Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Tuesday, Mach 4. 1010
rtknv err
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If It's a Hardie It's Right
EE M" I 33 I? O l?75r 33 3Ei
Spray Pump Fillings, Dose, Nozzles and Supplies
Simpson's Mdw. Store
Fisher's Blend
Not the coarse, dark flour of war times but
a ricb, white, patent Iflour. Made from
finest Eastern hard wheat and finest West
ern Bluestem. Scientifically blended and
manufactured by
Pure flllk
Pure Cream
Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy
Proprietor 392-J
Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser
vice to Any Part of Town
Many Ashland VeofAe Fail to Realize
Uio KorioutiiiCNS.
Backacho is so deceptive.
It coning and goes keeps you
Learn the caue then cure It
Possibly It's weak kidneys.
Thafs why Uoau'i Kidney Pills
are so effective.
They're especially for weak or
disordered kidneys.
Here's an Ashland case.
Mrs. S. C. McDonald. 6S5 B St
says: "I can recommend Doan's Kid
ney rills Just as highly today as I
did three years ago when I gave my
first statement. I have taken Doan's
on several occasions for lameness
across my kidneys and It has requir
ed only a few dosea to relieve me of
the misery. Doan's Kidney Pills
have also proven beneficial to an
other member of our family who has
had considerable kidney trouble."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for & kidney remedy
Ret Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. McDonald had. Foster
Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Quickly Eased Cy Penetrating
Hamlin's Wlsard Oil
A safe and harmless preparation
to relieve the pat us of Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is
Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates
duickly, drives out soreness, and
limbers up stiff aching joints and
You will fml almost daily uses for
it in cases of smtden mishaps or ac
cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts,
burns, bites and stiiiKS. Just as re
I able, tpo, for earache, toothache,
croup and colic.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
I' not satisfied return the bottle and
tret your money bsck.
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills. 30
cents. Guaranteed.
The contract to build the canal
for the Gold Hill Irrigation District
was not considered feasible by the
bond holders, as It was thought too
many unforeseen circumstances
might arise for economy. J. D. Neale
representative of the Lumberman's
Trust Company, the bond holders,
suggested that the work be coniplet
ed under contracts stipulating a fixed
orlce and time, and this plan was
adopted by thfe board of directors
Th following contracts have been
given out:
F. S. Carter, builder of the head
works for the canal, has been award
ed the contract to finish the ditch as
far as Kanes creek.
Tom R. Pearce has the contract
for completing the engineering of
the project and lias secured the as
slstance of John Duhuls.
James Anderson holds a contract
for hillside and rock work near the
Toney Ross was awarded a con
tract for excavation at Rock Point.
A contract will be let In the near
future for the completion of all re
malnlna work below the last con
tractor's work.
It is estimated that the project
will bte completed on May 1.
Washington. The trend toward
better agricultural education Is no
where reflected more clearly than in
the work of the fedoral board for
vocational education among the dis
abled soldiers, sailors and marines.
The number of boys who have been
raised oa farms of the non-progressive
type la considerable, and a large
proportion of them now desire to re
ceive specialized education in order
that they may go back to the old
home place, pull It out of the hap
hazard rut and put It on a paying
The sights these boys have seen In
France where the thrifty French
farmer has brought Intensive culti
vation to a science to where almost
unbelievable amounts are raised on
small acreage have undoubtedly
made a strong Impression upon our
returned soidjlers. They have de
cided after all, scientific agriculture
and management, at which the av
erage farmer is inclined to scoff,
really is something of actual value.
Many of these men are badly dis
abled and will never again be able
to rely upon brute strength, which
before the war was their chief and
only asset. They have now become
convinced that mere strength does
not amount to much and that It is
the expert knowledge and ability to
direct which does count most great
ly. This education Is given them ab
solutely free by the United States
government. They are sent to the
best agricultural schools In the coun
try, paid a supply allowance o $65
a month while purusing their stud
les, and all other expenses are de
frayed by the federal board. The
board is especially anxious to get In
touch with farm boys who have re
turned and found themselves unable
to make progress without special
training, and all letters of inquiry
are welcomed by the board, the ad
drees of which la Washington, D. C.
It has been designated by congress
to have entire charge of the voca
tloual re-education and replacement
of disabled soldiers, sailors and ma
Hotel Austin
Barber Shop
N. C. BATES, Prop.
First-class Service and Equipment.
ShoesUloIng Parlor Baths.
Ashland, Oregon.
According to the superintendent of
the road construction of the new cut
off on the Pacific highway south of
Roseburg, about nine mllos of the
new road will be ready for travel
this season. This new road lias us
beginning near Winston, and goes
south along the banks of the South
Umpqua river to near Dillard where
the road crosses the river and then
re-crosses about three miles further
on, and continues to Myrtel Creek,
completely eliminating Roberts
This is one of the finest pieces of
road improvement In the county, as
Roberts mountain has been a great
menace to tourist travel, and the
many accidents, some fatal, that have
occurred on this hill make this a
dreaded section of the highway. It
will entirely eliminate all the grade,
and the road will be in readiness for
travel as soon as the season opens.
