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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
"flPAGE EIGHT ASHLAND TIDINGS TuewUy, November SM, JOlfl WlLLIAM PARNl'M AT TI1K VIMXtf THEATRE William Fernum, the great Ameri can actor, will be aecn Thursday and Friday at tn Vln'mg Theatre In a stupendous screen production o( Vic tor Hugo' immortal atory, LES MISERABLES, made for William Fox under the direction of Frank Lloyd, who directed the making of "A TaU of Two Cities," and other big Wil liam Fox photoplays. This picture la well termed "stu " It la the only real screen ing of the remarkable story of tlie g conflict of man with humanity ana i humanity's half lmrliarous laws. I In the character of Jean Vnljean. j HI r. Farnum gives a portrayal that leaves one believing that lie walkeil out of the hook. The hard side of the man Is shown In all his revenge ful feeling ngalnHt the world that ; caused him to serve nineteen years at hard labor for stealing a loaf of j bread for his starving relatives. And j the softer side, when he, havln? changed his name and become weal-j thy, Is lending a helping hand to ev-j rv one around him. Then, too, the , wonderful spirit that makes him re-jJ nounce the Tew joys ne nas naa in life Is shown In remarkable bits of acting by this master artist, William Farnum. For this production Wllllora Fox had built In Fort Lee. N. J., a cross section of streets In Paris. Nothing has been omitted to make the entire production realistic and true to Vic tor Hugo's conception. Entertained nt Dinner Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Parsons gave a dinner at their home on North Main street Saturday evening In honor of Rev. and Mrs. John P. Donaldson, who spent a few days here from La fayette, Ind. A few Invited guests were also present to meet the visitors j and renew old-time acquaintances j with the former pastor and his wife. I Praise Service The women's missionary socl-ty of the Presbyterian church will hold their annual praise service at the church next Sunday evening. A good program will be given, and a thank offering will lie taken for the work of foreign missions. Mrs. Forrest of Kansas City, Mo., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. K. Hall, in this city. Mrs. II. E. Roblson of Lodi, Cal., Is a guest of her son G. X. Roblson, at his home on Laurel street this week. She expects to leave for her home next Saturday. ; A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wlmer of Myrtle Creek November 19. The new arrival is .1 lusty youngster and tips the beam at 10V4 pounds. Eric Martin Carlson died at his tome on Palm avenue Monday morn ing at 8:20 o'clock, after an extend ed illness. The funeral will be ar ranged later. f Turkey dinner, Thanksgiving, at Hotel Ashland, from 11:30 a. m. to 3 p. m and 6 to 7:30 p. m. Price 75c. Mrs. D. Perozzl was , In Medford Friday attending the meeting of the county board of education, which was called to consider the details of taxa tion to be adopted in behalf of the schools for the coming year. HILT, CALIFORNIA, ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stonehouse lert Sunday for San Francisco for a two months' vacation. Owing to the sud den termination of the war, Mr. Stonehouse has resumed his position as Civil Engineer for the Fruit Grow ers Supply Co. Joseph Fllnn Is here from Pelican Bay where he has worked for the Lumber Co. for the past five months. e will return to Berkley In time to enter the University of California after the holidays. . Mrs. Ross Cox has so far recovered from the influenza as to be about the house again. Joseph Coleman is working on the county road north of Hilt. Miss Hortense Winter haa gone to Cottonwood. Cal., to take up the tele graphic work at the S. P. station. Ross Cox went to Hornbrook Tues day to look after cattle Interests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlbbert are here from Pittsburg, Cal.. for a-visit at the home of John Hlbbert. T. L. Hunt was in ABhland Wed nesday. L. R. Holland will nfmmr !. mu nition as Cashier for the Krult Grow ers bupply Co. to take the place of the late Clifford Reeves The Hilt Bchool will open Monday after being closed a month during the Influenza epidemic. Miss LouIbb Cattuzzo spent Thurs day at Ashland. Fred Jannman M it Irene Jassman and Mrs. Irving Dunn moiorea 10 Asiuand last week. The influenza epidemic is a thing or tne past at Hilt. Most of its vie tiras are again at their postB of duty rors. unanes iiusiarson and Mrs Horace Stamley spent Monday in Recent changes have ben made in the force at tne s. y. station it w Mulr taking second trick and R. 0 Williams third trick. Mrs. G. J. Hale and Miss Edin Thursdays - ' j . Mrs. D. W. Mulr returned Sunday from San Francises' here she had leen Spending me ibbi uiree munwu This Store Win be Closed aU;Dayiirsday9: Thanksgiving Day. Only Useful Gifts Sold at This Store f Glove$ for Women Gloves are so essential and so givable. And since kid has become so scarce,' good gloves are more welcome than ever before. We are ready to help you select colors and styles for your women friend's. Give them all gloves for Christmas. Umbrellas Make " Useful Gifts Make some one happy this year with an umbrella. ' Lots of new ones here at a variety of prices. Women, this season, dangle theirs from the wrist, so they, naturally, proudly dis play white ivory or amber