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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1919)
Buy Now! Three acres of choloe Irrigated land, with fine dwelling and good tarn. 20 acres of well improved land, close In. 130 acre stock farm, with outside range. 20 acre Irrigated farm, good build ings and excellent location. - 5 room bgalow, excellent condi tion, monthly payment plan If de sired. ' All of the above at prices which you cannot help but appreciate. See the property. Buy good real estate now. BILLINGS AGENCY i , Real Estate and Insurance. Established 1883 x Thone 211 41 East Main St. B These Durable Soles Cut Shoe Bills Down "For use around cement plants and similar places where rough materials grind down soles quickly, I recommend Neolin Soles. They resist wear sur prisingly. After working around the clinker department long enough to wear out two pairs of ortlinary soles, my Neolin Soles are still as good as new," writes A. F. Miller, superintend ent of The Peninsular Portland Cement Company plant in Jackson, Michigan. ' It is remarkable how tough and dur able Neolin Soles are. They are made so by Science comfortable and water proof, too. They come on new shoes in many styles for men, women, and children, and are available everywhere for re-soling. Wear them, and cut your shoe bills down. Neolin Soles are made by The Good year Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels, guar anteed to outwear all other heels. fleolin Soles GlilGllESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND T.ATirPUt k ;ar Uraintat for CnT-CITRS-TER S A DIAMOND liKAND PILLS in Rko ndA Colo metallic boze, tetled with Bluc0 kit) bo n. Til ko otbck. Bn (Ftw V nl m Mk for ClU-tJUtS-TtU S V lAMOHD BUA1IO PILLS, for twcfltT-fltC yttn regarded Beit.Safctt, AlwtTt Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE J&SS Shipyards Strike ; Not Expected How That uiitona composed of ship yard workers will not yofo to strike April 1 under the referendum bal loting now going on Is the general Impression in labor and shipbuilding circles about Portland. The settle ment of the Seattto strike, th men having decided to resume their work there this morning, after having been idle since January 21, is said to have had an effect on the voting In the Portland district. Another Influence Is a meeting set for March 17 at Washington, when shipbuilders and international offi cers of organized labor bodies, as well as some district officers, will gather to decide whether some kind of an organization shall be main tained to succeed the Macy board, which is to end Its labors with the termination of the present scale on March 31. The attitude of labor of ficials Is that the meeting should open with no ultimatum being con sidered They ho not want to be in the position of demanding a certain scale and working conditions and threatening trouble If they are not agreed to. Naturally officials of the emer gency fleet corporation are desirous of having employer and employes agree, and the calling of a national meeting is Expected to be featured by harmonious consideration of vari ous problems, such as have been ex perienced under the Macy system. Whether wood shipbuilding here will lfe represented at the meeting is to be determined this afternoon at a special session of the Oregon Wood Shipbuilders' association. It may be those employers will decide to be guided by the general. , decision at Washington, as thfelr papt of the government's ship program Is In the wane. There is reason to expect most of the steel shipyards to have officials at the meeting, since their work will be carried along for the government during the remainder of the year. Port Orford Fyfe-Wllson lumber company putting In larger logging crews. O. A. C. GIVES HERD OP REGISTERED CATTLE A herd of 26 registered Guernsey cattle has been given to Oregon thru the state agricultural college by W, B. Ayers, former federal food ad mlnlRtrator for Oregon. This stock Is worth from 37,500 to 310,000. It will balance up the four major dairy breeds at the College, where Jerseys. Holstelns and Aytershlres outnum bered the Guernseys. Fifteen cows of each of these breeds will be maln talned at the Corvallls station. Part of the new Girernseys will be sent to Astoria to assist farmers In estab jllshlng the breed there. Jimtettsit to the Boss "Tisn't the size of a plug that counts," says Jim. "It's the way it tastes and how it lasts. A couple of squares of Real Gravely keeps me satisfied." J2bdsL Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ to. Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA. or bttkltt cktwiut Pfi. won orano REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch I 3KX2 FEED! FEED!! FEED!!! An Excellent Chance to Save Money ASK THE PRICE Whole Barley Rolled Barley Chopped Barley On Ear Flour Shelled Cracked "WISEST Whole Wheat Meal Graham Scratch Feed, Poultry Mash, Seed Oats Dried Beet Pulps, Union Dairy Feed Alfalfa Meal, Baby Chick Feed, Etc. shland Mills Wednes. Thursday STWT Matinee Thurs 2 pm XLCXlIliQ Eveninqs 8 d. in. THE THEATER.BEAUTIFUL U.WIIllijJ U p. Hit WILDFIRE ENTHUSIASM CONTAGIOUS OPTIMISM INSPIRING PATRIOTISM MAGNIFICENT SCENES SIPERB CAST IRRESISTABLE HUMOR I V r: - 9 if V -4 ' i rVfliinriiniuTTTrTiiir-",-MkiA',',rt' "P" "p cn r SUPREMESTRIUMPH, Two Nights One Matinee D.WXRIFFITH' ROMANCE ORiTHEf GREAT l i 1 1 r