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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
Tuesday, November 20, 1018 .-ASHLAND TIDINGS ' PAGE FIVE Man's IDEAL X MAS GIFT THE WAHL Eversharp PENCIL SILVER OR GOLD $1.00 and up See our window and buy early AT Foley's DrugSlorc Poley & Elbart, Druggists. Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A M will hold two special communi cations this week. Tuesday evening, Nov. 26, First degree. Wednesday evening, Nov. 27, Third decree. Vis iting brethren are cordially welcome. A. F. ABBOTT, W. M V.'. II. DAY, Sec'y. 8 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. F. F. Whittle spent last week In Ashland from Hilt, C'al., where she and her family are living this v Inter. Station Agent G. N. Kramer and young son Foss are among the in fluenza victims of the past week. Both are on the road to recovery. A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs E. A. Stanley of Dunsmuir on No vember 13. Mrs. Stanley was for merly Miss May Hess of Ashland. Mrs. R. L. liurdlc, who has been spending several weeks at her home here during the influenza quaran tine, has returned to Garfield, Wash., to resume her position as instructor in the schools there. George A. Anderson, who has been employed as mechanician in the Ford Garage, left last week with his wifa for Oakland, Cal., where he has tak en a position as machinist In the shipyards. Donald Dickerson arrived honn Thursday evening from' Fort Stev ens where he is stationed In the Coast aftillery service. He came here to see his mother, Mrs. W. O. Dickerson. who has been quite sick for several weeks. Has your previous piano tuner been a competent man? If not, why le a slacker? Patronize a tuner who neglect your piano? Patronize a tuner who is giving service, heavy your order at Rose Bros. GTO. W. CROSS, Piano Tuner, Medford. The name of Philip R. Trefren of Butte Falls appeared In the casualty list last week among those who died from disease. The family of this young soldier was later notified that pneumonia was the cause of his de mise. Lieut. A. L. Hinds and wife of Camp Lewis spent a few days in Ash land during the past week, guests of the fomerr's brother, 0. C. Hinds of Oak street. They were on their way back from Oakland where they were called by the death of Lieut. Hinds mother, which occurred about two weeks ago. Japanese Art Store of Medford has filled up its complete lines and ready for Christmas trade. 47 High grade tailoring for men and women at Orres Tailor shop. Funeral services over the body of Mrs. Grace Easterllng, wife of City Electrician U. B. Easteillng, were held from, the Nazarene church last Wednesday, with Interment In Moun tain View cemetery. Mrs. Easter- ling's death occurred the Sunday previous, and Is the only one thus for that has been directly attribute to Influenza. Mrs, Jennie Hum of Klamath Falls' was In Ashland visiting her father, W. B. Grubb, who has been quite sick for the past month. Mrs. Huru had been engaged in nursing the cases of Influenza In Klamath Falls under the Red Cross before being summoned here, and states that the epidemic has been a serious one there. It Is re ported to be Improving and is thought will be under control very soon. Charles T, Freeman, who went to France from Ashland with the Cuth regiment, has been returned to re cover from a recent attack of pleuro pneumonia. He Is now in an army hospital at Fort Snelling, Minn , and uas on hoard the first train of sick and wounded men from the front to come west. Mr. Freeman writes that the ovation the train received along the line was wonderful. The memorial services of the Elks will be held at the Temple Sunday afternoon, December 1, at 2:30 p. m. At the regular meeting of the Business Men's Association Wednes day evening at the city hall It was voted to merge the organization wit!) the Commercial club, the association to become an auxiliary department of the cluli and maintain its same functions as a committee of that or ganization. It was a wise move as a multiplicity of organizations for the common good divides Interest and support thereby weakening all of them. Time to Think of Stoves We take ycur old stove In exchange for a new Heating Stovs or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE THE Yet BANK O FASH LAND Conscript Yourself to save more money for the balance of this year than you have done bo fore. Your dollars put to your credit with The Citizens Bank of Ashland accumu late rapidly, Mctfsvu SAVINGS f70M DEPOSITS, Give us your Thanksgiving order for pies, cakes, bread, etc. Bakery will lie open Thanksgiving day till noon. Phone 16. Roy McAllister, living east of town, has just purchased from the Tre'chler-Pelrson Company, a Sara son Sieve Grip tractor and plows