Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, April 04, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Friday, April 4, 1919
New Calendar
is Planned
Strata Railroad
Lline Planter Ser
vice Wants Men
Extended to Bend
Children s
(. S. Department of Labor
Sec. of Labor.
Hotel Austin
Barber Shop
N. G. BATHS, Prop.
First-class Service and Equipment.
Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths.
Aabluid, Oregon.
Jack Plemmtng, a youth still lu
his toens, was arrested near Myrtle
Point last week for taking a Ford
car belonging to State. Highway En
gineer Kennedy which had been left
standing. The lad made a wild dash
for liberty, and succeeded in avoid
ing apprehension as long as the gas
lasted in the car, but was later forc
ed to abandon the car which was lat
er found at a point about six miles
beyond Camas Valley. Plemmlxig had
escaped from a reform school some
time ago, and will be returned to
that Institution. '
An organized effort Is being made
to Improve the time calendar. The
American Equal Month Calendar as
sociation has been Incorporated by
50 leading Minneapolis business and
professional men with that end In
view. The sole purpose of this or
ganization Is the securing of a
change In the calendar so that, all
the months shall be of exactly the
same length. This Is to be accom
plished by the adoption by congress
of the Liberty calendar, which Is a
very simple modification of the cal
endar now In use.
In this new calendar there are
thirteen months of exactly four
weeks each, every month commenc
ing with Monday. In the construction
of the calendar only three slight
changes were made in the present
Gregorian form. They are as fol
lows: 1 First, New Year day is made an
Independent legal holiday. It Is
placed between the last day of De
cember and the first day of Janu
ary. It is not Included In any week
or month.
Second, another Independent day,
called "Correction Day " Is provided
ror leap years. This Is likewise placed
between the last day of one month
ana uie first day of the next. It is
not included In any week or month.
Third, the remaining 364 days are
divided Into thirteen months of ex
actly four weeks each.
The names of the months In this
new calendar are January, February,
Liberty, March, etc. The use of the
word "Liberty" will Americanize the
calendar at the same time it is made
"vi o vuuveiueiu. unaer tnis new
form all holidays and anniversaries
will always fall on the same day of
tne week. A promissory notn elvpn
iur any number of weeks, months
and years will always come due on
the same day of the week It was giv
en. It Is claimed that
time and mental effort in making
calculations for future dates will be
beyond all comprehension.
Furthermore. It will cause a sav
ing of nearly fifteen million dollars a
year in cost of printed and litho
graphed calendars, as no printed cal
endars will be needed when this new
form is adopted. It Is estimated that
the total saving of time and money
will equal fully fifty million dollars
a year In this country alone.
The association will also assist in
the organization of similar associa
tions In other countries and will
work for the adoption of the reform
by other nations also. If a league of
nations Is established the matter will
be brought before that body.
Sine neither the number nor the
length of our present months Is gov
erned by changes of the- moon or by
any of nature's laws, it is claimed
that the change to the new form can
be made very easily.
The plan also provides that Easter
Sunday and Good Friday shall b
placed on certain fixed dates. It li
explained that the setting of these
on fixed dates was considered at the
time our present calendar was adopt
ed. The placing of these on fixed
dates would simply be another step
in the much desired absolute regularity.
The officers of the association
state that the plan has met with the
unanimous approval of the highest
authorities. Congress will be asked
to pass a bill which has already
been introduced. The bill is very
carefully drawn and provides that
the change shall take place on Sun
day, the first day of the year, 1922.
Douglas County to
Have New Cannery
After an extensive canvass for
funds thruout the county, returns in
dicate that Douglas county Is to have
a cannery, Sufficient money has been
subscribed to warrant the filing of
articles of incorporation under the
name of the Umpqua Growers' Asso
ciation, and while waiting the ap
proval from the state capital Rose
burg will endeavpr to secure the
amount necessary before the board
of directors can be elected.
A. J. Brownell, who managed the
canning plant which was recently
dismantled and the machinery moved
to McMlnnvllle, Is available to act
as manager for the new industry. It
is highly probable that the lward of
directors who are to be appointed
soon will solicit Mr. Bro.wnell's ser
vices to act in that capacity, once the
plant is assured. As manager of an
industry of this kind, Mr. Brownell
has proved to be a very efficient
"An irresistible movement of the
population of the feast to the western
states is coming now," says Robert
E. Strahonn, projector of the railroad
lines for central Oregon develop
ment, while on a visit to Portland,
according to a statemest issued fr6m
that city. "This is forcibly indlcat
ed by the fact that more rteal estate
has been sold In Oregon during the
last 90 days than during ell of the
proceeding two years.
