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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
page roun ASH LAM) TIDINGS Tuesday, November SO, 1010 Men's Work Shoes A Complete Line and Popular Prices. i4 1 The Social Realm Wxlncwly AfUTiiiHin (lull Treslilcd over Ity the pro-Uernmn itllles as chief mourners and mag nanimously agisted ly l'iic!c Sum, the remulns of Kaiser Hill were in cinerated In a ui,-clally prepared crematory last Wednesday afternoon at the meeting of the Wednesday Afternoon chili which held Its regu lar session at the homo of Mrs. Otto Winter on the Boulevard. This cere mony was prepared ly tho hostess and officecrs of the cluh, and was In the naturo of a surprise to the mem liers and guests, hut all responded with much gusto when the funeral car containing th; casket In which reposed In effigy the remains of tho former ruler of Germany was wheeled Into public view. As a fit ting tribute to the end of the Hun tyrant "Uncle Sam" read the follow ing poem composed for this particu lar occasion hy Ashland's noted poet, "Hick Posey": The TrnRic OlMrquim of Kaiser Hill. "Hark from the tomb a doleful sound," The Kalyr Is dead, no bpot can he found - To bury the louthsome form oway From the eye of man and the light of day. Not e'en on the banks of tho fabled Rhine ' Where he erstwhile quaffed his foam ing stein, No grave In the faderland to spare, Tor tht widows and orphans would curse him there. They curry him up on a mountain height With the eager hope that a buzzard may light On the rotten carcass and eat Its fill, But It's stomach'B too tender for Kaiser Kill. They hear him to Belgium's reeking noil, But the air is filled with the weird turmoil Of shrieking women and men gone Wild; The pitiful wall of a dying child; The mocking sneer at a prayer for aid; The wild despair of a ravished maid; And the blood from the dust where the martyrs fell Heap htm with curses as black at Hell, Till the Kaiser groans from his sable bier, "Oh, for Golfs aake, carry me out of here," Away, away to the fields of France With the hated form and the hope, perchance, To hide it afar In some lonely spot Where the hideous thing could mold and rot. But the cold Hps speak from the reek ing pall, "No use of stopping In France at all " Afar on the waves of the desert sea They bear their burden with eage; glee, For the waves seem reaching with hungry arms To fold him away from all earthly harms. But ere he sinks to his final rest The old sea shudders with heaving breast. The winds come rushing In mad ar ray To sweep the accursed thing away. And look! What is it that floats S3 free With the grace of a swan on the troubled sea? 'TIs a phantom ship, full rigged and fair, With her ghostly crew that Is floating there. TIs the Lusitanla rides the wave, New resurrected from out her grave, And the ghosts of her martyrs shoui With fear, 'Take him away! Don't plant him here-" While the dead arise from the coral uands And beat him back with their slimy hands. And then at the hands of the female Yank We bury him deep In our septic tank. Following the funeral oration the guests passed thru the room and "viewed the remains," each one de positing on the bier a final offering to the "departed" In the shape of a firecracker. The casket was then borne to the crematory prepared In the yard and amid the "keening" of the kaiser's friends the remains went up In smoke. . , The rest of the period of the cluh'3 session was devoted to dressing dol!3 for the Christmas department of the Red Cross, after which luncheon was served by the hostess and officers. GET THE SAVING HABIT Wtges are high; real estate Is low. Buy a home on easy terms, and have it paid for before wages come down; then Real Estate will swing upwards and you will have done more than you calculated. The easiest money that one ever gets is to buy low and sell high, bee Beaver Realty Co. about this and they will put you wise. 211 E. Main St., Phone 68 On, on they wander with weakening will. No spot on this earth for poor old Bill. They carry him far to the Arctic land, And from there to "India's coral strand." Across the Pacific's placid wave To the "Land of the free, the borne of the brave," Till they come to the spot where their race Is won, The prettiest city in Oregon, Where a band of women w ith queen ly grace, Beauty of form, angelic of face. Who find him a spot In the suburbs drear And say: "We will plant the old cikw here." SiUvufie Shop t'liribUiiitx JHinrtnient Several sacrifice gifts have come in. One from Madam Tracey Young the fan used on six concert tours overseas. The following have given one dollar each: Miss Grace Cham berlaln, Miss Palmer, Mrs. Chamber lain and a gift of twenty-five cents. The east side Pharmacy gave a generous donation of toys. It would take a page to list names of little donors and incidents connected with making