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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
ASHLAND TIDIN'GS Tuesday, October 20, ,1018 COXRAI) 1'. OLSOX FOlt SI PUKMH SOLDIERS' LETTERS jriKii; .PAGE FOTO Grey Kid 9 inch Louis 6 Heel JUST IN A Beauty. This letter written at the near front was received on October 12, at the same time as anotliei letter written four or five weeks later at a more accessible place, showing some thing of tlia task of delivering mall to the hoys In action. August 16, 1918. Mrs. A. C. Spencer, Ashland, Ore. Dear Mother: Well, here I am, gaining experience every day. Am now temporarily assigned to the 103rd field artillery from New Eng land, who have Just assisted greatly In the last drive. I am very glad to he associated with such a hunch of, chaps and believe If I am left with. them that I will see some dandy ser-l vice. I found them the day they came out of the line for their well earned rest, and am now with them far from where I found them, hut whero we can be used Inside of fives hours, If the need comes. Am writing with a pencil, because my pin went dry and I have no chance to fill It yet. ' Of course this line of work is all new to me, hav ing never had any of il at all. but Tlia Salvage Depot has started ai, t0 ,, of BOmo .., anv ... home sewing club In connection with ThiB ,H nlllte a ,unch of felIow8 their other lied Cross Industries, and L.,10 ru thnl O'Connors. O'Haras, will make children's clothing. Any- I!()Bans am ,, .TilnanPK0 name8. one wishing to help In this depart- , Just al)0ut maAo a difker for ment can get material and patterns Corona typcwrIter , ,,ave 1)p,dc(, so many tliis since I came over here One of the officers here has it and he don't n"ed It, but I expect to return where I will need It very much. I get It for $3.. They are paying $73 to $100 for them over Justice Conrad P. Olson, of the Supreme Court of Oregon, has an nounced his candidacy for election by the voters In November to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Frank A. Moore. Justice Olson was appointed by Governor W'lthycombo September 2 Stli and he immediately assumed the duties of the office. "I shall make no personal can vass for the position of Justice of the Supreme Court to bo voted In the November election by writing In names," said Justlco Olson today. "I Rasa; The Social Realm Homo Sew in i; ('lull It's. .1 . t M for niaking children's garments at the Salvage Depot and take them home to make. Garments will also he cut out at the Depot If any one bo desires. 'J H f i f. it.'- .if, i s . v i , NEW FORD CAMS Wc now have one Ford Five Pas senger Touring car and one beautiful Sedan. That is all. Come quick. Also two good used Fords at at tractive prices. FORD GARAGE LEE HALL, Prop. Yreka H'nr llriilr. Miss Kathcrino Smith, pretty and popular attache of the' Hooverlau system at th? Clarendon, Is a Yreka war bride. She was married to Cor poral Otl3 Sloane of F troop, 1st Oregon cavalry, at Ashland, on Mon day the Hth Instant. Corporal Sloane is now with his troop at Camp Douglass, Arizona, but his home Is In Grants Pass which was also Miss Smith's home before coming to Yre ka. Yreka News. L. A. Noll has returned from cast elm points where he had been mak ing extended visits with his two daughters, Mrs. Gerald Torrence of Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. A. C. King of Chatham, N. J. took this position at the hands of the Governor with the Idea of per forming the work that goes with tho here, and can't get them, but this I position, resigned by senatorshlp and chap don't know that. I have a dandy room In a very large house with a very old French lady. She takes groat care of me and J. G. Swan, principal of the local high school, took advantaso of the enforced vacation in the schools on account of the prevailing quarantine, to pay a visit to Klamath Falls Prof. GET THE SAVING 11ADIT Wcgcs are high: real estate Is low. nuy a home on easy terms, and have it paid for before wages come down; then Real Estate will swing upwards and yon will have done more than you calculated. The easiest money that one ever gets Is to buy low and sell high. See Beaver Realty Co. about this and they will put you wise. 211 E. Main St., rhone 68 supervises the work of caring for ray room. The work Is done by an or derly. Some pumpkins, eh? Well, I fight t tie idea all the time, and don't think It Is right to waste the time of so many good soldiers mak ing them care for the officer's equip- u immer K.amatn county mpnt. j ncver hcard of glch a thin, . j until 1 came here. . Tho old lady hero rushod .around TALIIXT 'and fixed up her writing room fur W. S. li.irnuin was a visitor in me to use, and it is fine. Hut, gi ! 