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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
PAGE TWO ASHLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, December 3, J 013 ASHLAND TIDINGS Established 1S7 Published every Tuesday by THE ASH LA XI) I'KI.VTING COMI'AXV (InccrNruUI) Bert It. Grow m Kditor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. Former Sheriff Now Endorses Tanlac TELEPHONE 39 KlltSCKII'TIO.V KATES One Year, when paid at expiration $2.50 One Year, when paid In advance 2.00 Six Months, when paid In advance 1.23 Three Months, when paid In advance 75 No subscription for less than three months. St expiration unless renewal is received. All subscriptions dropped In ordering changes of the paper always give the old street address or postoffico as well as the new. , 2$ 20c 17 He ADVKRTISIXt; KATES Display Advertising Slnglo Insertion, each Inch Six months, each Inch '. Ono year, each Inch ItoadlnK Xoliltn 10 tents the line. (lusKirU'ri Column One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month, ono dollar. Cards of Thanks, $1.00. Obituaries, 2 cents the line. I'nilcnml Order ami Societies Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a resular Inltla tion fee and dues, no discount. Hcllglous and benevolent orders will be charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge Is made, at the regular rate. When no admission Is charged, gpaco to the amount of fifty lines reading will bo allowed without charge. All additional at regular rates. Prodiinent Houston Man Says "Money Could Not Buy The Good It Has Done Me." "Money could not buy the good Tanlac has done me, and I gladly recommend It for what It has done In my case," said Hon. Archlo It. An- case," i oiT? of or The Tiding Iuih a greater circulation in AkIiImikI mid it trado terii tory than all other Jackson county imperii combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, I'ostofflea as second-class mall matter. Hardly had the plans for the "Vic tory Week" celebration been broach ed before the three Ashland banks ledg?d one thousand dollars toward the monument and celebration fund. Ashland la no quitter. Notwith standing lust year the roundup asso ciation closed Its show with a net loss of more than $2,500 at the meet Ing last Monday night it was unanl' Splendid evidence of faith and pa-imously voted to levy an assessment trlotlsm, If such evidence, be neces sary after the great; Work they haw done the past year In bond and war cmergoncy enterprises. This fall many newcomers to Ash land, unable to find Suitable houses for rent her have gone down the valley to find them. While we feel Joy In being able to attract new per pie to the valley, and wish our neigh bora well, we do feel that It Is the duty ot our citizens to supply enough rent houses before another season to reasonably supply the demand. is The gratitude of the city Is due Mr. Carter for devising such a splen did scheme of entertainment as offered for our soldier boys In the coming great "Victory Wekk." Be sides being one ot the broadest pa triotic thoughts it will prove of in estimable value to the city in bring Ing strangers here to enjoy the tea tures of the Week and to become ac qualnted with the wonderful natural advantages of Ashland. The next Isstre of The Tidings will be the Christmas number. Restrlc tlons on special editions have now been removed and more than a thous and extra copies will be printed and circulated In Siskiyou county and ad Jacent trade territory. Last year the Christmas number was Issued on De cember 17th, too near Christmas day to be of full value for advertisers as the Christmas shopping had mostly been arranged for before that date This year the Edition will be put out early enough to give the Chrlstmai shopper ample opportunity to take advantage of the exceptional shop ping facilities offered by Ashland merchants, whose stocks, not with standing the hardships In securing suitable supplies, is remarkably com plete and reasonable. Ashland Is the best place In this section to buy and it Is with the hope of apprising shoppers of this fact that the Bpeclal edition Is offered. It will likely com prise twenty-four pag'.s as usual for the Tidings Christmas Special. It may develop that the last city election held the fifth of November will be found tfl be Illegal and an other one will have to be Weld to make it so. Many lawyers contend that the course pursued by the coun cil did not comply with the law and Is of no effect. In that caso the elec tions held under It would not be val id and should the development of our water supply be attempted the city would be unable to float her bond:i for the purpose, If she so desired. The Tidings was of tWo opinion at the time that there appeared too much delay In the artlon of the council In calling the election, plainly required by the new law adopted by the legis lature last winter. The fact that the council waited till the last minute to make the call and then did It In such a way that the people had no notice of it together with the further fact that all the dominant