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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
ACE EIGHT ASHLAND TIDINGS Friday, April 18, 101ft AT TDE CDURCDES JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER! 1 4'efi ,: I A 1 to 'AN Pi ' '-'At ::.v-. .' A (if V ii'::' v. f .' j 1 1.',1-, ' 'I " a',-. The Boot Shop LEONARD C. PETTIT Violinist Russian School of Violin Teaching jRoom 1, Allen Bldg. Ashland, Ore Portland building permits for Mrch increased 100 per cent over 3918. Medford Auto Top Co. 39 N. Grape, Kiedford X His Gold Is In The Service Flag. WHERE IS YOURS? TJE THREW HIS GOLD AWAY his sacrifice was a joke he was a fool unless you put your gold with his. YOU cannot excuse yourself from mak ing every sacrifice to take your share of the Vidory Liberty Loan. You have not done enough until you have PUT YOUR GOLD WITH HIS. Contributed by - TmilPcil Dr. R. L. Bardic DENTIST Swedenbur iilock, Ashland, Ore. Corvallls Ground broken here for new $25,000 cannery!. Paved highway to be built from The Dalles to Dufur. . Aula Top Repairing Side Cortalns Upholsl'rin Topdrcssin Plate Glass Back Curtains ... 'Ivii ft X Studio Ashland PEACE DECISION BY MAY 15 (Continued from page one) the allies, according to the Frank fort Gazette. It says the German negotiations at Versailles will ask payment for damages sustained from aerial attacks, from the occu pation of German territory by the allied troops and for the delay In concluding peace causing a prolonga tion of the Bolshevik and Spartacan trouble. BERNE, Switzerland, April 17. The Swiss federal council, it is re ported, has decided to recognize the new German government on the ground that it was elected legally by the national assembly which ' was chosen by the voteB of the people. The report has caused a sensation In political circles here. it . Condon Geo. H. Flagg of prairie City acquires, Times and Glotie and will consolidate them. He iqja son of a well-known newspaper mfen, E. H, Flugg of Warrenton. First Chnrch of Christ, Scientist Fionecr Avenue South Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Sub jcct of lesson sermon next Sunday la "Doctrlnd of Atonement." . .' . Sunday School at 10 o'clock; Wed nesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock Reading Room open from 2 to 4 dally, except Sundays and holidays, " First ConRrPgntlonal Church G. Southwell llrett, Mlulster Special Easter services next . Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Brett will speak on tho subject, "If a Mai) Die, Shall He Livo Again." The choir will sing, "Praise Yo the Fath er," and "Send Out Thy Lights," hy Gounod. Everyltody welcome. Free MetlioriiMt Church Rev. R. II. Dollarhlde, District Elder of the Free Methodist church of Roseburg, Oro., will hold Quar terly meeting from April 17 to 20. Evangelistic services every evening Everybody Invited to attend theso services. REV. ELVA A. HOBART, Pastor. BaptiHt Church. Rev. W. Norton Ferris, Minister Bible School at 9:45 a. m. Divine Worship, 11:00 o, m. Dr. Keeney Ferris will speak. Theme: "Can we pray with assurance?" Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Special Easter service, 8 p. m.' Ap propriate music and decorations. All cordially invjked. Strangers always welcome. XazArene Church Special meetings the rest of the week with Rev. J. M. Wines of Xorthwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho. Song service begins every night, including. Saturday, at 8:00. Rev. Wines is a man of wide experi ence and you cannot afford to miss hearing him. . Friday will he educa tional night. We wish to call your attention to tho Bible Study hour every Sunday evening that is being conducted by th Y. P. H. L. Also to a series of evening sermons thru the month of May, in preparation by tho pastor, upon tho "New .Birth." Individual subject announcements will be made later. This will be a series of live gospel sermons on a On Savings Accounts Interest A Dollar Starts an Account. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. much neglected therife in these "Lat ter Dyas." These meetings are yours. Dorm an D. Edwards, Pastor. Presbyterian Church C F. Koehler, Pastor During the Sunday School hour from 9:45 to 10:45 the Sunday School will give an Easter program In the main auditorium of the church. The morning services will consist chiefly of music specially prepared for the occasion by tho choir. The musical numbers are ac follows. Anthem, "Death's Conqueror" Choir. Solo, "Hall Glorious Morn" Mrs. Bates. Anthem, "Death is Hallowed into Sleep" Choir. ' Solo, "The Man of Sorrows" Mr. McCoy.. Duet, "Be Comforted Ye that Mourn" Mr. Karl NIms and Mrs. Esther Ashcraft. At this service Communion! will be observed and members received. Also baptism will ho administered to children. The evening services will also be chiefly of a musical nature, with a brief address by the pastor. The musical numbers are as follows: Opening hymn, Hymn 93. Anthem, "Rise Glorious Conquer or" Choir. Duet, "Watchtaan What of the .Night?" Messrs. McCoy and McGee. Solo, "There Is a Green Hill Far Away" Mrs. Ashcraft Anthem, "Sabbath Eve" Choir. Eastei Carol Choir. Choir Messrs. McCoy and McGee, and Mesdames Ashcraft and Bates. Mrs. Parsons, Organist. We extend a glad welcome to all. Sherman county carried $300,000 bond issue, for 67 miles' of highway. Offerings in New Dolmans, Skirls, Dresses, Suits Skirt Specials, $5.95 