'J'.ik'iit iiunuay. ilm Mll,i,os,.,i (0 , at war im,i to .ui. u,,l'ii iiiiiju ii misaieos mp to Ashland last Tliuihd.iy. Jay Terrell La. iiin-it Hlii,ip.n; pi'itis uiid luuM'.ui'c to Koln'its & U liin.w n at Klamath I' alls. .'ii.-i i alii'.' Vi'ni'ii hi m 'I liursday,; 111 .Wiltonl. I.n.-il il. iley n'Uii,iiI Friday and i'.Vv rt:tt 'ILi'.'iiu buuday iroiii jm. nuiu iitiu itu-y iniu urc u .ii tivin liig ul M'l im noli ay yams lor u ti.-iil luiioiio,) wiiK I't'iaihi-s ami l.imds. .iis. Fred lii.i:iJt aad her 'hiikiI! Pas i,l';r. get nlnng without this, lint she ra'i-; nut II M il, I- :t .! 11 il ll.'l invl (if llilu" fov ' an American. j ',art " rl Have had supper nnd filled my pen: J1,s 11,1,1 "'' and f.'e! like a kins now. Is !i p. m.1 !"'rn a fi,111'-"i; i i,v .:i,,i.,o ,i,,i rr speaker on nil am willing to leave tho result to the voters of tho Stato without a per sonal campaign. "My Ideals shall bo to thoroly go Into every case before me to the end that a square heal hi given tthe liti gants, and to expedite as much as possible the decision of cases to the end tthat delays may not defeat jus tice." Justice Conrad P. Olson was born In Wisconsin of pioneer par ents. He was educated at Stevens Wisconsin, obtaining his law de gree at the latter place Served on the Wisconsin State Civil Service Commission 83 examiner, anJ was principal of schools. Located In Portland, Oron. and opened up lay offices, and at t'.i? time of his appointment had a good standing before tho liar. Had F.'tved I In both houpes of the Legislature every sear-on beginning with 151S, taking a v?ry active part Vac ?en erally considered the probable presi dent of the Senate r.t the coming ses sion. In 1017 was tendered th appoint ment to the Ci:cuit Court i;;"'.r!i cf Multnomah County but d.?e:i'i .1 tho Blimp. !:! i'ii a vtv lift ' v ? le e'!il public act!-. !- V v.-::r rt artel hr.s ;:te man, ;clt n- :'r:.l tiii? Liberty Loans drive:-, lie did not Lieut. J. Q. Adams was called hero last week, to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. J. R. Hodges, .who was brought hero for burial from Marfa, Texas. XOTK I! OF SCHOOL MF.FTIXG .Notice In lliwby Given To the le gal voters of School District No. 5 of Jackson County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at City Hall on the 18th day of November. 1918, at 2 to 7 o'clock In the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 30th, 1919, and ending June 30, 1920, Is estimated In the following budget nnd Includes the amounts to bo received from the county fchool fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: iu'ik;f.t KctiimiU-il lvK'iiiliti!ie 1. Teachers' salaries.... $2S,3r0.00 2. Furniture 250.00 3. Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk,-eras ers, stoves, curtains, etc, 1.000.00, 4. Library books 300.00 5. Flags 25.00! 6. Repairs of schoolhouses, I outbuildings or fences. . 1.000.00' 7. Improving grounds, .. 200. 00 j 11. Janitors wages .... z,;suu.ui 12. Janitor's supplies ... 300.00 I 13. Fuel 2,680.00 and othr War today am to be battery executive 1 ; cUx'm "emptl ' 'rrwa at '!d w:il be in the line, but not In It. I,1'1" " Rtat ( :'r:f"' fight but am not in the fight, ?:' 0wln" ,0 " ,!"r t! '" inn there you are. I am to see that ev-!,in;s " ,'u,",,,(1 s rrovl.Jod of r,?t- (yuil.t.r ol .North Talent erylliing Im there and works vtht.:i nK n "alll on "allot wiien a va Hpent Saturday afleMiuoii al llu ,,ut a,out Ul0 ouy gllnner (Ii;t C.,M 1 r,ulc-v occurs within -LI days before UuZl VTTl' .r'v1,,Tiu' ' K't 11 crack at me will be an aro-!,,' elpcUo"' 09 "'' E) aU Mis. l eu-i amlv islm, . wl n;cpMary fol. tho vote, to' ami .w'.ss Alice, who is stiperliiun-., anil lnl,ee me, I can heat, , . dent m n.usu- in tuu sci.ools in .Med-; them to it. ! wrlte 1,1 "l0 ,,;,mo r ,,19lr cllolc? 1,1 loul, inutor -d over from Gianada,1 Had the best rtrin" beans for unp-' a Rpacfl 11:'ovI(I(h1 entitled, "Justice lin!!',01!1 Kfr'P'1'- on'R" '"v" over had since ij f the Supreme Court to fill vacancy uneialol Mi. I om-. Mr. and & I caused by death of Justice Frank A. aniler.iiiiis and daughter were lhV, rt Ashiami, nut the poi k tliat guests ot M.-b. lluinau wlmu liijhad roasted was still eating grass,01- ot0 ror onc' town. , i m A.tia wi,p i Rturk mv fork Into It. so I 11 "cnis generally conceded that !dld not eat It. These French always i having been selected by the Gover- We had n nor for t,le position of Supreme Court n Justice and being actually engaged .Mrs. John Loblnson, Mr. una mi.I -M. ii i.i.i 'i'.Vfi- and fannlv moloied out io iue iiaiich on aiillionaire now i eat the meat very rare. Hundi'.v uiitTiiuou. big weed salad. It was good l iieater Kuigluoii i v'tuiiud Tuos-, -L,i,. imi i OVer thnimbt dnir f'n-l the work, that Justice Olson will day eeiil:ig troiu Camp Lewis for a . , . . ; ,e elected even there will bo other guess It wasn't dog fennel at that.! candidates in the field. Ili-iscoe' tho It looked very much like It. That I fnU Advertisement) Nothing Short of Karrllego three days visit lus mother on1 Wagner creek. Superintendent and Mrs. of Ashland, accompanied by MIks j wn8 solne supper quirt, pleifse .the! ;un . ana w.n . n)ajor m,R,lt ,.lke offonjse. Am to I'.'UV II t. 1 3 ill VlivJ . .1 ,1 1 u III! 1 1 1 It otuvvii wero guests SuiuLiy at uiu Vogeli 0!'t at another place tomorrow. The Democratic candidate for C.ov- hoine. Mis. Katon. a daughter, and What do you know about me boss- ernor of this state has flaunted in .Mis. ltob'-tj of Medtord wero also iB t10 reanlng nnd oiling of seadsthe facs of the public an ndvertlse guests that day. i of llarlu,sa7 Woll. I d!d tiiat Joh'ment and bid for votes that should illiuin io le.poi teu his brother 1 slightly improved. , louay 10 iiie vieen s nisie, too. ana no (iniiiit w;m no iningnnniiy r?- .Varum Tryer and small' Tomorrow 1 am going to lnstrue. sented by patriotic citizens every-daiinlitci- spent Tiiesdny In Siedlord ; my platoon (who have been doing it where. . It reiyls thus: at the home ol Mis Lay Toft. I for over a yenr, ,, , never saw an ..Not t; , of , t , , Mir;s Anna Dunn w.. shopping in 3 ' Medtord Tuerday. j outfit before. Itut 111 teach them. I been harvested for tho soldiers did Mrs. Per y was a Medtord shop- Feeling dandy fine, but I do m!s my, Walter M. Pierce start to ask you for per Tuesday. j letters. It's 27 days since 1 had any your votes as Democratic candidate lid Leauiins was a Medtord caller; mall j for Governor," etc. from the liuclieye orchard lu'sda).; , .,.,,. , ,, , i Just missed meeting Major hit?,! To anybody who knows the thrifty, Mrs. J. K I ten ham left Wednes-i ,. . . , . . ,, , , day for San Antonio to be near her -adjutant general of Oregon. Left, lucre-gathering Walter Pierce, th? son Lloyd who is recovering from a a note at my last stop. He Is shoot- hollow mockery of that expression baJ attack of Influenza. ling Ilocho now. j appeals wltlrthe most disgusting ef- j LIENT. DONALD M. SPENCRR, feet. Eye Glasses Scinntltitally Fitted and; A. P. O. 753. Franc?. I They know that every grain of I wheat In Walter's broad ncres was Word came last week to Mr. and harvested to bring that $2.20 a bush Mrs. A. D. Jillson of this city that el to Walter's hank account, and thej their son, C. R. Jillison, who Is In cannot resist an angry feeling upon the air service at the Wilbur Wright seeing this attempt to use the name field of Dayton, Ohio, was seriously of the noble boys at the front for the 250.00 100.00 450 00 150.00 0.250.00 150.00 L'UO.OO 500.01 500.00 550. P0 00 14 Light, and Power .... 15. Water 111. Cl.Tk's salary expens es r.nd compulsory edu cation 17. Postaco and stationery IS. For the payment of bonded debt and Inter est thereon, Issued under Section 117. 114 to ! 4S. t and 4 22 of the School laws of Orenm, 1 !1 7 , IP. Telephone and i graph' ' 20. Freight and D.ayag? 21. Manual training .... 22. Miscellaneous 11 rVfil-lmr ni,,l Snii'lnp 24 Total estimated amount of money to be expend ed for all purposes, dur ing the year 45,50 I'stliiinti d l'.eie;its From county school fund during tho coming school year $10,500.00 From state school fund dur ing the coming school year 2,295.00 Estimated amount to be re ceived from all other sources during the com ing school year 3.S00.00 Total estimated rec?lpts, not Including the money to be received from the ' tax which It Is proposed to vote $10,595.00 Iternpitul.'ition Total estimated expenses for the year $45,505.00 Total estimated receipts not including the tax to lie voted 16,595. 