Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 12, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    if r
Tuesday, November 12, 1018.
II ;
. r ACE TK6
Established 1870 .
Published every TaemUj by
est B. Greer,.
On Tear, when paid at expiration
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Three Months, when paid In advance 75
No subscription for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped
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Cards of Thanks 11.00.
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The Tidings hs a greater circulation in Ashland and 1U trade territory
all other Jackson county papers combined.
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mail matter.
The date of expiration Is printed
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ments In the Tidings' office
by 9 o'clock a. m., and all '
news items by noon on Mon-
"U. S." stands for "Useful Santa
Claus" this year, as well as for "Un
conditional Surrender."
Putnam said it was and everybody
fclse seemed to think it wasn't.
Foreign governments are develop
ing a great deal of skill In the whit
Ing of peace notes. It is almost equal
to the skill the allies have developed
in warfare.
After the Mall-Tribune attack,
Gardner's vote was almost unanl
President Wilson Is acknowledg
d to be an excellent correspondent,
Opinion, however, seems to be di
vided as to whether' his domestic
communications are as satisfactory
as his foreign ones.
George, 'tis better to do by Indi
rection what direction cannot ' accomplish.
It sometimes looks as If It would
be all "o'ver over there" before any
of the rest of us get over there.
And Just to think, It was all ac
compllshed without resorting to
criminal libel.
If you haven't got them.
To grant the Germans an armis
tice would necessitate the contin
uance of their present military
strength. 1 If they were disarmed
there could be no armistice.
We discuss the question of an
armistice, but demand that it mustn't
be one; we make the condition that
the Germans lose their power to
strike. Such a consummation would
go some distance further than an
armistice It would be a surrender.
And to consider anything less would
be the loudest laugh In vaudeville.
Why not say so? To say what we
palpably don't mean suggests to the
enemy that we are not quite brave
enough to be truthful.
The recent replies to Germany's
messages contain a good deal of ad
mirable firmness. It Is unfortunate
that the word "armistice" occurs so
frequently in press comments and
casts a veil of obscurity about the
attitude of the American people to
ward these deliberations.
fidavit should be forwarded to me.
In order that men in your employ
may be promptly and properly clas
sified It is imperative that you at
once claim deferred classification for
all men in your employ who are en
titled to the same.
Industrial Advisor, in behalf of the
Department of Labor, District
Board, Division No, 2.
Address: i .'"""
Eugene, Oregon.
Between the 26th and 27th of
October we each conserved an hour.
What use did we make of It? On
that depends the answer to the ques
tion whether it deserved to be conserved.
The political boss should now be
convinced of his popularity in Jack
eon county. The people gave a large
majority to every candidate he did
not want.
If American gains nothing else
from the war she will at least have
a greatly Increased knowledge of
European geography.
In fact, she will assist In making
the new map of Europe.
History repeats Itself. So does
buman nature under conditions of
terrific strain. The Red Terror In
Tiussla In its cruelty and heartless
ness rivals the Reign of Terror In
Jhe French Revolution.
In the third week of October the
British army was less lucky than In
tme second. The casualty list was
37,150, against 35,710 in the pre
vious week.
But both totals look much, the
same. And when they are compared
with the totals reached in most of
the earlier weeks the sameness Is
maintained. There Is a drab mo
notony about the tendency of the
lists to stick to five figures.
From which it is inferred that the
ir is not yet over, nor Is the enemy
crushed. He can dispense death In
heavy doses to all his antagonists,
altho our own casualty lists do not
reach anything like the alarming"
numbers Just quoted. We have not
so many men engaged as Great
Britain, whose levies are scattered
promiscuously between Holland and
Let us look facts in the face, as
our soldiers do. An enemy that is
able to fight stubbornly will con
tinue to do so, no matter how plaus
ibly he may discourse on peace. If
we need precept as well as example
we can get both from our fighting
forces and from those of our allies
The rank and file of our army
have made public declarations that
the only peace they want is the kind
that an Impotent enemy accepts be
cause he has no alternative.
The French have been unkind
enough to announce that they are
not Interested in Internal reforms in
Germany. They do not care what
form of sovereignity rules that en
lightened land, provided that it Is
powerless to rule anything else.
This is the kind of serum to se
lect for the Inoculation of our Ir
resolute brethren here at home. We
need not concern ourselves with the
philosophy of government as applied
to the structure of German political
Institutions. Let the Germans wor
ry about Germany, and let us prevent
them from worrying any one else
The practical thing for us to do
In Ashland Is to tear the months of
March and April from the first 1919
calendar that we get our hands on
and nail them up in the parlor. The
Treasury Is already considering those
months in connection with the fifth
Liberty Loan.
Drying the seed and keeping It
dry are two essentials In preserving
corn so it will grow in western Ore
gon where the moist winter comes at
about the time corn reaches matur
ity. It should never be stored In cribs
or piles for seed because of danger
to mold or rot, points out B. F.
Sheehan, of the O. A. C. farm crops
department. The outside of the ear
may be dry and hard but the cob an l
points of the kernel still contain
much excess moisture which will
cause mold and Injury from freez
ing. Usually corn may be dried to
better advantage by artificial heat.
After the seed ears are husked
they should be hung Immediately. An
economical and convenient, rack Is a
smooth pole or two-by-four three
feet long, with finishing nalbrdrlven
Into both sides, from 2 14 to 3 Inches
apart, and slanting upward. An ear
Is slipped over the head of each nail.
The racks may be suspended from
the celling or rafters, lessening the
danger of damage by mice.
The racks should be placed In .1
room where there lsj free circula
tion of air and heat may be applied.
