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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1918)
Monday, Now mber 4, 1018.. ASHLAND TIDING 9 PAGR SEVE TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the word each time. Twenty words one month one dollar. DR. MAUI) 1NGKILSOLL HAWLEY Clilropractor and Physcultopatlilst Office Second Floor First National Bank Bldg. Opposite Hotel Austin , Phone 48 81 tz and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical Gymnastic Rooms PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, tar, nose and throat. Glasses sup , plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Madford, Ore. Phone 607. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and S to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa perhanger. Phone 202-R. 188 Ohio street. 40-tf BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 118 Factory street. Bill posting and distributing. 64-tf E. I). BR1GGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. CIVIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2: SO p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Oil barrels. Carson A: Fowler Lumber Co. - 34-2mo FOR SALE Choice eating or cook ing apples. Also seconds, sweet cider and pure vlneirar. 590 Roca street or phone 359-H. 4J-ti FOR SALE 7 passenger 1915 Hud son C-40, Al condition, inquire Ashland Garage. Phone 180. 43-2 vrm SALE A 14 0 liov's bicycle, at a bargain. Call at 178 Skidmore Street. 43-2 FOR SALK 3 strand gray hair switch. Call or address 459 Mor IUU. FOR SALE New Zealand Red Hares Healthy. m;re bred, suitable for breeders. ' Males, females, young mntiire. nlncle or nairs. To re duce stock, special price few day only. 473 Beach St. It Kim KENT GOOD PASTURE Clayton Orchards Si-lmo FOR RENT Furnished bungalow October 1st. Adults only. 147 Nntlev utreet. 35- tf HOUSE to rent on Scenic Drive and Church St. at $7.50 per month See H. L. Whited. ' 40-tf WANTED WANTED Woman to wash on Slon- dava and sweeD on Fridays. Call Mrs. L. Schwcin. 451-L. 42-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Seven room Bungalow with sleeping porch and basement If looking for a home it will pay you to Investigate this. Enquire at 555 Falrview St. 41-4 FOR TRADE Barber shop and resi dence for sale or trade for Med- " ford property. A. T. McMahan, Talent, Ore. 42-4 HAVE lOU A FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT? We receive many such letters as the following. It might pay you to run a "For Rent" ad in the Tidings. The cost Is only one cent the word Glenada, Oregon. October 25, 1918 Editor "Ashland Tidings," Ashland, Oregon. . Dear Sir: I am thinking of com ing to your town for the winter and will want to rent a small house, fur nlshed, or furnished apartments. Please send me one of your palters containing advertisement of such places for rent. Or If you know of, an agent handling such rentals please hand this letter to him. I enclose six- cents In stamps to cover cost of paper and mailing same Yours truly. C. S. Canniff. DANGERS OF A COLD AsiJand Peoiijle W1U Do Well Heed Them. tel Many bad cases of kidney trouble result from a cold or chill. Congested kidneys fall behind In filtering the poison-laden blood, and backache, headache, dizziness .and disordered kidney action follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sign , of kidney trouble Here is an experience told by a resi dent of this locality. - Geo. L. Manning, retired grocer, Talent. Oregon, says: "A cold that settled on my kidneys brought on lackache. Many times I couldnl't lie on my back at night, the pains were so severe thru my moneys ana across my loins. My kidneys acted too frequently and the kidney se cretion's were highly colored. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Manning had. Foster-Mll-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. The state and government have each $40,000 to spend upon desig nated roads If Malheur oounty adds .$20,000. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Multnomah County. JACOB HAHN, Plaintiff, vs JACOB KOBER, and JOHN HAR RINGTON, Defendants. By virtue of an attachment exe cution and order of sale Icsued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to mi direct ed and dated the fourth day of October, 1918, upon a Judgment rendered and entolred in said Court on the nineteenth day of March, 1918, In favor of Jacob Hahn, plaintiff, and againbt Ja cob Kober and John Harrington, defendants for the sum of $3, 944.09 with Interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 20th day of August 1917. and the further sum of $235.00 with Inter est at the rate of six per cent per annum from the nineteenth day of March 1918, and for the further sum of $45.20 costs and disburse ments and costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of tho following described real property, to-wlt: The north one-half of the North west one-quarter of Section No. Thirty-four In Township No. For ty, South, Range No Ono West of the Willamette Meridian In Jack son County, Oregon. Now Therefore, by virtue of said attachment execution and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on the 14th day of Novem ber 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In Jackson County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all th? right, title and Interest which the within named defen dant Jacob Kober had on the 24th day of August 1917, tho date of filing the certificate of levy of the attachment herein, or since that date had In and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and decree, Inter est, costs and accruing corts. LESLIE W. STANSELL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 9th day of October, 1918. 41-5t Tues. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Mary G. Klrsh bauni, deceased, by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same at my office In Ash land, Oregon, with pjpper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the first publication Hereof, which is October 22nd, 1918. W. J. MOORE, Executor. 42-5Tues Talent Tidings J. Sowash returned Tuesday from Vancouver, Wash., where he had been spending the v summer working at the carpenter trade. Mr. Sowash stopped off at Myrtle Creek, Glen- dale and other points to visit with friends and relatives enroute. Mrs. Walter spent Tuesday In Med- rora shopping. J. S. Spltzer was a business visitor in Medford Wednesday. Everett Beeson motored to Med' ford Wednesday. Marlon Tryer and family are spending the week end at "The Ranch," the country home of Mrs. Tryer's sister, Miss Boosey, on Mil lionaire Row. Mrs. Kate Hoffman and Miss Grace Raypholtz Of Jack sonville were also guests at "The Ranch." i ah cnurcn, scnooi ana oiner gain Perlngs are being suspended until after all danger from the Influenza epidemic Is over. FIRE FACTS. Long exemption from fire is no assurance that one will not occur today. It is impossible for you to watch your property day and night. "It Is better to be safe than sorry." A few dollars to day may save you $1000 tonight. Phone or Call. BILLINGS AGENCY All kinds of Good Insurance. Phone 211 41 East Main W..Shell The Barber 137 E. Main Republicans Support War Measures Senator McNary has been unwa vering In his support of the Presi dent's war program. He has sup ported every measure urged by the President for more effectively prose cuting the war. He is on the job. He Is acquainted with the duties and responsibilities of the office and should be elected. Governor Withycombe has been Bafe and sound. He has conducted the state with credit thru perhaps the most trying period of Its exis tence; he has a thoro grasp of all state matters, and we may say frank ly that he should be permitted to continue to work and the state will be tho gainer. Hillsboro Indepen dent. This Is a time wjjen the usual po litical patter and ttbe usual reasons for displacing one official and put ting another one in have little ap peal. The fact that looms largest Is that under Governor Wlthycombe's .leadership Oregon has won the ad miration of the entire country. That Is the kind of leadership we want. Eugene Register. This Is a war year. Governor Withycombe has upheld the national standard with dignity and energy, and why the state should be disturb ed by a change in the governorship during this time of great crisis Is something we have not been able to discover. The only reason we have been able to detect why a change is desired Is because some one wants the office. Surely that is not suffic ient reason for making a change. Clackamas County News. Refined Powdered Sul phur Fertefizer Especially for Alfalfa. This is the active element In Land Plaster or Gypsum and in this form costs less. Agricultural authorities agree that SULPHUR Is a much needed plant food and lasts more than one sea son. So get busy now; It Is time to use It. We also have a supply of Nitrate of Soda the best of general fertil izers. ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION The Democrats are now appealing to the people for retention In control of Congress alleging, that this Is the only way to insure support to the President. Yet the Democratic rec ord In this respect Is pitiable enough, as witness their attitude on the' first draft bill, which required Republl can votes and the championship of the Republican, Hon. Julius Kahn, to pass. If the people vote for the party which has best supported the Presi dent in war time, there Is no fear but that the Republican party will reorganize both branches of the next Congress. It Is the patriotic duty of every citizen to assiBt In the election of men who, by reason of their ability and experience, are not only best qualified to serve during the war, but who will also be able to assist In solving satisfactorily the many re construction problems with which this country will be confronted after the war. The records of Senator McNary and Representatives Hawley, Slnnott and McArthur are all 100 per cent In their support of war activ ities. Their loyalty and patriotism are unquestioned. They are to be entrusted to meet and solve every big problem the world war may de velop. Their records entitle them to re-election. Honest with all, strictly upright In his every act, a man of the people and for the people, Governor Withy combe brought Into the executive of fice of the state of Oregon a person ality of strict accountability to the people not heretofore known In the state.... He has given to the State of Oregon one of the best, if not the best, administration of public affairs In the history of the state. Loyal In a degree beyond question, "first In peace and first In war," ever ready to do the right thing at the right time, he has won a following among the people of Oregon that unques tionably places him first in their choice to succeed himself as chief executive of the state. Lebanon Cri terion. Compiled and Published by the Re publican State Central Committee, Thos. H. Tongue, Jr., Chairman; Jno. W. Cochran, Secy. (Paid Adv.) GRAIN SMUT SPECIALISTS DISCUSS CONTROL PLANS, Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Oct. 21. To discuss plans for saving Oregon's share of the annual 91 million dollar loss of grain from smut In the United States, a confer ence of grain smut specialist! was recently held here. Treatment for smut In Oregon Is almost universal, It was brought ft-jt at the conference, but material? j.nd methods are not always of the bunt. A circular giving the best Isnon methods of treatment under Orphan conditions has been prepared by Prof. H. P. Barss, plant pathologist, and will be sent to growers on appli cation. ' Organization and seed treatment are the principal means to 'io cm ployed In combating smut. A special ist In smut control Is to In placed n each of the 26 leading K.-.ih statoi to supervise the work of control. In Oregon the control work will be conducted largely thru county ag ricultural agents and farm l.ureaus.l Where the problem is considered onoi of major Importance tho county farm bureaus will put It In the program' as one of their regular projects.! Large posters, circular letters, press articles and some visits by smut! specialists will be used to promote! the control measures. a report ny m. m. wooiinan, a special Investigator of the govern ment present at the conference, showed that formaldehyde solutions into which the grain was dipped proved to be the best treatment In Oregon last year. COMPELS DEVELOPS! EXT. One advantage of war Is that It compels men to develop. Few men are self-starters, capable of pushing themselves to the limit for an in definite time. Dynamic bosses in peace time and the vital necessi ties of war bring out of these men the possibilities which but for this forcing would nevor develop. A great vision or a great arabltio.i furnishes the driving force In many men, but In war time all men are under pressure, stimulated, driven, compelled to bring up every .-ounce of reserve and latent ability to preserve their very lives. War has this, 'at least to its credit. If the great men, the resourceful men produced by this conflict can but find some great, stimulating task for their newly awakened abilities after the war, then shall we see great things come to pass In the next generation. 