Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, April 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tuesday, April 22, 101
PAGE T1111K17
A Btlr was caused among apple
growers in Hood River by the pur
chase of the entire 1919 crop of A.
I. Mason, Pine Grove orchardiat, by
John Walgren, operating for Eng
lish Importers. Walgren will pay,
according to the terms of the agree
ment an average of $1.75 per box
for three grades of fruit. It is es
timated that Mason will have 10,000
This unprecedented early purchase
it Is said by growers, indicates one
of the most active years on the part
of the marketing factors ever ex
perienced herb.
j If a woman is nervous or has diiry
spells, suffers from awful pains at regular
or irregular intervals she should turn to a
tonic made up of herbs, and without al
cohol, which makes weak women strong
and sick women well. It is Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. Druggists sell it in
liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents to the
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. for trial
package. Then, for the liver and bowels
nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. These are little, sugar-coated
pills, composed of Mayapple, leaves of
aloe, root of Jalap things that Nature
grows in the ground.
Cain, t'loA "During expectancy I wfftstd a
eertrc nerroua b reek-down. Beeeme very week,
ru aauatatad end tick til the time. My mother
drifted me to take Dr. Pfen ' Fcrorite Prescrip
tion. Alter the tret Cow doeee I could eat, tome
thlof I had not done for tome time. I kept on
taking it and had practically 00 tuffcrint and a
tat large baby, weighint elms poundt. I would
ad riae all proepectire mother! to take 'Favorite
Prescription." They could take nothing better.:
Mr. JoKa Wultn. 370 28 St.
California Woman
Squirrel Inspector
An active little woman attired in
brown blouse and breeches, and
wearing- leucines and a cap made
after the pattern of those worn by
overseas soldiers, is the first ' squlr
rel Inspector" of the stat,e of Califor
nia to report a district of consider
able area, over which she has super
vision, as being "conceded commer
cially free from ground squirrels."
Mrs. Pearl Doggett of Kings coun
tv is the onlv woman squirrel in
spector in California. She Is a fa
miliar fleure to the ranchers of
Kings county. She drives about in
her own automobile which usually
displays a large banner bearing the
legend "Get the Squirrel."
The rancher realizes that he has to
meet a practical business question,
as well as a point of law, when he
sees this trim little woman making a
survey of his premises, looking for
possible ground squirrels.
The "lady inspector" says that her
success has been in a large measure
due to the general system of han
drlng the problem in !the county.
"Kings county ranchers do not Hko
the Idea of being driven," said Mrs.
Doggett, "but most of them are w ill
ing to concede that they will do their
part if someone y$1 show them that
the ground squirrel can be eradicat
Nearly two years after his escape
from state hospital for the Insane,
Theodore Llndfors, roughly dressed
and n a worse state of mental de
rangement than when he loft, pre
sented himself at the hospital on
Thursday and asked to be received
again as a ward of the state.
Llndfors Is 29 years old and his
people live in Finland. He was com
mitted to the hospital from Multno
mah county July 3, 1917, and escap
ed August 9 of same year. His pres
ent condition is such that the hospi
tal authorities are unable to draw
him out with any story as to his
wanderings, except that he says' he
has been in California part of the
time since he escaped.
2,325,000 DE LAVAL
Wherever grass grows and cows
are milked, you will find the De La
val the favorite cream separator.
More De Lavals are In use than
all other makes combined.
The De Laval Is time tested. It
was the pioneer cream separator in
1878 and has led in popularity and
sales for forty years.
It's the world's standard cream
Portland Lumbermen have ar
ranged to co-operate with Oregon
highway commission in laying an
experimental section of five miles
of wood block paving with full con
fidence that if it is properly put
down It will prove so satisfactory
that it will be the forerunner of an
extensive use of wood blocks in the
Enterprise enters on $123,000
paving enterprise.
Albany City will build steel
bridge over Pennlwinkle creek.
Hood River to get night boat ser
vice for producers to Portland.
Roseburg gets a new two-story of
fici? building on Railroad avenue.
"One thousand acres of berries
for Clatsop county," is the new bIo
gan of the chamber of commerce In
Astoria. With the farmers of the
county the boosters plan making
that section one of the leading berry
growing districts of the state. W.
