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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
Tuesday, Octolier 20, 10W . ASIILAXD T1DIXGS p.lcn three Universal Combination Ranges s 1 Usii fi ' M J LIGHTKX HOl'KKJIOLD LA IlOlt AM) KXI'KXSE How to prepare economical, satisfying meats with the least waste ot time and materials Is a problem largely solved by, the right kind ot a range. The Universal Combination is 'that kind of a rango It makes for economy la food, fuel end la bor. Burns wood and coal or gas use the fuel most desir able for the work In hand. A turn of the key changes from ono fuel to tho other or yoa may use both fueh at tho same time, If desired. The Univer sal Combination Is' really two complete ranges In ono and yet occupies the space of only one range. Your old range taken as part payment. And (he Famous Universal Heaters aim: m:ni: ix a vahikty op STYLES AXI) S1ZKS Our stocks of Universal heaters are most complete. We have vod heaters, coal heaters, and combination wood and coal beaters, ev ery desirable style and size. Tlio "Air Ulust Universal heater will help wonderfully in the cut ting down of your fuel bills. Couio in tomorrow and select your new range and heater. Trices are very moderate. M.IKK YOl'Il OWX TKIIMS IX ItEASOX. wcnsen & Mae CHICHESTER S FILLS GRAND DIAMOND tik rur Units' for Cnr-CHH1 T8R S A DlAMuXO IikaND tills in Rro tn Ciio attaV.ii boiei, RaleJ with l)lue0 Ribbon. I.Mo po crm n. HvTtjnT saw mm lor i ni-i ...... .-u a BUMOhU niiAVU 7MI.LH, i'tt tw-ntT-R yean reirdtil as Fct.fcafcr t, AUviyi le-llob'.e. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi, EVERYWHERE The Meaning . of Style You sacrifice noth ing when you wear clothes made without ornamentation. For style is not a matter of fancy frills true style is ex pressed in the lines of a garment. The cut of a lael. tha placing of a Joclcet, or tha proportions of acoat may mate or mar its style. You'll find style tailored into every Born Garmert. Retident Bom Dealer) Paulserud and Barrel! SOLDI EKS' LETTEItS Kose nrothers are in receipt of the following letter from Lloyd Stratton, a well known Ashland boy: Hempstead, vN. Y., Oct. 7, 1918. Hello. Fellows:, Just a few words tonight to let you know I received your box. of candy and cigarettes, and also the copy of the Ashland Tidings. 1 did not know I wrote such a long letter. As you see I have again moved, and I was sure deeply moved this time- Tliis Is the last stop we make In the good old U. S. A. The next move for us will be the transport, so wish me a pleasant voyage. We landed here at the wrong time, as the whole place Is quarantined on account of the Spanish "Flu," and here I am with a pocket full of ijion cy and right outside of New York, and can't get out. Oh, ain't this an awful 'war? All I've seen of New York so far are a fcw blocks of Fifth avenue and the same of 4 2nd street. Oh, yes, we marched past the Waldorf-Astoria, but didn't stop there. Didn't have time. This place is situated on Lorn; Island, about the middle of It. There are several flying fields here, this one being No. 2, or Mitchell Field They havo all kinds of machines here, biplanes, monoplanes and bombing planes. The heavens are full of them. They are hummln from early In the morning 'til late at night, and they cut all the fancy stunts known to the flying world. I watched thera pretty close for a day or two, then my neck got tired and i uon i even iook at them any more The novelty of them soon wears off. We are being outfitted for oversea now, just as fast as they can get us ready. Camp Mills Is just next door to us. That is where Ilalllo Simpson was last winter Just before he em barked. I don't know how many men there are out here on Long Is- and in all the different camps, but there must be 00,000 or 75,000. I suppose you have read about the big munitions fire at Morgan, N. J. We could hear and feel the explo sions very plain from here, 70 miles from the fire. They shook the build lugs and rattled the windows here. Had them pretty badly scared in the city for awhile Saturday night. All the tall buildings wcro ordered va cated and traffic in the subways was suspended for a time. I hopo to get to go down to the city before I embark, but If I don't I can see New York when I come back, which won't bo long tho way war news Is made lately.' I sent you a paper published at the camp a day or two ago. Suppose you have re ceived It by tills time. Thanking you for thfe box you sent me I will clone now and go to bed. About all there Is to do here Is to smoke Camels, eat and sleep. I am getting awful lazy. I expect the next time you hear fromvm6 I will be soraewhero in France. Hope so, anyway. You want to bo sure and have a good strong coke ready USE Land Plaster NOW Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 and waiting for mo when I get hack. Tut lots of cracked ice in, you re member how I like tliem. It's a long walk from New York to Rose Bros.' Emporium, so the chances are I may be pretty dry. "Keep the home fires burning:" Duy Liberty Bonds! Well, eo long 'til I see you again. . Yours truly, LlJYD STRATTON. Aviutlon Field No. 2, 72nd Photo I'nit, Hempstead, N. Y. 0 I I Critical Tastes are both pleased and satisfied with the ' aroma and flavor of Postum. It goes without saving that its healthful and nourishing quali ties far outclass those or coffee and tea. ' , Postum comes in two forms; . Postum Cereal, which must be boiled, and Instant Postum, made in the cup in a moment. They are equally delicious and the cost per cup is about the same 5A Decidedly There's a Reason" for irr--.-,:-.v.r..