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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1918)
U Monday, Xovcmtor 4 1018. ASHLAND TIDINGS Am Analysis of Two Universal Combination Ranges LIGHTEN' HOUSEHOLD LA BOH AXD EXPENSE How to prepare economical, satisfying meals with the least waste of time and materials is a problem largely solved by the right kind of a range. The , Universal Combination is that kind of a range It makes for economy In food, fuel and la bor. Barns wood and coal or gas use the fuel most desir able for the work In hand. A turn of the key changes from ono fuel to the other or yoj may use both fuels at the same time, if desired. The Univer sal Combination Is really two complete ranges in one and yet occupies the space of only one rang. Your old range taken as part payment. :jf ' M ;!..... f :-,..,".li-:r-T,:;j rl .:,: ""C m, And the Famous Universal Heaters ARE HERE IN A VARIETY' OP STYLES AND SIZES Our stocks of Universal heaters are most complete. We have wood heaters, coal heaters, and com'.lnation wood and coal heaters, ev ery desirable style and size. The "Air Blast Universal heater will help wonderfully In the cut ting down of your fuel bills. Come in tomorrow and select your new range and heater. Prices are very moderate. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON. Swcnscn & McRac mm k If br Thirty Feet of Danger The intestinal canal is an important part of every individual, important every inch of its thirty feet. The upper portion of it is intended for the diges tion of food and absorption of its useful portions. But the lower part is concerned with the elimina tion of waste materia!. It is, in other words, the great sewer of the body. The more food eaten, the greater the waste. If a sewer becomes clogjed up, its contents stagnate and become more and more dangerous. Constipation means more than failure to evacuate the bowels regularly and thoroughly It means 'stagnation, increased fermentation, putrefaction and germ action. Increased amounts of irritating and poisonous substances are formed. Absorption of these into the blood follows. Self-poisoning results. Danger, disorder, disease, or even death follow. Pills, purgative mineral waters, castor oil, salts, etc., do not cure constipation or prevent its con sequences. They make it worse because they do not only irritate the bowels, but they "wear out" in effect and so must be taken in increasing doses, making constipation a habit. But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation over comes constipation by helping Nature re-establish easydaily, thorough bowel evacuation as "regular as clockwork." Nujol prevents stagnation and self-poisoning., T-Iujol forms no habit, except a natural, healthy habit. After Nujol has trained the bowels to act, it can be dispensed with. Nil Qi for constipation us. u. . rxt. ott. " , Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) SO Broadway, Tew York "Regular as Clockwork" Wnmin0 Nujol is io!d only in tV Urm"S' sealed bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on Nujol. You may tufftr from substitutes. Proposed Measures (FroM the Corvallls Cazette-Timcs.) In Its efforts to get even. with the country publishers for refusing to get back of its slnglo tax measure, the Portland Journal, thru its million aire owner, Sam Jackson, has had in itiated two measures dealing direct ly with the country press. One measure provides for the abolition of the publication of the delinquent tax lint and the other lowers the rate provided by statute for the pub lication of legal notices. The rate provided by statute is exactly the Bame rate charged by 90 per cent of tbo country papers to their commer cial advertisers for the same class of work. Mr. Jackson was very partic ular to sen that tills proposed measure did not IN ANY WAY AF FECT MULTNOMAH COUNTY, WHERE HIS OWN PAPER IS PUB LISHED. Thhe voter should bear this In mind In guaglrcg the animus back of the Jackson printing meas ures. It Is also a matter of court record that the present bill providing for the payment of publication of delin quent tax. lists In counties of over 150,000 population, WAS HORN IN SAM JACKSON'S OFFICE IN PORTLAND, that ho Is Its father and wet nurse and that the mid wives were John F. Logan and R. W. Montague, attorneys. That Is the sworn testimony of Mr. Logfii in a Muttnomah court, and Mr. Jack son doesn't deny It. Why didn't he fix the bill to abolish the publica tion then? Recaiise he Hiought ho had manipulated It so that the Jour nal could get the publication. It so turned out however that there are two papers published In Portland having a smaller circulation than uih juiiruai ana one oi mem is me i Journal's hated afternoon contempo rary, The Telegram. The advertis ing rates are therefore less and un- Uess the Journal bids below the legal 4 OiC II IUI1 I, b - I II1U II IllfclUf,, It prefers to do without rather titan permit Its rival to have it. In its attack on the delinquent publication notices, Mr. Jackson Is taking the counties alphabetically and teltyig