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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
J Iter, Apf ,8 19,0 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SKYE TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent tbe word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. DR. MAUD IXGERSOLL HAWLEY Chiropractor and rhyscultopaUdst frfice Second Floor First National rnone J Pnlilnnt nnflu Vlni nnA f!nM Massage, nest ana jueaicai uymnastic Rooms MICKIE SAYS wrtU MUSI NT THINK Awe're cmttss Jtaf 6ECUZ. taaOR The we once I. hi A. VsimLt. G06H,NtW) I -rut 6ILU0N8 OF CHfcNCES IT'S A VJONOEW. VJ DOKt PROFESSIONAL. I)B. J. J. ESOIEXS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. M'OOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburs Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf E. D. BRIGG8, Attorney-at-Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of this club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of "each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. PIANO TUNING GEO. W. CROSS, Medford, Ore., Piano Tuner and re pairer. A tuner to - particular musical people. Endorsed by the leading musical people of Southern Oregon. Leave orders at Rose Bros. Phone 213. 62-tf CONTRACTING FRANK JORDAN General Con tracting and repair work. Cement work specialty. Tel. 430-J. 227 Granite St 21 It WATCH REPAIRING STRICTLY fine watch, jewelry and optical repairing; engraving. Ev erything nicely and promptly done, W. A. FREEBERG. ll-3mo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE of exclusive new auto discovery de sires live wire possessing both sales and exMutlve ability to act as county distributor. Small amount of capital required for stock, ful ly protected by refund privilege Good man should make SI 00 per ' week with steady increase. McCal Hater. 1449 Polk St., San Fran Cisco. Cal. 21-lt FOR RENT FOR RENT Ten acre fruit ranch good terras. Julia R. McQullkin 600 Ashland St., Box 32, Ashland Oregon. 20-4t FOR RENT The Bungalow for the season from Mav 1 to Oct. loth Has tables, chairs, show cases, hot water heater and gas plate. At the entrance to Llthla Park. Best con session location in town. Apply to B. R. Greer at Tidings office, tf FOR RENT Neat four room cottage with garage. Near auto camp tr no u ml. Innulre of Greer at the TldltiM nfflffi. tf FOR RENT Good 6-room cottage close In. Phone 313-j ion FOR rf.vt 4-room bunnalow, fur nUWI Phono 86911. 10" . FOR SALE FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. 15 for 75 cts. H. H. Leavitt Phone 415L 13tt MRS. HERRLN'S W. LEGHORNS n.ggs ior naicmus chicks. Order your chicks early as the supply is limited. Deposit required on all chick orders. Tele phone 291J. 10tt CHRYSANTHEMUM P L A NTS Choice kinds, 50o doz. Island Reds. Eggs from 33, nei profit $43.73, Jan. 1 to April 1. Hatching eggs. 15 $1.00. Miss Edna Hoag, 475 Beach St. 17-lmo. IFOR SALE Several small horses. , Call E. N. Norton, 392J. 19-7 Bank Bldg. OppoBlte Hotel Austin 48 T).(k. ti..i - j c jtu FOR SALE 2 mules and 2 sets of harness, one set to go with mules at $65 for the pair. Louis Worth, Ashland, Ore. 21-12 FOR SALE New pair steel ball ltearlng roller skates. Call 39 SR. 21tf FOR SALE Superior spud planter. Good as new. Less than half price. Phone 359R. 21tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Do you want a mod ern 6-room house at a bargain, at your own terms. Best location In Ashland. See me about my borne on Granite St. J. F. Rocho. 21tf FOR SALE In Talent, 8-room two story plastered house 'and several lots. Trees, berry vines, roses. A bargain. Small paymeSit down, balance like rent. Address "Own er," Box 463, Willows, Cal. 21-lmo FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, lot 80x133; fruit and berries. One block from Junior High school; 6 blocks from P. O. Address owner. 341 Almond St., Ashland, Oregon. 19-1 mo FOR 8 A LB Ten acre fruit ranch. Julia R. McQullkin, C00 Ashland St., Box 32, Ashland, Oregon. 20-4t FOR SALE Improved acre; flvo room cottage; barn; chicken house; city water; on Lincoln St. Price reasonable. Easy terms. Write owner, Fred L. Ulen, Lew iston,, Idaho. 8-3mo FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 133 acre tract 2 miles south of Eu gene, on two good roads, well fenced, 50 acres in cultivation; a beautiful 3 1-3 acre bomb tract, partly cleared, 1ft miles south west of Eugene on good road ; two good lots just north of Eugene High school. Will exchange any or all of these three properties for land, sheep or cattle In Jack son or Klamath counties. Write for particulars and submit what you have. H. C. Galey, Ashland, Oregon. ; 20tf. USED CARS FOR SALE Good used Chevrolet, has rnn only 2700 mllee. Five brand new tires. Big bargain Park Garage. 