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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
Tuexdny, November 20, 1918 ashlaxd tidings PACK THM3 Universal Combination Ranges LIGHTEN' HOUSEHOLD LA. BOU AM) EXPENSE How to prepare economical, satisfying meals with the least waste of time and materials Is a problem largely solved by the right kind of a range. The Universal Combination, Is that kind of a range It makes for economy In food, fuel and la bor. Burns wood and coal or gas use the fuel most desir able for the work In hand. A turn of the key changes from ono fuel to the other or yoj may use both fuels at the same time, If desired. The Univer sal Combination Is really two complete ranges in one and yet occupies the space of only one range. Your old range taken as part payment. And Ilic Famous AKE 1IEKH IX A VAKIKTY OP STYLES AM) SIZES Our stocks of Universal beaten are most complete. We have wood heaters, coal heaters, and combination wood and coal heaters, ev ery desirable style and slzo. The "Air Blast Universal healer will help wonderfully In the cut ting down of your fuel bills. Come In tomorrow and select your new range and heater. Trices are very moderate. MAKE YOUR OWX TEKMS IX ItF.ASOX. Swensen & Mae j Save and Serve Saving Joes not mean hoarding. To insist ubon the utmost quality and value in exchange for your money is saving in its best sense. You save when you buy Born Tailoring. And when you save you serve. '. ' (Ratldent Bom Dtaltr) Paulserud-Barrel! WARLEY 24 IN. DEVON 1VA IN. COLLARS CLUETT. PEABODY CO.. INC. MAKCflfl ARROW a., .n.. . ... ..-J1..-wm..n iiji.i .Li!,.-!?; I,. B ' 1 -rlRFS ft?S I t1 , ,y '"if I Universal Heaters Mrs. Esther Ashcraft has returned home from Klamath Falls where she had been called several weeks ago by the serious illness of her father, Charles S. Silsby. The latter has recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, and was later taken to the S. P. hospital In San Francisco to lie treated for an acute attack of kidney trouble. There's & v&st difference it in sel LESLIE S xAi LT iswiderfullypure consequently of reai s trench Hotel Austin Barber Shop X. G. Rates, Prop. First-class Service and Equipment Shocshinlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. K A Umfcor Up Witii Penetrating Harcilln t Wizard Oil A harmless and ciTcctive prepara tion to relieve the pail!? of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Bad: and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quicklv, drives out soreness, and limbers up still aching joints and muscles. , . You have no Idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruise3, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get vour money back. , Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 rents, (iiiaranieol. Come in and Examine the TIRE With a thous and claws. All sizes SOLD BY THB Overland MiKner Co, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SOLDIERS' LETTERS Mrs. Bettle J. Hawks of 128 Fac tory street, Is In receipt of the fol lowing letter from her nephew, W. V. Heath, who Is with base hospital unit No. 46, In France: France, Sept. 13, 1918. My Dear Aunt: Received your most welcome let ter just a few days past and am hastening to answer. One finds It exceedingly difficult to write an In teresting letter because of the strict censorship Imposed. For Instance, practically all things military are under the ban, and yet we know of very little else to write of because it Is a military environment that we are constantly surrounded with. Yet I suppose one can write of the weath er, which is bad, and of the scenery, which Is beautiful, of the soil, which Is muddy, of the architecture, which Is monotonous, and of the people, whom we don't understand. I find France very much the same In climate as the Oregon coast, and as this Is a webfoot outfit that I am In they don't mind the rain or mud One disadvantage Is this, however, lies In the fact that it reminds them of home with none of the joys or comforts of home. As a rule I am in the best of spirits and excellent health, but occasionally In spite of myself there comes creeping over me an intense longing for home and those that are dearest to me. My small wee bit for L'ncle Sara Is that of a guard strolling up and down a long dark post thru the long er darker night, and keeping awake by watching the flare of the artil lery In the distant sky and the oc casional dull roar of their mighty voices. We are well out of danger here, but a guard of course Is neces sary. I sometimes feel tha my part Is indeed small, but one must take that to which lie is allotted and all these tiny efforts massed together make one mighty force that is re lentlessly forcing the German mili tary machine to Its doom. The part played by America In this war is one that makes a fellow proud of the old 1. S. A., and thank ful, Indeed, that he was lucky enough to be born in such a great, wonderful country. And these sons of our country are doing themselves proud and fighting like demons. Many are the tales of bravery ond devotion that one hears of them. The sad part of It is the many .brave boys' who are breathing their last in this fight against a cruel mighty nation. Yet I think that a man could never die for a greater country or a more noble cause. It is wonderful the way the folks at home are helping the cause and It sure means much to the boys over here. The Red Cross is doing a won derful work over here and they have entrenched themselves dep in the heart of every soldier. Well, I'll have to be quitting for this time os It Is nearing time for taps and one day closer to the kais er's funeral. I don't go on guard until 10 o'clock but have to begin getting ready. Give my best wishes to Mr. Hawks, grandma, and Bert, and tell Max he'd better write to Ves. pretty soon. With all love. Your