Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 09, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Friday, May fl, lu
f f
We have them in 6izcs 2
baby's to 7 large.
The Social Realm
KaMern Stjirs Mt-mbrr,
Alpha Chapter of the Eastern : prizes were Miss Helene Casey
which were two beautiful birthday
cakes ornamented with candles. TI14
Recipient of all these honors received
a host of unique gifts, the opening
and displaying of which caused much
amusement. Winners of the card
n - . n rj
Star held initiation ceremonies at Millard Grubb, while 0. C. lllnd
tholr repular meeting last Tuesday l-carried off the booby prize. The at-
evenlng, after which a social ses-iendants at the party were: Mr. and j
Blon followed, welcoming two newj-r. u. u mnas, Mr. and Mrs. H. O :
members Into the fold. Mrs. B. ' t-astman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hlnd
r.eynolds then entertained the Chap-J man, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stock,
. 1 . . ..... 1 ....t..i - J .... 1 1 JiiiGiiAfl cunrirla I (trroa I'nlln Tl I 1
This event was further enlivened by Helene Casey, Certrude Blede. Hel-iWS
the observance of the birthday annl-'tne Blede, Mrs. Emma Coffee, and,
vtrsary of Mrs. W. H. Pay, one ofiessrs. C. D. Stoddard, Earl and
the most prominent and most dearly Milton Blegel, Roy Cairns, Millard
Moved members of the Chapter, jn! Grubb-and Bert Freeman.
pome manner the number of years in
v.-hlch Sirs. Day has resided on this
terrestrial sphere had become known
to the members of the Chapter, and
a little surprise was planned for this
estimable lady as a token of the es
teem in which bhe is held by her
friends. When the doors to the din-
I Double Hill at the Vininc
The story of "How Could You,!
Jean?" starring Mary Plckford, deals '
with an aristocratic young girl who !
when her Income ceases thru unfor-!
tuitous circumstances, Is obliged to,
work for a livelihood. She shocks
Ing room were thrown open for the;her friends when she accents a noi.1
refreshments to be served, Mrs. Dayjtion as cook in the house of a liter
was escorted to the table on which ary couple. Presently there appears
was placed a huge birthday cake sur- the son of a grouchy mllllonairp
rounded by a number of lighted 'anil unn ).v h i. 1,.
cmdles, one for each year of Mrs.
Pay's life. Congratulatory address
ees were given by F. D. Wagner, Mrs
employment In the same 'household
as a servant In order that he might
woo the girl of his heart. There are
Schuerman, Mrs. Cordon Mac- many Interesting moments, Includlni
Crack?n and Mrs. J. H. Turner and. a man rims 9 i.nrn ttr .j n...
were gracefully responded to by Mrs
Day and her husband. The recipient
A colored flower In honor of moth
rr living and a white one in memory
of mother dead, should be worn by
all next Sunday. The cecond Sun
day in May has been set apart for
this Observance, and each, and every
vne should pay Uils tribute of re
spect to the mother living or to the
memory of one who has gone before.
Carnations both whits and colored
have been raised, expressly for this
beautiful custom at the Ashland
Greenhouses, Oak and Helman
streets, and can be provided In any
quantity desired. Baskets of flow
f can also be fnmlRhed at this es
tablishment which make a most ac
crjjtable gift tor "Mothers' Day."
Miss Dorothy Trefren became the
wife of William McFarson. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. C. A.
Edwards of the Methodist church,
and the bride was attended by Gladvs
escrinea their names and the date of lire and come to a realization of their Norton as bride's maid. Aside from
incidents, all of which have their
thrill and heart appeal, esoeclallv
nt this honor wac presented with a. -when this camouflaging couple ulti
1. 1 4 1. A .. 1. 1. t 1. 1 i 1 1 I . .....
i-muuuy iiuo in wmcn an present matoly find their proper stations In
Mining Friday and. Saturday
Mary Pick! ord, in
"How Could You Jean"
"In Love"
When "Fatty" fell In love
he headed straight to the
point the girl.
