Garage Bros. EYES TESTED (i lasses FUUhI Itroken lenses Duplicated (i lasses Furnished Siuuo Day Fitted Fuctory on ll-crnlses E. D. ELWOOD OPTOMETRIST , Medford, Oregon 301 K. Main Mail Order Specialists 1 Style 69239i Russia Calf Pol. Windsor New Military Heel, Nobby $10.00