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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
Tuomlay, Novemltor. 30, 1018 ASH I.AM) TIWXGS TAGR SIX 1 AH 't---T it i .1 il ill nr1 "- i J' Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meal Market Popular INSPECT oar market and yonr confi dence will be behind the pleaiare of eating oar meat. The Knowledge of cleanliness end a lanitaiy worn (hop L. Schwein 81 J. P. Dodge h Sons Undertakers W J. " " . " "'!;".' I. pi nwwmi ji i inn it immny iiMniji Kiiil U'f s-S-h "rill fcniaAViIr tr&tiie-'&ar' tjfi'fri d TV'- 'y'- Pure fiilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, , TELEPHONL Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices SIMPSON'S Hardware Store will aid your digestion. N. Main Pbone 107 4 J Lilly Assistant Deputy County Coroner Stite Licensed Enibslmer Pure Cream lefore The Heavy Incoming Shipments Compel Us (o Make Room. To do Ihis we must clean up Our Stock of Used Cars. We want to move these cars last, and to do this, prices will be quoted that will insure their quick Riddance Prices Thai Talk. Make Your Selection Soon as Possible Two Dodge Touring Cars, Easily Worth $900, Your Choice at $750 Good Reo Touring Car, Sell Starter, All in Good Condition, Worth $600, at $395 Buick Six, Extra Good Buy. Used Very Little at $1200 Ford, with Commercial Body For Delivery. We held this at $450, Now $350 Ford Touring Car, Worth $550. at $445 Ford Roadster, Worth Irom $325 to $350 at $265 Overland Touring Car, Easily Wortn $600 at $495 Overland Touring Car, Model 69, Worth $400 ai $250 Co IE gflH Campaign to Secure Government Employes The I'. S. Employment Service lias opened a campaign to secure compe tent stenographers and clerks for Government service in Washington, D. C, and elsewhere, for essential Industries. At this time there Is a .serious shortage In these lines, and the of ficials at Washington realizln? the necessity of securing as irnny appli cants as possible and In the shortest time possible, have made the I'. S. Employment Service responslbl? for the recruiting of the help needed. It Is to lie hoped that all rer.wnr, who are desirous of bctterins their positions and who wish to take up this work' for the Government, vill apply at the office of the V. S. Em ployment Service, Medford, Ore ,. or communicate with this office i-y trail at their earliest posslhle moment Application hlanks will he furnished and any Information as to qualifica tions of applicant, nature of work, etc., will he given. This Is the opportunity looked for ward to hy many to Hue up In active service for Uncle Sam. The Reedsport Lumber coir. my of Uoseliurg Is going to Install a 100 horsepower holler and 90 horsepower engine. The Eugene Fruit Grower's Asso ciation has handled the largest t mato crop this year In Its history. War (Gfflitcs A Victory Boys and Girls Aid U. W. W. Tlio Victory Boys aud Girls did splendidly In the United War Work campaign that was In progress re cently. A large number of hoys and girls who had pledged themselves to $."..00 or more has been added to the special honor roll which has made a large Increase In the funds the coun ty schools contributed to this drive Lake Creek sprung a surprise by sending In twelve names for the lion or roll, which Is just one-half of the entire enrollment of the school. Cen Ltral Point, Lake Creek, Eagle Point I 'mid Till put alt Uflnt nvnr thn ton lm .... fore the end of the first day of the I ; campaign. ).Ti: IS ( JIAXGKl) FOH I t.-1.UIiI.AI.Mi Jt. J. Jt.Vll'. ' Tlrtftniiun l f ilta L'linttf aoa est li!mr due to tlio lnriuonza epidemic it has been found necessary to change from November 1, 1918, to December 1, 1918, the effective date for the plan adopted by Director General McAdoo for combining the sleeping and par lor car rate and the additional ehnrgs for the occupancy In sleeping or par lor cars. USE Land Plaster NOW Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 Oregon Boys Will Serve Long j Terms Oregon hoys now in cantonments and In the navy will remain for many months. Men actually under arms in the camps will he used to a large extent In replacing troops abroad, who desire to return and for the service and supply work w hich is go ing on as before. American troops will be used largely In the armies of occupation, both In Germany and elsewhere, and It Is expected also that they will be used also In recon struction In Northern France and Belgium. Navy volunteers and reserves will be needed for many months, as the patrolling of the Baltic, Black-sea and other great stretches of water, now under allied police power, wl'.l need all the personnel. Some men may be released by putting out of commission, later, some of the small- mm Prices There's a dalesman trom Virginia whe was chewing and swapping yams with the men on the Post Office corner. "Have a chew," says he to Jake. Jake doesn't think he's chew ing unless his cheek bulges out like he had the mumps. "Call that a chew?" he snorts, "Sure!" says the PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch eat of the patrol boats operating on this side of the Atlantic, but these men will he absorbed by the larger fleet In foreign waters. I'AKAX OF I'KAISK TO Ol lt DFPKMtKIt "In God we trust." He's power amlj might, Whate'er He does, we know 'tis right,: Whate'er lie savs. we know 'tis tnuv Whate'er He promises, He'll do. ; Then thank and praise and bless and , love I Our bounteous giver from above. His Holy Spirit shall descend And changj each foe to brother- friend. In God we trust. ! i In unity our forebears wrought. I in unitv thov thought and fought. They who were not so worldly wise Saw many things thru spirit eyes. ThRlr Rtorv vou have read at length. They found, "In unity Is Btrengtli." And to this truth we add, we mum. Their graven words, "In God we trust. In God we trust. Our "boys" are stalwart, brave and true, Many and ureat the de?ds they do. Our I'ncle Sam's the One. then some, j We're sure "K-Hiiribus I'num." These mottoes practiced, fill our need, To win all wars, the people feed, In unison we work and pray With faith unfalt'rlng night and day. In God we trust. These are to us far more than gold Of Sheba's fame, so old, untold. Our gold alone tne war can i win. i For gold's the root of pain and sin. l;ut we nave won, mo many a xinn We trust, but keen our powder dry i world: Old Glory e'er shall lie unfurled. In God we trust. E'lzabeth Yockey, Ashland, Oregon. November 11, 191 S. Mr and Mrs. H. Ignatius and fam ily, who have been residents of the Belleview district, left last week for Alberta, Canada. Used Cars mpaiiiy 1 fl salesman. "This is Real Gravely. That small chew satisfies, and the longer you chew it the better it tastes.That's why it doesn't cost anything extra to chew this class of tobacco." Il (Ml ff-l' ' l llu id luU cf Ihit lautf IttMC Bill ulri tut, The Barber A II J37 . Main Only Ona Corn Peeler'Gels-ir; Stop Corn Paim; See Corn Feel Oft It li Jut when & corn hurt that yon want to !'! iiircat about getting rid of It Why take chance of keeping the corn and having th pain grow worse? You'll use "Ueti The Onlr PeeMt-Ot? Wey U "Ceti-lt" It" anyhow, sooner of liter; might as well use It aooncr. Then you are absolutely sure that the corn will loosen from your to ao that you can peel the whole thing off pain lesily with your lingers, in one com plete piece Just like peeling a ba nana. It tikes a second or two to apply "Gets-It." There'a no fussing or puttering. Corn-pains will van ishthat'll keep you eweet while the "Ots-It" does the rest. Nothing new for corns has been discovered since "Gets-It" was born. Follow the judgment of the millions; use "Gets-It." and be sure to be corn and pain free! You'll say It's magic. "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money, back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. Mid by e . Lawrence fc Co., Chicago, 111. iuiu iu Asiiiuna and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by McNalr Bros.