Obstacles? "Fatty" should
worry! Rival? Out of the
way, Fldo! Mother? Sit
down and ket your breath.
Fun? You know. It's "Fat
ty"! The one and only
'"" " TT I1 I T II II 11 m fiit?
&:J&. . ..S
f'A';'4: ,'7f- . v ' Ba
Roscoc Fatty ARBUCKtE. V
ComiDR Sunday and
Marguerite Clark in
"Mrs. Wiggs o f the
Cabbage Patch" ,
Ihelr birthB. The evening's festivi
ties were concluded with the old
time favorite, the Virginia Reel,
after which the company disbanded
wishing Mrs. Day as mnny returns
of her birthday anniversary as she
Jiad already celebrated.
Surprise Party.
A number of the friends or Miss
Gertrude Blede surprised her at her
home last evening. The event was In
honor of her birthday, and the youn?
lady was totally unprepared for th
Invasion of her home which took
place alwut 8:30. The self-invited
guests made themselves at home and
arranged the mode of entertainment.
which consisted of card-playing and
llancing. A fine luncheon was fur
nished by the attendants, among
mutual love. This Is an unusually the members of the Pratt family oth
fine picture in which "Our Mary" Is
seen at her best
On the same program will be seen
Fatty Arbucklo In his latest 2-reeI-er.
"Love." "Fatty" rides Into this
picture on an old-fashioned, high
wheeled bicycle and he falls off It
Inlto Love boiling, palpitating
And there's a vlllyun. He comes
and cops the girl and under the load
that encases "Fatty's" fragine bones.
a heart that was oozing with affec
tion darn near busted.
Wedded Last Xiglit.
er guests at the ceremonyere Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. W. Trefren, parents of
the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. E. N.
Norton. This wedding had been
planned to take place next Sunday.
but yesterday Mr. McFurson received
a message stating that his moth
was seriously 111, so the marriage took
place last night and the bride and
groom left on the midnight train for
San Francisco. The bride Is a popu
lar Ashland young lady and has many
friends here who extend best wishes
lor ner future happiness. Mr. Mc
Furson Is a deputy sheriff of Jack
son county and Is well known thru
. A pretty wedding took' place at the out t,le ciiirty. On their return Mr.
home of Mil and Mrs. C. E. Pratt op
Factory street Thursday evening at
8 o'clock when the latter's sister,
We are prepared to supply
all kinds oi SALES BOOKS
Either with carbon leaf or carbon on the back
We Meet AH Competition
Give us a chance at your sales book business
. 102
and Mrs. McFurson will make their
home In Ashland.
C. E. IluslneHs Meeting.
The Christian Endeavor society of
me rresnyienan church mot for
regular business meeting at the
Manse Tuesday evening. Reports
read showed the society at work and
had netted a neat sum for Foreign
a man can oorrow money on
what he puts into a home. He can't
on what he pays out for rent."
"I want to see every wage-worker
own his own home.
W. B. Wilson, U. S. Sec'y of Labor.
'We have several choice homes as
well as bargains In acreage. Some
can be sold on small payments and
easy terms.
Beaver Realty Co.
211 E. Main St., Phone 68
edy and Is full of thrilling situations
and amusing features that will make
this play one of unusual interest. A
large number of the senior talent
will take part In this production.
Hoy Scouts Give Pluy.
The play, "A Strenuous After
noon," given by the Boy Scouts last
Wednesday evening In the high
school gymnasium attracted a large
and appreciative audience. The play
absorbed virtually all the members of
It is supposed that his death result
ed from that malady.
Elmer E. Bagley was 58 years of
age and had been a resident of Ash
land with bis family for about elevon
years, altho he had had business In
terests In this vicinity two or three
years previously. The Bagley fam
ily had been closely identified with
the business and social affairs of
the city, and have made many close
friends during their residence here.
About a vear aeo Mr. Harrlev went to
the troop and was a very creditable 'Mllbank, South Dakota, w here he as-
performance. A neat sum was net
ted for the benefit of the Scouts.
Card Party.