"For the past four or five years
the people of the east have been
held at borne for one reason or an
othfeP. Tha war In urope had I
great deal to do with this stay at
home spirit and then when America
entered the war new blood coming to
the west was practically stopped.
' "It will not be necessary for an ex
tensive advertising crusad to bring
the people from the congested east
to the more thinly populated west
Tills movement will come just as nat
urally as it has always come since
America was discovered.
"In preparation for this vast move
ment it is vitally necessary that more
prospective sites be opened up now."
One of the greatest stretches of
this country that Is untouched at the
present tlmje and one that offers a
means of support for thousands of
people is to be penetrated by the
Strahorn project of which Mr. Stra
horn Is tWe originator.
Mr. Strahorn has been in eastern
Oiiegon for some time and is now on
his way to southern and central sec
tions of the state to further the pro
ject which is intended to connect
Land Plaster
Ashland Lumber Co.
Phone 20
E(?nd and Crane, Bend and Silver
(Lake and Lake with Lakjevlew
and Klamath Falls connecting at the
various points with the end of such
continental systems as the Union Pa
cific on the east, the O-W. R. & N. on
the north and the Southern Pacific
and Nevada, California and Oregon
on thje south.
Mr. Strahorn explains that the
construction of approximately 400
miles of tracks would connect with
30,000 miles of transcontinental rail
systems to the east and north and
18,000 miles of other systems to the
south. It would make a more direct
roulj to Portland possible from east
ern points.
Construction is in progress le-
tween Klamath Falls and Sliver
Lake, the line having been laid as far
northeast as Dairy. When the line
is extended to Sllvtor Lake it is pro
posed to rush to completion the ex
tension the remainder of the way to
Bend. This section would open up
oviar a hundrjed mile stretch of the
pine forests of Oregon," said Mr.
The United States Army Mine
Planter Service will hold open com
petitive examinations on May 5,
1Q1Q nl lfailDllt tfflAAi. A rm
IB Iff) 1UI IU0 n ai i Mil W VL1IWI 1
of master, first mate, and second
mate aboard army mine plasters.
About 30 positions are to be filled.
The War Department has asked
the United States Civil Service Com
mission to use its machinery for dis
seminating information relative to
the positions and for distributing
application blanks. The secretary
of the local board of civil-service
examiners at the post office or cus
tomhouse in any city of the United
States will supply to any person in
terested a printed announcement
containing full information as to re
quirements, salaries, allowances in
addition to salaries, etc., and with
an application blank.
Peptona Will
Help You
Often times persons who are recov
ering from sickness have difficulty
in recovering their strength.
Prptona, our best tonic, will be
found very helpful. It contains ton
ic and strength building principles to
aid in enriching the blood, In assimi
lation of food and building general
It is pleasant to take, and the in
gredients are so combined that they
are easily assimilated even by very
weak stomachs.
Pint bottle 11.00.
For Sale Only by
The 1R&Ka!JL Store
Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal
ent and Phoenix dally except Sunday
at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00.
4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur
day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave
at 9:00 a. m., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30
9. m.
Leave Medford for Ashland dally
except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m.,
and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun
days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 and
9:30 p. m.
Fare between Medford and Ash
land, 30 cents. Round trip 50 cents.
Takes Adler-i-ka!
"I had serious bowel and liver
trouble. Lost 50 pounds and could
eat only liquid food. Began taking
Adler-i-ka and now weigh more than
ever. Eat and sleep splendidly.
(Signed) George LaFond, Little
Falls, Minn.
One dose Adler-lka relieves sour
stomach, gas and constipation IN
STANTLY. Removes ALL foul mat
ter which poisons system. Often
CURES constipation. Prevents
appendicitis. We have sold Adler-lka
many years. It Is a mixture of
buckthorn, cascara, glycerine and
nine other simple drugs.
T. K. BOLTON', Druggist
Martin C. Gray, who brought six
quarts of liquor from Weed, Calif.,
was fined $250 in federal court at
Portland Monday for the offense.
Frank Hargls, a sheepman of Mal
heur county, was caught with 46
pints which he said he was bringing
to the men in the sheep, camps so
they would not quit their joba. He
was fined $300.
I have again taken charge of my
Transfer business and will be pleased
to have all of my old and new cus
tomers call me at any time. I handle
your piano or furniture carefully and
promptly and I guarantee to please.
Orders left at the White Houso
grocery or Icenhower's second hand
store will be given prompt attention.
Webster Wertz
Pure Hilk
Pure Cream
Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy
Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser
vice to Any Part of Town
J. P. Dodge & Sons
Lady Assistant
Deputy County Coroner
State Licensed Embalmer