-,;gSnrB fflbfK3s08l fete Don't wait 'till the old unsatis-, factory, dangerous oil lamp is knocked or. kicked over, before you investigate the . Western Electric - FARM LIGHTING FLANT DO IT NOW! Now before anything h a p pens is the time to install one of these sunshine plants. When you have electricity, you,' your family and your home arebc- yond the danger of fire r Electricity is safe And not only is it safe but it gives the best light in all the world it does your work and brings happiness to your home 1 Don't put it off a minute See a plant today. You'll be surprised to learn how' easy it is to buy, to install and to operate. See a Plant Today Paul's Electric Store Mcdford, Oregon HILT, C.LIF01!M.. ITKMS. Mrs. John lllbbrt was in Ash land last week. Mr. r.nd Mrs. F. F. Whittle spent Sunday at Ashland. Mora Bailey lias received word from the war department that he Is in Claps A. Emil Gilberg spent last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Charles Gustaf- son. He was returning to McClond from Albany, Oreson, where he vis ited his parents before answering the ii year old draft call. Owing to a quarantine of the Vir ginia camps on account of influenza, Mr. and Mrs. Stonehouse are here awaiting further orders. The influenza has attacked Hilt. There are now about seventeen cases, which are keeping Dr. Hall, the local physician, busy. The schools have been dismissed to pre vent its spread and every precaution is being observed. Mrs. Effio Coldwell, Mrs. Harry Warren, Miss Louise Cattuza and T. L. Hunt are suffering from Influ enza. Saturday evening, October 12th, was a notable event at the Hilt Club House, when tho employees of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. made merry at a mask ball, celebrating the liquidation of the Indebtedness on this building. It has heeit made self supporting since Its completion July 4, 1914, when it opened with an all day celebration'. The original building was the moving picture hall which has since been the social cen ter for this community. Later, an addition was erected containing a barber shop, shower bath, pool room, reading room, where books and the latest magazines can be had, and a fountain where Ices and soft drinks, are dispensed, making tills a whole-j some place of recreation, day on night, for the employees of this com-! pany. nils even ng was free In even- particular. The following prizes' were given: For the best ladles'! costume, a cut class dish, which went to Mrs. Iiert Miller, whose oos-i tume was that of a Turkish woman: a silk hamUV-'rchicr, for the best j men's costume, to lCrnest Jossinan, a colored gentleman; a lavaller to Mrs. A. E. Stonehouse for best char-1 acter. that of Father Giggs; Harry i Warren as trcum of Wheat and nest, men's character, a clock. Sweet cider and doughnuts were served to the dancers.. The evening was a most pleasant affair, marking us it did this happy event. Hilt has again gone over tho top on the Fourth Liberty loan. To Sat urday $27,000.00 has been collected, making I7.C00.00 more than the quota for here. Ed Young 1b another victim ot the Influenza. The chaplain of his reijlinent and the Chaplin of the films eacli fills a comforting place hi the life of a sol dier boy. Many of tho names In the casual ty lists may lie foreign, but the pos sessors of them are certainly true hearted Americans. . Tho ex-German liners used as transports are doing their bit toward tho destruction of tho Hindcnburg line. Housing ot people at Astoria is X serious problem. Tho population, has Increased from 15,000 a year; ago to 23,000. -Jjjj i , in n n '.l v i n rr e Mil .0 Come in and Examine tfye TIRE With a thous and claws. All sizes SOI.D'llY THB Overland Millner Co. fir , mm La yout eye) I ! A BUG darts at your eye. Your eye closes before you think. Reflex' action. Your eye telegraphs to your brain "Bug coming!" Your brain flashes back "Close up!" You aren't conscious of the exchange of messages but your eyelids close. Force of habit protects you. Habit and reflex action save time and effort in numberless ways, and keep your brain clear for the real problem. Don't exchange a (rood habit for ' I Habit, for pxamplo, sets the hour when the delicate departments of your digestion combine in a supreme reflex action to move your bowels. Nujol cultivates that If they move regularly all you know is th;:t you feel well. If they don t nifove regularly, you knnv it the habit lias failed. The food waste stagnates in your large intestine, decays, generates poisons, which are absorbed into your blood and carried all over your body. Your next effort will be more difficult and soon the bad a bad one. Nujol hujjds such a strong habit that it offers a maximum of resistance to the clogging of the intestines. Don't wait ur.til you're "sick ' to start. Nujol night and morning will give you a reflex action as "regular as clockwork'." Be as proud of your inside ilcai'.lincssasyou arc of a clean face and clean teeth. I'ills, purgative mineral waters, salts, castoroil and othercathartics, weaken and cause strain. They increase con stipation. Nujol ats easily, harm lessly, naturally. Your druggist has it. hshed. The good habit f regu- Nu ol Laboratories larity is replaced by the bad habit 1 .-,J. of irregularity-reflex action is par- STANDARD OIL CO.(NEV JERSEY) alyv.ed, and the waste accumulates. 50 Hrnadway, New York , Nujol is nolil only n scaled boltlen hear- 11' nV"l11i1(t ini? the Nujol Traile Mark. Insist on - Nujol. ou u "'Regular as Clockwork" r i may lujftr from mbnitutes. '7" ,",lVl,,','H'T''ni'''' !' TT' . 'I "'!', i,"K; ',' : I: ii' ii 0, :.:v.::::r.a i Sii liiill! T Si. i h 1 - , :'i'!'lt':!'l!(ii'v;:i,'firi;i:i',,r iiJ-Ji i: ' I' ll i::j;i;':;;.!';:: 1 V