Trinity Guild of the Episcopal
-chnrch will give another card party
In the Parish House on Thursday
afternoon, May 15th. Bring Tour
fancy work or enjoy Five Hundred.
Admission, 25c.
Missions from the King's Highway
entertainment. Plans for the Danljl
Poling meeting, May 17th, were dis
cussed. The election of officers re
suited as follows: President, Lilly
Poley; Vice President, Pauline Cllft
Secretary, Edith Herrln; Treasurer,
Walter Mlksch. These officers will
19 Installed Sunday evening next
Refreshments that were truly re'
freshing followed and after singing
"Brighten the Corner where you are'
the meeting adjourned.
Surprised Their Neighbor
Friends and neighbors surprised
H. Hash on Oak street Saturday eve
ulng. A splendid program was ren
dered during the evening. Mesdames
Wllks, Starr and Dollahlde helped to
make the evening enjoyable by vocal
solos, and Mr. Denny, Jr., rendered
a number of violin solos. About 40
sat down to a feast and fared sump
tuously. After showering the host
with handkerchiefs, the friends de
parted, all declaring they had en-
Joyed a pleasant evening.
Bridge Party.
Twelve tables were arranged for
lady Elks at the Templa Tuesday
afternoon at their twice a month
bridge party. Of these two tables
were devoted to visiting players from.
Medford. Mrs. Nr G. Bates and Mrs
U. N. Kramer were hostesses. The
next meeting will take place the
third Tuesday in tha Month, May 20,
at which the hostesses will, be Mrs.
Dlla B. Mills and Mrs. Victor V.
r - ' '
1 Ftenior Class Play.
iThe Seniors of the Ashland high
school are preparing a class play,
"All of a Sudden Peggy," which they
w;IH present to the public Friday eve
ning, May 16, at the high school
gymnasium. This Is a three-act cora-
AT MI Lit A K, 8. D.
Ashlandj residents were shjockad
when tidings reached here Monday
containing the cad news that E. E.
Bagley, former prominent resident
of this city, had died suddenly that
morning at Mllbank, S. D., where
he had been located In business for
the past year. The news of Mr.
Bagley's death was sent here by
Inlght letter to his sisters, Mrs. C. W.
Nlms and Mrs. Stuart Saunders. De
tails were lacking, but the d?ceased
had been a sufferer from hardening
sumea tne orrice or secretary ana
treasurer of the real estate depart
went ot the Mllbank bank. He bad
been to his home in Ashland recently
on a short visit and only a few weeek
ago returned to his buclnecs In Mil-bank.
Surviving Mr. Bsgley are his wife,
a daughter, Miss Doris Bagley, who
is In Portland, and son, Elmer Jr.,
a student of the Oregon Agricultural
College. Three sisters, Mrs. 'ims
and Mrs. Saunders of Ashland, and
Mrs Hall of Haward, 111. The body
was taken to bis former home In
Marengo, 111., foe burial, the funeral
taking place Thursday.
Gaorge Andrews, the well known
musical director of Medford, is
Mery HI, suffering with pbrajytsls,.
While attending the Choral Society
meeting Tuesday night he became
suddenly ill with what at first was'
thought to be acute indigestion. It
will be several days yet before his
attending' physicians can state the
of the arteries for some time, and outcome of his sickness.
Comply With the Law
Printed Butter
ACCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon
Dairy and Food Commission all dairy
butter sold or exposed for sale in this state
must be wrapped in butter paper upon which
is printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter,
16 (or 32) ounces full weight," with the name
and address df the maker.
To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily
comply with this ruling this office has put in ,
a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper
and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up
ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol
lowing prices:
100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $1.50
250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces .' 2.25
500 Sheels, 16 or 32 ounces $3.00
Send your orders to us by mail accompan
ied by the price of the paper and it will be
. promptly forwarded to you by parcel post,
prepaid. :
We use the best butter paper obtainable,
and our workmanship is of the best. Let us
have your order and you will hot regret it.
Ashland Tidings
Ashland, Oregon