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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1918)
TAGK 6IX ASnLAXD TIDIC8 Monday, Xovcmber 4, 1018. r I 4 li ! I i M i......-tlfrifrfti,)((tl,;iM. 6H r- flows Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices iON Hardware Store SImPS Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Schwein INSPECT oornarHet and yonr confl- donee will be behind the pleasura of eaticrf our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a lanitaiy uortt i hop will aid yonr ditjestlob. St N. Main Phone 107 J. P. Dodge k Sons Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroner Slate Licensed Entbalmcr Pure flilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONL Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town sasaaauann I Lei He Put Jt- ji Western Electric POWER AND LIGHT " On Yomi- Farm ASKr&ffi HdHW ! Paul's Electric Store Medford, Oregon. WRITE IN NAME of CONRAD P. OLSON and make an X before it in the space on the ballot as shown below. JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT To till vacancy caused by death of Frank A. Moore Vote for One 1 JUSTICE OLSON is SQUAREABLE and NOW SERVING by APPOINTMENT. WHY CHANGE? ' The U. 8. navy has bought C00, 000 feet of Oregon fir for docks. Roseburg will install a prune pro cessing plant. The Roseherg cannery Is running at capacity on tomatoes. Enterprise sent 31 cars of fat cat tle to Portland last week. iJWmM Gl'.WKltH TRAINED TO liLAST WAV to matrix. Muluery Island, on the James river 15 miles from Fortress Mo.i roo, Va., is the site of Camn Eiistls, where the heavy artillerymen arc be ing trained to Mast a way for the American army to Berlin. Here a number of Ashland hoys go to "get their training, and more will un doubtedly be sent to learn to manipu late the big guns that are giving' les sons to the men here to Impart to the Huns "over there." This war game camp, which covers a reserva tion of 16,000 acres, Is one of the greatest projects tho United States has ever undertaken. There have been nilnjic warfare battlegrounds and trench warfare systems, but there has never been one of such magnitude as the firing centre and training camps at Eustis. in order to provide a war game battleground which will turn out thousands of practical artillerymen every month for overseas duty, the construction division, of the army has reproduced at Camp Eustis the exact replica of a wide sector of the western front. Every form of target that exists on the western front has been provided for the battleground A large number of farmhouses have been left Intact In order that they may serve as targets for registration work, while complete battery em placements have been provided, not only for the use of the guns, but also for target purposes In order that practice may be afforded In the de struction of such fortifications. Officers and men at Camp Eustis will actually so thru the process of surveying the ground to determine the exact location and range of tho targets with the utmost precision, because the cost of firing Is enor mous so great, In fact, that the heavy artilleryman must always en deavor to hit the target the first shot. Firing is always at long ranse and conducted with mathematical precis-J Ion. It consists of all guns over five Inch, and howitzers and mortars ov er six-Inch In calibre. The guns are long and fire at long range with high muzzle velocities, while the howit zers are shorter, lighter, fire with lower muzzle velocities and, usually, at higher elevations than guns. Mor tars fire at very high elevations of their muzzles and the lowest eleva tion It uses gives the longest range. Heavy guns may attain a range of 40,000 meters, the projectiles being In the air well over a minute. Yet targets for the long range guns, the battery commander of which cannot see his target, are often even small er than the targets for the light field guns. These big guns are not used for barrage or curtain of fire work. Thoy are chiefly used for points far beyond the enemy lines, villages, concentration of troops, crossroads, ammunition dumps, en emy fortifications, cave-shelters and especially enemy batteries. The life of the fourteen-Inch rail road gun is only 250 shots, when It has to be dismounted and sent back to the factory to be relined, whi'.o the life of a three-Inch piece or tho French 75, which Is about the same size. Is from 5000 to 6000 shots. It can readily be seen that It Is of the greatest Importance to keep down the wear on the rifling of heavy guns, which it takes years to product. In