ASHLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, Manch 4, 1019 TAGE TWO ASH LA ND TIDINGS Established 1876 Published Semi-weekly every Tuesday and Friday by THE ASHLAXD PIUXTIXQ COMPANY (Incorporated) Rert It. Greer. .Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 .$2.50 SUIWCIUITION RATES on iear, nea " . 2 00 One xear, wnen piu w . 5 Six Months, when paid In advance . ... tmiM in ndvnnre. ,J jnree aiomns, utu ...wriminn for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped bl eiplratlon unless renewal Is received. In ordering changes of the paper always give the old street address cr poBtofflce as well as toe new. , ADVERTISING KATES Sincle Insertion each Inch', 30c sir months' contract, for one issue each week each Inch, lot Six months' contract, for two issues each week each Inch, 20c One year contract, for one Issue each week each inch, 20c One yoar contract, for two Issues each week each inch Hc Reading Notile 10 cents the line. 1iiiI Vnilmi K rr-nta the Una. Masslfied Column On cent the word each time. Twenty words one month, one dollar. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2 Vi cents the line. . Fraternal Orders and Societies Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular Initia tion fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be charged for all advertising whfen an admission or other charge is made, at the regular rate. THE TIDINGS 18 THE OXI.Y NEWSPAPER IX SOUTHERN ORE. CON THAT ITHLISHED NEVER LESS THAN EIGHT PAGES AN ISSUE. The Tidings luis a greater circulation in Asldand and ito trade tcrri tory than all other Jackson county papers combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Fostoffloe as second-class mail matter. LEGAL SUBTERFUGE Practically every attorney In Ash land agrees that the city election aeld last November at which the present city administration reelect tl itself without giving an oppor tunity to others who might desire to .submit their names as candidates, -was absolutely llrgil In at least two .respects. The state constitutional amendment by which the date of election was changed provided that candidates for city offices should be nominated at primaries the same time county officers were nominat ed, Under that provision they shoull have been noiulnatod In the last April primarto. That was not done. Another provision was to the effect that municipal administrations Khould enact such measures as was necessary to put the constitutional provision into action. That was' not done. The constitutional amend ment provided that election offlcerj at tWe general election should act as officers for city elections end that city voting precincts should be the ame as the county election precincts. That was not done, but tickets to be Toted on city officers were to be found only at three precincts in the city. All of these errors wore vital and absolutely nullified the election. City officers are now holding on only by reason of a constitutional provision that all officers shall hold until their successors are elected and qualified. Notwithstanding the absolutely il legal status of the council Messrs. Santa and Lamktn are now maneuv ering to save their political Jobs by asking citizens, at a special election oon to be called to amend the city charter In the two respects attempt ed before, to ratify the Illegal No vember election. Thfe effect of which, if carried, will be to allow them to Jill the offices for the next two years without affording citizens an oppor tunity to vote for other candidates If they deslrte to do so. Hname on such peanut tactics. If these gentlemen dedire to do the right thing why do they not call a special election for all city officers, at which anyone desiring to become a candidate may contest with them for election. There Is no good reason why they may not bo candidates to succeed themselves and if the people want them they have nothing to fear. It looks as If they do not want a fair quare election. They appear to be afnald to submit tholr case to clti ns. They appear rather to desire bjr legal and political subterfuge, to put the matter up i guch a way that lople will have to vote for them or leave the administration illegal for Mother two years. It Is about the most brazen piece of political chl eanery we have ever heard of. Whv Oo they not file their resignation's with the recorder to take effect five or ten days after -a special election lor city officers and take their chanc s In a fair ppen contest. They are afraid to do it. It is our judgment that citizens will not stand for such unfair and arbitrary tactics so long as the re call provisions are In thefr hands thru which they may protect them selves. If we understand the tem per of the people at this time, on J 1. 1 ... . I. . 