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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
ASHLAXD .HDIXXift f PAGE ftTFH Qua firsf The flystery Car .Modern Portraiture Picture Framing ' ; Framed Pictures Kodak Finishing Kodak Films' Photo Supplies The Camera Exchange Is the greatest automobile value in America 1 Studio Ashland . - On the Plaza ' "TT iii-iii ..i.ii-i V'",.,,- ' i TEMPLAR EAST Ell SLKVICI5 "0 Attention, Sir Knights: Member of Malta Commandery So. 4, K. T., will attend divine service in a body at Trinity Episcopal church, Ashland, on Easter Sunday, April 20, at three o'clock, p. m. As a preliminary, meet at Masonic Hall promptly at 2:15. Full uniform, without sldearma. All Sir Knights are urged to bo present, 3i nd the general public Is Invited. 0. J. CARSO.V, E. 0. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cliff Payne makes hope boxes. New shirts neckwear. Mitchells. Mrs. Gene Sharp is over from Punsmulr visiting friends. New suits Just arrived. Mitchells. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Wlnstead of Elko, Nevada, are Ashland visitors this week. David Whittle was an Ashland vis itor from Hilts the fore part of the week. E. E. Bagley returned to Mllbank, South Dakota, this week after spend ing several weeks at his home here Empty vinegar barrels for sale at Ashland Trading Co. George Jenkins has accepted the management of the local office of the Oregon Gas St Electric company, Mrs. Lilly Wlmer and little son of Myrtle Point ar In Ashland spend ing a week with friends here. Get the little ones a rabbit for Easter. See Holmes Grocery win dow. Dried Bing cherries and prunes at the right prices now at Ashland Trad ing Co. 'Mrs. Albert McCann of Dunsmuir Is visiting friends a few days In Ash land tills week. Mrs. Carey of Red Bluff, Calif., Is visiting her son and family, Guy Caroy, on Scenic Drive. The Ashland Transfer & Storage company has added a fine large auto truck to its hauling equipment. If you have any chickens or Bel plan hares for sale call up Depot Hotel. 21-6t Mrs. H. R. Lamkln, who has been spending several weeks In California for the benefit of her health, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McNair are mov ing this week Into the Grant property on Laurel street from the house they have been occupying on High. A new line of silk fancy caps, army puttees, legglns, belts. Mltch-i-lla. Mrs. S. 'Coben and son, Harry G. Labourtch of Portland are guests at the Hotel Austin. They have come here for the benefit of the latter's health. Wanted Lady wants position as cook on ranch. Mrs. Bell Davis, 855 E. Main. 20-3t THEN, CITIZENSf BANK V Or ASH LAN I Interesting Figures The amounts, showing . the Interest on your sav lngar account are Interest ing figures to read an Incentive to make more deposits. Start an ac count with The Citizens Bank of Ashland. 4o III kl A MnFonsiTS Mrs. Betty A. Clark, who has been a guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. M Hindman In this city since Decern ber, left Tuesday night for Bend, Oregon. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Huler of Rogue River were In Ashland Thurs day on their way to Soda Springs dis trict to visit at the home of tho former's father-in-law. A. B. Cornell, manager of the Ore gon Life Insurance company, and W, C. Schuppel of the Portland office of the same company were business vis itors In the city this week. . Fifteen per cent discount on Lee and Flsk tires for a short time only. Ashland Vulcanizing Works, North Main. ntf Among the returned soldiers of the 361st division who is reported to have arrived In New York this week from France Is James J. Halnses of Ashland on board the S. S. Mexico. Misses Emma and Amelia Furer, who have been spending the past year in Ashland with their sister, Mrs. E. E. Bagley, left Wednesday night for San Diego. The reduced prices on groceries Is not apt to last many more days at Ashland Trading Co. A. C. Brlggs, manager of the Ash land Fruit A&oclatlon, is moving his family to the A. D. Graham resi dence on North Main street, from the house on Skldmore where he former ly resided. Miss Alta Morton of Grants Pass is visiting friends in Ashland. Miss Morton states that ber brother, Oli ver, a former well known Ashland boy, is still In France, but hopes to be home soon. Eclipse Lawn Mowers BALL JSKARIXG EASY TO Rl'X The sturdiest mower on the market They are used exclusively in the park because they do better work, run easier and last longer. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Red Ribbon coffee Is good 40c per lb; M. J. B. coffee at 45c lb. Ash land Trading Co. At a banquet held In Portland Saturday by the Insurance Federa tion of Oregon, at which officers and directors were elected, G. H. Bil lings of Ashland was named as a director. Mrs. Blllie Earle of Portland, stopped off in Ashland this week on her way home from Klamath Falls to visit at tho homes of Mrs. A. L. Harvey and A. M. Beaver for a few days. Mrs. H. H. Gillette went to San Francisco Tuesday night to visit' a sister who resides in that city. She was accompanied by Mrs. Short of Myrtle Point, who has been a guest of Mrs. Gillette for some time past, and who is on her way to Arizona. W. D. Hodgson came in from Good ing, Idaho, Wednesday. He has de cided to locate there and will leave 'Monday with, nls family for that place where they will make their fu ture home. He has entered the real estate business at Gooding. A gasoline stove in the Plaza meat market over which the proprie tor was rendering lard caught fire Wednesday afternoon. An alarm was sent in to the fire department, and the blaze was extinguished with tho use of chemicals before any damage was done. Hon.E. V. Carter, In company with County Judge Gardner, Com missioners Owens and Owen and W. H. Gore of Medford, has been in Portland this week where ho and the county officials met the state high way commission In an effort to ef fect the building of the ' proposed road to the Blue Ledge mining dis trict. Oliver Anderson, one of the mem bers of the old First company who went from Ashland in the army ser vice nearly two years ago,' and ono of the last to return, came home last night from Camp Lewis where hp had been detained for a time on account of illness. ' J J, K . i A ,1' f I,' "l" ' I 111 ' Hl'V ,'lillgl 3 Contributed by Poley's Drug Store Poley OElhart, Druggists Frank Clary came home this week after being discharged from, military duty. A few barrels of Fishers Blend and Red Ribbon flour to sell at a bar gain at Ashland Trading Co. L. Ah Moss, who has been spend ing the past six weeks at his ranch in Lake county, has returned home Mrs. Putnam, who has been spend ing several months in Ashland with her sister, Mra. I. D. Applegate, left this morning for her home at Red lands, Calif. Early Rose potatoes; Early Ore gon potatoes the finest spud for seed that ever came to town, at Ash land Trading Co. Orvllle E Gaines of the head quarters detachment of the 316th engineers has arrived in New York and probably be borne in a short time. W. D. Hodgson sold his home on Laurel street to Mrs. Ada E. Clark, formerly of Colorado, previous to his leaving with his family for Gooding, Idaho, to make his home. Mr. and Sirs. T. T. Ahlstrora have gone to Dunsmulr to reside, ' that city being more convenient for Mr. Ahistrom's present run on the Southern Pacific. Little business or Importance was transacted at the meeting of coun cil Tuesday night, save that the re cct-dtr was authorized to issue a check in favor of Dr. Mattle B. Shaw for a ten-foot Btrlp of land along the south side of her property front ing on North Pioneer avenue. The securing of this land enables the city to make C street uniform in width its entire length. Harry Morgan, a member of Com pany G, 3,14th Infantry, reached home this week from service in France. This young man was wound ed in the battle of Verdun, and was detained' in a hospital on account of his Injures for several months. Ho Is the sba of Mr., and Mrs. J. M. Morgan of Mountain avenue, and a brother of Ray Morgan, one of the Ashland boys who paid the supreme sacrifice on the battle fields of France. ' CALIFORXIA DRY HILL IS KIGXKl) Governor W. D. Stephens Tues day algned the Harris prohibition en forcement bill providing machinery for enforcing In California of na tional prohibition and defining as In toxlcatlng any beverage containing more than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol. Circulation of petitions asking for a referendum vote on the passage of the Harris bill and the action of the legislature In ratifying the national prohibition amendment will begin in California April 26, Assemblyman Bruck has announced. GOVERNOR APPOINTS LIQUOR DETECTIVE Appointment by Governor Olcott of Deputy Sheriff Frank Hopkins of Canyonville, as special agent to run down smugglers of liquor, was an nounced Wednesday. Hopkins has been.very active in this work during the past ljar. Thousands of dollars In fines having been turned into the county treasury due to his efforts He has been dubbed "the shooting deputy," as the result of several en counters. tlth liquor importers, in which gun play figured. LOGGIXG CAMPS AT COOS HAY START VP The Smith-Powers logging camps pft Potfers wtere started) Tuesday morning after a shutdown of nearly two months. The first work will be principally tho delivery of logs cut before the camps flosed. The com pany's camp at Sumner opens to morrow and the Bay City mill will resume sometime this week. 1,000 JACK RABBITS KILLED IX A DRIVE One of the most successful rabbit drives held in Central Oregon this year was reported Tuesday from Tu- malo where more than 1,000 jack rabbits were killed. Hunters extend ing in a line two miles lon, round ed up the Jack rabbits for the slaugh ter , v We buy Liberty Bonds for cash. We exchange VIctrolas and Records for used pianos We sell new pianos on easy monthly Installments. . Be fore you purchase, it will pay you to investigate our proposition, be cause, we are factory distributors of the world's best Pianos and Player Pianos and VIctrolas at the lowest possible prices. - - HALE'S PIANO HOUSE ISC. 22tf J. F. Hale, Gen. Mgr. NOTICE! To the Stockholders of the Rogue Rrver FruJt and Produce Asso elation: Notice Is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Rogue River Fruit '& Produce Association for the election of directors and tho trans action of such business as may properly come before such meeting, will be held at our office, on Main Street, Medford, Oregon, on the 20th day of May, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRO DUCE ASSOCIATION, By R. C. Washburn, Pres G. B. Dean, Secretary. 21-4tues Elliott & Cook Auto Co. Successor to Power Auto Co. Medford, Ore. Paint! Paint! WHY" NOT DKTO"W? You can not aflbrd to paint without consulting us. Labor is the largest item of expense in paint ing. True economy consists in buying the 'best paint on the market. We can prove to you con clusively that a paint costing $1.50 per gallon is cheaper than another paint at $3.50 per gallon. There is a difference in paints some paints Look Better; Lasts Longer Goes Further Than Others The Sherwin-Williams Paint Covers 350 square feet two coats Stop and Think What This Means We carry a complete stock CARSON-FOWLER Lbr. Co. "In the heart of Town" Good Cues and Tips Billiard players prefer this place because they know that they can get GOOD cues; and modern equipment makes a lot of difference in the pleas ure of the game. You KNOW it. Profanity, gambling and other un desirable elements are absolutely TABOO here. We Invite GEMLK MEM only. This la a clean, congenial amuse ment hall for decent clean-cut fel lows. Alnutrs Billiard Parlor "Clean Sport for Regular Fellows" Portland Willamette Iron and Steel Co. has $100,000 union Tank er contract. EYES TESTED Glasses I'ltU-d Broken IjPiikcs Implicated OlasHes Furnlxlieri Hame Day Fitted Factory on Ilvmlses E.D.ELWOOD OPTOMKTIUST , Mwlford, Oregon 30 1 K. Main . - VAUPEL'S Quality Store The thrifty housewife will find in our offerings this spring buying opportunities of unusual interest for home sewing. We have extensive assortments of favored fabrics at prices exceptionally low when quality is considered. Everything offered today is selected to further home economies. Range and variety offers every woman an opportunity to indulge in tastes. ' ; Nainsook We carry a complete stock of this popular fabric from the heaviest weave to the very finest. Comes in two colors flesh and white. No better fabric woven for the daintiest of undergarments can bo found. 38 and 40 inches wide. Priced 40o to 75c yard. Voiles Voiles again are admitted to be the leader in summer dress goods. Our stock is larger than ever be fore. Everything that is new in this fabric we have it. Big line of plains and fancys await your early inspection. Ginghams Quality is the watchword In our big line of this useful fabric. All the latest plaids, stripes and plain colors. are included in our big se lection. Also big line of Apron checks to choose from priced at Zic yard. 28 inches wide. Neckwear t ,, in nooA nf thft infest creations In Fancy Neckwear don't fall innAr mir hi new line Just received by express. The daintiest of fabrics and highest of quality are used In our line. You will find it complete in every respect. BQo and upward. ; -.. Men's Furnishings Style and quality essential features In the well dressid man's considera tion of apparel will be found in our new stocks. Our assortment of collars, gloveB, neckwear, sex, and other necessities are bound to please you. We feel that we can more than satisfy you. - ' ' Silk Underskirts ' ;Z Just received by express big- line of Silk Underskirts in ail of Fashion's! lntnat deslens. Changeables, Fancy PlaldB and Plains Will be fbund In I his selection. Taffotas, Mossallnes and Wash Satins are included. All modorately prices ranging from $2.75 and up. " ' ' ' Pumps So matter what the occasion, always fetels "dressed up" in a of black glazed kid shces boots or low cuU as the weather may sug gest. We have them in stock to meet all occasions. one pair I! ii V