E. Schimptf, organizer of the dis
tributing system of the Clatsop Cran
berry association, in conference with
the farmers of Netel grange urges
the planting of berries and guaran
tees a market if the fruit is pro
duced in quantities. a The agricultur
al committee of the chamber of com
merce, composed of E. B. Hughes,
Mr- Sehlmpff and William Larson,
is pushing the campaign for more
' v
He .would Have subscribed to the Vidtory
liberty Loan because he was a real Amercan.
He pra&iced what he preached
Americanism. -
You might kave disagreed with him at times but to
the whole world he stood for America.
Are you doing less?
You are unless you are willing to sacrifice unless
you take your share of the Vidory liberty Loan
8 z1
wW lift-
Buy Tires of Known Quality
The steady usefulness of your. car depends og good tires.
Economy depends on good tires.
United States Tires are good tires. That's why we handle
them. Take no chances with unknown quality. Buy United
States Tires, '
for their proved dependability,
for their oft demonstrated economy.
We can provide you with United States Tires to meet your
needs exactly. .
United States Tires
are Good Tires
We know United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them
White Star GaragcN. Dix & Son - Oix&Son - Lee flail
Medford Rate Case
to be Considered
The Oregon public service commls
slon will be represented at a confer
ence which may be held In Kansas
City early in May for consideration
of several cases affecting Interstate
commerce, it was stated in Salom
Thursday. Clyde B. Aitchlsou, chair
man of the interstate commission
has not fully decided to call the con
ference. It was said. He has written
to the Oregon commission that vari
ous cases are pending, which have
arisen out of the action of the Cali
fornia commission in decreasing in
transtate class rates and apparently
affoctlna- Interstate commerce. He
suggested that the Oregon and Cali
fornia commission be represented at
a meeting in Kansas City.
Among the Oregon cases on which
thje conference would have a tearing
are those of the Portland Trafflo and
Transportation company against the
Southern Pacific company, relative
to class rates between1 Oregon and
California points, the Klamath Com
mercial Club and Business Men's as
soclotlon against the Southern Pa
cific company and the Medford Com
mercial club against the Southern
Pacific company, also affecting rates
betwteen California and Oregon.
Will wonders never cease? Yon
can now mow your own nnir uy
mall while you wait.
Contributed by Ashland Mills
Good manners are not taught In
the school books. They are found
In the home lessons.
I have again taken charge of my
Transfer business and will be pleased
to have all of my old and new cus
tomers call me at any time. I handle
your piano or furniture carefully and
promptly and I guarantee to please.
Orders left at the White Houso
grocery or Icenhower's second hand
store will be given prompt attention.
Webster Wertz
begins with, the selection of youir
suit, when you huyBornTailoring',
oolens in unlimited varia
tion of weave and coloring bermifc
a satisfactory choice of fabric-
you dictate any style features
your fancy may suggest - you
find added satisfaction in the fcricc.
In fact, you sell yourself exactly what
you want, instead of buying what soma)
one wants to sell you.
Try the Born idea of clothes satisfac
tion once, and you will insist upon it
UtttiJtnt Born OmIst)
Paulserud & Barrett
Ashland. Oregon
Winter Wheat Crop
Report is Normal
Condition of the winter wheat
crop in Washington on April 1, was
97 per cent cormal, compared with
93 per cent last year, it waa declare
In the monthly crop report of Julius
H. Jacobson, field agent in charge
of the state bureau of crop eetlmat'es
of the United States department of
agriculture, Issued in Spokane.
The condition of rye is. 97 per
cent normal, compared with 94 p'er
cont last year, it is stated. The farm
labor supply is placed at 86 per cent
normal, compared with 75 per cent
In 1918, while the demand is placed
at 102 per dent, compared with 98
per cent last year.
Nolody likes a tightwad, but it
pays to be parsimonious when you
are ready to give a man a piece of
your mind.
Buy Now!
Three acres of choloa Irrigated
land, with fine dwelling and. good
20 acres of well improved land
close in. i 'v144
130 acre stock farm, with outslda
20 acre irrigated farm, good build
Ings and excellent location,
6 room bungalow, excellent condi
tion, monthly payment plan It de
sired. All of the above at prices which
you cannot help but appreciate. Seat
the property. Buy good real estate
Real Estate and Insurance.
Established 1883
Phone 211 41 East Main SU