1. . iaai buujoci, n nucn unrair cram ming 1s attempted the recall will be Invoked to stop them. "GETTING BY." In article IX, section 4 of the Charten of Ashland it Is provided that there shall be no right of ap peal from the decision of the record er unless the fine imposed shall ex ceed $20.00. Most attorneys hold that it is not constitutional to deny a defendant the right of appeal. The other day the attention of the coun cil was called to this unconstitution al feature, whereupon it is reported Mayor Lamkln replied: "Well, we are getting by with It." ' Section 1 of article IX of the charter makes the Recorder the Judicial officer of the city and section 9 of article VIII provides that "in case of the ab sence or Inability of the recorder to perform his duties, or in case of a vacancy In the office of recorder, the mayor shall have power to perform his duties, to try cases, etc., but there is no legal provision of the charten that gives anyone but the Recorder power to try offenses against the ordinances of the city when the recorder is on duty at the city hall. In assuming to try city causes, unless the recorder Is absent or otherwise incapacitated, the may or does so without warrant of law and therefore has absolutely no pow er to assess a fine, or to force the collection of a fine. No doubt should you ask htm In regard to his author! ty he would reply: "Well we are get ting by with It aren't we?'? He has a penchant for "getting by" with things. No doubt when he dlscov ered his "police court" charter amendment was not good there run thru his mind the Injunction: "Well, maybe we can 'get by' with It, at least, we will 'get by' with it until we are caught." From the expert ence the writer has had with the mayor we are led to think that he has a fixed motto both in politics and public life: "If it can be gotten by with it is O. K." And that Is exact ly why we are opposed to Mr. Lam kin as mayor. The "get by" doctrine Is an exceedingly bad one to be ap plied In the conduct of municipal af fairs. A municipality has no exis tence except by law. A municipal officer has no power except that properly given him by law. Whatever Is attempted by a municipality, or municipal officer, beyond and out slde.of the powers conferred on It or him by law Is absolutely without without force or effect. In pretend Ing to act as magistrate of the city court the acts of mayor Lamkln are absolutely Illegal even it it be con ceded that he Is legally mayor of the city, which we think he is not. One of these days he will fall to "get by" with It and the city will be made liable for heavy damages for false Imprisonment. It Is our opinion that Mr. Lamkln. both In politics and public matters, has "gotten by" with many more things In the past than he will likely get by" with In the future. In attempting to act as police Judge the mayor puts himself In ex actly the same Illegal position as Judge Brower found himself. As soon as he knew It Judge Brower resigned. That does not appear to be the attitude of the mayor. CHERRY TREE DAY The cherry tree meeting at the city hall Saturday, under the aus pices of the Horticultural committee of the commercial club was highly interesting and Instructive. Mr. Dill and Mr. Joy supplied inspiration for the meeting, These gentlemen are FARM BUREAU BRINGS INESTIMABLE BENEFITS Government Farm Bureau work is being thoroly organized thruout Jackson county. It is a splendid move.. A. C. Joy of Bellevlew is county chairman of the organization and its plans are being put Into ac intensely interested In helping to in-'tlon with a ylm. It will no doubt struct producers that they make a success of their ranches and small acreage tracts In the city. Both of them have made decided success in handling profitably their small tracts and feel convinced that with proper knowledge and effort practically all of the small holdings can be profit ably handled, especially those whlcli have access to water for irrigation By invitation Profs. Cate and Relmer were present, ; the form giving Instructions in cherry culture and the latter on soil fertilizers. It was a splendid meeting. Every or chardlst and rancher in this end of the valley should have 'been present Such Instruction as Is available thru these sources should be taken ad vantage of, for, It Is only by advanced knowledge of the culture, adaptabl! Ity of soils and fertilizers, to par ticular crops and intelligent market Ing of products can ranchers hope to get profitable results. Many such meetings should be held and they should be largely at tended. COMMERCIAL CLUB ACTIVE This year the Commercial Club Is being put In dandy working shape under the leadership of President Clark Bush. He has placed each di rector at the head of a speclflo com mlttee allowing each to select two helpers from the body of the club. These committees are expected to work and President Bush Insists that they do so. At each, directors' meeting certain speclflo work Is giv en each committee to do and tho president insists that the work bo done and reports made at the next directors' meeting. The club Is now