rings. Suits, Coats and Dresses Your feminine friends will always appreciate the gift of a fine garment such as you will find in our stock of coats, suits and dresses. Dainty Underwear For Gifts or For Your Own Use Gowns Envelope Chemise Silk Uloomers Silk Top Envelope Chemise Gossard Corsets Gossard Brassieres Silk Top Combination Suits Koverall Nighties for Children Muslin Petticoats Silk Petticoats Hosiery for Women and Girls Select them now. Do not put off your Christ mas buying. Sale of 85 Winter Coals Four attractively priced lots $19.50, $22.50, $24.50, $29.60 for November Selling, The "flu" scare has kept people home and we have too many Coats left. $19.50 A lot of a dozen Ladles' and Misses' Coats made of velour plush or good cloth coatings. Some of these have trimmed collars and all are good new styles. Special $19.50 $22.50 rTen splendid cloth and velour plush coats for ladles and misses. Values $23.00 to $27.50. . Special $22.50 $24.50 ' Some wonderful coats In velour plushes, wool velours, chinchilla, and wool plushes some trimmed and some plain. Values $27. 50 to $30.00, serviceable. $24.50 $29.50 Fifteen coats of Broadcloth and wool plush. The latter are especially good for driving, being warm and serviceable. Special $29.50 30 Finer Coats of Plush.Broadcloth, Silvertone and Fine Velours Attractively Priced at $32.50 to $46.50 The Sweater's The Thing Certainly essential is the al most indispensible sweater of today. Air the lovely shades' of yarn some vivid, some very subdued sweaters for sport, for indoor wear; in fact, sweat ers for every occasion, are to be found in the sweater shop. Handkerchiefs in Gift Boxes Give Handkerchiefs they are always practical. Here you will find them in their most at tractive form exquisitely em broidered on Swiss and Batiste and daintily boxed. Then there are pretty ones and fun ny ones for the kiddies for they love "hankies," too. Furs Are Ideal Gifts The wearing of furs brings not only the satisfaction of be ing comfortable on cold days, but also the satisfaction of add ing an air of distinction to your appearance. Silk Hosier) for women what wom an would not bo pleased with them? Khaki and Grey Knitting Worsted Splendid Quality 30c per Ounce FORD CARS. The Ford factory has started manu facturing cars again. Those who want new cars come in and give me your order and you will get the first that comes. I must have orders to get the cars. FORD GARAGE, Lee Hall, Prop. PERSONAL Mrs. J. H. Fuller and Mrs. C. D. Burgan were among the shoppers in Ashland from Talent, Friday. The Nazarene church wont over their quota Sunday in the offering for the church debt, and by March will be entirely out of debt. That de nomination is planning for a great revival campaign this winter under one of the best evangelists in the holiness movement. Mrs. Anna Moore received a cable Saturday from her husband. Captain Frank Moore, from France stating that he is well. This news came as a great relief to the anxious household had been some time alnceCapt.' Moore., was hoard from, and- it was known that he had been in battle. Regular monthly services will be held at the Church of God temple, Fifth and East Main streets, Sab bath (Seventh day), November 80. The Red Cross headquarters open ed Friday after the long ban on pub lic gatherings. The workers have re ceived their allotment and will be busy from now on at the semi-monthly sewing days, f NOTICE! Trinity Guild card party, Tuesday evening, November 26th, in the Pju ish House. Refreshments. Admls- lon e-r; n .fj WANTED Late model Ford or DodgS car in first c1JIh condition. -Must be a bargain.. S. P. ShC'TJ, 446 Allison." . 7-Tt , I... . f ,1 A CHECK IS A RECEIPT A LEGAL RECEIPT. Think how much easier and safer it is to PAY ALL BILLS BY CHECK, where the very payment itself is a receipt for the money. No danger of paying twice for a misunderstanding. And it's easier thing! no chance .for' a' quarrel or to keep track of your expenditures, too, if you pay- by check. Open an account today. STATE BANK OK ASHLAND J. A Cambers was In from' Buck lake for a few days during the .past week.1 Ae turned Saturday : pre pared to spend the winter trapping tafnK'Tftd niSrten; Mr.' Cajnbers re ports 20 Inches of snow already in 'tlje' vlcinlty'of the lake. --.,. , A Faulty Flue This is the time of year when stoves and chimneys are workflmj overtime. A large part of the annual fire loss in our country is caused by DEFECTIVE FLUES. Two things are important NOW: Inspect the flues and inspect your insurance policies. What about the ADDITIONAL FIRE INSURANCE you may need? Or perhaps you are not Insured at all? Just ask the Billings Office (Phone 211) how little it will cost for a house and con tents policy for three years? You will doubtless be surprised how little it BILLINGS AGENCY Real Estate and Real Insurance. ' 41 East Main ". Phone 211 LADIES Of Ashland If you have any Furs you wish repaired or remodeled F, IV. BARRETT 120 E. Main St., Medford, Ore. can fix them up for you. We also make new Furs to order and carry a fine line of manu factured Furs. When in Med ford call in and inspect our stock. '. 37-t-40 Ashland Transfer i & Storage Co. ! !u. r. Bates, Proprietor " " Wood. "Peacock": and Rock Springs toai ana lenient PHONE 117 Office 99 Oak Slreef, Ware house on track near depots Ashland, Oregon; The run of salmon on-SIuslaw con tinues good. ! .