members of the administration filed for re-election led us to surmise that there was a little political smack In tbo action. It looked like the domlnent members of the council were trying to per petuate themselves In office without opposition and adopted the gum shoe methods to do It. It Is better to go according to law even It such action does entail opposition to a cherished personal ambition. on the shares of the association suf ficient to pay off its last year's losses and contracts wero authorized for the ground for nex year's entertain ment. Ashland Is going to win out. She Is now well started on her way of advancement. The spirit prevail ing at the roundup meeting Monday night, as well as that at the Commer cial club meeting Friday night will brook no failure. There Is new life and spirit in Ashland. The peo ple aro beginning to see what great opportunities the future holds for Ashland If her natural elements are Intensely applied and exploited. Every Piece of Meat From the East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That's the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. ' FISH ON FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett, Prop. Phone 188 We arise to casually remark that a systematic and persistent adver tising campaign by the city the com Ing year will put Ashland forward as a health resort far enough to attract outside capital to Invest in scientific baths, increased hotel accommoda tlons and apartments. We have don enough already that Ashland's avaii ablo rent houses are all profitably filled and already there Is a fair de mand for more. One more big ef fort will put Ashland In a position where whoover runs may see that every dollar Judiciously putt in nub liclty will bring back many dollars In direct profits besides raising the city In the esteem of the coast coun try as a pleasing recreation center and superb health resort. Whatevei may be said about Ashland in these lines will be made good. Our scenlj grandeur, our hoalthful climate and the medicinal values of our mineral waters stand sponser for the asser tion that Ashland Is one of the most hoalthful all around spots on earth and for maladies such as malaria fe ver, asthma and the like It surpasses any spot on earth. Have you noticed the Studio Ash Jand window displays lately? tf Kl'TTEK AND CHEESE MEX 'TO MEET IX PORTLAND A big convention of the Oregon butter and cheese makers' organize tion will be held In Portland, Decem ber 11 and 12. In connection with the meet a butter and cheese exhibit will bo held In which prizes totaling 30 will bo awarded the winners. Portland wholesale butter and cheese dealers and factory men will take part In the convention. Sneak ers will be on hand from the United States department of agriculture, federal bureau of markets, and Ore gon Agricultural Collego, and lead ing butter and cheese men from Ore gon and other parts of the United States will discuss problems vital to the success of the Industry. The convention will be held In the Portland hotel. The time for sending Christmas packages to the boys overseas has been extended to November 30. Those who have not received a label from their boys overseas will be given a carton with a special label by calling at the Red Cross headquarters for them before the above date. dersoiT; of Houston, Ex-Sheriff Harris County, Texas, recently. Mr. Anderson Is unquestionably, not only cue of the best known, but one of the niont popular men that ever held public office In "Tho Lone Star" state. After serving as Depu ty Sheriff of Harris County for twelve years, Mr. Anderson was elected Chief of Police of the city of Hous ton. Ho had occupied this office only a short time when the Sheriff of Harris County died. Mr, Ander son's friends persuaded him to make the race for the unexpired term of Sheriff to which ho was easily elect ed. He was honored with re-elec tion seven different times and served the people In this Important office for fifteen consecutive years. Fouri years ago Mr. Anderson declined re election and retired to private llfo, He cast his lot among the people of Houston and Is a large property- owner and foremost citizen of this Interesting and prosperous city. "I was In a run-down condition,' continued Mr. Anderson, "and had no appetite at all. I could hardly sleep at night and never felt like getting up In the mornings, I was no tired. I had the worst form of in digestion, suffered all the time from gas on my stomach and was continu ally belching up undigested food. 1 had to take my coffee without Bug ar, as when I drank it with sugar, 1 would Just bolch for hours. I Would bloat and swell up like I was poison ed and suffered with neuralgic pains of the worst sort, and nothing seemed to help me only In a temporary way, Just can't tell you how I did suf fer for the past four years and up to the time I began taking Tanlac, a few weeks ago. "When I read the testimonials bf some who had been relieved of troubles like mine I Just felt like I couldn't make a mistake by taking Tanlac and it has done even more for me than I had expected. I be