in such working shape that citizens may expect some fine results the coming year. Thru the activities of such a working organization Ashland can be materially put forward. Every citizen should become Interested in tho work both with moral support and an active membership in the or ganization. Join the commercial club and you will see Ashland en forward with a bound this year. As usual, the farmers claim farm ing does not pay, but it is noticed the automobile dealers spend a lot 4f time drumming their trade. The people who don't want to give any money to feed starving Europe, may soon be complaining because anarchy In Europe paralyzes Ameri can export trade. , "With every town planning to erect a soldiers memorial, anybody who can lay a stone wall should get a chance to sculp a monument. Every riece of Meat From Vhe East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That's the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett, Prop. Phone 188 prove of inestimable benefit to the ranchers of this section. The piano of organization will bring forth per manent good. It is being organize! In departments to reach the differ ent activities and products of the districts. It is practical because one of its main features Is to handle the marketing problems of the farmer For example, a hog department is established and the head of that de partment given to an active and in terested hog producer. He establish ed, for example, a hog marketing dfcy. Every hos raiser connected with the organization Is notified that there will be a hog shipping from given point on a given day. Each rancher can thus pool his hog ship- ments with his neighbors whether he had one hog or a dozen or more and they are shipped in car lots to the market Instead of leaving the small producer with ono or two hogs to the mercy of the local market. One of these shipments has already been made and on a ten thousand pound shipment the association gain ed for the producers three cents pound advance over what the local market afforded An egg day will be established so that on the certain shipping day ail local producers can bring their eggs to a common oolnt and dooI them for shipment, whether they have dozen cases or only a dozen eggs. It Is then proposed to offer all or anv part of the supply to the local buyer at the market price and if they are not taken locally at that price they will be shipped away to market In bulk, thus relieving the small pro ducer from having to accept what ever the local market cares to offer as has been necessary In the past. Success of small ranchers in the neighborhood Is Important to Ash land. The more profitable' the ranches can be made the better they are for the community. The Farm Bureau movement deserves encour agement Question is asked what all the rifle factories are going to do In peace times? Well, the kids re quire quite a lot of air guns to shoot at their neighbors' hens and shed (windows. Again the women of the Wednes day club have demonstrated their genius In supplying extraordinary cntertalnmont and successful enter prise in their Washington's Birthday dress parade party. Some of the dear sweet things were beauties even If they did appear of the vintage of the forties, f Kites and sixties in dress. Their success was of the mod cm, 1919 variety. ui an me legal mtxups we ever witnessed Ashlandj Is now la the worst sort. It has no legal acting police court. Irregularities In the last city election were such that it Is altogether likely that Ashland has no legal officers. It Is doubtful even If they are defacto legal enough to call an election. The election to put Ashland back on a legal basis may have to be called by Initiative. Waiving t,he illegality of the last city election Recorder Be-lde is the only person legally qualified to as sess penalties for violation of Ash land's city ordinances. The slackers who will soon lose the jobs that they took when the soldiers left now see that they made a great mistake in not enlisting and getting as far as the cantonments. The folks who complain of tho high rate of .fire Insurance common ly include a lot who keep their ashes in wooden barrels. House Builder asks what Is the largest building in the world heated by hot air? Far as we know, it's the Capitol at Washington. The girls will all welcome the sol diers back by consenting to be tak en out to the ice cream Joints and picture shows. The Bolshevist sympathizers who favor anarchy want the business of handing food to them to be very f- ncienuy organized. 