and $6.95 Two special lots of new Poplins and Fancy Plaids and Stripes In skirts to sell for $5.95 and $6.95. See them soon More New Dolmans We nave had to keep the wires hot gelling 'lh cm in as fast as they sell out, so popular have these new dolmans proved to be. Another new lot on Sale next Thursday New Silk Dresses A new lot of Virginia Dare dresses lust opened up and they show up splendidly $22.50 to $47.50 COAT SPECIALS There are a lot of spring coats very attractively priced at the Special Prices ' 19.50 to $22.50 Friday BIG DEMONSTRATION. MONDAY ( Continued from page one) the Boches all that was coming to them. Everybody in the city Is request ed to display their flags on this oc caslon and to turn out to make this demonstration one of the largest and best ever presented In Ashland. All automobile owners and organi zations will kindly notify L. F. Ferguson who will arrange for them a place In the line. Big Sums Loaned to Fanners of Country WASHINGTON. The government has loaned nearly $200,000,000 to Its farmer citizens for agricultural development, according to figures made public by the farm loan board Wednesday. Loans during March aggregated $15,946,277 which sent the total up to $198,608,626, as the amount loaned since the creation of the system. March loans were distributed among 4,630 persons. This repre sents a slight increase in the number of individual loans closed as com pared with the previous month, the figures show. Since the board was organized, 79,749 separate loans have been made by the 12 banks. Omahafs land bank leads In loans during March, with $4,565,850. The St. Paul bank was second, with $1,- 893,200. Amounts loaned by the other banks follow: Houston, $1,- 838,717; Spokane, $1,628,850; Louisville, $1,142,700; St. , Louis, $1,125,980; Columbia, $923,355; Wichita, $775,800; New Orleans, $741,775; Berkeley, $546,600; Bal timore, $336,600; Springfield, $525, 950. S HILT, CALIFORNIA, ITEMS Mrs. Felix Waters and son return ed Tuesday from a visit to Weed. The mill of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. was closed three days last week . during, some needed re pairs. Mrs. Ada Maxey was in Hilt on Tuesday between trains, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Lewis. She was en route to Portland. Owing to an unusual demand and a delay of operation in the woods, the Fruit Growers Supply Co. have been having logs shipped from Klam ath Falls the past week. W. Brewer, who has been break ing on One Spot for the past year, met his death last Friday at 6.30 p. m., when he fell under the engine, his arm and leg being entirely sev ered from the body. He lived until four o'clock Saturday morning. He leaves a wife and family. His re mains were taken to . Yreka and were laid to rest Monday. The Misses Irene and Pauline Jas mann gave a card party Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Ed Furlong won the prize. Those present were Mesdames Hlbbert, Wm. Hlhbert, C. E. Gustafson, Bert Miller, Irving Dunn, Jno. Nelson', Horace Stanley, Ada Perkins, A. Et Stonehouse, A. Vail, Henry Clark, J. J. Sands, Ed Fur long, F. F. Whittle, Harry Warren, and Miss Edna Doberty. Saturday Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WE BUY Liberty Bonds for cash. We exchange Vlctrolas and Rec ords for used pianos. We sell new pianos on euj monthly install ments. Before you purchase, it will pay you to Investigate our proposition, because we are fac tory distributors of the world's best 'Ifianos and Played Pianos and, Vlctrolas at the lowest pos sible price Hale's Piano House Inc., J. F. Hale, G.n. Mgr. 22tf FOR SALE A No. 1 baled hay, 2nd cutting alfalfa. Phone 1F13. 22-2t FOR 8ALE About 3 tons bright, ( clean, loose hay. R. D Sanford. Lower Helman St. 22-lt TANCRED STRAIN White Leghorn eggs for hatching. $1 per setting: $5 per hundred for the rest of the season. Mrs. W. D. Booth, Phono 291-R. 22-lmo Adler-i-ka Again! "I had a bad case of constipation, gas on. tli e stomach, and other bow el trouble. Twelve hours after 1 took Adjer-d-ika I felt better and after continuing I consider myself CURED." (Signed) E. H. Becnian, Callspoll, Wash. i Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap pendicitis. We have sold Adlcr-l-ka many years. It is a mixture of buck thorn,, cascara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. T. K. BOLTON, Druggist INTER URBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Phoenix datiy except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur day night at 6:30. Suadays, leave at 9:00 a. m., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 o. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m., ind 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash land, 30 cents. Round trip 60 cents. Notice! I have again taken charge of my Transfer business and will be pleased to have all of my old and new cus tomers call me at any time. I handle your piano or furniture carefully am! promptly and I guarantee to please. Orders left at the White Houso. grocery or Icenhower's second hand store will be given prompt attention. Webster Wertz TRANSFER AND STORAGE 17-8t I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVE THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the roots to' continue tbeti; growth. "You are next." Buckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Costolo , : ' - Eugene . has extensive building program. ' ' , ,