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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
4 . vz T1CETW0 A.SKLAXT) TIDIXGS Friday, April !, 1919 ASHLAND TIDINGS Established 17 PUBLISHED gEMI-WEEKXT Kry Talay eud Mr by TIIK ASHLA5D I'KiXTISG OOHPAXT Governor Capper and Fred Lockley See Danger in Bolshevik. Ecrt R. Giw, .Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 Kiiwciunriox rates Om Tear, ben paid at expiration... Ons Tear, when paid miu Months, when paid In adrance.... Tire Months, aben paid In adraae.. No subscription for less tbyi three months. All subscription dropped at eipiration unlets renewmi rccicu .12.50 , 2.00 , 1.25 In orderlr,: changes of tb paper always sir the old street address r postofflce aa well a the new. AWKiCTISINO KATES rui..rf. i....,... eich Inch. 20? Six months' contract, for one ixsue each k 'neb, 2c Hli months' contract, for two liues each week each neb, ZOC One year contract, for one Inane each k ttch inch. 20c Cls year contract, for two Issues each wek each Inch 17 e Trading soti- 10 cents the line. Jgal Xotli 5 cent tbe line. tUanlflMl Column One cent thj word each time. Twenty words one month, one dollar. Cards of Thanka, 11.00. Obituaries. 2 14 cents the line. Adrertlslnn for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular Initia tion lee ana a UP, DO aiscouni. ueiJKioui iqq ueneuieui urueri win iro charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge is made, at the regular rate. THK TIDISKH IH THK OXLY NKWKPAPKIl IX 801THEK OKK CO."l THAT IfBMKIIKW XKVEft LKHM THAX KIGIIT PAGES AX ISSIK. The Tidings has a greater circulation in Ashland and 1U trade terri tory Uiaa all othT Jackson county papers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Po.toffloe as second-class mall matter. 1 I VICTOBV IiO.l CAMPAIGN In this IsKue we print a 95 inch ad for the Victory Bond campaign, contributed by Morris Brothers, the premier bond house of Portland. Morris Brothers have contributed an stdmtislng fund of more than five thousand dollars for Victory loan ad vertlaJjhK and) the earn advertise ment we here print will be published it every newspaper In Oregon this week. This evidence of co-operation by one firm should be an inspi ration, to the Victory loan chairmen of tbe several counties In Oregon and should be an Incentive to every nan in the state to seo that this vic tory liberty loan this balance of ac counts with and for our government b done willingly and unanimous ly. This advertisement should prove not only productive of Victory bond aubscrlptlons but productive of the xeatest efforts upon the part of thou who must secure the subscrip tions from the ptibllo. The combined appeal, sentiment, patriotism and )aslness which Morris Ilrotliers ad vertlsement carries Is In our Judg ment the solid bssls upon which to build the campaign. i December 15, 1919, and thereafter semi-annually June IS and December 1 5, and tbe final interest on redemp tion. Denominations will be $50, $100, $500, $10,000 and multiples of $1,- 000. Payments In full with subscrip tion or by Installments as follows: Ten per cent with application on or before May 10; 10 per cent on or before July 15; 20 per cent on or be- jfore August 12, September , October 7, and the final 20 per cent on or before November 11, with accrued Interest on deferred Installments, which accrued interest Is returnable In the first Interest payable by the government on December 15, 1919. Any remaining Installments may be paid before due dates. Employes or corporations and In dustrial plants or other concerns whose heads are responsible for pay ment of subscriptions may arrange to pay their subscription Installments weekly or monthly by authorizing deduction of amounts from salaries or wages. Notes will be delivered thru banks or other subscribing agency on final payment. Banks will make loans for pay ment of note subscriptions at or slightly over the same rate of Inter est as government notes bear. (Aspects of Bolshevism that hor-j black walla ail over Saratov, rify common humanity are present-.reads follows: ed by Mr. Lockley la matter eooted DECREE 1. This decree is proclaimed It v from a strange document posted in! v ' , ' - w jiuc ire uMctuoi or axarenuts in a Siberian city. A noted editor's he ,0 rf eomplUaM views are qooieo at jengxa oa ine(mjth the decision of the soviet of nature and psychology of this great peasants, soldiers aid workmen's deputies of Kron&tadt. the aolitloa of tie private possession of women. Motives 1. Social equalities and legitimate war-engendered