20tf FOR SALE Good second hand Ford car. Call Park Garage. 9 FOR SALE A nice Chevrolet car. See Dan Kay. Phone 90, Ashland ulcanlzlng Works. I5tf FOR TRADE WANTED TO TRADE 166 acres In Douglas Co., Oregogn, for home In or near Ashland. Terms. Phone 407R, or address 448 Helman St 15-1 mo. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO EXTERMINATE GROUND SQUIRRELS EVERY PERSON, firm, co-partner ship, company or corporation re siding on, owning, leasing, occu pying, possessing or having charge of or dominion over any land, building, wharf or dock Infested with digger ground squirrels In Jackson County, Oregon, Is here by notified to begin at once to fif fectively exterminate and destroy all such DIGGER GROUND SQUIRRELS. The following poison foir mixing and Instructions for use thereof is thef method most (expedient and Affective to be used for the ex termination and destruction of such ground squirrefls and Is here by recommended, to-wit, alkaloid strychnine us)?d on either barley Or wheat, barley preferred, mixed according to the following formu la and manner, to-wit: Barley, clean grain.... 16 quarts Strychnine (powdered alkaloid) I ounce BicaChonate of 'soda (baking soda) 1 ounce Thin starch paste pint Heavy corn syrup pint Glycerine 1 tablespoonful Saccharine ' i... 1-10 This material should be mixed as follows: Mix thoroly 1 ounce of powdered strychnine (alkaloid) and 1 ounce of common baking so da. Sift this into pint of thin hot paste and stir to a smooth creamy mass. (This starch paste Is made by dissolving 1 heaping table-spoonful of dry gloss starch in a little cold water, which is then a dled to pint of boiling water. Boll and stir constantly until a clear thin paste Is formed.) Add Vt pint heavy corn syrup and 1 tablespoonful of glycerine and stir thoroly. And 1-10 ounce of sac- carine and stir thoroly. Pour this mixture ovter 16 quarta of cliean barley and mix well so that each grain is coated. Ons quart of the poisoned grain mixed as aforesaid is sufficient for forty or flirty baits and this quan tity scattered along squirrel trails or on clean hard places on; the surface about the holes wllf not endanger stock. Strychnine In any form other than the pow dered strychnine (alkaloid) Is not effective In the above formula. From the dat(e hereof until May 1st is the most effective time to poison and destroy the digger squirrels, as they are just emerg ing from their hibernation. They are hungry and food is scarde. The County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, has secured a large amount of strychnine and the other lnpedlents necessary for the mixture, and a quantity thereof has befcm mixed and Is now on 6ale to the farmers or persons Interested at actual cost and may be had by applying to the under signed at his office In the Liberty Building or at this following plao- Ashland Fruit Ass'n, Ashland n M Lowe Talent Browns Stol-e Talent Phoenix Mercantile Co., rnoenix Rogue River Fruit & Produce Ass'n Medford Fick Store Jacksonville Pernoll Store '.Applegato Paxson Drug Store, Central Pt. Brown Bros Eagle Point Kafer & Son . . . . , Brownsboro Bowers Drug Co Gold Hill Don Wilson Rogue River Table Rock Store, Table Rock If any person herein designat ed shall, within thirty days from this first publication of. this notice, fall to begin in good faith to ex terminate, eradicate and destroy, according to the method aforesaid, or by any other effective means said ground squirrels herein desig nated, the County Court of Jack son County, Oregon, will appoint a person or persons to proceed with the extermination and eradi cation of such ground squirrels, and the cost thereof incurred will be assessed to such land, building, wharf or dock, and unless paid will become a .Hen against the same, for the exteimlnation ,of said ground squirrels. This notice fs published pur suant to the statuto In such case made and provided and for two consecutive weeks or three Issues, and all persons described therein are required to take notlda thereof. Dated and -first published this 4th day of April, 1919. CLAUDE C. CATE, County Agent for Jackson County, Oregon. 