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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
FAGE SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS Frldar, April 18, 1019 Grain Corporation Itlay Handle Wheat KEEP ME5 GOOD BY BUILDING NOW U. S. Department of Labor W. B. WILSON, Sec. of Labor. I 7 1 I I -X-,.r JV ... ... I"s AtMFUW.H -T Pi I ... i . . m m w I; ii ii toy ii ii i "Apple Blossom Time in an Overland " The keen appreciation and deep respect so freely expressed by over 600,000 Overland owners is an Overland asset of priceless value. Model 90 by its easy riding, qualities, economy, sturdiness, and de pendable performance, constantly widens the circle of Overland friends and perpetuates Overland prestige. The enthusiasm of owners is your safest buying guide. I Oreil.nd Modtt 90 Fin Pmcnfer Touring Cu J985J I. o. b. Toledo Come to our store if!j Completely Equipped Auto Repair Shop; Competent Mechanics Fall Line of Accessories and Tires Overland-Millner Company ' Corner Third and Main Carrying out the guaranteed wheat price agreement of the Unit ed States Is to be left In the hands of the federal grain corporation un 'less President WIlBon designates the department of agriculture as the handling agency, says a recent no. tlce to O. D. Center, director of 0, A,. C. extension. The secretary of agriculture be lieves the grain corporation Is best fitted by organization and expert ence to go ahead and close up the work. The guarantee act seems to assume that this should be con tinued. It would be difficult for any other agency to set up machln ery for handling the matter, and a great deal of duplication would be bound to result. "The task Is of great magnitude and the time till the 1919 crop be gins to move Is short," the secretary tells Director Center. The secretary has cabled the pres ident urging continued use of the grain corporation, but says that If the president desires the department to handle the guarantee It will as sume the task and do the best It can. New Questionnaire Sent to Chrome Men Chrome producers who have been perplexed as to how they should fill out the intricate questionnaires which were stent out by the government as basis for claims under the war con tracts bill will be gratified by the information that these questionnaires cted not be used. New ones have been prepared by the government and will shortly be In the hands of the chrome m'en's organizations. The following letter from E. A Dickey, secretary of the Pacific Coast Clvrome Producers' Association, re celved here Monday" by J. P. McNam- ara, secretary of the newly organized Northern, California Chrome Produc ers' Association, explains the situa tion: "We beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of April 1, 1919, lntroduc Ing R. A. Murray of your city, who has taken out a membership In this OWN YOUR OWN HOME If. you can afford to pay rent you can afford to build your own home WhV throw yoUr money awav Hi rent? We will gladly offer sugges Hons and quote prices without obli gatlon to buy. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 All kinds of Building Material Association for the Northern Cali fornia Chrome Producers' Associa tion. We are very glad to have your association affiliated with us and trust that you will be greatly bene flted thereby. "We had a wire from Washington shortly after Mr. Murray's arrival stating that entirely new question naires w.ere being made out and for warded to us. We would therefore advise that you disregard the ques tionnaires which you now have as Mr. Murray will wait here until the first of the week, at which time we expect to recelva the new question naires. "We believe that every claimant should carefully look up all data pertaining to his claim so that he will be ready to present same and fully answer the new questionnaires when they are received and under no circumstances should a claimant at. tempt to fill out the old question naires as we do not know what changes may be made in those that are on the way. "No representatives will be sent from this association to Washington until after June 3, as we understand the commissioners will take no ac tion until all questionnaires are., in or until after June 3." Yreka News. Ranchers short of farm help nnd labor demanding $3 to $5 a day on farms. - Vj I J 'A W.A.Shell YX TheBarber Paint Makes Housework Easy Bare, unfinished floors require almost daily fccrub bing. Paint makes scrubbing unnecessary. Dirt, grime and grease clean perfectly from this smooth hard surface without the back-breaking work of scrubbing. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT gives a durable, non-absorbent, sanitary finish for floors and for any inside surface to bo walked upon. It is inexpensive and easy to apply a quart is enough for one coat on the average kitchen floor. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells all about painting, varnishing and waxing floors what to use, how much will be required and how the work should be done. Free at our store. Swcnson k McRac Banks Herald: State reconstruc tion measures will come up for a vote of the people June 3, and en acted will prove of great value in providing employment and stimulate Ing a desire for the farm. i O J 5) Now milled as before THE WAR r a JLhJUdiiJ BRAND FLOUR The Pacific Coast Leads the World in the Consumption of High Grade Flours With this important fact in mind Fisher Flouring Mills Company experts comb the entire wheat y producing territory of 1 the United States to ob- tain the highest quality of Hard Wheat and Soft Wheat from which FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR is so uniformly produced the year round. . fust as the American woman is supreme in refined taste and culinary knowledge, so FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR is made to satisfy the particularity ol her demands. The ordinary mill cannot make a flour of FISHER'S BLEND STANDARD. . "America's Finest Flouring Mills" are completely and specially designed to produce this all-purpose flour, Manufactured by FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY, SEATTLE MT. VERNON TACOMA BELLINGHAM H 137 E. Main We are exclusive Ashland Agents for Fisher's Blend While House Grocery Dealers in High Class Provisions Quality, Price, Service I