the present method of firing heavy guns, both the American and the French artillerists take into ac count practically everything that may appreciably affect the gfin, pow der charge, or projectile, In its flight, In calculating the data for aiming and laying the gun. First of all, the position f tIie gun and target must be accuratelv determined. It Is done In the case of tho heavies by topographical methods and maps for maps are Issued by the Intelligence section fresh every morning on which the position of Ccrman batteries are marked. Using th? Jranslt in connection with the most accurate map data available the exact location on the map of each of the guns of a bat tery and of the target are calculat ed. Aiming points and aiming lines, which are used In aiming the gun at tho target, are determined. All this ia done before tho guns are even brought Into position. Jn computing the actual flrin , data, the battery commander, hav Ing gathered all proper Information bus uown wiin pencil and paper, a lamo oi logarunms, and his range table, and works out exactly the amount by which each difforeut con dition,' such as draft, atmospheric density and wind will affect the fall of the shot. The condition of the powder, the exact weight of the pro jectile, the number of times each gun has been fired, and sometimes the curvature of the earth and its ro tation during the flignt of the pro jeetile are considered. These factors might seem Insignl flcant In their effect, yet a change In the wind hns been known to cause as much as K00 meters difference In the fall of a shot nnd a change In powder charge n3 much as COO me ters difference. That good v Gravely taste Real Gravely is the common-sense chew (or men. It is economical A man gets his tobacco sat isfaction out of a smaller chew and fewer of them. The good Gravely tfkte lasts a long while. Two or three smallsquaresof Real Gravely stays with you ' longer than a big hunk of. ordinary plug. Each piece is packed in a pouch. These are the plain facts about Gravely Plug Tobacco. goei further thai' t tvhy joe can gel the good Uuli tf thit clou of tobacco without extra coil. T rs PEYTN BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug IOf a pouch-arcc worth if port, and if ejected, will serve you to the limit of my nblllty. Sincerely. C. M. THOMAS, Candidate for State Senator. (Paid Advertisement) C. M. Thomas Writes Open Letter USE Land Plaster NOW Slanders, Walkers, "Gels-IHor Corns World Has Never Enown Its Equal "What will got rid of my cornr The aniiwer has been made by mil lions there's only one corn-remover that you can bank on, that's abso lutely certain, that makes aoy com During these trying times when In Aslllaild Lumber Co. answer to the demands of leaders. every loyal citizen Is giving every Phone 20 spare moment of his time and eVery available penny, In both cash nnd credit, to aid in the successful prose cutlon of tho war, I feel that politl cal campaigns should be dispensed with, and In place of a personal visit to each voter, I address this open letter" to the citizens of Jackson County with the object of present Contracts have been signed for a $700,000 steel rolling mill at Port land. 28,181 cattle and horses nnd G9.- 619 sheep graze in the forests at Wallowa. Neuralgic Pains GIVE WAY TO SOOTHINQ HAMLIN'S WIZARD O.L Ilamlins Wizard C:l U a s.fe, simple and effective treatment fir botli headache and neuralgia. It contains no chloroform or ot''-r dangerous drugs but is composed of the most expensive of hcalin-r ponetrating oil. Rubbed jn v.iier'r the pain is, it acts as a ton'c to ti.r Jortured nerves and almost invar iably brings quick relief. Wizard Oil is a good, dependable preparation to keep in the medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be f;ir away. In hcali.i?. anti septic (i!ialitic3 can ahv:ivs be re lied upon to prevent infection, or other serious results, from sp-aim, hnii.-os, cuts, - burns, bites a:ij stints. Just as good, too, for s-rc u-el, stirf neck. fro;t bitej. cobl sores and ranl.