Nephew Ves. Wm. Vestal Heath,, No. 2,290,91S, Rase Hospital Unit No. 46, American E. F. FROM HAROLD SIMI'SOV France, Sept. 2G, 191S. Dear Mamma and Papa: . Must hurry and scratch off a few lines, so I can get them mailed to night. Haven't written sinco the 10th, for neither have I been able to get anything censored, nor had time to write. I have been "seeing things" and having some exnerlences all month. But I won't begin to tell of them now for I couldn't even com mence In the time I have. I have had a little Bhare in a couple of drives, and I'm enjoying the ex perience, but I don't want you to worry. Am sure you wouldn't If you could see things as I do. Letters will probably come Infrequently, for it's hard to get them mailed, but I will write when I can. Just had supper beefsteak, prunes bread, butter, and coffee. ot so bad, eh? We had roast beef for dinner. Great things have hap pened today, but we know very lit tle of It yet. We haven't been able to get the papers but a couple of times this month. Qh! yes, I'm wear ing a gold stripe now. yesterday be ing the 6 months over seas service period. Won't have time to write more now. Love, HAROLD, October 9, 1918. Mrs. A. C. Spencer, Ashland, Oregon. .- . , ., . Dear Mother: ' Once more to the.' attack. Have found a peach of a time to write to you and here goes. Closed up shop at 8:30 p. m. tliis time as I am boss for a few days and am boss right. And "doing it rlKlit," too. Thought for a while today I was going to have the "Flu," but laughed It ofi' and feel O. K. now. IV.-ms all the matter was I'd eat -mi to much. Some stunt to pull, eh? Hope to do better next time. The things our men are lcnrnlii'; over here will muku us a new na tion In a year after we get home. After writing to you a few days ago, I went thru Guys letters. I have and found the pictures and one of Father. Mother, I claim these p'.c tures and want to keep them. Am still waiting for the one of you. Have become a mighty busy son. mother, since I became an Inspccto1, but am quite contented because 1 am able to see many good results of the work. I enjoy it very much, but the hours are longer than I ever had before 14 to IS hours a day. Bought myself a new trench coat today that will keep me dry and warm all winter and "All Is well." Got a mighty fine l-tfr from my friends, the Roch-s of L'.mogi-r,. and a bunch of chocolates by registered mail. The letter asked the question and answered it why they sent Uic chocolates because they knew I liked them and had none when I was last there and they wanted to please me also they tell m, mother, they have set a big Fuschla on Guy'", grave and put fresh flowers on It every week. They count It a pleaj ure and a duty to do for the family 60 far away. T! se peonle are one of three families who were par ticularly kl:'d to me during my stay In Limoges, but I have met many ns fine during my travels here. Have purchased ono hundred post cards that I am preparing to send to as many friends at home for Christ mas. That Is a way I can send then; all greetl'):r3 and coming from Franco j will help to make them of Interest. At a mm mwr tm m m w rm Wf . Game you have a hundred times more fun if you're snuff and warm in an all-wool JANTZEN SWEATER! You not only feel well but you look just right, secure in the con sciousness that you are wearing the best looking sweater that money can buy. Whether it's a sweater vest, sweater or sweater coat that you are buying, look for the label and know that you are getting a Jantzen, then you're sure. They come in all sizes and colors, from the very little ones to the very big ones and all have character, individuality, style call it what you will; it's there and it's mighty fine to own. And knit caps and hose sure, just step into a Jantzen dealers. the next time you're downtown and see what we mean. JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS USED CAES The Best Bunch of Used Cars to Choose From in Southern Oregon. One 1917 Dodge Touring Car One 1917 Dodge Eoadster One 1917 Buick Six One 1917 Chevrolet One 1917 Ford All in Fine Shape and for Sale at Reasonable Prices. TREICHLER-PEIRSON, Inc. Medford, Oregon. Ralfour says the war will be over by Christmas this year and other high scouts seem to think the sumo thing, but that darned old Kaiser Is the only ono who knows. Wo can think, but he knows whether he will hang on longer and can decide If It stops soon. Saw the recommendation go thru the other day for me a captaincy, but am rather hoping will not pass. Can't see thut I will be sufficient Increased service to the government and seems to bo a waste of money mid honois. Oh, well, As Is. Love, etc., LIF.l'T I). M SPi:CK!l. Calvin McAllister is again about town convalescing from a severe case of the flu. lie had a narrow escape. Service Plus Quality To have what you call for, when you call, u our constant endeavor. If it's standard and Jure. you can Le sure we have It, or can get it for you when you need it. No substitution necessary. We nave the goods. It is such servica m tins, plus that have marked our progress Make this store your Plaia Gfocety Knit Wear ') Football Val Inlow, a Southern I'aoiflc em ploye, has purchased from M. C. Reed an acre of land adjacent to hU residence on Mountain nvenuo, which adds 'appreciably to his property there. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 00 tADIEfl! Aili tp lrri.t for Cnt-CITEVrER 9 A blAMuNU 1IKAXD PILLS in Rkd n.lA Gold lupinllio ttn, cill with BluriO) RillHn. Takd no r riira. n.r or j,.AT DramM o4 k f.,p rlll-f s V PI At) ON II Ru.NI PI I.I.N, .f twrtllT.B jrtnrt rennrdol n licit. Safest, Always Hrliahle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi, EVERYWHERE Xffl. G-9 Wan our grade of goods and low prion and growth. economical trading place Telephone 78 mi msm mMWMmWsvsmm. Pi L7 I- F I . 1 .V