mania.; "In this land Of one flag, one wife, one country, there is no room for Bolshevism or Its red flag." says ; marriages having been a condition in Arthur Capper. "The gans of the, the past which served as an instru- Hans Lav shaken authority the' ment in the bands of tbe bourgeoisie, world over, and In Europe a sort of .thanks to which all the best specie shell-shock madness is coming over; of all the beautiful women become the horde of homeless people, need-1 the property of the bourgeoisie, itig only further lack of f cod ; andj'ch prevented the proper contlnu- clotblng to plunge them into the ex- ation of tbe human race, such facts cesses of Bolshevism. A great and ,have induced tbe organization to pro- bopeless discontent, which sees no 'claim the present decree. end to the war's miseries. Is seizing I 1. From March 1 the right to pos- others. Everything, apparently, is sess women having reached the age ripe In Europe for a red-flag epi demic and Europe may become tbe same sort of a Bolshevik madhouse 17-35 is abolished. 2. The age of women shall be de termined by birth certificate or by that Russia Is. But let's hope not. I passports, or the testimony of wit- "News from various quarters of jnesses and on failure to produce our own country shows the same documents tbelr age shall be deter- poison at work. The government! mined by the committee, who shall has unearthed a widespread Bolsher-'determine according to appearances. I'AfTH ItKliATIXfl TO FIXAI VICTORY IXAN Following are some of the ossnn . laJ facts relating tjo (the Victory loan offered for populnr subscrip tion: Amount authorized, $4,500,000, 000; oversubscriptions to be reject ed, but individual subscriptions up 1o $10,000 to be allotted In full. (lold notes, similar to the govern ment bonds of long maturity hereto fore Issued, will mature In four years from May 20, 1919, but may bo redeemed Juno 15 or December IS, 1922, at par and accruml Inter t on tbe government's call. There will tie two classes of notes. One class will bear 4 per cent In terest yearly. They will be exempt from state and local taxes, except tate and Inheritance taxes, and from normal ' federal Income taxes. At the opllon'of holders the notes will 1 convertible thruont tholr life Into 84 per cent convertible notes, maturing May 20, 1923, but optional for redemption in June or December, 1922. The ati's will be exempt from nil federal, state and local fax, except eslate nnd Inlierltanco taxes. In like manner the 3 per cent notes will le convertible back Into 4 per cnt partially tax ex empt notes If holders' desire to con vert them. None of the punt Issuos of Lib erty Loan bonds will bo convertlblo into Victory Loan notes, and there are no specific provisions In the terms of the Victory Issue serving directly to maintain market prices of past isstis. Notes will 1 dated Mny 20, 1919, If there Is one time more thun an- othor, says an experienced married man, whan a woman should bo left alone, It Is whon a lino of clothes nd the first interest will be payable com -s down In the mud. Cooked Lunch Goods We have added to our Market a full line of cooked nuup lunch goods and are ready to serve tourists and campers as well as home folks who wish to have cold meats on hands for omorgency, East Side , Market Jumea Barrett, Prop. Phono 188 BK A MAX Foolish spending Is the father of poverty. Do not be ashamed of hard work. Work for the best salaries and wages you can get, but work for half price rather than bo Idle. Be your own master, and do not lot so clety or fashion swallow your Indi viduality hat, coat and boots. Do not eat up or wear out all you earn. Compel your selfish body to spare something for proflU'a e'ake. Be stingy to your own appetite, but merciful to other's necessities, lielo others, and ask no help for yourself. Hee that you are proud. Let your pride be of the right kind. Bo too proud to wear a coat you cannot buy; too proud to be In company you cannot knep up with In expense; too proud to lie, or steal, or cheat; too proud to be stingy; In short, be u man of Integrity and Individuality It Is well to be charitable In our conclusions, mindful that we often need the clo'uk of charity ourselves. Fill life with sunshine and strew flowers where othors throw stones. Mako llfo a bright spot In this world and whoro you soe flowers! ennt smiles, and whether It bo morn, dusk or night, lot the sunny side of na ture always be at full meridian. vlst plot with the I. W. W. behind it and supported by more than a dozen English and foreign language publications