100 MEX AT OREGON' XOT ENROLLED IX ARMY hERVICE Statistics show that there are 100 men enrolled In the University who are neither members of the S. A. T. C. nor the civilian camp. Physical disqualifications bar some from any army service, while others are stn dents of the Eugene Bible Unlversi ty, and a few are older men who have returned to. tho University to complete their college work. Ben Sheldon Works Gratuitously At various times reports have been circulated which would tend to Injure a friend of the normal school who has been doing excellent work In behalf of the measure providing for Its re-establlshment. Ever since the campaign of 1914, Ben Sheldon has been working on the proposition, enlarging his acquaintance over the state, meeting with other communi ties and interviewing school men, and many times the local normal committees have asked him to repre sent them at these gatherings be cause he was the best informed man, the man with the largest acquaint ance, the man who could best get away, of any that were available The members of the committee, wher ever possible,' have personally cor rected an Impression created by some reports that have been circulated to the effect that Sheldon Is under pay of the committee. He has not been paid by the committee and they further state that they have no agreement to pay him any salary for this season's work. The present form of the measure combining the Interests of a united Eastern Oregon and putting it In shape so as to have the cooperation and backing of the Board of Regents and the State Su perintendent's office, Is very largely due to his conferences and diligent service. Likewise, the organization of the state committee has been al most wholly due to his work. Since that time he has klven us generous assistance In the details of the cam paign which are of great value and it Is not onl the time which he has given but also a lot of personal and Incidental expenses. By the Jordan Valley project 46,' 000 acres will be Irrigated. The Salmon Mountain mines at Marshfleld are to be developed. BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER 17 V You Get ALL mm mm MAGAZINES and OUR NEWSPAPER YcLEach F0R $2LSS Order Now Tl.'IS KM-TITIOXAI. Oi'H.II II (iWJ Villi A HHUUT OXLY bubjtrivlionit mn? In nir. or rc-np'al. Ail renoiYul Kulinrrlitii,N j;i m Unuftl lor cne fear from prr.tcnt dnlo of iIrnll,io. SLTBSCRIBE AT THE TIDINGS Office. WHICH More and Cheaper Fish HONEST LIVELIHOOD FOOD PRODUCTION HIGHER PRICED Pleasure Seekers WASTE OF FOOD FISH Keep the price of fish down. Help production of fish. Eliminate waste. VOTE 307 x NO Read argument in State election pamphlet. Clackamas County Fishermen's Union, Andrew Naterlin, Secy. Oregon City, Oregon. (Paid adv.) Have You a Stock ol Merchandise In a Poor Location? t I have a store building and warehouse for rent at $25.00 per month in which three merchants have made a nice stake, or will soil or trade.. Big pay roll; no competition. J. F. Maguire, Klamalh Falls, Oregon. J. A Westeilund i To the Voters of Ashland and Jackson County: I am a candidate for representative from Jackson County In the! I state legislature, where 1 have I representative. During my former period of I our Normal School at Ashland for I considered the re-establlshment of I learning, bigger and better than ever, one of the most important questions for our legislative delegation to work on, and one which j will always have my undivided attention. 1 I am hoartllv in favor of nation-wide prohibition, and if elect ed, I will work and voto for the i tlon amendment. I During tho many years of my residence in jacKson uouniy, j i have developed and operated one of the largest horticultural andl fnrminir nnnrntlnns In thd state, which I am still conducting. 1, ' am a practical farmer and orchardlst, and I believe that I know the! needs or the people ot tne county wen, mm now ueai iu buivo meui l In the legislature, from my former experience there.. I if von imiinvfi tbat I deserve the honor of another term In the legislature sb your representative, I you In that capacity. Mv number on the ballot is INTERURBAN AtJTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Phoenix daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4-00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave at 9:00 a. m 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also an Saturday night at io:i&. unaun- days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. mm Fare between Mearora ana Asn- (and, 30 cents. Round trip do cents FOUR of TJ go you Want? 307 X NO Laboring Class FISH 306 X YES SPORTSMEN I ICKO . .' .. " ... V...'i' : t . .... -s,. i n, IS); .v-.. 7 already served two terms as youri service, I worked and voted for Southern Oregon. I have always this much-needed Institution of' ratification of the national prohlbl-l . , ' i I am ready and willing to serve - . . J. A. WESTERLUND. . 40. (Paid Adv.) CHALMERS TAXI SERVICE Steam Heated MAUDE II A L L E Y Stand" at Rose Bros. Office Phone 213 Residence 101 I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVH THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the roots to continue thslJ, growth. , "You are next." Buckhorn Barber Shop J Clyde Costolo j