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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1918)
Monday, Korember 4; 1018. ASHLAND TIDIXCS PAGE FIVE. QUALITY Stationery We cater to Particular Peo pie. It will pay you always to examine our line. Polcy's Drug Store Foley & Elbart, Druggists. I LOCAL AND PERSONAL sW J J J J iiZJJ J Ji a a a JJSi eJ 11 2 Ji JiiZiil On, account of Important election matters the Tidings Is printed one day early this week. 1'lcture framing. Studio Ashland. Jf Keep Olson on Bench by writing in lils name November 5th. adv. Pay your 1917 taxes before Tues day, November 5, and save a big fine. Miss Mary Walker has accepted a position In the clerical department of Ferguson's store. Miss Mary Ives has gone to Duns mulr w here she Is assisting in 'tak ing care of the Influenza cases. Mr. and Mrs. Bert II. Greer are now at home to their friends In their new bungalow at 199 Granite street, j Word was received by Mrs. Annie F. Rush this week that her husband, Frank L. Itush, who Is In France, Is seriously 111. Studio Ashland, better portraits. Mrs. Margaret Ganlard and sons S. C. and Oscar, left Saturday for southern California to spend the coming winter. T. N. Humphry of the Ashland mills has returned from a business trip which took him to his former home In Douglas county. Hemstitching and Picoting done by order. Handicraft Shop, Medford Oregon. Albums. The Camera Exchange. tf Our soldier 4)Oys are eating Colum bia Oleomargarine. Be patriotic and try some in your home. It's a sav ing. Louis Schweln will tell you about it. Miss Hortonse Winter was In Ash land from Hilt for. a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Winter, of the Boulevard. Miss Winter Is telegraph operator at Hilt. Mrs. Sloan of Oak street has re turned from Klamath Falls where she had been making an extended visit with her son, Robert Sloan. Koclaks. The Camera Exchange. tf W, L. Johnson and family, who have been located at Sunnyvale, Cal., have returned home and are occupy ing their home at 47G North Main St. Harold and Will Thomas returned to Gllroy, Cal., Thursday evening, after a visit at the home of their uncle, A. II. Thomas, of the Boule vard. E. E. Miller and wife have return ed to their home on Granite street from Hilt where they spent the past summer and where Mr. Miller was employed. Win. J. Llbby, brother of Mrs. Ada Stannard, arrived In Ashland Wed-! nesday morning to attend the funer al of his brother-in-law, Geo. A. Stan nard. Mr. Llbby left Saturday morn ing for his home In Boise, Idaho. Sergeant J. R. Hodges who brought the body of his wife hers last week for burial from Marfa, Texas, has obtained a ten-day fur lough and is remaining that time at the home of Mrs. Emma Adams of Grant street. Mrs. J. R. Conrey left last Mon day evening for her home In Iowa after spending several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Homer Billings, In this city. Ask Nlnlnger & Robertson about Columbia Oleomargarine. They bav3 It for sale at 45c a pound. W, II. Mowat received a message last week stating that his son, Lieut. Lynn Mowat, had arrived safely ov erseas. The message was released from New York. George RIggs and wife came from California last week where they have been spending some time. They are both Blck with Influenza at their lodging place on Fourth street., Mrs. E. F. Ross of Dunsmulr has returned to her home after visiting at the home of Mrs. W. X. Wright. Mrs. Sarah Glass of Douglas City, Cat., Is also a guest of Mrs. Wright. Ceorge W. Cross, piano tuner. En dorsed by the leading teachers of Ashland and Medford. Special rates by the year. All work guaran teed. Leave orders at Rose Bros. It Framed pictures. Studio Ashland. If Why not try Columbia Oleomarga rine this month Instead of butter, churned fresh dally at Portland fac tory. Come to demonstration' Wed nesday afternoon at Ashland Trading Company. E. F. Smith and Charles Lindsay were business visitors to Klamath Falls last week. The trip was made In tiie Smith car, driven by Mrs. Bert Smith, who was a guest of friends while in that city. Cllf Payne makes cider presses. W. E. Glendinnlng has returned from Clatsop county where he had Justice of Supreme Court Conrad P. Olson is able, aggressive and square. Write his name on ballot November 5th to succeed himself In vacancy caused by death of Frame A. Moore. ftdv, 0. Winter and wife drove over to the Shasta valley In California last Friday and returned Saturday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. A. JI. Russell and daughter, Miss Mabel Russell, who have come to their home on North Main street to spend the winter. Sugar Allowance Increased One Pound Household, sugar allowance be ginning November 1, is three pounds per person per month. Restaurants, three pounds for each ninety meals. Monthly allowance can be purchased at one time. W. A. FOLGER, Co. Administrator. Time to Think of Stoves We take ycur old stove In exchange for a new Heating Stov3 or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Louis Schweln sells Columbia Oleomargarine. Only 45c a pound. Charles Logan and wife pf Yreka, Cal , were In Ashland Thursday where they came to attend the funer al of the late Roy Sanford. Howard Frame, son of Captain and Mrs. H. W. Frame of Talent, Is home from Bremerton where he is serving In the naval reserve. Al orders for hemstitching and picoting promptly filled at the Handi craft Shop, Medford, Oregon. Poley's Drug Store takes maga zine subscriptions. 44-3t. F. E. Watson of the Park board Is confined to his home on Strawberry Lane with an attack of grippe. Conrad P. Olson was selected byj,,een spending the past two months Governor Withycombe from a state- ln the spruce district, and will be wide field of aspirants as Justice of j engaged in entomological the Supreme Court to succeed Ju3- Siskiyou county hereafter. tice Moore. He Is now on the job Keep hlra there by writing In his name on .-evemuer iin. aav. J. H. McGee has filed his petition for councilman of the third ward for two years, beginning January 1, 1019. Mr. McGee has consented to file for this office in the place of A. L. Lamb, who will not be a candi date to succeed himself. Big Bargains in Used Fords Wo have on hand six good' used Ford touring cars which wo will sell at big bargains if taken this week. PRICES RANGE FROM $300.00 to $450.00 Terms if desired All in good condition FORD GARAGE LEE HALL, PROP. VOTERS OF OREGON Justice F. A. Moore of the Supreme Court died last month, too late for the name of any candidate to suc ceed him to be placed on the Ballot. This condition makes It necessary to write In the name of your candidate. This Is the most Important posi tion ln the Judicial system of tho State. , , It Is essential to choose a man of extensive legal training, of high char acter, and of broad vision. We com mend for your consideration and vote J. U. CAMPBELL OF OREGON' CITY Resident of the State 30 years: lawyer for 23 years: veteran of the-Spanish-American War and Philip pine Insurrection, having served with 2nd Oregon Regiment; member of Oregon Legislature in 1907 anl 1909 sessions; Judge of the 5th Ju dicial Disctrict 9', 4 years. In all theso positions he has mada good.. His record as a private citizen and public official has been above criti cism. Write In his name at the Gener al Election Nov. 5th. For Justice of tho Supremo Court to fill vnrnnry rnusrd by the death of Just Ire Frank A. Moore Vote for One Write tho mime of J. I'. Ciimplxdl in the iiIhivc Kpiire and place an X in front of Ills niinic. J. U. Campbell for Supreme Court Campaign Com., Oregon City, Ore., J. D. Butler, Sec'y. (Paid Advertisement) I '-- ' ; if rp - - -1 uu uci ua ho ucj ucj ucj uu Uwi ubj ura w 1 m CITIZENS LlCITIZENS(y W BANK Stabelizing Financial -'Civ' Transactions Payment by check on The Citizens Bank of Ashland staballzes financial trano- fl actions. Not only Is it safe but economical and J convenient. Your check 's Ine account Is Invited. Pocket size check books free to checking account jj depositors. 4ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Cut your butter bill in half. When ! buying Oleomargarine insist on hav-! ing the best. Columbia brand for' sale at Nininger & Robertson. Cornel to demonstration Tuesday afternoon, j O. C. Hinds, one of the mail; clerks on tho Southern Pacific rail-1 road, was called to Oakland Satur-j day by the tidings of the serious III-' ness of his mother. Mrs. Hinds re- J ceived a message Sunday from her husband stating that his mother had died that morning. Misses Lydia and Fern Keeton, daughters of Engine Foreman "m. J. Keeton, have just returned from an extended visit with friends and relatives In Denver, Colorado. They spent the last two weeks of their trip with tlAdr sister, Mrs. L. B. Speer, who is residing at Sacramento. Columbia brand Oleomargarine Is made by the Union Meat Co., Port land. Churned twice daUey. 43 cents a pound. Try some. For sale at Ashland Trading Co. Subscribe for your magazines at Poley's Drug Store. 