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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
TAGS TWO ASHLAXD TIDINGS Tuesday, November 88, 1018 HOLIDAY GOODS XOW OX DISPLAY BALCONY FIRST FLOOR THE BARGAIN 6 TORE HOME OF THE MTXSIXG WEAR WARNER'S CORSETS WIRTHMOR WAISTS Holiday Sale of Christmas Handkerchiefs 3,000 Drummer's Samples ol Ladles Fancy Handkerchiefs to be Dut on sale this week on Wednesday. Friday and Saturday at prices that were t considered very cheap seasons ago. We have gathered the samples from several eastern lines ana nave grouped tnem togemer lor mis special ssie ana women con templating the purchase of handkerchiefs now for personal use and later for gifts will be surprised at the values we have to offer. Three Thousand of them and no two alike. At regular prices they range at 10c to 75c and include the Fine Sheer lawns and High Grade Linens. Sample Sale Price Just One Half 10c values 15c values n 20c val- -I A 25c val- ! o for O for ues for 1 U ues for 1 30c val- I r 35c val-tA 50c val- Of- COc val- OA 75c val- on ues fori J) ues fori" ues for p ues for J ues for jJJ Women Who Appreciate Fine Linen Handkerchiefs Had Better Come Early. They are Scarce "His Treatment Is Remarkable" he Says Capt. F. S. Patty, Ex Passer ger Agent Northern Pa cific, Discusses Form er Trouble. ASHLAND TIDINGS Kstablished 1876 Published every Tumday by THE ASH LAM) PRINTING COMPANY (Incorporated) Jtert R. Greer. f Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 The Tiding but a greater circulation la Ashland and iu trade territory fr.n au other Jackton county paperi combined. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mall matter. Oregon's quota ot COO, 000 tons ot new ships for the 'year has nearly been reached. The number of new children en rolled in the several grades ot the public BChools this, fall Indicates a healthy growth of the city. People are beginning to come to what we recognize as the best place on earth, and we welcome the newcomer. Ashland merchants report this the most prosperous, year in ten, not withstanding hundreds of our boys are In France and cantonments and we have enjoyed little benefits di rectly from war activities. This win ter every good house In town is rent ed and there is a demand for more modern cottages. This fall has been a season of sur passing beauty. When the first kill ing frost touches hill and vale and turns the green to a myriad of bright colors It bewilders the eye and pro duces a sensation ot exquisite charm. It is an open question as to whether the spring or the fall pleases best. They are both beyond compare. SIRE SHOT ON ASTHMA Ashland climate is the best In America for people suffering from asthma. During the past year many persons have come here with that af fliction and In every case have been benefitted. Many have been entire ly cured In years past by the climate alone without medicine. As far as we have been able to determine, and' we have given much pains and time to the matter, about nine cases out of ten ot asthma are cured by this climate. A number of-strangers are now in the city trying out the cllmato for this trouble. It Is Interesting to know that we have a new resident from Portland now In the city for the winter who Is here on account ot the benefits to bo derived from this climate. He came by accident, as it were. Last August he came thru on an auto tour looking for relief from the distress ot asthma He camped for a few days at our auto fact that firms engaged In retail business here are, like the rest of us, prompted In their dally activities by the prospect of commercial profit. But it should count for something with us that It Is their life work to study the Indlvldpal needs of Ash land people. And the material sym bol of the Christmas spirit Is that eternal emblem, the Christmas gift. Ashland merchants, who know many of us by our first names, are the best Judges of our habits, tastes and requirements. They have for some time been making their prepa rations on the basis of what they know about us, and now Is the time to apply to them for advice and service. VALI.KY KLAMATH HIGHWAY The building of a first class auto mobile truck route to Klamath Falls! only to buy the second bottle, but to Nearly everybody In Knoxvllle, Tenn., especially railroad people, know Captain F. S. Patty, for twelve years district passenger agent for the Northern Pacific railroad, with local offices in Chattanooga and gen eral offices In St. Paul, Minn. On account of generally falling health Capt. Patty was forced to dis continue active work and for the past few years has been mp.king