7 I 4. Ttha Bank iih the Chim Clock. A Bank For . Every Purpose There's the Commercial banking de partment of the First National for business and business people and then the Savings department for those who have no business dealings. So you see whatever your need may le you are assured of its fulfill ment here. 1 I A WMs ASH LAND '"EV CARTE (4. PRtS. CMVAUPCl VICEPPtS J W M COY. CAiHItR CIARI BUSH.ASir CAiit If the dear girls glue down sec tions of hair mattresses over their ears, will they be able to hear the Important questions the returning soldiers may put to them? An increase In the number of tramps Is reported. Probably escap ing from places where they were In sulted by offers of work. Best Investment I Ever Made Contractor Wouldn't Take Five Hun dred Dollars for Good Tanluc ' Did Him. As soap costs more, the boy. kind ly consent to economize on it. "I Just want to say right now that I wouldn't take five hundred dol lars for the good that first bottle of Tanlac did me, for I feel like It has given me a new lease on life," said C. E. .Nelson, a contracting carpen ter living at 7728 63rd Ave., South east, Portland, Ore., recently. "Following a serious accident four months ago," he continued, "which laid me up for eight or nine weeks, I lost my appetite, and my stomach got all out of order. What little 1 did manage to eat would sour and form gas, which would cramp and pain me until I could hardly stand It. Then my kidneys went back on me. and my back hurt so bad I couldn't find a comfortable posi tion. They said I had rheumatism or 'lumbago', then my right leg, be low the knee, got to hurting me, and at times I couldn't stand on my feet or get up when down. I was consti pated all the time and suffered a great deal with headache, Nobody knows how I really did Buffer, be cause I Just can't describe It, and as nothing seemed to do me any good had become discouraged about my condition. "I finally sent down and got s bottle of Tanlac, as I had read so much about It, and it was about the best Investment I ever made. My ap petite came bounding back after mv first few doses, and by the time my second bottle was gone, my stomach trouble was almost gone, too. I am now eating any and everything 1 want and It don't hurt me the least bit, and my kidneys and back are greatly Improved. At the time I started on Tanlac I had to use crutches In order to get about, but 1 don't need them now at all, and have Special Values IN WALL PAPER We have a fine stock of Wall Papers ranging from tha most inexpensive to the highest grades all beautiful patterns. That house will bring higher rent if bright ened up. Let us figure with you. Our Stock of Floor and House PAINTS IS COMPLETE white lead and oil or mixed paints in all shades. ;We also carry the celebrated Acme auto mobile paints in all shades. v Springtime is coming. Time to brighten np. Swenson&McRae ECONOMICAL HOUSE FURNISHERS u Out tm BtrUt tflnftrmmtivtArtUUt Dntal Bnlmu-Nu. What Are The Six-Year Molars? wi appear. ui tin ' EN th child ! about x yera or ms tba Antpermanent molira . There are four of hm two In tba UDDer law and two In the lower. Thn come la after all the tempor ary teq nave taken their Slice; iMd appear juat back or lie lat temporary molar on each mSe and In each jaw. Thr arowary often mlataken for tejnporarjr teeth, and folki ImasUM that any t(h com ing In tht axa muat necea earUy betamporary teeth. If an m, Dint '(oe wrong with tham thevlw M ml thlnklnt they Will toon be replaced by Mature. If any of the tlx-year molari red to be loat by aUowo r. it u 1 1 (replaced, nothing can loat which can- deoay. ' not be i ever Be done in the future which will permanently re place the loat molar after It aaa been removed. Thee four corns an not mqlara do mA tf ft ifcMirfafor a MrMirhitam They prop the apart While other Methv uiataire'and take their . feverai pfaCflaMti the Jaw. Their loail apt eciiaary and .' mil be wholly voided. Mo other taeth are M iweaarw . and .immrimt U ;tbe Orai permanent or ttear aiaiara. nMUtafeffa mw" Omll Xrvbnr BtmUfOrtg j , a tx n .ii . r thrown them aside. ' I have gained i several pounds In weight, and can just feel myself getting stronger every, day,. I have gone back to work already, and I never lose an opportunity to speak a good word for Tanlao.V . Tanlac Is sold In Ashland by J. J. McNalr; in Medford by Eagle Drug Co.; In Gold Hill by M. D. Bowers; and In Central Point by Miss M. A. Mee. r.. dv. in. I LUMP IN BREAST I Will Give $1000 IflFAILtoCUREanyCANCERorTUMOR I TREAT before it POISONS deep or ATTACHES to BONE wimouTt'wl.faiionrAT UNTl lUlltl. waiTTIN UtllMTII. NoX-Kayof other nrtndlv. AoliUoa Plant Pltitrr miketthr rata, ATUMOI, lUHPocSOKcHi lit, face orbodr lonr li tiacii. loo-pin toot IINT rilt. TntinwBlili. M,M0UMD. Write to soma ClDcrfoui lore Irrt cnrrtl A LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREASTts CANCER It POIIONt MNPIT BLWN m KILLS QUICKLY. ONI WOIUN IN rVW DM H UNCI! 1. 1 MrW poor cunfo mic ir oHcca is vrr aamtL mt DR. S. R. CHAMLEY 57 SIXTH STRICT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL nusi hii nan somiboit anywhere ak w oa Ashland Transfer & Storage Co. CP. Bates, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement phone vT Office 99 Oak Street. Ware house oo track near depot. Ashland. Oregon W. A. Shell The Barber 137 . Main