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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
Tuesday ( Octotar 20, 1018. ASHLAND TIDLVCri page five; I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Studio Ashland, better portraits, Orres remodels suits and coats. Mrs. D. D. Norrls has returned home from Los Angeles where she went several weeks ago to visit with friends. Get your Fall Suit and Overcoat tailor made at Orres' shop. Among new residents of Ashland who have come here for the benefit of climatic conditions are A. E. Yet tick and family, who have moved here from Skamania, Wash, Large stono Jars and empty liar rels for cider and kraut at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. A party composed of II. C. Stock, ( lif Jenkins, Fred Harris, Jack Bail ey, A. C. Ninlger, It. B. Warner, II. K. Tomllnson and Cliff Payne left last week for the Langell valley In Klamath county where they will (lend a week duck hunting. When the present supply of paper cartons and oyster palls Is gono the price prohibits petting more to put up peanut butter and pickles In at our store. Bring your glass Jar or pall to get pesinut butter In at Ash land Trailing Co. Phone 122. W. A. Berry, a clerk in the Whits House grocery for the past two years, left last week with his wife and little Bon for LaGrande. It Is Mr. Berry's Intention to settlo on a ranch in Ida ho In the spring. They were ac companied to La Grande by Mrs..C. L. Forbes and daughter, Miss Min nie, mother and sister of Mrs. Ber ry, who had been visiting here for some time. Your wife would appreciate a fine liand tailored suit for Christmas. See Orres for fine work and fine woolens. Rev. W. X. Ferris, who received word of the death of his son, Ralph Ferris, which occurred at Seattle, left Sunday of laHt week for the funeral which took place at Xewport, Wash. Hemstitching and Picoting done by order. Handicraft Shop, Medford, Oregon. Word was received In Ashland last week of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Cedrlc Myer at their liome in Dunsmuir Monday, October 21st. All orders for hemstitching and picoting promptly filled at the Handi craft Shop, Medford, Oregon. ... Going to S.:n Frn'.icisro and pos sibly to San Iliei-n by automobile j about first week of November. Want two or tiir" ,asi( ii;:i rs. Will make f ,i o very reasonable. S e 42-1 ('HAS. It. HOWARD . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bales of Stock ton, Cab. have been spending several days In Ashland, guests at the homuj of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I C. F. Bates. ... Walnut meats at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. ... The body of Mrs. Jesse Ray 1 lodges, who died at Marfa, Texas, arrived In Ashland Thursday, and funeral services were held Saturday forenoon at the Hargadine, cemetery conducted by Rev. P. K. Hammond of the Episcopal church. The body was accompanied here by Sergeant Hodges, husband of the deceased. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. Mrs. Henry Provost has returned from an extended visit made In San Francisco. Mrs. J. W. Jarvls of Pine street Is in Klamath Falls visiting her daughter, Mrs. Pat Parker, t Fish flakes at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. Miss He Myers, a teacher In the University, Junior, of Oregon, at Eugene, Is home during the quaran tine In the schools there. Xewton windfall apples on the ground, 30 cents a box. Patter son Orchard Co. Take covered bridge road. 40-tf Allen McGee was taken to the Southern Pacific hospital In San Francisco Friday night where he-will take treatment for an attack of ap pendicitis. He was accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Moor as nurso. Mrs. W. H. Mowat, who has been spending the summer In Xew York and other eastern points, returned to her home In Ashland Wednesday night. ... Our kodak finishing will please the, Camera Exchange. if . . . Lloyd Turner, son of Mrs. Frank Benhara of Talent, has been report ed seriously ill with an attack of pneumonia at the aviation camp at San Antonio, Texas. The first tidings obtained from the young man stated that his condition was serious, but later news reported his Improving and that his mother would be allowed to see him. Mrs. Denhara left Tues day evening for San Antonio to be with her son. Lloyd Is a graduate of the Ashland high school of the class of 191 8. Canned hominy time is here. it at Ashland Trading Co. Get Poley's White Pine and Tar Use it for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Grippe, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists. Buttons made at Orres' shop. ... Xow Is the time to use Chlllo Con Came. Get It at Ashland Trading Co. ... .Marlon Standard of Wagner creek has moved his family to the Matting ly residence on Strawberry Lane where they will make their home during the winter. . . Get 5-minute Washing Powder at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ward and daughters, Alice and Dorothy, of Red Bluff, Cal., were guests of Mrs. Ward's sister. Mrs. B. B. Balls, on the Boulevard during the past week. They left for Seattle, Wash., where Miss Alice will be united in marrlaga to W. Miner, a druggist of that city. Bargains in Used Cars. One 191GFord One 1914 " One 1914 " One 1914 " $275.00 250.00 300.00 325.00 One Overland Al condition a real bargain 350.00 One 1915 Buick four, self starter and electric lights 850.00 One 1918 Chevrolet - $050.00 One 1918 Chevrolet - 700.00 One 1918 Chevrolet - 750.00 One 1917 Chevrolet with de mountable rims, new tires and new wheels 000.00 Pruilt-IIilison Auto Co. Medford, Oregon. Empty vinegar barrels for sale at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. Slayton will get a new sawmill to cut 10,000 feet a day. VOTERS OF OREGON Justice F. A. Moore of the Supremo Court dl'ed last month, too late for the name of any candidate to suc ceed him to be placed on the Ballot. This condition makes It necessary to write In the name of your candidate. This Is the most Important posi tion In the Judicial system of tho State. . -.HPrJLa It Is essential to choose a man of extensive legal training, of high char acter, and of broad vision. We com mend for your consideration and voto J. U. CAMPBELL OF oki:;o CITY' Resident of the State 30 years: lawyer for 2.'t years; veteran of the Spanish-American War and Philip pine Insurrection, having served with 2nd Oregon Regiment; member of Oregon Legislature in 1907 and 1909 sessions; Judge of the 5tli Ju dicial Dlsctrict 9Vi years. In all these positions ho has mado good.. His record as a private citizen and public official has been ahovo criti cism. Write in his name at the Gener al f lection Nov. 5th. For Justice tit tliei Supreme) Court to fill varnnry caused by t lio death of Justice Frank A. Mihu-o Voto for One Write the mime of J. I'. Campbell in the. above spuro unit place mi X In front of his mime. J. I'. Campbell for Supreme Court Campaign Com., Oregon City, Ore., J. I), llutler, Sec'y. (Paid Advertisement) Time to Think of Stoves We take your old stove In exchange for a new Heating Stove or Kange. Provost Brothers HARDWARE W BANK 11 K.OFASIANDJ The Value of A Budget Adopt the budget sys tem you will find It of prnctlcal valuo It will enable you to make good uko of your Income and cut down expenses. It will show you where you can savo and how you can put more money to your credit In the bank. Your account is Invited. 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS Mrs. R. L. Durdic, who has been teaching school at Garfield. Wash.. Is spending a vacation at her home hero on account of her school being closed by the Influenza epidemic. V Ladles' and men's garments re paired and remodeled at Orres Tailor shop. Mrs. C. W. lianta is home from Wisconsin where she was called sev eral weeks a'o to s c a filter who was injured. She remained in tha. section for pome time visiting with relatives and friends after her sis ter recovered from her Injuries. i We have a few fruit jars at a bar gain. Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122 Mr. and Stuart Saunders have re ceived word from their daughter, Jo sephine, who sailed from New York a short time ago for France, that she had arrived safely In Eugland. Miss Saunders will enter the reconstruc tion hospitals in France for govern ment service. Make Kraut in 'a big stone Jar. Get the large jars at Ashland Trad ing Co. Dr. W. E. Buchanan hns gono to Missouri where he will visit with his mother for three weeks. II? expects to go to Kansas on a visit also before returning home. Want a good job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. ;- tf Mrs. D. H. Jackson and son Harold, who spent the summer in Ashland, left last wieek for their home In Wichita, Kansas. Clif Payne makes cider presses. Ed Decker, who was called by the selective draft parly last spring and has been spending the past summer at Camp Lewis, was discharged from army service two' weeks ago on ac count of physical causes and has re turned home. His wife has come with him after spending the summer at Tacoma, and they will make their home here. Mrs. R. C. Wiley has gone to North Yakima, Wash., to visit at the home of her son, L. M. Rose, who Is a prominent jeweler there. . Miss Alicia Mcllroy. the piano player at the Vinlng theatre during the past summer, has left her posi tion here and gone to Portland. DID YOU BUY YOUR BOND YET? NOW 13 THE TIME OF ALT. TIMES TO DO YOUR BIT. VAUPEL'S THE STORE OF QUALITY MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS KEEP TII3 BOYS C.OIXO OVER THE TOP BY PUUC1LVSLV3 YOUR LIMIT OF THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. Are you prepared for winter? We arc. There is a big store full of necessary items for wear and for the home at your service. There is much home sewing this year and we are pleased to announce that wo are prepared to meet tho demands of those who are making their own clothes. The dress and suit ma terials on our shelves are correct in every detail. FALL SHOWIMG OF DRESS GOODS Gloves Cloves of all k'ndj are goin-; to lie scare1 for Fall, hut wo were fortunate in buying a line that was delivered. Full stock of Kids and Cottons o:i hand. Drapery Fabrics Our big line of Colonial Drapery Fabrics awaits your inspection. Screens, Pillows, Tul-le Runners and many other useful home nrtlcles made of this well known Drtpery lend ju:;t the right touch to your home decorations. Wool Dress Material On1' Fall lliu of new dress materials are the newest and latest fabrics known on the market. New goods arriving every day. Come in and inspect our lino be fore It gets picked over, and you will lie surprised at the big vain, 'a we are offering. Velvets Our line of Velvets is complete in every detail. Any color you would wish for we have it lu stock at popft'ar prices. IS and 31 fhches, $1.75 mid IS - " yd. Table Linens Now Is tho timo to begin preparing for your Thanksgiving Linens. Complete stock on band in both mercerized and all linen. Prices from tjil.uo up to $;t.00 yd Also big line of Napkins to cliooso fri. in. New Fall Shoes Four swell new models have just arrived. Each one a beauty as follows: Field Mouse Brown Kid, Cloth top S8""0 Reindeer Kid Vamp Cloth Top Nlgre Brown Kid Cloth Top H-m Cruiser Grey Kid, Kid Top J0-0I) Athena Underwear ihe right undergarment for the particular customer. Women find that It is mado to Tit them exactly,, without being stretched Into shape and with no unnecessary and annoying folds of fabric at any point. Give this Underwear a trial and become convinced. Royal Worcester Corsets. Tho new and snappy Fall Mod els are here. Both in the back and front lace. All prices from If! 1.00 to $3.00 each IVeartvell Blankets The right blanket at tho right price. We have the new plaids in alk colors; also all plain colors Silk Suitings. Our stock of Plain and Fancy Silks for Fall are complete. We carry the well known lines Pine Tree and Moneybak. Silk Underskirts "hangeables, Plains and Fancys In all colors. Skirts that will wear. Prices from IpU.OO to $(1.00 each Ribbons ,, Buy your Ribbons now for Fancy Work. Nothing more acceptable than a dainty gift made out of our big line of Fancy Ribbons. V I s Tiny Lots Tfny Tot Is the only garment fixr the little folks. We have a laig line In both Merino and Cotton at popular prices. Sheets and Slips Sheets and Blips are going up every day in the week so buy now and save money. Wo car ry all standard makes In all sizes. Remnants Don't fall to Inspect our Rem nants table while In tha store. It Is always chuck full of bar gains you can't afford to overlook. Every member of the family will find here the finest selections of quality merchandise in the city, and best of all is the satisfaction of knowing that goods purchased from Vaupel's are of the very highest quality. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR WINTER SHOPPING HEADQUARTER?.