or selection gifts. For In stance: two drums haven't sticks but they will have opening day, because a most enthusiastic boy Is whittling them out with a perfectly new knife bought with money earned gathering nuts. There's a little girl who ha3 dressed dolls and she and her broth er have mended toys and made bean bags as if the overseas children were their special care. The millinery de partment has made and sold over u hundred hats with orders ahead, but the entire force will stop hats doz ens of times a day to lend a hand to the Christmas department, and the shop manager forgets an appoint ment to sell a hundred dollir article when called to see the latest dolly. Sale begins November 30, and lasts till December 24. Donations will be received all during the sale. FROM FRANCE. What would you give for a good picture from "over there" of that boy as he is to-day? That boy is far from home and among Strang- ' ers. Do you realize what pictures from you mean to him ? They are the one thing above all else. Studio Ashland pictures have that life-like quality and artistic merit sure to please. They are niade in a great variety of styles, easy to send, durable and easy to carry. A companion from home for the boy in the camp and in the trenches. YoU can gladden the boy's Christmas im mensely. Do your part now. Just a few nlnutes of your time for a sitting, any time of day, any kind of day. With our modern equipment you will find it an interesting experience. STUDIO ASHLAND BERT H. HINTHORNE, Proprietor. Third Door South Of Postoflice IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney dlcia Is no reporter f pt on. A majority of the 111m mulcting people tO'lay can be trareil buck to kidney trouble. Tlie kidney ar the mmt Important organs of tho body. They are the fllttrers, the purine, of yoor blond. Kidney disaane la usually Indicated by wenrlni'SH, Blci-pleBjintsa, nrrvounnesa, despondency, backuchc. stomach trou ble, pain In lolna and lower abdomen, all stones, (travel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All then doran cements ore nature' signals to warn you that the kidneys need hep. You ahould tin Gol.D MKDAI. Haarlem Oil L'apitulea Imme diately. The soothing, hi a'niR oil stlm-uluu-s tha kidneys, relieve Intlanima tlona and destroys the cerms which have rauavl It. Lo not wall until to morrow. Cio to your ilrujfKWl today an4 Insist on lXL,l MEDAl. !a:irUin Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vittor returning; and will bless the day you first heard of HOLD MKKAI, Il.iarlciri Oil. After you feel that yo-j huvo ctirod yourself, continue to tuko one or two capsule each liiv. ao as to keep In llrat-claas condition and ward off the danger of other attacks. Aak for the orlitlmi! Imported OOLO MHIiAL. brand. Three aires. Money re funded If they do not help you. CAKI) OK THAXKS We wIbIi to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends who so tender ly sympathized and aided during the death of our wife and mother. Also the Ladies of the Maccabees for the beautiful flowers and thoughtful as sistance rendered. G. E. Monroe. Geo. W. Monroe. Emma T. Monroe. xotkk: Jeanlc Burke, president of Reliecca Assembly, will make her official vis it to Hope Rebecca Lodge No. 14, on Tuesday evening, November 26. All members are requested to be present. By order of the N. G., MARY WILSHIRE. MABEL A. ROBERTS, Secy. METERING - MOM MJSINE Miami's Well Known Jeweler H. L. WA ITED Positively Going Out of Business. Will Close Out the Entire Stock and Fixtures. GREAT AUCTION SALE NOW GOING ON At 2:30 and will continue daily thereafter at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. until the entire stock is disposed of. MY STORE is now in charge of R. M. HARDING & COMPANY, the well known CHICAGO AUCTIONEERS and Appraisers for Final Disposal and through them will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. The Well known Reputation for Fair and Honorable Dealings is a guarantee of the Bar gains to be had in this GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. , For 27 Years this store has been a business land mark of Ashland. It will seem strange to see Whited's store vacated GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT SLAUGHTER PRICES Stock consists of fine Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Sterling Silver and fine Silver plated ware, Cut Glass, Leather goods, Art goods, solid Gold and Gold filled Jewelry and other lines too numerous to mention. Come and picR out your Holiday Gifts as all must go at this Stupendous Auction. Ladies are Invited to Attend This Money Saving Auction Sale And we will extend every courtesy to them. Don't fail to attend as several useful presents will be given away each day ' R. M. Harding & Company, of Chicago. Every Article Sold at this Auction Sale will be Positively Guaranteed by H. L. WHITED.