the voters what it cost them to have the delinquent list pub lished. Lie NumlK-r One. ' In his Ronton County article, for Instance, he says that It cost the voters nearly $2,0"0 to have pub lished the delinquent list from 1912 to 1918 Inclusive. If that were true, it would mean that Benton county collected nearly 12,000,000 for an expense of 10 cents on every hun dred dollars collected. There isn't a business man in the world but who would gladly turn all his collection" over to any collector who would guarantee to collect at so low a rate. It beats green trading stamps by ex actly 2000 per cent. But It Is not true, as any taxpayer can find out by calling at the sher iff's office in any cofinty In Oregon. The Journal merely hones to fool the public. ' This collection HAS NOT COST THE TAXPAYERS OF BENTON COUNTY A SINGLE CENT, tho It has collected for the county thousands of dollars. Near ly everybody who pays taxes Knows that the cost of the advertising Is charged up to the man who is de linquent of to the man who buys a tax deed. "This fear of publicity, and th fact that the property owner will have to pay for It," says deputy Sheriff Taylor, "Ms the best thins that could possibly happen to the treasury of Benton county. It is what makes many taxpayers come In and pay up before publication date. As soon as the taxes aro past due. we Fend a written statement to the owner of tho property in question. we nave -dozens of these owners! then come in and inquire as to when their delinquency will be published and state that they will be in before that date and pay the taxes. The Journal's measure provides for a mail notice. That would not accom plish tho purpose at all, for we aro already, as required by the present law, sending out a mall notice to everybody who has failed to pay on the date required. The sheriff then stuck his band Into a pigeon bole and pulled out a double fist full of notices that he had sent out and that had come back thru the mrRl marked "un claimed." Just hqw the Journal method would reach this class of people I do not know. It couldn't reach them, for these returned let ters show abundantly that It does not. O.n the other hand, many of these people to whom we mall no tices and who do not get them, come n after the property Is advertised In the papers and pay up saying they saw the list, or that a friend saw It who knew their address and notified them. Occasionally too a man sells a piece of property and takes a mort gage. The property is on the tax rolls In the name of the mortgagor. The mortgagee is Interested In see ing that the mortgagor keeps the taxes paid and often this Is his only means of finding out. Every state uosnej poo8 ei eaem pu xbj juanb so far as I know publishes a oeim for It. It would create chaos to abolish It." Mo NumW Two. This lie the Journal repeats In nearly all Its stories In a seeming effort to prove that the country press Is venal, dishonest, crooked and full of graft. It states, "the list Is published five times which Is not authhorlzed by statute." This Is one of its boldest lies as any attorney can tell you who knows his business in this county, for instance, the County Court got a specific opinion on the matter from District Attorney Clarke. The district attorney said the law required the notice to bo published five times. If It were not published according to law, the tax deed would be no good, therefore tho five publications were expressly or dered by the County Court. Any voter can verify this by consulting Attorney Clarke. Lie Number Throe. The Journal says "Had the lists been set solid it would have reduced the price $77." This lie presumes on the Ignoranco of the people as to the difference between "solid" and "loaded" type. This paragraph Is set "solid." Tho same thing RE IOW is set "leaded." The reader can count the lines and see for him self that there Is not a particle of difference In the number. The lines are merely farther apart. THE DE LINQUENT PAYS FOR IT BY THE LING. The Journal says "Had the lists been set solid it 'would have reduced the prlco $77." This lie presumes on the Ignorance of the people as to the difference betwen , "solid'' and "leaded" type. This paragraph Is set "solid." The same thing BE 10W is set "leaded." The reader can count the lines and see for him self that there Is not a partlclo of difference In the number. The lines are merely farther apart. THE DE LINQUENT PAYS FOR IT BY THE LINH. An I'nfoituimtp Select ion. In an unfair effort to call atten tion to the seeming advantage of its scheme, the Journal says, "If mall notices prevailed, James W. lling liam, who owns an acre In Denton county, would not have been forced to pay $.r0 to have his S cents tax published." because the taxes were under $1.00, the statute prohibits tholr being ad vertised. This Is correct and the only correct statement In the Jour nal's continued harangues. The Jour nal might also Btate, If It were dis posed to be fair, that the statute re quires ALL delinquent property to bo advertised beforo a -certificate of delinquency can