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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
TAGE TWO Ashland ttdixgs Tuewlay, October SO, 1018. ASHLAND TIDINGS Established 1870 v PnblixhM! rerf Toemlay by" THH ASHLAND PRINTING COMPANY (Incorporated) BertR. Greer.. Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Tear, when paid at expiration 1.60 One Year, when paid in advance Bis Months, when paid In advance Three Months, when paid In advance 75 tio subscription for less than three months, at expiration unless renewal Is received. All subscriptions dropped Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mall matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET General Election, November S, 1918. Cet Behind the Men Who Are Behind The Boys at the Front ' United States Senator (Short term) Fred W. Mulkey, of Multnomah. United States Senator (Long term) Charles L. McNary, of Marlon. Representatives In Congress First District W. C. Hawley, of Marlon. Second District N. J. Sinnott, of Wasco. Third District C. N. McArthur, of Multnomah. Governor James Wlthycombe, of Marion. SUte Treasurer O. P. Holf, of Multnomah. Justice of Supreme Court Charles A. Johns, of Multnomah. Attorney-General George M. Brown, of Douglas. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill, of Baker. Labor Commissioner C. H. Gram, of Multnomah. Public Service Commissioner Fred A. Williams, of Josephine. Superintendent Water Division No. 1 Percy A. Cupper, of Marlon. Superintendent Water Division No. 2 George T. Cochran, of Union. Why Make a Change at This Timet (Paid Advertisement) COl'XTV RKPI'IILICAN TICKET State Senator C. M. Thomas, of Medford. Joint Representative, Otli District W. H. Gore, of Medford. Representatives, 8th District Ben, C. Sheldon, of Medford. J. A. Westerlund, of Medford. ' County Judge George Gardner, of Talent. County Commissioner James Owens, of Lake Creek. County Clerk Chauncey Florey, of Jacksonville. Connty Treasurer Myrtle W. Blskeley, of Medford. County Surveyor C. Frank Rhoadcs, of Medford. Coroner John Perl, of Medford. (Paid Advertisement) The present law, to save the delin quent property from the title grab hers and scheming land attorneys, who are always "taking a chanty" on delinquent titles, further provides that when the mall notices fail to perform their function, then and only then, may the notice be given by publication. The Jackson law amendment leaves out the publication entirely, and thus the delinquent who falls to get his notice Is entirely at the mercy of the title grabber. Which Is the better law? Which serves the Interest of the taxpayer best?- Which is the more equltabla statute from the taxpayers' view point? The answer Is apparent to every thinking voter. Vote ."NO" on the Jackson delinquent tax bill. t NOTICE TO IWTKOXS. In order to Insure publica tion a the Tuesday Issue of the Tidings It will be neces sary to have all advertise? ments In the Tidings' office by 9 o'clock a. m., and all news Items by noon oiY Mondays. GOVERNOR WITHYCOMBE He Is loyally, patriotically Ameri can. Ho has faithfully cooperated with the President in every war time ac tivlty. He was foremost of Governors for preparedness and has earnestly sup ported a vigorous prosecution of the war. i iWi.Tj; He has stood for and insisted upon a square deal for both labor and capntal, industrial development of the state and suppression of I. W W.'ism. Ho has for more than 20 years earnestly supported and vigorously advocated women suffrage and pro hibition and has stood for a better and cleaner state. He did not assist In organizing the 'on-Partisan League In Oregon, neither was he ever a worshipper at the shrine of Populism and other or- THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Is worth more to family life today than ever before. Today, those who are responsible for the .welfare of the family realize the imperative need of worth-while reading and what it means to individual charac ter, the home life and the State Everywhere the waste and chaff, the worthless and inferior, are going to the discard. The Youth's Companion stands first, last and continually for the best there is for all ages. It has character and creates like character. That is why, in these sifting times, the family turns to Its G2 Issues a year full of entertainment and sug gestion and Information, and Is nev er disappointed. It costs only $2.00 a year to pro Vide your family with the very best reading matter published. In both quantity and quality as well as in variety The Youth's Companion ex cels. Don't miss Grace Richmond's great serial, Anne Exeter, 10 chap ters, beginning December 12. The following special offer Is made to NEW subscribers: 1. The Younth's (Companion 52 2. All the remaining weekly is sues of 1918. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1919. All the above for only $2.00, or you may Include 4. McCall's Magazine 12 fashion numbers. All for only $2.50. The two magazines may be sent to sepa- Issues of 1919. rate addresses if desired. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. KAISERISM PAST AND PRESENT What Kaiser Wilhclm I Wrote His Wife in 1870. "Praise the Lord,, my Dear Augusta, We've had another awful buster: Ten thousand Frenchmen sent be 'low 'Praise God from whom all blessings flow.' " (W: T.) How the Present Kaiser Sums Up the Situation 1018. "Dear Augusta Victoria, we're in a peck of trouble, The enemy at last has pricked the bubble. What's to become of you and mo Gott only knows but we shall very soon see.". (H. G. G.) NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS The date of expiration is printed with your address on each paper Look at it and see what date your subscription expires. Complying with an order of the War Industries board no paper can be sent to subscribers after the subscription has expired Therefore we will be compelled to stop your Tidings when the time is up, unless renewed, in order that you may not miss an Issue we sug rest that you watch the date of ex piration printed following your ad dress on the the margin of the Tid ings each Issue. AVHICII LAW SERVES PEOPLE REST? Let the present delinquent tax pub llcatlon law of Oregon alone. Whenever the voters of the state tamper with an existing statute of merit, the Inevitable result Is a boomerang. Whenever, likewise, the freak legislation fiends succeed in placing a wild etherlal plan on the statute books, the voters of Oregon hear the burden until such time as the law can be cut off the books. Such Is the hlBtory of freak legislation. Get this point clear. The present delinquent tax publication law was devised for one purpose only to pro tect the unfortunate delinquent tax payer from that peculiar brand of social parasite known as the title grabber. It is considered a model law by adjoining states and Its prac tical application has convinced all that It Is a statute of merit. When peaking of statutes, merit can only be measured by services rendered to the citizens of the state. C, S. Jackson, editor of the Port land Journal, Is attempting to sub stitute a pet scheme of his own to replace the present law. Glance at the differences between the present law and the Jackson camouflage measure: The present law provides that n mall notice be sent to all delinquents within a certain time following the delinquency date. The Jackson law does likewise. f (' V." try s ganlzatlons of doubtful purpose and loyalty. s He has conducted his office pa triotically, fairly and economically always has he placed patriotism and efficiency in the public service above party politics. He has given his earnest consld eratlon and substantial effort in pro moling the happiness and comfort of the boys in the service of their coun try, and, lastly, He has a record for a sound, bus! ncss administration and loyal and earnest effort in the nation's present crisis that should command the ap proval and support of the whole peo pie.. RE-ELECT WITHYCOMBE WHY EXPERIMENT? Every Piece of Meat From the East Side Market Is a Good Piece. That's the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON FRIDAYS. ' OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett, Prop. Phone 188. SO DECEPTIVE , Many Ashland People Fail to Realize tho Seriousness. Backache is so deceptive. It comes and goes keeps you guessing. Learn the cause then cure It. Possibly it's weak kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. They're especially for weak or disordered kidneys. Here's an Ashland case'. Mrs. S. C. McDonald. 685 B St., says: "I can recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills Just as highly today as I did three years ago when I gave my first statement. I have taken Doan's on several occasions for lameness across my kidneys and it has requir ed only a few doses to relieve me of the misery. Doan's Kidney Pills have also proven beneficial to an other member of our family who has had considerable kidney trouble. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. McDonald had. Foster- Mllburn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. For Sheriff I am the regular Republi can nominee for sherin of Jackson County and will ap preciate your support on No vember 5th. If elected I promise strict law enforce ment and an economical, bus iness administration. C. E. TERRILL, of Lake Creek. (Paid Advertisement) NO RULINGS MADE ON WAR REVENUE BILL Reports are being circulated that certain rulings have been made by the "Collector of Internal Revenue" In connection with the war tax bill now before Congress, and In order to avoid credence being given such reports, Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue, says that no rulings whatever could be made by his office In a matter which has not yet become a law. COAL PRODUCTION REDUCED BY SPANISH INFLUENZA A big reduction in coal produc tion ha3 resulted from the Spanish Influenza epidemic In the East, where the output In some mines has been redured from 15 to 50 per cent. Some of the smaller mines are com pletely Idle, while the larger ones are only half manned. Relief for the sufferers has been undertaken by the United States fuel administra tion in the way of surgeons and hos pitals. Oregon's coal supply has, as yet been unaffected by the epidemic LADIES Of Ashland If you have any Furs you wish repaired or remodeled F. IV. BARRETT 120 E. Main St., Medford, Ore. can fix them up for you. We also make new Furs to order and carry a fine line of manu factured Furs. When In Med ford call In and Inspect our stock. 