Other improvements are being made
In Cow Creek canyon, Canyon Creek
canyon, and near the town of Glen
dale. A new bridge will be built
ever Cow Creek about three miles
from Glendale and the new cutoff
will take what is. known as the old
Stage Coach road,' which will elimin
ate another bad hill. This, with oth
er Improvements now under way, will
make Douglas county roads as good
as any in the state, where it has been
in the past a country-wide Baying
that "Douglas county has the worst
roads in the state" and probably in
the west.
Pass Creek canyon and Roberts
mountain are the two great menaces
to travel. With both these eliminat
ed and many other grades reduced,
as well as about 15 railroad cross
ings eliminated, this county will be
fairly safe to travel thru. This how-
over, is some task as the county Is
126 miles In length, and road con
struction, of the right kind, Is hard
to get.
A strike of gold bearing quartz
has been discovered by two miners
of Thompson creek, who hove
samples on display. The ledge is
purported to be 18 feet wldfc. A 100
foot tunnel has been driven and a
shaft sunk 30 feet where ore rank
ing from $10 to $40 a ton has been
discovered. The mine is on Thomp
son creek, on former railroad land
and the miners are convinced thai
sufficient ore Is In sight to Justify
the erection of a mill.
A broader field for thrift propa
ganda this year than the mere selling
of stamps has been chosen by the
national war savings organization,
and its district and state branches
Thousands of workers are Instruct
ed, it was announced, to preach prac
tlcal reasons tor intelligent saving,
wise spending, avoidance of waste
and safe investment.
Here are some of the mottoes sug
gested for thrift promotion:
"Debts are the poorest spectacles
thru which to read advertising col
"Look before or you will find
yourself behind." BenJ. Franklin.
"Intelligent saving looks to fu
ture wise spending and Is, therefore!
postponed enjoyment..
"Money Is eel-like; war savings
stamps sand will hold on to it.
"Real merchandising service as
slsts the customer to get what he re
ally needs.
"Owners of war savings stamps
have a definite stake In their nation,
which makes for practical citizen
"Which Is the better citizen? The
thrl(ter or tho drifter?"
As the result of the Prohibition
bomb shell, the casualty lists are ex
pected now to report Tom and Jerry
among the missing.
The Germans can't Bit at the peace
table, but If they, are very humble
they may be permitted to come in
by and by and decide whether they
will have their crow boiled, fried or
A Carload of
Ford ToeriBfj Cars
and Roadsters
Direct from the Factory .
A Few Lett ' Hot Yet Sold. Come in
and see them. Don't know when
I can get another shipment
Font Garage
Land Plaster
Ashland Lumber Co.
Phone 20
"Ford owners could save them
selves a lot of trouble In cold weath
er if they would only use a good,
zero cold test oil of light body re
fined from California crude," salJ
Mr. W. E, Walker, for the Standard
Oil Company, in discussing cold
weather lubrication yesterday.
"In the Ford motor, the clutch Is
combined with the engine and lubri
cated from the crank case, if the
oil gets thick and sluggish in cold
weather, the discs of the clutch
stick together. This Is what causes
hard cranking and that persistent
creeping forward as If the clutch
were partly engaged.
"Zerolene Light as refined from
California crude of the naphthene
series has a natural zero cold test,
It flows freely down to zero tempera
ture. It does not become stiff ana
sluggish because It contains no par
affins to congeal and thicken in
cold weather. When such oil is
used there is no trouble with bard
cranking, inefficient lubrication or
sticky clutch."
Winter wheat acreage In Oregon
Is greater than last year In most of
25 counties replying to questionnaire
of J. W. Brewer, federal and O. A. C.
farm help specialist, and greater
than normal in all. Nearly all re
port an Increase in sheep, but most
show a material decrease in dairy
A sufficient or surplus labor sup
ply Is Indicated in nearly all coun
ties, but Tillamook, Lake, Lincoln
and Malheur report a shortage. Four
counties favor fixing a wage scale,
five oppose it, while others are not
sure. Some that had good results
last year think conditions do not
warrant repeating the policy.
Wages of $50 to $75 a month are
current, but no report on probable
spring and harvest wages could be
"Against the effects of demobil
ization, cessation of government or
ders for war work In the spruce di
vision camps, etc., and the addition
of new workers to the labor market
we have three great remtedles tho
necessity for reconstruction work.
revival of private buying and the re
vlval of foreign trade," said Federal
Director Smith, United States em
ployment service, recently.