thereby evincing an entterprise that will no doubt be followed soon by his neightors when they become fa miliar with the labor saving in the use of such devices. Memorial services will be held in the Elk's Temple Sunday, December 1, at 2:30 p. m. Examinations for sub-inspector an'i Junior sub-inspector, air service, for both men and women, will be held to fill positions in various manufac turing plants thruout the United States. The salaries for sub-Inspectors range from $1200 to $1 S00; for junior suit-Inspectors, $730 to $1,- 200. Mrs. B. M. Shoudy returned last week from an extended visit in San Francisco ajnd other California points. While in that section Mrs Shoudy visited her daughter, Miss Ruth, who is engaged by the gov ernment dn clerical work at Fort Mason, an army distributing camp. Louis Osborn, a soldier from the Tresidlo, spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. C. E. Gray, while on his way to his home in Baker. Mr. Osborn was one of nine soldiers who had been in a hospital undergoing treatment and was hon orably discharged from the army. Miss A. Belle Anderson has placed a particularly fine picture of her nephew, Lieut. Crit Tolman. In the window of the city hall. This young man Is one of Uncle Sam's successful "flyers," and has made an enviably record for himself In this department. Particularly impressive services will be held at the Elks' Temple next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the annual memorial. . We serve a light noon lunch of coffee with sandwich, pie, cake or doughnuts. 69 N. Main St. A. Bert Freeman Is spending a fur lough at his home here from Bremer ton navy yards, where he is station ed as a member of the naval reserve band. Mrs. Arthur Rose and little son Cottrtland of Medford were guests of Mrs. B. R. Greer during the past week. Eye Glasses Scientifically Fitted and Guaranteed. Broken Lenses Replaced. l GLASSES A. H. L. Whitcd Registered Optometrist. Ashland, Or. Carl Collins of Spokane, Wash., was a recent visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Jennie Greer. . Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Elmore and Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Reed took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller at Oakmont Farm near Talent last Wednesday evening. Rev. John B. Donaldson and wife of Lafayette, Indiana, wore over Sunday visitors In Ashland. Mr. Donaldson was pastor o( the local Presbyterian church forty years ago, and during his brief sojourn here he was quite busy trying to locate old landmarks with which he was fa miliar when he resided here. They were on their way to spend the win ter In San Francisco. Mr. Donaldson preached In the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. The local canteen station has been notified to meet all trains in order to provide service to the troops mov ing dally In large numbers from the army cantonments. According to the message received by telegraph th demobilization of soldiers from Camp Lewis began last week, and men wi'l l)e sent out at the rate of 500 a day. Numbers of soldiers have passed thru on practically every train for various parts of the United States. Leroy Ashcraft has returned home after spending the summer In Klam ath county where he held a positio" witli til 3 Pelican Bay lumber com pany. Miss Hazel Lowe has returner, homo from California where she had been teaching school this year. The influenza ban has closed her school for the time beln,'. Mrs. J. E. Hosmer returned to he. home In .Modesto. Cal.. Thursday, after making a six weeks' visit at the home of her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Eastman, of Scenic Drive. T. W. Elmore of Elmlra, N. Y ar rived in Ashland last Friday morn ing to visit his son. H. T. Elmore, of North Main street. In order to es pecially display the desirability of Ashland as a winter resldenco city fresh Rogue River strawberrlej were served the guest for his breakfast on his arrival. It Is Mr. Elmore's In tention to spend the winter here. The school election lust Monday to vote on the budget estimates for the forthcoming year called out a small vote. Only taxpayers were en titled to vote, and of theso forty fa vored thye budget straight, while seven were opposed. I will be In the market for feeder hogs, by car lots, about December 1. Let me know what you have. WELBORN BEKSOX. 