37-MO "CA? Bank. ith tha Chimo. Cluck, The Farmer's Very Good Friend. 4fc 1 1 I I 1 NO line of industry needs bank backing more than that of farming. Planting time, cultivating tinio, har vesting time and fiiorkeilns time are four constantly r.i-occurrinv rirods of farming which requlro the en couragement ot burnt account and bank connection. 1 The First National Bauk uffords such encouragement 4 5s? JkRrstNatiomldattk Carter. Pres. VAUPEL VICEPPtS J W MCCOY. CASHIt CLARK BUSn AVT CASH The new planing mill of Booth Kelly Co. at Wendllng Is in operation. The Florence Mill, Light and Pow er company 1b Incorporated for $30-000. Ashland Transfer I & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" $ and Rock Springs loal and lement PHONE il7 Office 99 Oak Street, Ware house on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon It HI II I Mil It MM MOM Have You Tried KARO? A delicious syrup made from! Corn. Comes in five and (en pound pails. Light or Dark In many instances used as substitute Jor Sugar. Plaa Gt ocef y Telephone 78 For Representative Jackson County. Ben j J. Sheldon (Present Incumbent.) Regular Republican Primary Nominee. (Paid Advertisement) CHALMERS TAXI SERVICE Steam Heated MAUDE HALLEY Stand at Robb Bros. Office Phone 213 Residence 101 FACTS ABOUT WOOL THE NEED for CONSERVATION Is apparent to all, In the present acknowledged SHORTAGE of WOOL, and the growing anxiety as to the question of FUTURE SUPPLY. This problem Is ever increasing in Importance because, of the tremendous demands already made, and in Immediate prospect for the QUARTERMAS TERS department in providing adequate clothing and equipment for an army whose present estimated maximum will be five million men. The requirements for such an enormous military establish ment can be shown in brief, by the TEXTILE WORLD In Issue of recent date, In the following interesting data. It has been estimated that 70 lbs. of scoured wool per year will be required for each man In active service, which, on the basis of present army estimates, will call for 350 million pounds. It will readily be seen from the standpoint of military ne cessity alone, that an unprecedented demand for this commodity has been created. In addition, the needs of the civilian population, even tho reduced to a minimum, contributes another enormous total to those of the military estimates. The extent to which restriction Is being placed on civilian consumption of wool is aptly illustrated by a recent order from the war Industries board prohibiting the manu facture of hard knitting yarns of wool until further notice. Wltn this unprecedented demand on the world's supply of wool, we find the following far from reassuring facts: The United States produces annually about 110 million pounds of scoured wool or about one-third of the wool required for an army of five million men, which appears to be the present esti mated -ultimate size of the army. The other sources of supply such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Argentine are cut off on account of the enormous demands of the war department for the transportation facilities to France. So it Is up to the people who stay at home to have their old clothing re claimed by having them cleaned and pressed or dyed. Master service Is our motto. Why FISHER'S BLEND Flour? The Government has advanced the price of Oregon and Washington Wheats. To meet this advance Manufacturers of Oregon and Washington Wheat flours have increased their pri ces, until there Is little if any difference between the price of Oregon and Washington Wheat Flours and that of FISHER'S BLEND. The superior qualify of FISHER'S BLEND as com pared with other flours is absolutely the same now as before. Just as in pre war times FISHER'S BLEND is , made of the choicest Eastern Hard wheat and choic est Washington Bluesfem. If it was economy in pre-war times to pay more for FISHEiVS BLEND than for other flours, certainty it is qreaiet economy now to buy it at practically ' the same price for which oth er flours sell. FISHER'S BLEND is the ideal flour to use with Wheat Substitutes. These substitutes lack a balanced gluten. They require mixture . with a strong wheat flour. FISHER'S BLEND is a strong wheat flour FISHER'S SUBSTITUTES, including Fish er"s Corn Flour, Fisher's Milo Maize Flour, Fisher's Barley Flour and Fisher'B Corn Meal' work perfectly with FISHER'S BLEND Flour because the same painstaking care is used in the manufacture of the one as in the manufac tuse of the other. FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR and Fisher's WHEAT SUBSTITUTES ares manufactured in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY' SEATTLE, U. S. A. ,; "United States Food Administration License No. G-48173"