In ss many American cities. It Is the mental "flu" of the war, and it Is attacking all coun trie. "Bolshevism and autocracy are one and the home. Both make might right , The red-flaggists are no more democratic than the military des pots. They are even less democratic, Czars and kaisers rule by military power and oppressive laws. Red-flag gists by riot and murder, and vir tually no laws. This is about the only difference between them. "Autocracy consists of a kaiser class that plays the game according to certain rules. The Bolshevists are dominated by lawless groups led by the biggest ruffian of the bunch "The Bolshevists virtually have no rules because they begin by abolish' Ing all forms of ownership and by doing away with home life. Children are taken away from those who be get thera. This lowers the marriage standard below that pf the beauts of the field, for they care for their young. under itoishevism, anyone may help himself to whatever his neigh bor happens to have at the moment, If he Is able to take It away from him. If be cannot do that, he can frame up a story on him or put up -a Job on him, and the boss Red, or the 1-ons group, will have the neigh bor executed. If the falsifier stands with the leaders. Then he can help mmHcir to nis ncighiiors goods, or take his neighbor's wife or (laugh ter, as the caso may bo, If the red flag leaders do not choose to them selves. "Fugitives reaching Switzerland from Moscow report the population of that great Russian city dying of starvation, rotting In prisons and be ing decimated Jy executions. Fear and famine have brought on an ep! demlo of Insanity and lunatics and maniacs of all kinds stalk raving thru the streets. "The horrors and the nightmare of Russia s reign of terror hJUtory's most frlghful orgy of blood and ruin testify to the logical result of Bolshevism. It Is the same kind of class rule that kaisers have, only much worse because It knows no law, nobody's life nor belongings be Ing safe day or night. It Is civiliza tion gradually reverting to savagery, "llocause of the present disturbed mental state of the world, psycholo gists, the scientists who study the action of the mind, are warning the people of all countries against Bol shevism). They say montal crazes, like germ diseases, attack the body and are 'catching,' and that Bolshe vism Is a montal dlsoaso. "At any rato, the Bolshevism craze Is spreading alarmingly In Europe. The best antidote for It In America is American common sense. We should use it against the Bolshevik propaganda Just as wo take precau tions against Influenza and small pox." Recently a member of The Journ al staff recolvod from a lloutenant, a Westorn boy, stationed at Khaba rovsk, Siberia, a copy of a proclama tion posted by the Russian anarch ist group. -No Amorlcnn woman can road It without a shudder of horror, nor without thanking God that she Is an American. How any man who has a daughter, wife or mother could enforce this decree passes belief, The decree was posted on billboards and i ' ? Thin Atra Arm ha) & f f n a, en baring five children. 4. Tbe former owner may retain the right of using his wife without waiting his turn. 5. In the case of resistance of the husband he shall forfeit the former right. 6. All women according to this de cree are exempted from private own ership and are proclaimed to be the property of the whole nation. 7. The distribution and the man agement of the appropriated women in compliance with tbe decision of the said organization are transfer red to tbe Sartov Anarchist club. In three days from the day of tbe pub lication of this decree all women given by it to the use of the whole nation are obliged to give the re quired Information. 8. Before the block committee is formed for the realization of this decree the citizens themselves will I be charged with such control. (Re marks:, Each citizen noticing a woman not subjecting herself under this decree is obliged to report tbe facts, giving the address, full name, and. the father's name of the strik ing woman.) 9. Men citizens have the right to use one woman not oftener than three times a week, observing the rules specified below. 10. Each man wishing to use a woman who is public property should be a mearor of a certificate from the factories committee, pro fessional union of workmen, or sol dlers' and peasants' council, certify Ing that he belongs to the workman class, 11. Every workman is obliged to discount 2 per cent from his earn lngs to the fund of public general action). (Remarks: This committee will put these 'discounting funds with the specification of. the names and lists Into the banks and other institutions handing down these funds.) 