According to Mr. Smith all peace
time stocks are low, and as mer
chants are rapidly regaining conft
dence-he expects revival of demand
for labor thru replenishment of
stocks. " .
Oregon has appropriated $100,000
to aid In creating employment for
discharged service men.' ' This will
help materlully.
"What sort of employment do you
This Is the first question asked
the average applicant when he ap
plies at the United States employ
ment office. To this question the
majority tfeply: "Oh, 1 duhno. What
cha got?
Discharged soldiers, sailors and
marines generally want better Jobs
than they held down- before the war.
which speaks well for thblr ambi
tion. If each man knew what he
wanted and what he is fitted for it
would be much easier to find work
for him.
I'm not after the "pound of flesh"
I leave the roots to continue their)
"You are next." ,
Buckhorn Barber Shop "')
Clyde Costolo '
Should see that the whole family
take at least 3 or 4 doses of a
thoro, purifying, system cleaning
medicine this spring. Now Is thai
time. The family will be healthier,
happier, and get along better If the
blood Is given a thoro purifying, the
stomach and bowels cleaned out, and
the germs of Winter, acumulated In
the system, driven away, Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea Is one of tho
very best and surest Spring medi
cines to take. Get It and see the dif
ference In the whole family. Their
color will be better, they'll feel fine
and be well and happy.
The monthly Teports from the var
ious schools of the county invariably
show a dlscouraglngly low percent
age In attendance. This Is no doubt
due almost entirely to the epidemic
which raged In some of the districts.
However, since every known precau
tion is being taken and after due
deliberation on the part of board
members and teachers, schools have
been opened, it would seem that
keeping children out for fear of the
Influenza especially where no Influ
enza exists, Is hardly a legitimate
excuse. The county superintendent
requests teachers to make an effort
to get all children back Into school,
and where teachers are satisfied that
the Compulsory Education Law Is
not being complied with, they will
make the necessary reports as now
required by law.
C. E. Terrlll, county sheriff, has
been appointed probation officer of
the Juvenile Court of Jackson Coun
ty, and besides enforcing the child
labor laws he will act as County Tru
ancy Officer for all school districts
except Medford and Ashland, which
have special truancy officers.
Labor can't come down because
prices are so high, and prices can't
come down because labor costs so
much. . .
Weekly HealtlTTalksl
People are easily frightened when
they think something is the matter with
their lungs or heart, and well they
may be; but few people understand
the dangers of diseased kidneys. These)
organs have a duty of vital importance'
to perform, and if they are diseased,!
there is no telling how or where the!
symptoms may appear. The kidneys
ire filters, and when they are healthy
khey remove the poisons from the blood''
ind purify it. When the kidneys ar
diseased, the poisons are spread every'
where, and one of these poisons is urio!
icid. The urio acid is carried all'
ihrough the system and deposited W
rarions places, in the form of orate!
talts in the feet, ankles, wrists and!
jack often forming bags under the!
yes. Sometimes the resulting trouble
s called rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica
ind backache. Finally, come stone
n the bladder, diabetes and Bright')
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Yn In recent!
rears, discovered that a certain com-j
jination of remedies would dissolve urioj
icid (urate salts) in the system. He
iound this combination to be harmless,
to that he made it up in tablets,
if double strength, and called them,
anurio Tablets. They dissolve uric.
Kid in the human system as hot coffee
iissolves sugar. If you have uric acid:
troubles, don't delay iu taking Anurio:
Tablets, which can be secured in the
irug stores. Yon can write Dr. Pierce,
too, and he will tell yon what to eat
ind bow to live so that more nrlo acid
trill not form in your system. Dr. Pierce
will not choree for this advice.
For 2(10 years OOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has enablod Buffering humanity to
withstand attacks of kiilney, liver,
bladder and stomach troubles and all
disease connected with the urinary
organs and to build up and restore to
health organs weakened by disease.
These most Important organs must be
watched, because they Alter and purify
tho blood; unless thee do their work
you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pains In the loins and lower ab
domen, gravel, difficulty when urinat
ing, rheumatism, eolattca and lumbago
all warn you of trouble with your kid
neys. GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are the remedy you need, Take
three or four every day. The healing
oil aoaks Into the cell and lining of
the kidneys and drives out the poisons.
New life and health -will surely follow.
When your normal vigor has been re
stored continue treatment for a while
to keep yourself In condition and pre
vent a return of the disease.
Don't wait until you are Incapable on
fighting. Srirt taking GOLD
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Tour drug
glHt will cheerfully refund your money
If you are not satlnRod with , result
But be sure to get the original Import
ed OOLD MED A Li and accept no sub
stitutes. In three slzns. Sealed pack
ages. At all. drug-stores. ,
J. P. Dodge & Sons
Lsiy Assistant
Deputy County Coroner
State Licensed Embalmer