his home In Knoxvllle, where he numbers his friends by his acquaintances. He Is a kind, genial gentleman of the old school and Is beloved by all who know hira. The following Interest ing statement was made by him In person to the Tanlac representative: "I am 69 years old and always en joyed good health up to about six years ago, when I suffered a nervous breakdown and my general health gradually failed me. My principal trouble was Indigestion and catarrh, but my whole system seemed to be out of shape. My condition finally got so bad I couldn't sleep at night and always after eating I would suf fer so from Indigestion and heart burn that I felt Just like there was a coal of fire In my stomach. My hear ing and vision were also affected. I consulted several doctors here In Knoxvllle and other cities and they helped me considerably and I finally got so I could go around, but some how I just couldn't feel right and conld not sleep at night, which made me awfully nervous and nothing I would eat seemed to agree with me. "I began reading about this Tan lac when you first camo here, but did not decide to try the medicine until I talked with a friend of mine who had actually used it. He said it was the best thing he had ever taken, and that was sufficient proof for me. "I have Just finished the first bot tle and came here this morning, not ?V?t Bank. wM iha Chimo, CJock,' Doubling One's Money 3S 1 Reports from the several grocery stores, and the water and light de partment of the city hall indlcata the presence of about two hundred and fifty new families In Ashland this winter. Of course, some have moved away during the year but the balance Is largely In our favor. Prac tically every good rent house In the city Is occupied and quite a number of homes have been sold to newcom ers during the year. We have a right to feel encouraged. Have you a deep abiding, convinc ing knowledge of the fact that ma laria cannot survive Ashland's pure i air for a twelve month? Sections like the Sacramento valley and the overheated districts of California produce malarial germs by the mil lions. Nearly everybody there Is troubled during the summer with the annoying and dangerous malady. In some sections nearly fifty per cent of the population go away during the heated season to get away from It. Many of them go to the sea shore, which Is not nearly so good to clear the system of that ailment as the pure mountain air common to Ashland. Every Piece of Meat From the East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That's the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett, Prop. Phone 188 camp ground and during his stay heard this climate well recommended for lils malady. Later, not finding relief In other localities, he returned here to try It out for this winter Already he reports great relief, hav ing had but one spell since coming. On November first Mrs. Jackson who came here In the spring 'from Wichita, Kansas, a great sufferer from asthma, returned home entire ly relieved of the malady. The writer has conversed on the subject with not less than two hun dred citizens and others during the past year who have been relieved or entirely cured by this climate alone without the use ot medicine. Such a climate Is a great asset if property exploited. There are prod ably a million cases of asthma In America. If they all knew what re lief this climate affords Ashland would need no further worry about people to support a good .hotel, or to fill a thousand new rent houses to overflowing. The overwet climate of northern and western Oregon the coast coun try especially breeds asthma like the flies multiply In the summer, and the cold countries like Montana and some sections of Idaho are the same. There are likely, In these Bectlon? alone, ten to fifty thousand sufferers from that malady. Practically all of them could be relieved or cured by a nojourn In this beneficent air. It would be a great act of humanity to apprise them of the benefits to be gained from this climate, as well as a wise one from a commercial stand point. If asthma sufferers generally knew the benefit to be gained Ash land would have at least five thous and of them here now. j THK HKAHTHSTOXK If you have any sense of propor Hon of related values of anything at all--the U. S. A., as a place to live In, looks better to you than any other country In the world. And If you have the homing which every good man has Ashland looks to you like one of the best Places In the U. S. A. Christmas Is the time when the home spirit Is most potent'wlthln us f or should lie. Every block on Main street should arouse Impulses at