18-3fridays FISHER LAUNDRY GO. General Laundry Business Phone 105 f also FRENCH DRY CLEANING and Dye Works rhone 100 It would astonish many of us sometimes If we could know what our neighbors think of us. Every man has some kind of a standing In the community where he lives, and he is sized up a great deal closer than he has any idea of. You may set it down as a fact that there isn't a twelve-year-old boy in the neigh borhood who hasn't his opinion of you, and he wouldn't be slow about expressing it either, If a stranger should ask him for It. Every man is always making character, whether he is doing anything else or not. Portland Chamber of Commerce endorses all constructive measures on ballot for special election June 3. Makes no recommendation in amend ment to create office of Lieutenant Governor. Salmon Season Has Opened On Rogue The salmon fishing season opened Monday night at midnight on the Rogu,e river, and fishermen along the river have been busy ever since with their boats and drift-nets. Ac cording to the Grants Pass Courier H. E. Gethlng of Oakland, Ore., who handled the fish for the fishermen last year, is again in charge this season. Mr. Gethlng' stated that only about 200 pounds of salmon were taken the first night. He says the water is high and swift and the riv er is still rising, and does not pre dict any heavy catches until about the middle of May. While there are a number of cal mon ju9t below the dam, Mr. Geth lng says he does not believe there are many in the stream at present. The price, however, Is very flatter ing, the fishermen receiving 16 cent3 a pound for the salmon. Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. G. BATES, Prop. First-class Service and Equipment. Shoeshining Parlor Baths, Ashland, Oregon. MIE PERSONALITIES t t The immense success of "The Heart of Humanity," Universal'! great production, Is a striking Illus tration of the) moral that the square deal pays. Universal gave Allen J. Hdlubar, the director, a square deal and In return Holubar contributed to Universal one of the really great pictures of the screen. ' Four years ago Holubar went to the old Imp Company, one of the Universal units. He went because his wife, Dorothy Phillips (the star of "The Heart of Humanity") had gone there as an actress. He didn't even get on the regular payroll at the beginning but was content to "Job" it. But his ability soon began to mani fest Itself, and Carl Laemmle and the -other heads of Universal proceeded to "nurse" Holubar along. He be came an assistant producer, and when Universal moved west, was made a director. Several fine pictures had already been placed to his credit when "The Heart of Humanity" es tablished him permanently and In disputably -in the front rank of screen artists. The evier-lncreaslng army of O. Henry fans will be delighted to learn that a new series of motion pictures based on the O. Henry stories Is ex pected to be made. Universal plans to make the pictures, in which the story will lie of first interest, rele gating the star to a secondary part. ' "No attempt will be made to limit the length arbitrarily," said Harry Harvey, who will direct the pictures. "We will Just tefll the story. If it Is short, the picture will be short. If It Is of feature length, then the plcturo will correspond." JThe Caballero s Way" will be the first of the new series. It tells of the Cisco Kid, a border bandit, and his sweetheart, Tonla Pena "half Car men, half Madonna and the rest hum ming bird," as O. Henry phrased It Sandldge, the sheriff, comes a-woo- Ing Tonia and hunting the Cisco Kid and how the Kid double-crossed him and causes him to shoot Tonia by mistake, forms an exceptionally vlv id story. Yvette Mitchell will play Tonla, Will Jefferls will be the sheriff and Vester Pegg the bad man. " Work of filming "The Inner Cir cle," the seventh Stage Women's Green Room series playlet, was com pleted recently when E. Spits, super vising director of the production tendered a banquet to over eighty players who participated In the big cabaret seen which was the last to be photographed. While the merry makers dined and danced to music furnished by a special orchestra, Di rector Terwilllger secured several hundred feet of film which will be used in the) production. Mr. Spitz maintains that he answered Mr. Ter wllliger's plea for typical cabaret at mosphere to the letter. William Courtenay and Jane Grey are the featured stars in. "The Inner Circle." Alfred Allen, who Is seen as "Gentleman Geoff," In the early epi sodes