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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
Toendky, October 22, 1018, ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE REVEX TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent the ward each time. Twenty words one month one. dollar. Dlt. MAID INGERSOLL HAWLEY Chiropractor and Physcultopathlst Office Second Floor First National Bank BIdg. Opposite Hotel Austin Phone 48 Sltx and Cabinet Baths, Hot and Cold Spray Baths, Electric and Swedish Massage. Rest and Medical Gymnastic Rooms PROFESSIONAL. BR, J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, tar, nose and throat. Glasses sup , plied. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. R.R. Offices, M. F. and H, Bids., opposite postofflce, Msdford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Of floe hours, 10 to II and i 1 to o. Swedenburg Bldi., Ash' land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa- perhangen. Phone 202-R, . 166 Ohio street. 40-tf MIL POSTER Will Stennttt. 116 Factory street. BUI posting and distributing. 64-tf B. D. BRIGGS, Attorney-at-Law Pioneer Block, Ashland. CTVIO IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2 : SO p. nv, at the Auxiliary Hall. THE JOHXSTOXES have moved to 143 Granite street and will contin ue to give hydropathic treatments for chronic cases. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 30 White Leghorn chickens, Helman strand, 1 year old. G. H. Mersey, 3S4 Helman V 41-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good 3Vt Inch wagon. Carson Fowler Lum ber Co. 40-4 FOR SALE Oil barrels. Fowler Lumber Co. Carson k 34-2mo FOR SALE 5-horse power motor, Will trade In on a wood saw. Car son Fowler Lumber Co. 40-4 FOR RENT GOOD PASTL'RE- -Clayton Orchards, 37-lmo' FOR RENT Furnished bungalow October 1st. Adults only. 147 Nutley street. 35-tf FOR RENT 3 partly furnished rooms. Inquire Mrs. L. W. Rogers, 983 Oak street. 36-tt HOUSE to rent on Scenic Drive and Church St. at $7.50 per month See H. L. Whlted. 40-tf FOR RENT For the nlshed bungalow. 105 No. Pioneer. winter, fur Adults only 40-2t FOR EENT Four room Bungalow furnished. Call 395-R. 40-tf FOR RENT Four room Bungalow furnished. Call 395-R. 40-tf FOR SALE Pair of Plymouth Rock Homing Pigeons. Bargain for $2 129 5th St. 41-2 WANTED WAJS'TED Residence In Ashland In exchange for small creamery In Oregon. Good location for bus! ness. Address S. T., care Ashland Tidings. 42-2 PIANO W?ant to rent a piano for several months. Call Mrs. N. B. Reynolds, 67 Scenic Drive, or tele phone 317-J. WANTED Jersey heifer, 1 year and under. E. E. Foss. Talent, Ore gon. Phone Ashland 372-R-l. 38-2t WANTED Man and team to haul down wood. Phone W. D. Hodg son, 237-J, evenings. 40-2 WANTED TO BUY Seven-foot split cedar posts. Carson-Fowler Lbr Co. 3 1-1 mo FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Seven room Bungalow with sleeping porch and basement If looking for a home It will pay you to investigate this. Enquire at 555 Falrvlew St. 41-4 TAKEN UP A stray horse with brand of Lazy Horseshoe on left shoulder, three white feet, bald face, dark brown coat, 3 or 4 years , old. Been grazing In my place since April. Owner please call at once. E. Greer, first ranch on highway in California. 38-6 SMALL STOCK HANOI OR FARM WANTED. In Jackson county,, within 5 miles of town and railroad. Must have comfortable buildings, some choice fruit, be well watered and cheap for cash deal. Would buy 2 adjoining homestead relinquishments the best to be had In Jackson county if price is right. Address P. O. Box 82, Cottonwood, Idaho. 41-2 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of tho State , of Oregon for Multnomah County. JACOB HAHN, Plaintiff, i vs ' JACOB KOBER, and JOHN HAR- ' RINGTON, Defendants. 1 ! By virtue of an attachment exe cution and order of sale Icsued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to mi direct ed and dated the fourth day of October, 1918, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the nineteenth day of . March, 1918, In favor of Jacob tiahn, plaintiff, and against Ja cob Kober and John Harrington, defendants for the sum of $3, 944.00 with Interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the JOth day of August 1917, and the further sura of 1235.00 with Inter est at the rate of nix per cent per annum from the nineteenth day of March 1918, and for the further sum of $45.20 costs and disburse ments and costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wlt: The north one-half of the North West one-quarter of Section No. Thirty-four In Township No. For ty, South, Range No One West of the Willamette Meridian In Jack son County, Oregon. Now Therefore, by virtue of said attachment execution and order of sale and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on the 14th day of Novem ber 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of the County lourt House In Jackson County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defen dant Jacob Kober had on the 24th day of AugUBt 1917, tho date of filing the certificate of levy of the attachment herein, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order and decree. Inter est, costs and accruing costs. LESLIE W. STANSELL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon Dated this 9th day of October, 1918. 41-5t Tues. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Ore gon, together with a list of the claim ants and articles of service for which the claim Is made and which were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson County during the month of July, 1918. The following bills were allowed relative to the County Salary Fund to-wit: County Court and Commitwdonere F. L. Tou Velle, Judge's sal ary $150.00 Geo. W. Owen, Commission er's compensation 41.90 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR REPRESENTATIVE I am the republican candidate for representative from the 8th repre sentative district and will appre ciate your support on November 5th Adv. J. A. WESTERLUND. FOR SHERIFF I am the regular republican noml nee for Sheriff of Jackson county and will appreciate your support on Nov. 5. If elected I promise strict law enforcement and an economical, business administration. C. E. TERRILL, of Lake Cheek Adv. 42-3 Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. O. