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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
Tuesday, October 21), 101f. ASIILAXD TIDINGS PACE SIX iSHiSnynlan&iErara 50 iin - HeaCttoi Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices win 1 Hardware Store Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Malte the Eagle Meal Market Popular L. Schwein INSPECT our martlet and your confl- dence will be behind the pleasure of eating oar meats. The Hnowledrfe of cleanlinesi and a saoitaijr worit i hop will aid your digestion. 81 N. Main Pbooc 107 2S9 J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy County Corontr Slate Licensed Enibalmer PureHilk xczs Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town I Cr U Irr TO m i ""--V-. V t;i!JWyjlf 'QV!e:3 J '..II. 1 I , 7 l I , I HTX177.P 1 !.' J it. si 1 K.V 7 Beautify the Interior of Your Home Flat-toned wa!li aro washable and sanitary. The beauty is permanent. Floors fir.Lhcd witli Mar-Not Varnish will withstand all wear and tear. They're waterproof aj well. Floorlac is the all-around varnish shin. Stains and varnishes in one orwntion. For furniture and woodwork. x Old Dut :h Enamel in white and ivory white. The most beautiful While Enamel GnLa for woodwork. A Finish For Every Surface PAINS &. WiRMSHES Carscn Fowler Lumber c0. miit r.nii:r.s placi: IX WIXXIXO WOKI.D IVAK. American packers are doing far more than merely furnishing meat foods to the soldiers and sailors of the United States and her allies, ac cording to C. S. Churchill, Advisory Superintendent for Swift & Com pany, who addressed the American Meat Packers' convention last week. "The general public realizes little of tho work that the packer Is doln? to win the war," said Mr. Churcli- OVKHSK.VS CHIUMtKX. A Children's Christmas depart ment Is to be added to tho Red Cross Salvago shop, and the object Is this,' 1st, That every child In Ashland donate one gift to this department. 2nd, That every child In Ashland buy one gift from this department, 3rd, That nil money taken In at this de partment be given to the war-Btrlck-en children overseas. Isn't the very thought glorious-! Did some one give you a dolly, a book, a toy you have taken such splendid care of It could bo passcl along? We want to paste one of those Red Cross stamps that are sold for Red Cross relief work on every gift. Just think of the spirit of It! Every girl and every boy In Ashland on Christ mas morning with a gift that ays: "Cheery Christmas three times, bo cause I am sending cheer and comfort to suffering children and somebody has a gift that you donated und somebody has a gift that you c?-ve to them that's doing tho same th'.r.g." One nice way would be to take It upMn the Sunday school classes, the class set a day for members to bring H In gifts, then send all the sirt.i in one package to the Christmas department. This Christmas department Is ready to receive gifts from today and would liko them donated bcfoie tlia special opening day which will lie early In November, the date Isn't set but the day of the week will be Saturday for sure. We want every High school girl and boy to take this up as t''lr special Christmas offering to suffer ing hoys and girls. Now grown folks think that chil dren nre the most Important of the two, grown folks are so nice to have ill. "Yare furnishing a great deal , aroun( nn(i ut Christmas time they of material for the manufacture of t do j,ave guch a way 0( actin munitions, including glycerine, P"t- ,ike jllt0 toikS ti,ey are g0 handy ash, and sulphuric ncld. Our sheep t0 g0 t0 for Bman ci,ango too, so we shins aro usd to manufacture cold-jcount t)iem a on tnS grand Christ proof coat3. ma9 Special. Some of them may -"'Every pound of wool that we. 3enJ jn n!ce uttle thin slips of paper have Is taken by the Government asWlth tler ,lnme3 cn them-that the fast as we produce it, and the price ' ljankg cas, tnr rcal dollars and that Is fixed by the Government. sur3 Would send cheer to children "There Isn't a pound of stock overseagt food manufactured today that Is not j Ve want tn-lS corllcr n the Sal being used to help1 win the war, b-; vag0 Bll0p festlv'e and gay so If grown cause It goes to put weight on live i foli..8 wiu loan t0 U8 ono or two nice stock that is badly needed by our,larg3 ta,ieg( a screen, Christmas soldiers and sailors. I decorations, any thing Christmasy "The tons of fertilizer that wo; we wll take good care of things and manufacture aid In growing more ;retUrn after our sal?. Then if sev crops that will be used later to feed era gr0Wn folks would give several more soldiers to fight ths HUN. Glue -dollars to buy those Red Cross has its uses. Soap certainly Is a big 8tamps t0 Iiast3 0n tho gifts it would item Albumen Is another lilgniyj ,e gpiondiferops. If