of Marie Walcamp's big new Universal serial, "The Red Glove," Is not only a talented actor and di rector but is an author of parts. Of such calibre is his literary work that his name is on the honor role In "Who's Who In America." Allen ran away fronf school at the age of sev enteen years to play with Booth and left a long stage career, which has carried him all over the world, for the pictures four years ago. J. P. McGowan, directing Marie Walcamp In "The Red Glove," Uni versalis niew serial, is a careful man. The other day he saw a camera man Pure Hilk Norton's Clover leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPH0NL Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser- ' " vice to Any Part of Town J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers KmnnMiiiiiiiwmwtt about to "shoot" a telegram to be Inserted on the screen Jn one of the episodes. "Hold on!" he command ed. "That's a sending blank, not a receiving iblank. Get a receiving blank. And be sure you get all the code letters at the top go to the district manager of the telegraph company, and get it right" Marie Walcamp, the daring star of the new Universal serial, "The Red Glove," declares she felt like a cross between a mermaid and a fly ing fish during the filming of tbe seventh episode and at one point had to be thrown Into a river with her clothes so heavily weighted with lead that she, stayed under water until fished out by the other members of the company. During the time when she played submarine the star breathed thru a reed. On his 5,000 mile trip around the country, Harry Carey will do more than make the usual "personal ap pearance" at motion picture thea tres. He is taking along a one-reel film which shows how his pictures ar made, and in brief falk, will tell something of the thrills and diffi culties of filming Western dramas. Carey will appear in the cowboy's costume that he has made famous in his Cheyenne Harry pictures. "What Is your favorite sport?" a newspaper interviewer asked Fan Tlncher, who is at Universal City making a series of two-reel comedies. "Jim Corbett," answered Miss Tln cher, sweetly, glancing at tho big ex- prlzeflghter, who was busy in a near by "set" On an episode of his forth coming, serial, "Tho Midnight Man." In "The Red Glove," tho Univer- sal's new serial, Marie Walcamp is using a revolver picked up, on the Marne battlefield by Jacques Jac- card, a Universal director who went overseas with the Grizzlies. ', Jim Corbett will wear a different dlsgulRe in each episode of his big Universal serial, "The Midnight Man." Corbett plays the part of "the Wasp," a master crook. A bit of New York's Bowery has been transferred to California as a background for Jim Corbett's forth coming serial, "The Midnight Man." Edward Scholl, a New York por trait painter, is painting a full length picture of Mary MacLaren, the Unl versal star. Astoria plans 18 street Improve ments, total cost $222,000. Portland; Columbia Steamship Co. gets first steel freighter allot ted. St. Johns terminal pier to be built for $299,971.50. Linn county holding enthusiastic road bond meetings. There will be another, sawmill built at St. Helens, on the point of Sauvles Island). Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. ! C. F. Bates, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement phone ivT Office 99 Oak Street, Ware house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon Pure Cream Lsily AssiitMt Deputy County Coroner Stile Licensed Enbtlmer . I TRADE MARK, If The City of J i GOODRICH y ftkAkron. Ohio al tl Lf Every is a Wise Man Because every man has something to teach; the thing life through experience has taught him to do. Nature but repro duces: man's ex perience taking the world where Nature stops builds it better; whether he makes an iron plow to im prove the crooked stick Or turns mere rub ber and cotton into pneumatic tires. Experience is that unseen thing injures, the quality of which turns them out good (7 or bad. It vouches for Good rich experience that Goodrich made the tie, and ever since has fathered the improvement of automobile tires. w ) It shows in burly, fall-rounded bodies, and thicker BLACK SAFETY TREADS, extra wide, fortify ing the sidewall ageinst rut scraping. It returns value for your money in serv ice value on your car on the road. ' Buy Goodrich jl ' Tires from a 1 Dealer IT. mm ll Man LI GOODS f Tl RES 1 "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" f K It 5 1 ilmih t