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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
t ASHLAND TIDINGS Tuesday, October 22, 1018. PAGE EIGHT I v Look for the Food Administration's Weekly Price Quotations for Jackson County ' The lower flgurei under "consumer paya" are the maximum prlcei that ehould be charged by "cagh and carry" stores, and the higher figures max imums that should not be exceeded by ttores giving credit, delivery, and almllar aerrlces. - , retailer pays Consumer pays Local wheat flour. In 49 lb sack ........ IJ.JT $287 to $2.97 AVheat flour. Portland, etc. make. 49 b sack 2.92 3.12 to 3.23 M'heat fiour. lees than mill packagelb . . .05 .06 to Kye flour, in 10 lb aack , 78 . to .Bt Corn flour, per lb . : j Local corn meal, yellow, in 10 lb sack . . . .65 .65 to .70 Eastern corn meal, In 10 lb sack 63 .76 to .80 Corn grlta and hominy, in 10 lb sack .... .72 .86 to .90 Kolled oats, per 9 lb bag .74J4 ;M to .99 Local barley flour, per bbl .07 to .07 Portland, etc.. barley flour, per bbl 13.10 .08 to 08 k Klce Hour, lb Rice, ordinary grade, lb U -1.5 17 (ranulBted sugar, bought at old pr Ice . .08 3-5 -Cranulated sugar, bought at new p r;ce . .10 " . iv Dried white beans, per lb 10 .13 to .13 Dried red beana, per lb 09 .11 to .12 Evaporated milk, large size, per can 14 .16 to .17 Lard substitutes, (compound), ordinary grade, In tins, rWlb ...25 .28 to .31 Canned corn, standard No. 2, ordinary grade can , 155 .20,4 to Canned tomatoes, standard No. 2 ordinary grade, can 17 to 18 Canned peas, No. 2, ordinary grade, can.. .13 .17 to .18 Canned pork & beans, ordinary grade, can .19 .25 to .27 Prunes, local, per lb 07 .09 to .10 Dried peaches, California, per lb 13 .17 to 18 Dried peaches, local, per lb .08 .10 to .11 Evaporated apricots, California, lb 22 .30 to .32 Corn syrup, ordinary grade, In 2 lb can .. . .17 .22 to 23 Corn syrup, white, in 10 lb palls 82 1.03 to 1.10 Corn syrup, ordinary grade, in 1 llcan.. .13 .16 to .17 Corn syrup, dark, in 5 lb palls 40 .50 to 53 Cheese, per lb 32 .40 to 45 Butter, per roll 1 24 1.34 to 1.36 Potatoes, per lb 03 to 03 .05 Eggs, per do .57 .62 to .65 Cheese, per lb -35 .42 to .47 Report overcharges to Price Interpreting Board. There has been an Increase In the wholesale price of sugar. Deal ers will sell stocks purchased at old price at not to exceed 10c per lb. but dealers purchasing at new price may charge not to exceed llc per lb. Note that local flour and meal is much cheaper than that made in Portland and other points. The government wants you to use the local product to prevent railroad congestion, and especially to stimulate lo cal production of wheat and other grains by providing a market for them. You are assisting with the war when you use home products. Excellent pear and apple butter can be made with corn syrup, with out the use of sugar. The war is NOT over. . JACKSON COUNTY PRICE INTERPRETING BOARD. Standard Normal Schools Defined Spray Peach Trees For Peach Blight Couple Held for Confiscating Goods A man by the name of Gowln rented a bouse belonging to G. S. Butler on the corner of Mechanic and Skldmore streets about two weeks ago, and on .vacating the premises last Friday the fam ily took the most of the household goods contained in the residence be longing to Mr. Butlor. Chief of Po lice Hatcher and. Mr. Butler followed up Mr. and Mrs. Gowln and over took them at Parker Station In Klam ath county where they bad stopped while on their way' to Klamath Falls The most of the utensils were found in the wagon in which the couple were making their Journey. Chief Hatcher arrested. Mr. and Mrs. Gow ln and brought them back to Ashland where they were held; pending an in vestigation ' by the sheriff. COUNTY RKPIHIJCAX TICKET State Senator C. M. Thomas, of Medford. Joint ItepiCM-ntatlve, Dili DiHtrictr w. H. Gore, of Medford. IteprownUUves, 8th District Ben. C. Sheldon, of Medford. J. A. Westerlund, of. Medford. County Judge George Gardner, of Talent. County CommlxHioncr James Owens, of Lake Creek. County Clerk Chauncey Florey, of Jacksonville County Treasurer Myrtle W. Blakeley, of Medford. County Surveyor C. Frank Rhoades, of Medford. Perl, of Medford. Now Open! Hotel Austin GrilT Board per week ...... .