00 I - . VOTE FOR G. A. GARDNER . Present County Clerk REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY JUDGE He Stands for Efficiency, Economy and System in County Affairs from Top to Bottom Business Principles in Expending County Funds A Square Deal to Every Sfction of the. C unty. Prompt Personal Service to Pi:Mi Demands Painstaking and Careful Attention i:i Probate Matters A thorough system of road repairing and road improvement throughout tli County. adv. I- i i U (J ii ell food is more when you uso LT in the convenient s i d e s p o ut LIS Guaranteed. Broken Lenses IteplaceJ GLASSES XV. H. L. Whited Hcglstered Optometrist. Ashland, Or. Mall Ordorg Promptly Filled 111 with an attack of pneumonia. I Ignoble purpose of securing himself ' some votes. " Mrs. C. V. neeler left Wednesday! Cslng their name in this way U evening for Portland to visit friends nothing ehort of sacrilege. Salem and relatives for a time. Statesman. Balance, amount to be rais ed by d'strlct tax .. $2S.01 0.00 Dated this 2fith day of October, 19 IS. Attest: II. F. POULAND. District Clerk G. G. ECnANKS, Chairman Hoard of Directors. deified Advertisements lOO LATE TO CI.ARSiIFY. F.OU SALE ing apple. Choice eating or cook- Mso seconds, swent cidjr and pure vinegar. 590 Roca street or phono 359-lt. 43-tf FOR SALE 7 passenger 1915 Hud son C-40, Al condition. Inquire Ashland Garage. Phone 180, 43-2 FOR SALE A $40 boy's bicycle, at a bargain. Call at 17S Skidmore Street. 43-2. Recommended for Office of Recorder i i f:- s ...,. 'CW" 1; -1 of the W. u,. tiAKKE'lT Mil. TAXPAYER: Do you know that during tho last two years the sheriff of Jackson County handled over two million dollars of your money? Do you know that during that per- lod the business of tlia office was 10 per cent greater, hut was handled promptly by a smaller office force, and at a saving of about $130 per To the Honorable Council City of Ashland: Gentlemen: In view of ths capable and splen did service rendered to tho city of month over any similar period In re Ashland by our city recorder, Miss cent times? Gertrude Biede, I deem It proper and Do you know that on the occasion fitting that we as a body urge her toj 0f tlia last County Amilt, the Auditor allow us to place her name on the i expressed Jiis opinion that Jackson ballot as a candidate for Recorder of County "had tho best managed Sher the City of Ashland, for the two! ffa office In the st-itc'" FOR SALE 3 strand gray hair switch. Call or address 459 Mor ton. 43-2 FOR SALE New Zealand Red Hares Healthy, pure bred, suitable for breeders. Males, females, young, mature, single or pairs. To re duce stock, special price few days only. 475 Beach St. It year term, commencing January 1st, 1919. Her work in the office has been perfectly satisfactory, and 3 as a body wish to commend her to the voters and people of Ashland, as one well worthy and competent to hold the office of Recorder of our beautiful city. W. A. TURNER, FRANK J. SIIINX, . C. W. ROOT, C. W. BANTA, A. L. LAMB, ' A. C. NIN'INGER, City Council. C. B. LAMKINY Mayor. Mis9 Marie Andrews, a teacher In tho city schools, received notice last week to report to New York prepara tory to sailing for France where she will be engaged In reconstruction aid work In the nrmy hospitals. Her sis ter, who taught In Talent, also was called and left at'the same time. Help keep taxes down. You have a right to get your tnonoy's worth. Elect officials who can cam their salary. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. O. GAR RETT CAN DO IT. (Adv.) (Paid Advertisement) HERE IS A BARGAIN Twenty acres just outside the city limits, within shortdistance of paved highway, well Improved, good house and barn, all In culti vation; offered for a short time at $4000; $1500 down, balance at low rate of Interest on long time. Liberty Bonds accepted on the cash payment. Good reasons for selling. Better see this now. BILLINGS AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND REAL INSURANCE Established 1S83 Phone 211. 41 East Main St. i