I i-v t r- fa Vfe SUE6TEST LOlE STORV tEQTOLD EIGHTEEN MONTHS MAKING r- ..... sv ?V 'IT t V " - j - v v ; v MESCENES.ON THE BATTLE FIELDS'OF FRANCE XuNDEiAUS.PLCES, BRITISH WA&.OFFICE) Hundreds oi People Dave Gone to see this Wonder Picture From Three to Six Times Special Music TO OUR PATRONS: "Hearts of the World" Is simply beyond description. One must see It to appreciate the wonder 6t it all. It is the biggest production that has ever played Ashland, and it is posi lively the first Ume it has ever been shown at these prices for evening performance. Please come early In order to avoid having to stand, for everywhere that Hearts of the World has played-slanding room has been the rule. Prices: Adults 50c; Children 25c; Boxes 75c; War Tax Additional J Civil Service Employ es to be Re-instated la a circular recently distributed by tb'e United States Civil Service Commission attention Is called to an Executive Order promulgated by the President on July 18. 1918, which provides that "A person leaving thn classified civil service to engage In the military or naval service of the Government during the present war with Germany and who has been hon orably discharged, may be reinstat ed In the civil service at any tlmo within five years after his discharge, provided that at the time of rein statement he has the required fit ness to perform the duties of the po sition to which reinstatement Is sought." The Civil Service Commission states' that, In recognition of tho services rendered by civil-service era. ployees ,who entered the military pr naval service during the present war, J There's ol vdsi difference in se. LESLIE iswiderfulljpure cnaeguendy of the Commission will make special effort to assist these men in securing suitable positions in the Government service rather than to leave upon them the entire burden of flndln suitable vacancies. A man who Is eligible for rein statement under the order may ap ply to any office or establishment of the Government under which he desires reinstatement, but, if he pre fers, he may request the Civil Ser vice Commission or one of Its dis trict secretaries to enter his name upon a reinstatement list which will be brought to the attention of ap pointing officers when vacancies are to be filled. let the men who know best point the way for you. 98 per cent of all cream separators are DE LAVAL I)e Laval Bell Speed Indicator In sures full capacity, uniform cream, clean skimming. For sale at ASHLAND CREAMERY 411. CHAMBER OP COMMEIWE WILL FOHM TRADE UODV Plans for organizing a state-wlda Junior Chamber of Commerce to in clude in Its membership students of universities, oollege and high schools, are being made by students In com merce under Dean J. A. Boxell bf the Oregon Agricultural College. The purpose Is to encourage the de velopment of the natural resources of Oregon, and trade and intercourse between different parts of the Btate This movement has tho support of the Oregon State Chamber of Com merce, whose secretary, George Quayle, believes It will be of groat benefit to thw state. , Victory Loan Contest Extended Two weeks have been added to the period of the. Victory Liberty Loan slogan contest. Instead of closing March 22 the final day will be April 5. This extension of time was made at the request of the Southern Califor nia Liberty Loan commutes, which will make a etfoclal campalgu to arouse interest during the last three weeks In the hope that good enough slogans may be created to give South, ern California the distinction of win ning all thi'ee of the cash prizes of $30, $20 and $10. i The only limit In the contest Is the number of words that can be used In any slogan. Twdtve Is the limit but the shorter the better de clares the Slogan Editor, who adds, "We want a stirring battle cry that will express the spirit of the country In floating this last loan." Here are a few of the thousands that have been submitted: "Victory Bonds Bind Victory." "Don't Quit Because the Kaiser Did." "Are You Grateful? Loan." "What Is Victory Worth to You," "Prosperity for Posterity." "You Ordered Victory. Pay the Price." "This Loan Is tho Last. Let's Finish It Fast." "If You Don't Like Our Victory Loan, Try Germany's." During the year 1918, on -the Southern Pacific 46,346,228 revonue passengers wore carried without a loss of a single life In train accident. D. R. L. Bardic DENTIST Swedenburj; Block, Ashland, Ore. LEONARD C. PETT1T Violinist Russian School of Violin Teaching Room 1, Allen Bldg. Ashland, Ore Ashland Tidings and Youth Companion . Both one full year for JQ fjQ You save 50 cents on thia combination Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. G. BATES, Prop, ' - First-class Service and Equipment, Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland," Oregon.' MOTHERS Should see that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, purifying, system cleaning medicine this spring. "Now Is th time. The family will be healthier, happier, and get along better if tho blood is given a thoro purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, an it the" germs of Winter, acumulated In the system, driven away.' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Is" one of the very best and surest " Spring medi cines to take. Get It and see the dif ference In the whole family. Their color will be better, they'll feel fine and be well and happy. FOLEY'S DRUG STORE.