this time which codld not be stimu lated by the sight of the Capitol dome. Sentiment need not blind us to the over the survey now being made by the state would be of vast benefit to the Rogue river valley. With six hours transportation for heavy trucks between this valley and Klamath FoIIb to Eastern Oregon would be an exceedingly profitable situation. Our fruits would have an easy,' quick and profitable way out and the comodles raised in Klamath county and not here would supply the return loaa which would Justify a heavy .truck line between the two places. It Is a project in which the whole valley should be Interested. And it seems that now the state highway commis sion is doing the survey and Is be coming familiar with the great val ley such a highway would be to this section of the state makes It an ex ceedingly ousplclous time to push for a speedy consummation ot the enter prise. It would contribute more than any other undertaking to the pros perity both of this valley and tho Klamath country. tell you just what It has done for me I began enjoying my meals from the first few drops. My nervousness is gone and I can sleep like a child and always wake up In the morning ready for breakfast and feeling refreshed I am very fond of onions, but was al most afraid to eat them, because they always disagreed with me so; I could taste them for hours after wards. I ate one for dinner the other day and It agreed with me per fectly and I felt no bad after effects whatsoever. I tell you I am beginnln to feel like a different man and am always going to keep this Tanlac on hand. It has done me more good than anything In the medicine line I have ever taken. I certainly do recommend it to my friends. It is really remarkable." Tanlac is sold in Ashland by J. J McNair; in Medford by Eagle Drug Co.; in Gold Hill by M. D. Bowers and in Central Point by Miss M. Mee. adv Bargains in Used Cars. $225.00 300.00 $250.00 One 1914 Ford Two 1914 Fords One 1914 Ford - One 1915Buick four, self starter and electric lights 850.00 One 1918 Chevrolet -' 650.00 One 1917 Chevrolet with demountable rims, new tires and new wheels 600.00 One Buick four, 1912, four passenger, Al condi tion, good tires 450.00 House full of New Chevrolets Velies and one Case left. Agency for Franklin Cars and Velie and Garford Trucks from One Ton to Ten Pruiil-mttson Auto Co. Medford, Oregon. I I IF the buying power of the Dollar is only HALF as much as before the War and If It should have an ex change value of 100 cents AFTER THE WAR how much profit doe the SAVER make? Let your answer be expressed in in creased deposits at the First National . Bank. J 1. T1 t2 -d- " Tm -41 J -m i 'V. - . . - - gs. ASHLAND. OCEGON;,v'EVCARTER.PRts. J w mc CO Y. CAstiit lU ClARrVBU5nS.JCASH Have you noticed the Studio Ash- Our kodak finishing will please land window displays lately? tf I tho Camera Exchange. tf ufl(iiitrs Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use of tin foil Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will be sealed in air-tight, pink-end packages. So look for VRIGLEYS in the pink sealed wrapper and take your choice of fla vor. Three kinds to suit all tastes. ?I Tr r Tf" ' fir" SEALED TIGHT-KEPT RIGHT Be SURE you get WRIGLEY'S- The Flavor Lasts! Correct Lubrication for the Valve-in-Head Type Motor The Valve-in-head-type en gine illustrated here, like all internal oombuttion engine, requires an oil that holds its lubricating; qualities at cyl inder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and roes out with exhaust Zerolene fills these require ments perfectly, it I ' correctly refined from eelected California atphalt-baee crude ROLEN The Standard Oil for.Motor Cars It Keeps the EngineYoung! Experts agree in recommending ZEROLENE because it keeps the engine young, full-powered, smooth-ran-jiing, and economical in fuel and oil consumption. The majority of motorists are now using ZEROLENE, because they have learned by experience that there is no better oil to be had. Correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude, ZEROLENE gives perfect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit. Less wear because ZER-. OLENE keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat Less carbon because, being made from asphalt-base -crude, it burns clean and goes out with exhaust ZEROLENE is the correct oil for all types of automo bile engines. It is the correct oil for your automobile. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consis tency for your car. At dealer everywhere and Standard Oil Service Station STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) I