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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
Vrida, April 18, 1010 ASHLAND TIDLVCS PAGE nmift Land Settlement Commission Meets r. ltp SALEM, Ore. The Oregon land 'settlement commission Is the first commission of the kind in the world to present to the farmer methods for better living conditions and greater earning power, Whitney I Boise said at the meeting of the commis sion In Salem Tuesday. Upon call of Governor Olcott the commission held ( Us first session here Tuesday and will perfect Its organization. Prof. Scudder, farm management expert cf the Oregon Agricultural college, presented blue prints and an expla nation of the first farm unit prepar ed by the commission, a demonstra tion farm of CO acres near Indepen dence. Mr. Dolse told of a visit to Wash ington by himself and Prof. Scudder, as representatives of the first land aettlement commission appointed by Governor Wlthycombe, where federal authorities were elated with the farm unit as demonstrated. "They said this idea had never oc curred to them," said Mr. BoIbo, "tho.they had supported the experi mental farm idea. We want to go before the next legislature and re port that we have all of our assets Intact and a little besides, and If we can do that we will have done that 2,325,000 DE LAVAL SEPARATORS IV DAILY USB THE WORLD OVER Wherever grass grows and cows are milked, you will find the De La val the favorite cream separator. More De Lavals are In use than all other makes combined. The De Laval is time tested. It was the pioneer cream separator in 1878 and has led In popularity and nales for forty years. It's the world's standard cream separator. ASHLAND CREAMERY which Is not done ordinarily with ap propriations by the state." Emery Olmstead asserted that the land settlement movement that has been Inaugurated in Oregon will be welcomed by every bank in the coun try. The commission In session was created by the last legislature. The feum of $30,000 was appropriated for the commission's Immediate use, and If the reconstruction bill is pass ed by the people on June 3, the com mission will have $645,000 at Its disposal. inOX WORKS STILL MAKING WINDLASSES i i The Ashland Iron Works Is still busily engaged In the manufacture of anchor windlasses on which they have been engaged for several months past. Two of the huge ma chines have been completed and are about ready for shipment. One Is I to be sent to Galveston, Texas, while the other goes to Portland. The crew of men employed at the Iron Works Is busy every day, and prospects look good for a pros perous summer. Manager Dodsonl this week received new orders, the nature of which has not been indi cated. KOVERALLS Potf. U.S.Pat. Off. Is our Registered and Common-law Trade-Mark and can only be right fully used on goods made by us. Koveralls are garments for children I to 8 years of age. If a dealer tries to sell you, under the KoveralU name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure he has an article that he is trying to market on Koveralls reputation. Unless made Ij Levi Strauss & Co. they're not K.UVtKALL3. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit "BT FREE aF KOVERALLS are nude only by Lev! Strum 8c Co, Sta Frudico and beir lhi libel FT Coveralls Kit U.S. PAT 01 LEVI STRAUSS fcCft 3 An HAnLIJLU.mL, .Jy-J a.- mi WWmm" WW W 1 j If" !. fa? a'sySiiSe tjr u. SIXTY THOUSAND OF OUR AMERICAN BOYS lie among the poppies of Flanders' Fields in France. To them only is the war over. They have paid the price in full. To countless other thous ands of these boys returning home maimed and broken the war will still go on; they will be paying the price every day, during the remainder of their lives. Can we who stayed at home carelessly and thought lessly assume the "war is over" attitude until our bal ance of account is paid until we have redeemed our pledge to bear the final cost no matter what its amount ? is in liquidation of the debt for men and munitions we amassed, and which brought about the end of the war saving for every day it was shortened billions more in money and thousands more in lives. MEN and WOMEN of OREGON! The imprint of fame upon the name of our fair state will turn to a stain of shame if we do not meet the obligation this Victory Loan represents. You are face to face with the real teft of citizenship true Americanism. Let this te& find you measuring up one hundred per cent loyal. , 'II! I n i-M U m i m mm:- m I mm? 1 iljP3S6r i i i m v v . ' i jML Ltik. v -r i - . - . -v it tw int. Mil I I it j m I! : BT L3U o) 0) The Parent Bond of Them All The government bond is the Parent bond of all bonds. Back of the gov ernment bond are all the assets and all the resources that supply the value of all other bonds, all other securities, all other investments. The. government bond is a prior lien on lands, homes, chattels and every thing else, and the bonds to be issued under the name of the Victory Lib erty Loan are the highest of the high in government bonds. They constitute a contract of the United States government, entered into by unanimous vote of congress, and therefore a contract and mortgage behind which stands the possessions of One Hundred and Ten Million American people with their entire resources developed and undeveloped; the intelligence, ambition and ability of these One Hundred and Ten million people mortgaged to pay the bill. . ' v The Victory Liberty Loan Bonds will bear an attractive rate of interest and, together with all other desirable elements, when compared with other investments as to strength, collateral and return, have no equal. This is one of 176 advertisements inserted simultan eously' in every newspaper in the State of Oregon on behalf of the success of the Victory Liberty Loan for we believe in this cause and are willing to contribute to the full extent of our power. MORRIS BROS., Inc. JOHN L. ETHERIDGE, Vice-President PORTLAND, OREGON THE PREMIER BOND HOUSE - ip