we want any important product; is is" now used tlling cl3e we w;u et them know. in the construction of aeroplanes. Ti,ere is a Fairy watches over the '"There are also many other pro-,pC(i Cross si,cp as J0U i;now and for ducts too numerous to mention, not- .ills Sneclal Children's Chrlstmus one of which, I believe, does not Sae Bie i,a3 appointed Cinderella's have an important place In the con-iov. sl,PCiai Fairy. duct of the war. it's so simple, isn't it? I.ove and "We, of Swift & Company, be- gifts to the homo folks; love, cheer l'.eve In giving credit where credit is anj r,!onfiy to suffering children. due and I want to say Hint our lnlo- por 01. fr3t nig, gjnerous gift has performed cheerfully the giant the space for this lengthy announce' tasks set for us by the Food Admin-! ment we- gratefully thank the Sal tOO( for' Istration. No order has been big, no job too overwhelming them. "Recognition of this willingness ' jK)ST.:ss noi sKH vago shop's lugs. good friend, The Tid- I.AV IMIM)KTAXT 1'AKT IX ( AMI. Without the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. hostess house ut Camp Kearny ths thousands of western soldiers sU-tioned In the his cantonment would bo In. "bad luck'," accordlm; to Major General David C. Shanks, the commanding general, who has advised Western Department head- new freezers and buildings of Quarters of the Y. W. C. A. of the to serve has resulted In an Increase for male labor totaling more than 100 per cent since February, 1910. In the case of our female help the Increase has been even grenter, tliisi help now receiving 16o per cent more than In 1910." To take care of the war business, Mr. Churchill said that all the pack ers in tho country had been forced to build every description at a cost of two to three times greater than pre-war cost. 1 He paid tribute to the government Inspectors of the Bureau, of Animal Industry and of the army who se lect the meat, and said: "In addition to' the safeguard that this Is to the soldier and sailor, it Is a safeguard to us. It safe guards us from attack from those who for their own personal aggran dizement or for other reasons may seek to criticize unjustly one of the fewjndustries that in the early days of the war, and up to the pies'.st time, has continued to supply Government with what It wanted, as It wanted It, when it was needed, without quibble as to price. '"That Is a record of which we should be proud, gentleman. 1 dem onstrates that we aro doing not j our bit. imt our run snare towara winning this war, doing It cheerful ly, willingly and because we ar -in tills war to win; and to win, o-' soldiers must be fed and fed Vrt-U, Sdbd food." Important part the hostess House plays. His letter to the Y. W. C. A. follows: ' "'Among tho most useful of all utilities at our various camps, the hostess houses established by the Young Women's Christian Assocla: tlon take high rank. Soldiers un dergoing training at the camp are often visited by their relatives and Ache 1 ; . i. However quiet tho routine Of your1 life may be, it cannot fall to k'.Tn- LIMBER UP WITH PENETRAT ING HAMLINS WIZARD OIL A safe, harmless and effective preparation to relieve the pains of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is Hamlins Wizard Oil. It contains no chloroform or other dangerous drugs but is com posed of the most expensive of nealins oils. It penetrates quickly, drives out the soreness, and lim bers tti) the still, aching joints and .muscles. - , Wizard Oil h a good, dcpenaaoie preparation to keep in the medicine chest fur first aid when the doctor Hi.', be fur away. You have no idea how useful it will be found m ca:;cs, of every day ailment or mis Iud. when there is need of an im mediate healing, antiseptic applica nt. Helena cannery Is a beehive of Industry, employing &0 or CO women. More help Is needed to take care of ft big lot of beans. Coos Bay war Industries have add ed 2000 horsepower. A new floating dock Is to be built at St. Helena. rled and exciting as long as the tirtd-,!f2i'n, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, bums, lutes ana snugs. Get u bottle from your druggist for J.ii; and use tiic medicine. If not entirely satisfied take the bottle back to him and he will return conservation rules arc different ear.hi month. . 'J The Toledo Cannery Is running night and day. ' The Baker county court will build three new bridges. your money. If V' nr.' trim!, I". 1 V.Mlh rnmlltntlon or kk li.'.uU. Iin try ll;nnlln:( Wln'tnl I. Iv,.r Wlilp.. .lust iileimunt Utile pink pllla at diunsl.u fur 20c. Ouurnnlucd. That Dark-toired Ghzpfrom Virginia says that down South the best people won't chew anything but Real Gravely. They know how it's made the Gravely way. It costs nothing extra to chew this class of plug. A email chew of Gravely holds its good taste. That's why it lasts' so much longer than a big chew of ordinary plug. It sots frthir-tha?t whjyeu can f thctoodtaite cf ihii clatt of tobo::e vitkoul t-'.n cast. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a pouch-awe worth it these houses afford a meeting place where the men may see their moth ers, sisters, wives, or sweethearts. "Without the benefit of theso hostess houses, our men would bo In bad luck, especially If the weather should happen to be Inclement whc.t' the camp, as is the caso at Camp I Kearny and Camp Frpmont, hrpper.s , to be of canvas. There Is almost no! other place at such camps where roI-, dlers may meet their friends and; relatives. "I dcslro to express my sincere appreciation of tho kindly thousht fulne38 which has prompted the Y. W. C. A. to provide thrse useful and attractive buildings for the comfort! and pleasure of our soldiers, to-j gether with their relatives and friends." Be a Joy-Walker, "Gets-irfor Corns 2 Drops, 2 Seconds-Corn Is Doomed! When you almost dl with your hoe on and corns make you almost walk sideways to get away front ths pain, take a vacation for a min ute or two and apply 2 or 3 drops AUTIIXntY AFFORDS CHAXCK TO ADVANCE. Registered and classified men, vol unteer for the Heavy Artillery, the servlco of big guns, great high ex plosive shells, and real action. All the registered men need to do Is to write to the Commanding Officer, Coast Defense of the Columbia, Fort Stevens, Oregon, giving his name; order and registration number; clas.3 (number and letter);; present ad dress: number end address of local "Mr Coral PmI Cleu Off, With 'CMt"'l of the world's magic and only ren. ulne corn-peelcr. "Gcts-It." Then, and then only, will you be sure that your corn will loosen from your toe bo that you can peel It rifcht orr irloriously easy with your fingers. Take no chances of continued pain and soreness why use giay, Irri tating salves, plasters that shift and press Into the "quick." raiors and "dlKBers" that make corns bleed end also crow faster? Use painless, easy, always sure "r.cts'It." There a only one like It In the world that; "Oets-It." Millions have tried and O. K.'d It for years. It never falls. "Octa-It." the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way. coits lut a trldo at any drug store. M i d by E. Ijjwrence 4 Co.. Chicago. 111. boiu in Abinuiiij ami ruconiiuendea board; and whether qualified for j general service or limited service; :aa tue WOr!d's best corn remedy by and the necessary papers will hejMcXalr Bros. 'sent to the man so tiiat he may re- , ., , port for duty. Do your Christmas shopping ear- No branch of the army offers more I , ,i , , ... ,!ly. Is an old. old friend. !t has al- chanccs not for advancement j but for learning specialized duties.; w' niaiIe K appearanc? the week the knowledgo of which will be very following Thanksgivlns. and nothing valuable later In civil life. Schools! 1,0 n010 unexposed than to aro provided to train men to be elec-!" 11 grccims ua oepwifc- ers, draftsmen, surveyors, telephone ' e-- men, truck and auto drivers, and I various other technical and scientif ic work. All of this is vitally nec essary to the successful operation off the great "heavies" tiiat aro bel;ig amassed In greater numbers and with! more power. j Regiments for overseas nre beliu, sent at frequent Intervals anh this ber. .1 MARLED 2tj IN. DEVON 21 IN. L- i'fiftj ' . 1 M l - Is an opportunity for men qualified for this superior service. A letter to Fort Steveps with the necessary Information will get you In whilo voluntary Induction Is permitted. A COLLARS CLUCTT. PZABOOY 4 CO., INR. MAKER!) :fm "Proven Entirely Satisfactory" Only perfect satisfaction can account for the use of ZEROLENE by the ma jority of automobile own . ers. Leading coast distributors also testify that it is "a satisfactory motor oil." They know from the rec ords of their service de apartments and we know from exhaustive tests that ZEROLENE, cor rectly refined from se lected California asphalt base crude, gives perfect lubrication with least car bon deposit. Get our lu brication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At dealers everywhere and k Standard Oil Service Station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lalifgrnia) Correct Lubrication lor the "L".Head :B -r & This, the "L".Head type of automobile en gine, like all internal combustion engines, re quires an oil that holds ira llltirir3fiiflr i4l!.: HH1,IL1, UaiHlb3 at cylinder heat, hum V clean in tho combhstion ,'; chambers and goes out A mm AUUU3l. .UAW J JLENE fills these re quirements perfectly, because it ia correctly re fined from selected Cali fornia asphalt-base crude. ' )MH),ii arnrw FT" Jlte Stajidatd Oil for Motor Cars i