4 4-3t Mrs. A. L. Harvey has returned home from an extended visit with relatives in Klamath Falls. She was accompanied here by Mrs. Nate Ot terbein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goellor and Mrs. Robert Sloan, who took din-1 ner with her Sunday. Mr. andiMrs. Goeller went on to Portland from here, while the others returned to their homes In Klamath Falls during the week. Our kodak finishing will please tho Camera Exchange. tf The celling about the flue of H. T. Baughman's clothing store on Fourth street caught fire .Tuesday evening and burned for a little dis tance around the pipe. The fire de partment answered the call and ex tinguished the flames with the use of chemicals. No damage was reported. I I'HOXK f NO. MB IVAUPEL THE yi'ALITY STOKK OF ASHLAND OH.' EAST MA IX ST. Our first Christmas announcement consists of a whole page of useful, practical gifts for every one on your Jist. Remember, the government calls for early shopping. Start now. Buy gifts every day. You will then help us get through the Christmas shopping days easily andbe taken earn of properly on what you should happen to want. HANDKERCHIEFS Neckwear for Men Just received by Express big new line of Men's Neckwear !:i the ntwott and snappiest patterns to be had. Buv him a swell Necktie for Xmas. Each 50c and $!.() Silk Hosiery Buy your wants in Hosiery now as t!:e market is depleted in tills line of merchandise and none to be had until January 1st. We carry full lino of colors lu the Hole proof and Burlington Hosiery. Men's Shirts One of the most useful and ac- I mntaMn frlfta Innu-n trtn fl. fiat nt na A nice box of Handkerchiefs never goes amiss. Our line is complete for the Holiday trade at all prices. We carry a full stock of the well known Arrow Brand. There Is nothing more acceptable than a nice new Shirt to the men folks. Full range of patterns now on hand at each $1.2.1 and $1.50 Bath Robes Full line of Bathrobes all ready to be mado up for that Christmas gift. Big line of patterns to choose from at 85.50 and $0.00 each. These robes are a very useful ar ticle to have ln tiie house. SWEATERS Just a few good sweaters left In stock which we are closing out at a price. If you are In need of one of theso useful articles now Is tho time to mnke your purchase. Don't delay as they are going fast. Shoes 2jd Mall Orders Promptly Filled The largest and most exclusive line of millinery In Southern Oregon. Miss Lounsbury,, Milliner,' 126 E. Main street, Medford, Ore. 37-lmo HERE IS A BARGAIN Twenty acres Just outside the city limits, within short distance of paved highway, well Improved, good hoqse and barn, all in culti vation; offered for a short time at $4000; $1500 down, balance at low rate of Interest on long time. Liberty Bonds1 accepted on the cash payment. Good reasons for selling. Better see this now. BILLINGS AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND REAL INSURANCE Established 18S3 Phone 211 . 41 East Main St. Don't overlook our Shoe Department when It comes to the new and snappy Elioes that are shown first at this store. FIELD MOUSE BROWN CLOTH TOP . $H.30 REINDEER. KID CLOTH TOP H.I50 CRUISER GREY KID TOP 10-00 HAVANA BROWN CLOTH TOP 7.50 Table Linens Purchase your needs In Table Linens for tho Holidays new. Don't ovcYlook our Linen De partment as our stock Is complete at the pres ent time Per yard $1.00 to $3.00 Also full line of Napkins made up and by the dozen at popular prices. Have that Thanks giving dinner on new table linen. Puritan Undermuslins The right undergarment for the particular lady customer. A full line of Envelope Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, etc., now' in stock at popular prices. Also nice line of Silk Underwear to choose from for Holiday Gifts. Give us a trial on these lines. Dressmakers Approre' ATHENA UNDERWEAR For Womea, Misses, Children T Because it aid wonderfully in the fit of a gown. Athena is cut and fashioned to accord perfectly with every line and curve of a woman' form. TThe special features such as The Patent-fitted Seat, The Three cornered Gusset at thigh. The Fit ted Shoulders and Sleeves, The Tailored Shaping and Perfect Sizing of Athena Underwear insure a tai lored fit. 1 In twenty-eight shapes and thirty-eight fabrics (all weights and qualities) at just the prices you would pay for ordinary underwear. Athena Underwear for children ct specially designed to fit the tody 0 the growing child. It give comfort and wear. :ara ruaruaTenEntanendnDncinCjntin tin anonrjnnnDnHrusrcrtPnEriEruafuanEiii jiejiej liiuiiLjiiUninkM Umbrellas Gloves Umbrellas come In the useful list for Xmas gifts. Complete line of Men's, Women's and Children's carried In stock. Prices range from 75c to $7.50 Don't forget the Gloves In your list. New stock having just arrived we are able to take care of you In all colors. Cooper's Underwear Complete stock of tho widely known line of Cooper's Underwear for Fall Is now on our shelves. Conies In White, Grey, Ecru, and Blue Mix at prices, per suit, $2.00 up to $3.50 No underwear can be compared to this garment when It comes to durability, style and wear. Royal Worcester Corsets Royal Worcester Corsets are the right corsets for 'the precise buyer. They are made to fit In all styles, both ln front and back lace. Come in Flesh and White, plain and brocaded. Values from $1.00 up to $.1.00 pair. If you are in need of a corset give this well known maks a thoro trial and become convinced. 1