-v sores. j Oct a bottle from your dniEirist for 30c and use the medicine. If not en-l tirely satisfied take the bottle back' to him and he will return your mon-1 ey. I If you are troubled with constina-' tlon or sick headache try Hamlin'3' Wizard Liver Whips. Just pleasant; little pills at druggists for 30c. mlj. Guaranteed. I The community packing p'.ants of the Hood River valley have begun Ing my views on several of the points tlie s90""11 r"n at Issue First: One who serves you In the state senato In order to give max mum service must have had service In the house. A place In the senate has always been looked upon as n promotion. My colleagues of last session are each candidates for his old position. If you are satisfied with my services In the house, It is but proper and right that you should express that approval In giving your support to me for the senate Second: X pledge myself to sup port, by voice and vote, the ratlfica tlon of the National Prohibition Amendment. Third: I pledge myself to sun- port all measures . assisting In the winning of the war, or to give aid. comfort or assistance In any manner to the boys fighting our battles, or to their dependants. I believe thnt no sacrifice we can make will ever repay the debt of gratitude this na tlon and humanity owes them. Fourth: The most Important lo cal county issue, at this time, is good roads. Every one favors good roads. The last legislature passed an act outlining a road building program costing approximately flftv million dollars, and appropriated fllx lion dollars to start the work. The people of Oregon, Inter by vote, ap proved this measure. Jackson coun ty had already expended five hundred thousand dollars on, the Pacific Highway In this county, under an understanding that the. other coun ties north would In time, make cor responding expenditures, and a hard Burfacb Pacific Highway constructed The north counties failed to follow our lead, and now the state has, under the law mentioned, assumed complete charge. THIS LAW FAILS TO GIVE US JUST CREDIT FOR THE MONEY WE HAVE EXPEND ED ON. THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY, AND PROVIDES FOR THE EXPEN DITURE, OUT OF OUR COUNTY, OF THE FUNDS RAISED BY TAX ATION IN OUR COUNTY, UNDER ITS PR9VISI0NS. I blleve the one thing JacKson county needs more than any ot'ier Is the construction of lateral roads, leading from the mines, timber, and Isolated farms and the Improvement of existing out lying roads connecting the smaller communities with the great arteries of transportation. With a proper apportionments Iji the new state plan of highway bnildlng', Jackson Coun- hy should have funds to make the building of these laterals possible. I do pledge myself, that this sub ject shall have my main attention and effort, and that I will do my ut most to procure a fair and equitable adjustment of tjje Above matter. Any communication on these or other Issues, will be appreciated and im mediately answered. This letter constitutes my cam paign. I will appreciate your sup- Cora-Pain ! Ewd-tht Cora U DooaaJt on earth peri rlpht off like a banana ekln and that's maRlo "Oets-IL" Tight ahoes and dancing even when you have a corn need not disturb you If you apply a few drops of Gets-It" on the corn or callus. You want a corn-peeler, not a corn fooler. You don't have to fool with corns you peel them right off with your fingers by using "Oets-lf Cutting- makes corns grow and bleed. Why line Irritating salves or make a bundle of your toe with tape or bandages? Why putter and still have the corn? I'ee "Gets-It" your corn-pain la over, the cora 1 Is a "goner" Kiire an the mn risen. "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money, back corn-remover, the only sura way, costs but a trifle t any drug store, M'f'd by K. Lawrence ft t'u-blcugo. 111. itold in Aslilitiin And rpenmmpnflpri I as the world's best corn remedy by McNalr Bros. ' Hotel Austin Barber Shop tX. G. Hates. Prop. . First-class Service and Equipment. S'.ioeshlnlug Parlor Baths. Ashland. Oregon. s A . run 1 f-i 11ARLEY 21 IU.VIVQH 2 IN. ATM COLLARS ClUETT. PC10rY 4 CO., INC. MKt!ll!J ATI ST ka lisa Hi Visir 1 "i The Popular Motor Oil More ZEROLENE is used for automobiles on the Pa cific Coast than all other oils combined. Leading motor car distrib utors praise ZEROLENE, correctly refined from se lected California asphalt base crude, because it main tains its lubricating body at cylinder heat and gives perfect lubrication with less" wear and less carbon deposit. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At deafer rvtrywhrrr and Standard Oil Service Stations STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) - Correct Lubrication for the Air-Cooled Type Engine Engines are either water-cooled or air-cooled. This, the air-cooled type, like all internal combustion engines, re quires an oil that holds its full lubricating qual ities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the com bustion chambers and goes out with exhaust ZEROLENE fills these requirements perfectly, because it is correctly re lined from selected Cali forni asphalt-base crude.