gan to feel better after taking my first bottle and have Just now start ed on my third and I'm a different man already. I sleep like a log now and eat Just any and everything I want without the slightest discomfort afterwards. I am glad to endorse Tanlac because It toes the work anl I'm telling all my friends Just what I'm telling you. I never felt better in my life than I do since taking Tanlac. I ara wllllag for you to publish my statement and let every suffering person who may wish, bene fit by my experience with this great medicine." Tanlac Is sold In Ashland by J. J. McNalr; In Medford by Eagle Drug Co.; in Gold Hill by M. D. Bowers; and in Central Point by Miss M. A Mee. Artv. KfM.DiEllS HAVE KESPKCT FOR IM)XI HOLDERS There Is a notion very prevalent In the United States that when the American soldiers return homo thoy are going to feel very kindly toward the subscribers to the Liberty Loan. Liberty Bonds are incontrovertible evidence that the purchaser has sup ported his Government, has support ed our Boldlers abroad in this war. Keep that evidence In your posser- slon until the boys come home. " J Ik 7?fi9 Bank. ith ihg Chimot Clock.' Doubling One's Money I IF tho buying power of the Dollar is only HALF as much as before the War and if it should havo an ex change value of 100 cents AFTEit THE WAR how much profit docs the SAVER make? Lot your answer be expressed In In creased deposits at the First .National Bank. 4f WHITED'S AUCTION SALE IS SCENE OF ACTIVITY 3LEvstNafmuawank ASHLAND. OCEGONL ''""HiiUiluiimtiitii S,x cuvaupcl victppta J WM COY. CASHIER CLARrVBUSn.ASCTCASH ALL TIRED OUT numirous More in AkIiIuihI in the hanie Plight Tired all the time; weary and worn out nlelit nn,i uay; Back aches: head aches: Your kidneys are Drobablv weak- enea. rou should helo them at thnlr work. Let one who knows tell you how. Mrs. J. Galbralth. 136 Sherman St., Ashland, says: "Five years ago ray kidneys were in a bad way. At times they acted too freely and then again not often enough. My back felt weak and lame and I was tired and languid all the time. Finally 1 began taking Doan s Kidney Pills and they helped me wonderfully. They regulated the action of my kid neys and since then I have always used Doan's when I have felt my kidneys needed attention. They have never failed to help me." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don' simply aBk for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Galbralth) had. ' Foftter- Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y adv. The Government .wants tin So hereafter all three brands of VYRIGLEYS will be wrapped in pink paper and hermetically sealed in wax. Look for VRIGLEYS in the pink-end package and take your choice of the same three popular flavors. Be sure to get .WRIGLEY5 for quality and because The Flavor Lasts! The auction salo at Whlted's Jew elry store started Saturday afternoon with tremendous sales In the after noon ana evening. The salo Is in charge of R. M. Harding & Co. of Chicago, and the store will be an In teresting and busy point In .business circles every afternoon and evening until the stock is exhausted. The Woman's Christmas Picture IS A HOOSIER IN HER KITCHEN 1.t means conveniences that more than a million other women have and she has longed for. It means about half her present kitchen work in half the time. It means an end to kitchen fatigue, and that cooking and baking will become a joy. It means no longer a scattered kitchen, but kitchen efficiency of the highest type with all utensils and supplies cen tralized at fingers' ends. That saves miles of steps. With the extra burdens that wartime has brought to women, every home needs the Hoosier and should have it. And any home can get it for a small deposit and weekly JpaymenCs. But please take notice that Hoosiers are scarce this year. If you want to be sure of your cabinet in time for Christmas you must order it at once. J. P. DODGE & SONS Complete House Furnishers on Installments. Telephone 212. "STY" B Correct Lubrication for the Ford Engine The Ford automobile engine. Jlluitrated here, like ill in. torn combuttion tn tints, requiree en oil that holda itt lull lubricating qualitioe at cylinder heat, burnt clean in the combuttion chamber! and (on out with exhaust. ZER OLENE LIGHT fill, theie requirement! perfectly, fce oavM it it eernctlr refined from eeecred Cilifornia ee phMlt-b) ontde. "Zerolene is the Best" Say leading motor car dis tributors, because the rec ords of their service depart ments show that ZERO LENE, correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude, gives per fect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit. Most cars are now lubricat ed with ZEROLENE be cause their owners have learned through experience that there is no better oil. il 1 sr ZEROLENE is the correct oil foraWfypesof automobile engines. It is the correct oil for your automobile. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At dealer everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) MUy iLa.1 ,n, Mir i re o) er sMaSksB W The Standard Oil for Motor Cars iaUNJ 3