$8.00 Ticket Meals 40 Thru the the kindness of Supt. G. A. Briscoe of the city schools the fol lowing definition of a standard nor mal school has been given to the public: , A standard normal school Is one meeting the following requirements: 1. For entrance, four years' work above the eighth grade in a secondary (high) school. 2. For graduation, two years' ad ditional work, Including a thoro re view of the common branches and training In a practice school.. 3. The maintenance of a well equipped training school for the ob servation and practice, such school to cover the work in the eight ele mentary grades. 4. The total attendance In the secondary school and In the normal grade shall be two hundred and six teen (216) weeks above the eighth grade: provided, that any normal school may accept satisfactory cred its covering twenty weeks above the eighth grade. Most of the normal schools, sup ported by state appropriation, are now standard normal schools. This, Jiowever, Is a recent condition. When the department of education at Washington set up the definite atau dard given above, all the state nor mal schools tried to meet the re quirements. The Oregon state nor mal at Monmouth is a standard nor mal school and should the Board of Regents for normal schools have the opportunity to establish a normal school In Eastern Oregon and one In Southern Oregon, they too, will be standard schools. Among the standard universities and colleges of Oregon are the state schools at Eugene and Corvallls, "Wil lamette University, Pacific Univer sity, Albany College and Reed Col lege. All peach trees should be sprayed; during the next month with bor deaux mixture "5 lbs. of bluestone. 5 lbs. lime to 50 gallons of water," to control the fungus disease known as California Peach Blight. This is very common disease and may be found in all orchards In Southern Oregon. It causes defoliation, spots on the fruit, gumming and cankers on the twigs and limbs, and is con sidered one of our most serious peach tree diseases. It can not be con trolled effectively unless sprayed Ini the fall of the year before the new spores germinate and enter the ten der tissues of tbe current season's growth. If owners of peach orchards will spray In the fall with bordeaux and in January or February with Llnft Sulphur the trees will be kept in a good, clean condition. Dated, October 17, 1918. (Signed) C.'C. CATE, FIRST CLASS Commercial a la Carta The Johnson mill at Reedsport is constructing 100 feet additional to the plant. 1 Wealthy Slacker Caught in Roseberg II. Block, a prominent young man of Omaha, Neb., was arrested as slacker In Roseburg last week, where lie had arrived with his wife, child and mother-in-law from California In a large Paige touring car. On being unable to produce a registration card he was arrested, and put In jail, where he claimed lie did not want to fight, would not register nor go to war. He was later taken to Vancouver and inducted Into the army. It; Is claimed the young man wl Is 26 years of age, Is a member of wealthy and Influential family of Omaha, and has been touring th country in his efforts to evade th draft. It Is said he has been posted in every part of the United States, hut succeeded In eluding the officers aintll he arrived in Douglas county Chicken Dinner Sunday, 05c tiliiiliiiHU Demand the genuine nnmpfiossarA Why women in .wan time insist upon G05SABD CORSETS 'The . Original. Front-Lacing, Corsets p Gambling With Destiny Spending your income as you make It is simpiy gamming with destiny find with nil thft iAAm sain.. ..nil - - ..v vuuu HQmuob WU. You stand all to lose and none to gain SYSTEMATIC SAYING even though small, If constant, elim inates the element of chance and establishes your future on a basis of certainty. This bank desires to rn-nnnratA with you in building on that basis. We have unusual facilities for pro moting the Interest of our customers. STATE BANK OF ASHLAXP HERE IS A BARGAIN Twenty acres just outside the city limits, within short distance of paved highway, well improved, good house and barn, all in culti vation; offered for a short time " at 14000; $1500 down, balance at low rate of Interest on long time. Liberty Bonds accepted on the cash payment. Good reasons for selling. Better see this now. BILLINGS AGENCY , REAL ESTATE AND REAL INSURANCE Established 1883 Phone 211 41 East Main St. The nzmfiflossafi on the inside of the jcorset guarantees the increased efficiency ;of any woman who works whether it be Ihouse work, office work, factory work ior any one of the many duties that (patriotic women have so cheerfully and luncomplainingly assumed during these war times. ' No garment is so essential for the well being of the women of our country as the Gossard Corset. The name fiossarB is yout'guarantee of health. Your family physician will tell you that a correctly fitted Gossard leafeguards your , health by giving a 'hygienic body support that can be found only in j the unequalled design, soft pliable materials and scientific boning that' characterize Jhcscworld-famcd corsets. lit is your guarantee of a priceless nil-day .comfort, a A .correctly, fitted .Gossard will conserve" your energy and Increaso 'your efficiency. ,The name fiossard is your guarantee of true corset economy. It is your 'guarantee of a wearing service that alone is worth the price of the garment whether you pay 2.00, ?2.50, 2.75,' ?3.00, ?3i0, $4.00, 5.50 or more. Only in a Gossard can every woman attain the ideal proportions of her type, and so ( these original front-lacing corsets permit a clothes economy by enhancing the beauty of the most inexpensive frock or suit. ,The name' 1 fiossard is your guarantee of inimitable style. The perfect front and perfect back of a Gossard are and always will be the despair, of those attempting imitations. The highly specialized service of our cor set department .assures you. satisfaction. , licit iV Ht United States and Canada' (ffisdrd . CORSETS , gho 'lace In Front Worn with Health end Comfort by Women tbtWwldOvet A crew of men are building a spur . Two sections of the Baker-Cornu-to the Johnson sawmill at Reeds- copia post-road construction will port. Bta,t BOon- Albany is to have the only wheel barrow factory west of the Mississip pi river. ADDITIONAL TALEXT XOTKS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maxon returned Irecently from Marshffeld and are the gueBts of Mrs. Maxon's parents, sir. and Mrs. J. H. Wlthrow. School closed Monday under In structions from the County health officer, not because there was any case of the Spanish influenza in the town, but as a preventive, as some of the young people were attending the Ashland high school, and sever al cases have been reported in that city. Byron Keith and Ralph Snook re turned this i week from Corvallls where they had gone to enter the O. A. C. The college at present Is not accepting any more candidates. Mr. Hearing returned last week from a trip to Moscow. He was ac companied by his son and family who are now making Mr. and Mrs. Hearing a visit. Church services have been post poned for the present, until the ban Is raised from the town on account of the Influenza epidemic. Word was received by Marlon Try er Monday that his son, Charles, had arrived safely overseas. Chsrles was a Sergeant-Major in Coast Artillery Defense at Camp Merrett, New Jer sey. Mrs1.' Knlghten was down from Waaner creek Wednesday attending to business matters. W. R. Nyswaner took a business trip to Eagle Point last Saturday. Judsre Pnrdln. Democratic candi date for County Judge, attended the dance here Saturday night. Arc flic Women of Ashland Saving their Time and Energy Are you one that is hanging back and doing extra hours ot labor each day when a HOOSIER Cabinet will give you more time tor other things. - mwr 1 3 -I 1.1 War time Unas women in greater neea 01 rnnor sav ing equipment lor the home than any time in history. They need extra time lor war work--lor Red Cross knitting, farming, raising war funds. THE HOOSIER CABINET SYSTEMATIZES YOUR KITCHEN. The present price of Hoosier Cabinets is $57.60 for plain top and $62.50 for porcelain top, and another rise is due the last of this month. We Bought an extra car before the raise and have a lew leit which we will sell as long as they last at . Plain top $45.00 Porcelain top $50.00 ' i nn tw i oa oMi nroav if trnn riAflirA Onr stock will be auickly depleted at these . ... . . j j i j x f tVi ado lnnr nrlPOO ' prices, uome quiCK n you wisn to xae aa.vaiuag u y BODGE SONS ' Complete House Furnishers on Installments.