Tu!sdaj, April 13, 1019 ASHLAXD TIDIXCS face ranEC WorldVar Veter Wise upon it iohacco says Buck "A lot of you fel v iows arc cheating yourselves out of real tobacco satis faction. That's what I get out of good old Gravely." Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch a tw ice-told tale One of Interest to Our Headers Good news bears repeating, and when it Is confirmed after a long lapse of time, even if we hesitated to believe it at first hearing, we feel se cure in accepting its truth now. The following experience of an Ashland man la confirmed after two years. ,S. P. Long. 364 Helman St., Ash land, says: "I have used Doan's Kid ney Pills and can say they are good They gave me relief from backache and kidney and bladder trouble and I recommend them with pleasure." OVER TWO YEARS LATER Mr. Long said: "My former recommen dation for Doans Kidney Pills still holds good. I know they are a medi cine of merit and can't be equaled for backache and kidney trouble. Whenever I have occasion to take a kidney remedy Doan's never falls to give satisfaction." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't pimply ask for a kidney remedy pet Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Long had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. adr. as before THE WAR Now milled I lidiidyjii The Pacific Coast Leads the World in the Consumption of High Grade Flours With this important fact in mind Fisher Flouring Mills Company experts comb the entire wheat producing territory or 1 United Shite tn oh- tain the highest quality of Hard Wheat and Soft Wheat from which FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR is so uniformly produced the year round. Just as the American woman is supreme in refined taste and culinary knowledge,' so FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR is made to satisfy the particularity oi her demands. The ordinary mill cannot make a flour of FISHER'S BLEND STANDARD. f "America's Finest Flouring Mills" are completely and specially designed to produce this all-purpose flour. Manufactured by FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY SEATTLE MT. VERNON We are exclusive Ashland Agents for Fisher's Blend White House Grocery Dealers in High Class Provisions Quality, Price, Service Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost Ices to chew than ordinary pJg. ti'rltttt: Cenuinl Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for booklet on chewing plug. Liquor Smuggler in Jail at Eugene Irvla Marittl, a Portland youth, is in the Lane 'county Jail for having liquor in his possession. Marittl alighted from a Southern Pacific train at Junction City near Eugene Thursday and was' arrested by Deputy Shorlff Nettleshlp, taken before Justice of the Peace C. A. Lee and sentenced. He paid $50 fine and will serve ten days. Marittl was transferring from the Southern Pacific train to the Oregon Electric when arrested. It is said to be easier to enter Portland with II quor without detection on the elec tric train than by the other line. BRAND FLOUR COJ Jjn TACOMA ' BELLINGHAM ans to Organize The organization, of all the men in the land and naval forces of the United States In the great world war Is being formed. Preliminary steps were taken last week when Colonel Theodore Roosevelt sent a telegram to Lieuttenant-Colonel George H. Kcl ly making suggestions for action in Oregon. This organization, as yet nameless Is designed to be the real, compre benslvte organization for the men who have sfcen service against Ger many and to shut out alleged fly-by- night organizations which are be ginning to spring up. The organ Iza tlon will proceed In a temporary manner pending th'o return of the men overseas, so that when they are home they will have a voice in it. Colonel Roosevelt, whoso address is 19 West Forty-fourth street, New York City, In series of telegrams to Colonel Kelly indicated a general outline for fashioning a state branch of the proposed war veterans' asso elation. lie asked that Immediate publicity be given to the program and that the name and address of temporary secretary be published, so that all the veterans can get in touch with the pending organization. It is suggested that a call be Is sued for a state convention to select delegates to attend a national con ventlon at St. Louis. No date has been set for tho state or national meetings, but these will be announc ed later. Representation in the national convention will be based on twice the congressional representation of a state. This means that with Ore gon having two senators and three representatives, the Oregon branch will be entitled to send to St. Louis ten delegates. As soon as dates for the state and national conventions are established the call for the state convention will be Issued. It is the desire of Col Kelly to see large delegations from all parts of the state at the state con vention, in order to make the organ! zation as representative as possible War Tank Went Over Embankment When the Whippet war tank, which was exhibited here last Thursday In the interests of the Victory Loan Btarted out on its northward journey over the highway to Medford and arrlvej at the point where the pave ment goes around the Billings hill the drivers of the tank started over the old dirt road Instead of follow ing the new extension under the rail road track. On arriving at the top of the hill, the tank men found the road closed, so Instead of turnln around (lie machine simply dropped over the bank, according to witness es who followed It out that far, at the highest place on to the pavement below. The descent was made as easily as if the tank were running on a level, altho the bank was torn up somewhat where the machine went down. ' Bearing applo troes will set and mature a heavier crop of fruit if they aria given 3 or 4 pounds of nitrate of soda or sulphate of ammonia a week or two before the blossoms open This is especially true with trees growing in sod. Over 100 miles permanent road will be constructed in Douglas coun ty during coming months if present plans are brought to consumatlon Marlon county votes on bond la sue June 3 for 130 miles market roads. Buy Now! Three acres of choice irrigated land, . with fine dwelling and good barn. ' 20 acres of well improved land, close In. 130 acre stock farm, with outside range. 20 acre Irrigated farm, good build ings and excellent location. 