be Issued. There Is no other way whereby a certificate can be Issued. Even the county It self couldn't take over tho property and perfect a title, which Is what Slnglo Tax Jackson hopes to do ul tlmately with his scheme. There' fore the county had the choice of obeying one law or tho other. It choso to take no chances and adver tised all delinquent property. In either event, It was not up to the newspapers to say whether or not It should be advertised. It takes the copy brought to It and publishes ac cording to order. The Journal concludes, "The same situation, generally speaking, ap piles to every county In the state of Oregon and not to Benton county alone." latitat Is true, then the above argument Is applicable to ev ery county In the Btato of Oregon as well as to Benton county. But when It makes this statement, the Journal publicly accuses every district attorney In the state, every sheriff nnd every county court of being either dishonest or Incompet ent. There Is no other alternative If the Journal bo Correct. They either violate tho law maliciously or Ignorantly In three different In stances, (1) by paying for padded lists. (2) for publishing onco too often, (3) by publishing amounts less than ono dollar. Either the Journal Is right and every sheriff, county court and district nttornoy In county courts, sheriffs nnd district attorneys of Oregon are right and the Slnglo Tax scheming Journal is wrong or crooked. Also, every other Btate In the union Is wrong nnd hns there will be more and more delin quents and the county wlll.becomo more and more a property owner and a step In the direction of Slnglo Tax will have been accomplished. But the Journal arguments of course do not mention slnglo tax. They are confined to misrepresent ing uiB publications and weeping over the poor delinquent. Tho voter knows, if ho stops to think, that it Is not the poor man who becomes delinquent. It Is the speculator and the man who has so much prop erty scattered around that he forget whether he has paid taxes on It or not. A fine case In point exists In this county where a Portland pro moter platted out the Pacific Addi tion to Monroe and sold hundreds of lots to the poor laborers on tho rail road there. It was sold on tho In stallment plan, tho real ownership being In the promoter. The lots were ulmlutcly worthless and of course the laborers loft the country without paying out and tho promoter has had to pay tho taxes or lose It. This Is one ef tho nun tho Journal Is weeping over. Its editorial col umns have llttlo uso for a promoter, but when ho can bo hidden behind "a poor man who struggles day and night, etc." then Its sobs aro elo quent. Finally, -tho proposed scheme Is not offered in good faith; It Isa subterfuge; It Is Impracticable: tho present statute already requires mnll notices to bo sent out when tax es are past due; if newspaper publi cation was discontinued, tax titles would be worthless. Tho present publication law has proven success ful In every stato in the union; It Is tho best collector of revenue the county hns, It compels tho tax de linquent to come tip nnd pay his Just Oregon Is wrong or crooked, or theKhnro of taxes along with the other Aitre 5 ieji, ntura tj W. A. Gt'LLaTLV, ShtuX. C'.ort Uouj, CORViLLIS, cv.zzo:i. CQRVALLlSi Cr'C C -'7 OF.rGOM Jaa.W.Bir.Ehaa, 3 Corvallls. Cu. ' A. Plea- return notice when you remit. Date V. 7. DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE , Volume V Pane Amount delinquent on real property on 101 Roll. Asse The tssed to, r. andum of your taxes delinquent and unpaid is t . . . . L Line. Penalty and Interest to date ....?.?. Total amount due $. . Delinquent taxes will be advertised February.. ....., 191.?. 1 taxes are not paid your property will be subject to sale of certificate of delinquency April. J.T.. 191.5.. Interest charged at the rate of I per cent per month. W. A. CELLATLY, Sheriff and Tax Collector. From the Journal's viewpoint, Its selection was unfortunate for its ar gument. It hasn't cost James W. Bingham anything nor will It do so. James W. Bingham was notified' ac cording to the latest Improved meth ods, a method highly recommended by the Portland Journal as being In fallible, viz: THRU THE UNITED STATES MAILS. The letter to Mr. Bingham was returned by the post master marked "unclaimed." Tho been for years and only tho Slirgle Tax scheming editor of the Journal has discovered the error. In this connection the voters of Oregon should remember that sever al other times Single Tax measures have been launched In disguise by this same pernicious source. The last time was In November, 191H, under the "Full Rental Land Value" amendment, which, among other things, provided "that delinquent tax sale certificates should l3 bought parcel was then advertised and thruU1, ,y the State Land board with nena ties and costs and inore- tiie advertisement In the papers it was discovered that another party hns bad adverse possession of the land and presumed that It was In cluded In his deed given a good many years ago. Bingham's name got onto