12. Male citizens not belonging to the working class, In order to hare the right equally with the proletarl at are obliged to pay 100 rubles monthly into the public fund. -2. Tho local branch of the state bank Is obliged to bepln to reserve the payments to the national genera tlon funds. 14. All women proclaimed by this decree to be national property will receive from the fund an allowance amounting to 238 rubles per month 15. All women expecting to be come mothers are released from state duties for four months. (Up to three months before and one month after childbirth.) The children horn are to be given up to an Institution for child training aftor they ore 1 month old, whore they will be trained and educated until they are 17 years of age, at public cost. i7i. aii citizens, men and women, are obliged to watch carefully their health and to have their urine and blood examined each week. (Re mask: The examinations are daily made In the laboratories of the popu lur generations of health.) 1 8, Those who are guilty of spread Ing venereal diseases will lo severe ly punished. 19, Women havjlng lost their health mny apply to the soviet for a pension. 20, The chief anarchist will be in charge of perfecting the temporary measures concerning the realization of this decree. 21. All those refusing to recognize and support, the decree will be pro- fr i. ..m Cam 1 t I L F' H '1 ' I 'IJ T ! T1 " ' 'f0 Bonk. h ff0 Chim Clock. The Victory Loan I. PARTICIPATING in the Victory Loan is a good indication of your gratitude for the work your country and your boys have accomplished In bringing the war to a speedy close We all have tho opportunity of now proving op on that thought of "I'd give anything if the War was over." Do your Best as well as your Bit. VP II I : hTkHrstNatiottatmttk A5HLANn OPECriM VS t V CAWTEft PCll fli" rutAi mi i iirt flnri T7S tlWKH COY. CA4MICA! CLARIS BUSni'-I CoH BABY CHICK FEED11 Of the best variety. ' We can readily supply all de mands for a few weeks at attractive prices. Get your order in now. We guarantee this as the best made. Ashland Mills As Old as his Arteries The doctor can't help it. He knows that the man has hard arteries, high blood jressure, and beginning kidney and heart disease, due to ong neglected chronic constipation. It isn't the other man's fault directly. He's only 45 but he never realized that his constipation was a serious thing. He never knew how to treat it He has taken bushels of Eills, gallons of castor oil, mineral waters and salts, which ave battered and tortured his alimentary canal from one end to the other; and he wonders why his health keeps getting worse. He doesn't know that his food waste has poisoned him, and has bred disease that is going to "get him" before his time. Nujol is for just such a man for every person whose bowels do not move easily and thoroughly at regular intervals especially for those in advancing years whose body machinery will not stand rough treatment Nujol softens theaccumulated food waste in the large intes tine, and moves it gently out of the system, carrying those poisons with it which, if allowed to remain, cause over 90 of human illness. Nujol supplies the lubrication that Nature can't supply as age begins to make itself felt This man might have known in time but Nujol is new the accepted modern treatment for constipation. You can avoid such a misfortune as his. Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and send for free booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger" expressing clearly the soundest medical authority on constipation and self poisoning. JVivmih rf Nui' on'y ie. tr Ul tlW, bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. At all dniggiitt. Imiat on Nujol. You may uiffct from subititutes. Nujol, Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) 50 Broadway, New York Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jeraey). 50 Broad w.y.New York. Pleaie tend me free booklet "Thirty Feet of Danfar" constipation and. auto-intoxication in adults. Name... t . , . Address. Regular 'as CtockWork" claimed enemies of the people, and will be held to severest responsibili ty. v COUNCIL OP TUB CITY OF SARATOV, RUSSIA. Get down on your knees, you women of America, and thank God you are in the United States and not in Russia or Siberia. Get down on your knees and pray that your sisters in Europe be spared from the frightful menace that Btalks thru that stricken land.