5 room bunealow. excellent condi tion; monthly payment plan If de sired. All of the above at prices which you cannot help but appreciate. See the property. Buy good real estate now. BILLINGS AGENCY Real Estate and Insurance. Established 1883 A Railroads Urged to Aid Hi'way Builders Why freight rates on road build ing materials should be based upon the fluctuating! cost of the materials the Oregon public .servlcje commis sion is at a loss to understand, and so informs Max Thelen, director of the division of public service of the railroad administration, In a letter signed by Chairman Fred G. Buclitel. The Hter relates to proposed reduc tions on sand, gravel, crushed rock and, other materials, and, because of the general importance of the sub ject during the period of road build ing, early action is urged. The commission Interested Itself In the matter in December, 19 IS 2,325,000 DE LAVAL SEPARATORS I V DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER Wherever grass crows and cows are milked, you will find the Da La val the favorite cream separator. More De Lavals are in use than all other makes combined. The De Laval Is time tested. It was the pioneer cream separator In 1&78 and has led in popularity and sales for forty years. It s the world s standard cream separator. ASHLAND CREAMERY when a percentage reduction was re quested thru H. A. Hlimhaw, general freight agent for the railroad ad ministration for the Southern Pa ciflc company, and a letter in reply tated that "under present instruc tions we are not permitted to make any concessions for account of state highways, counties or municipalities n the way of charity or reduced rates on material for road building purposes." The commission wa3 in formed, however, that it sugges tions would bio given consideration. There was further correspondence on the subject, and on February 20, a hearing was called after the com mission had submitted the question to the district freight traffic com mittee and at the hearing recommen dations were presented by the com mission. The letter calls Mr, Thel?n's at tention to the faot that the high rate curtails the amount of work that can be done and may actually prohibit the letting of some contracts. Hood River "Dee Mill" of Ore gon Lumber Co. to resume opera tions this month. Portland Oregon log demand strong due to resumption of opera tions by mills of Western Oregon nd Washington. Cottaea Grove Highway letween Walker and this city to receive fi nancial assistance from S. P. St. Helens Columbia River Can ning Co. paid farmers and labor to tal , expenditure of $94,806 during Bill 1 At t Ana again tne iavorea aisn for breakfast this Easter will be HAM - ' That same mellowness and incompar able flavor which for years has delight ed thousands of particular families will again be enjoyed at every meal this Easier. Fried, baked or boiled, "Columbia Brand" Ham tempts tasle and appetite when served either way. Order your "Columbia Brand" Easier Ham early from your grocer. Easter Sunday Comes For Sale by PLAZA MKAT MAUKET Ashland .- - - - - - -: Deforested Areas Receive Attention In 1959 the trees which will be planted this week and In the near future under the direction of Geo. Cecil, district forester, will 19 ready for the market, according to esti mate of the forest service. Planting was Btarted In four Ore gon forests and one national forest this wetek. Directions have been giv en to plant with fir and pine 2030 acres of national forest which have been burned off a number of times aud which would produce no new trees if left to nature. Planting Is to take pluce on 100 acres near Hustlers creek on the Crater nation al forest, on 423 acres near Oakrldge, southwest of Eugene, on the Cascade national forest, on 500 acres at Mt. UV'lio, south of Tlllumook in the Sluslaw national forest, and on r2. acres on tho old Solduc burn on the Olympic national forest. Troes two years old are used for planting. The trees were all grown on the Windy rlcr government nur sery in the Columbia national forest and are of Douglas fir except those to IJl planted on the Crater forest which are yellow pine and grown at a nursery In that forest. It is expected that within 20 years the timber planted this spring will be largo enough to be used for piling and post timber. Wlthlng 73 to 100 years from now It will He ready for saw tlmler. College Book Will Make Appearance Announcement has been made thnt the annual publication of tho Junior class of Willamette Univer sity, known as the "Wallulah," will E T. D. Collins of Ookala, Hawaii, makes a remarkable statement which demonstrates the money-saving dura bility of Neolin Soles. He writes, "After wearing a pair of Neolin-solcd shoes off and on for thirty-three months, I wore them on a trip to the volcano of Kilauea and walked around the crater over hot lava six times and still the soles showed only slight signs of wear." This experience is not accidental. It results from the scientific process by which Neolin Soles are made to.be exactly what soles should be coin- j fortable, waterproof and exceedingly economical because of the long wear they give. , ' ' Get them on new shoes for all mem bera of the family and have them put on worn shoes. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com pany, Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels, guaranteed to out: wear any other heels. ' -. ! t f 1 ' Wfc" . VV..f 1 ; V"-., ,. '.? !' fr ' . April 20th - - T . ; -t 'Zi make Its appearance during com moncement week Instead of during junior week end. This change la made In order that the book may in elude all of the spring events. The dltor, Miss Vora Wise of Granger, Wash., has worked out somo new and unique features for this year's book. Her associate edit ors are Miss Vehna Daker of Hill- yard. "Wash., and Miss Evelyn Gor don of Portland. Heppner Elks will' build a lodge) hall. ' V .".if r. : . SmMm Born Values limiuuiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiut naniiiMuiiiuiHiui itiiiininiiiittutumHn v Judged Ly price alone, Born Tailoring is not cKeaf). But it is tne lowest Sriced good tailoring, udged by tne meas ure of clotnes quality and clothes service? it affords, Born Tailoring costs less than any clothing , you can buy. It lias el way 8 been Born ' olicy to give tne greatest actual clothes value in ex ! change for each dollar o tne price paid. ' Many thousands of men , ' ; Inow this to be true let us prove it to you. RitlJtnt Born Dioar) PALLSERUD & BARRETT ASHLAXD, OKEGOX J Phone 211 41 East Main St. four years of operation.