the tax roll by reason of a now n attlng by the county assessor Only the publication In the papers discovered the fact that for several years It had been assessed to anoth er man who Had neen paying nit taxes supposing ho had a clear title to the premises. We thanK me Journal for mentioning this case. The same serious failure to notify Interested parties would occur In ALL cases where tax rolls failed to correspond to the record of deeds, which Is continually changing. For the same reason serious Injury would work against a mortgagee, for under the proposed scheme the holder of a mortgage Is not notified of the tax delinquency. The same thing would apply also to property held In trust and no state In the union has yet been able, to f'nd a way to issue a tax certificate of de linquency or a tax deed that was worth the paper It was written on without first advertising the delin quency.. The owner of a tax deed for delinquent property not advertised In a newspaper would have difficulty finding a mortgage company who would loan nxny money on such a title. The 'Journal complains too that after the title should vest absolutely In tho state." Why was the effort made to have the state get hold of those tax certificates? If the news paper publication is wicked now, why wasn't It wicked then? Numerous measures were sought to be put on ths ballot this year. All but these printing bills failed. Mr. Jackson hired men to go out and got signatures. The other measures had to depend on volunteers. Is It possible that the Fcls Soap Fund has not yet been exhausted? This Is the fund left by millionaire Fels to pro mote single tax In Oregon. It Is the fund that hns been used by Jnckson and U'Ren to promote all their other single tax schemes. Wore these bills initiated thru the millionaire's soap fund, or by millionaire Jackson him self? With Jackson'a past record on the subject In mind these are fair questions to consider, If the delin quent tax list Is not advertised, few er delinquent certificates will be sold and not only will the county's i-evenues diminish but the county will get tho delinquent lands them selves. The object of single tax Is public ownership. As tho county's revenues decrease because of dellnfluents, county taxes will necessarily Increase on those who DO pay to make up the defi ciency. Thus It wilP become harder and harder to pay the taxes and fellow, It doesn't cost tho county a single cent of money nnd never has and tho continued nnd repeated statements In tho Jonrnnl that It does are but added evidence of Mil lionaire Jackson's entire lack of good faith in both printing measures. The Intelligent voter will vote 309 "No" nnd nil "No." Wo have referred the questions commented on above to the proper authorities in this county and their opinion Is expressed below. There Is included also the opinion of A. J. Johnson, who pays tb.xes in four different counties and whoso reputa tion and good business judgment are so well known In this county that It should have wight. Prom the District Attorney. From a rendln? of the statutes of the State of Oregon It appears to me beyond question that It Is necessary that tax notices be published flvo times, nnd not four, as contended. This position being correct, tax deeds procured as a result of sale whore tho publication has been had but four times, would not be valid. (Signed) ARTHUR CLARKE. District Attorney. From Several Authorities. I have examined the two pro posed measures, relating to cliang- nc t he nr ntllig laws, anu am con vinced that their adoption would be Injurious to the taxpayers of the state of Oregon. I think the pres ent law on the subject of publica tion of delinquent taxes Is a fair one nnd should be retained on the staium books and that an exclusive man notice as proposed would not accom plish the purpose. (Signed) . W. WARFIELI), Recorder. A. J. RICKARD. County Assessor. From tbo Ta Collector. I bnve read tho foregoing article In reference to tho proposed changes In tho publication of delinquent tax notices and am glad to confirm tho statements made therein. This pro posed measure should bo defeated. (Signed W. A. CELLATLY. Sheriff nnd Tax Collector. From the County (lerk. The delinquent tax measure which we have to vote on this fall provide that the -sheriff shall notify tho per son taxed "at tho address on the tax rolls." The tax rolls are made up March '1st. Tho time for paying the last halt of the taxes does not ex pire till a year from the following; October a full year and a half af ter the rolls are made up. In tho meantime hundreds of people mar have moved away nnd It Is Impossible to find them by addressing a lotter to where thev were a year and a hair previous. This Is merely one of the very mnnv reasons why I believe that the pronosed measure Is vicious and should be itofpated. (Signed) EMERY J. NEWTON. County Clerk of Benton County. A reservoir for storing Irrigation water Is to bo built at Echo. Come in and Examine the TIRE With a thous and claws. All sizes fc SOLD BYTH8 Overland . Millner Co I VOTE 309 and 311 X Ni