7-2 Talent. Ore Ladles' garments remodeled at Orres. Hats cleaned and reblocked Orres., Albums. The Camera Exchange. CHALMERS TAXI SERVICE Steam Heated M AIDE H A I, L K V Stand at Rose Bros. Office Tlione 213 Residence 101 Buy A Home First We offer for quick sale a good C-l room dwelling, one floor, modern plumbing, large lot, well located on! paved street with cement sidewalk;! all In good condition and assessments; paid in full for only Sllinu. if you could know how many people arei asking for houses to rent, you would1 not hesitate about putting some of: your savings Into this property and: thus make sure of a home for your family. BILLINGS AGENCY Real Estate mid Inturiim-r. Established 1883 Phone 211 41 East Main St. Utmost In Values We have received anoth er shipment of Globe Union Suits at the same price as form erlv. You who have been waiting can now he sup plied with these two and a half teasonswear garments. A new arrival of MKN'S HATS; American made and American in character. As usual we have our HOLIDAY NECKWEAR earl) and its a fine assortment of siiks, both plain and fancy 25c to $1.60 "MITCHELL" Men's Wear 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 imoio 4 co. C L O t H I I r-n-VAUPEL'SU - I X)- THE yi ALITV STORE KAST MAIX ST' ' OF ASHLAND ' Our first Christmas announcement consists of a whole page of useful, practical gift3 for every one on your list. Remember, the government calls for early shopping. Start now. Buy gifts every day. You will then help us get through the Christmas shopping days easily andbe taken care of properly on what you should happen to want. HANDKERCHIEFS! Neckwear for Men Just received by Express big new line of Men's -Neckwear in fie newest and snappiest patterns to lie had. Buy him a .Necktie for Xmas. Each 5r and $MM Silk Hosiery Buy your wants In Hosiery now as the market is depleted In this line of merchandise and none to be had until January 1st. We carry full line of colors in the Hole proof and Burlington Hosiery. Men's Shirts We carry a full stock of the well known Arrow Brand. There Is nothing more acceptable than a nice new Shirt to the men folks. Full range of patterns now on hand at each and $1.30 Bath Robes One of the most useful and ac-, 1.1 . !,. - Pli.luimoii I lr"'"c lv" """ nne of Bathrobes all ready to be made up for that A nice box of Handkerchiefs never) Ciriatmaa Rift. Qg nne of patterns to choose from at goes amiss. Our line is complete for $,i.5o and $0.00 each. These robes are a very useful ar the Holiday trade at all prices. I tide to have In the house. SWEATERS Just a few good sweaters left in stock which we are closing out at a price. If you are In need of ono of these useful articles now Is the time to make your purchase. Don't delay as they are going fast. Shoes Don't overlook our Shoe Department when It comes to the new and snappy shoes that are shown first at this store. FIELD MOUSE BROW.N CLOTH TOP . $H.80 REINDEER KID CLOTH TOP 8-50 CRUISER GREY KID TOP ' 100 HAVANA BROWN CLOTH TOP ..... 10 Table Linens Purchase your needs in Table Linens for the Holidays now. . Don't overlook our Linen De partment as our stock Is complete at the pres ent time. Per yard t 3-00 Also full line of Napkins made up and by the dozen at popular prices. ' itave that-Thanks-giving dinner on new table linen. Puritan Undermuslins The right undergarment for the particular lady customer. A full line of Envelope' Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, etc, now In, stock at popular prices. Also nice line of Silk Underwear to choose from for Holiday Gifts. Give us a trial on these lines. ' Dressmakers Approve ATHENA UNDERWEAR For Womea, Misses, Children T Because it aids wonderfully in the fit of a gown. Athena is cut and fashioned to accord perfectly with every line and curve of a woman's form. The special features such as The Patent-fitted Seat. The Three cornered Gusset at thigh, The Fit ted Shoulders and Sleeves, The Tailored Shaping and Perfect Sizing of Athena Underwear insure a tai lored fit. 1 1n twenty-eight shapes and thirty-eight fabrics (all weights and qualities) at just the prices you would pay for ordinary underwear. f Athena Underwear for children ft specially designed to fit the body of the growing child. It gtots comfort and wear. Umbrellas Gloves Umbrellas come In the useful list for Xmas gifts. Complete line of Men's, Women's and Children's carried in stock. Trices range from 73c to $7.30 Don't forget the Gloves In your list. New stock having Just arrived we aro able to take care of you in all colors. Cooper's Underwear Complete stock of the widely known line of Cooper's Underwear for Fall Is now on our shelves. Comes In White, Grey, Ecru, and Blue Mix at prices, per suit, $'J.OO up to $5.50 No underwear can be compared to this garment , when It comes to durability, style and wear. Royal Worcester Corsets Royal Worcester Corsets are the right corsots for the precise buyer. They are made to fit In all styles, both in front and back lace. Come In Flesh and White, plain and brocaded. Values from $U0 up to $3.o pair. It you are In need of a corset give this well knowa make a thoro trial and become Convinced. . '