The farm kitchen, furnace room, and
attic If well ventilated and heated,
are good places to store small quan
tities. Kiln or fire drying to remove the
moisture from the corn can be per
formed in different ways. A , bop
house or prune dryer may be ui
Warm air may be applied from a
furnace or stove below the corn
Large tin pipes may be used to dis
tribute the warm air. The corn may
be heated to 130 degrees without
danger of injury. When it is dry and
cannot be twisted it may be consld
ered cured.
Of Ashland
If you have any Furs you wish
repaired or remodeled
130 E. Main St., Medford, Ore.
can fix them up for you. We
also make new Furs to order
and carry a fine line of manu
factured Furs. When In Med
ford call In and Inspect our
Ashland Transfer
& Storage Co.
C. F. Bates, Proprietor
Wood, "Peacock"
and Rock Springs
Coal and Cement
Office 99 Oak Street, Ware
boose on track near depot.
Ashland, Oregon
TZho Bank, v'tn
in Chima. Clock.'
' YOUR generous contribution . to the
United War york Campaign this
week will enable our local Boys In
the Service to get many of the com
forts of home thru these equally In
dlspenslble organizations:
Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus,
Y. W. C. A., Salvation Army, War
Camp Community Service, Jewish
Welfare Association, American Li
brary Association, Amer. Red Cross.
Each Doing a
Big "B7."
When It was suggested to the kais
er that he should abdicate his re
sponse was, "I will not abandon my
sorely tried people." The German
people have been more sorely tried
by the kaiser himself than by any
other condition or disaster.
Steam Heated
Stand at Robo Bros.
Office Phone 213 Residence 101
To have what
you call for, wken you call, is our constant
It it a standard and pure, you can U sure we Lava It.
or can get it for you when you need it No substitution
necessary. W nave the goods.
It is such servloa u this, plus our grade of goals and low vices
that have marked our progress and growth.
Male this store your economical trading place
Plaa Gfocety Telephone 78
Nearly every discussion Is mainly
concerned with the Interpretation of
a word. But the disputants hardly
ever realize It.
If the meaning of the word "de
mocracy" Is ever really determined
we shall be spared a good deal of
arguing. But we are going to watt
a long time for the interpretation.
The word "armistice" Is being used
Just now even more promiscuously
than "democracy" and with as little
regard to Its meaning. .
The highbrows, In defining a
word, have a habit of referring to
the Latin or Greek from which It Is
derived. It ' is generally a grand
child of one or other of these pro
lific parents, and "armistice" is a
member of that numerous family.
An armistice Is an Interval during
which antagonists hold their weap
ons stationary by agreement. You
can't hold your weapons stationary
Every Fiece of Meat From the
East Side
Is a Goo Piece.
That's the only kind we handle.
Wholesale and Retail.
James Barrett, Prop. Phone 188.
Following is a letter from the in
dustrial advisor in Ueha1f of the
Department of Labor to the employ
ers of labor in necessary industries
in regard to the classification of men
In their employment: '
As Industrial Advisor In behalf of
the Department of Labor to District
Board, Division No. 2, 1 call your par
ticular attention to the fact that it is
your duty to claim deferred classi
fication for all men in your employ
who are "necessary" or "key" men,
especially fitted for the work In
which they are engaged or highly
specialized experts, assistant, or as
sociate, or sole managers or controll
ing and directing beads of an Indus
try or managers of a substantial or
integral part thereof; and not to
make any claim for men who are not
such. The employer, who thru fear
of criticism, falls to make a claim
which should be made, Is as blame
worthy as the employer, who, to pre
vent Inconvenience to himself, makes
a claim for deferred classification
for a man who Ib not a "necessary"
or "key" man.
It should be home In mind that
Industry at home must not be pre
served at the expense of falling to
raise an army. The army must be
raised and Industry must be main
tained st the highest efficiency.
The method for you to claim de
ferred classification for men who are
In your employ who are necessary
men as herein above defined, Is for
the eSnployer to make an affidavit
specifying fully the nature of the em
ployment and the reasons for claim
ing deferred classification; which af-
"Suicide by Inches"
THOUSANDS of people commit
suicide by inches!
If one should take minute daily
doses of some irritant or poisonous
drug, no particular effect might be
noticed until accumulation of the poi-1
son made its action evident.
Yet how many realize that irritant
and poisonous substances are formed
constantly, even in health, during food
digestion and the preparation of its
waste for elimination?
If the bowels act regularly and thor
oughly, such dangerous matter is
safely gotten rid of.
But if constipation exists, there
results stagnation of intestinal waste,
increased production of poisonous
substances, and their absorption in
to the blood, which carries them all
over the body.
! 1 The result is disease or disorder,
: which, if neglected or allowed to
continue, cripples or kills. '
The victim of such self-poison-.
ing commits suicide by inches.
Constipation is a bad habit It is
a sin against the body.
t . But there is an even worse habit,
I a crime against Nature, the taking
of pills, castor oil, laxative mineral
waters, and salts to "force the bow
els to move." Because such drugs
do not cure constipation. They
make constipation a habit. They
do not prevent "suicide by inches."
On the other hand, the NujqJ
Treatment not only overcomes con
stipation, but prevents stagnation and
makes self-poisoning impossible.
Nujol is not a drug, does'not act
like any drug j it is absolutely harmless.
Nujol helpsNature re-establish easy,
daily, thorough, bowel evacuation.
Waminp' Nyj0L " ,old
tr Ul nilg. only in lealed bot
tles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Iniist
on Nujol. You may jufftrfrom lubstitutei.
Nujol Laboratories
SO Broadway, New York
I- r
'Regular as
1 ' '
f.". 5 ;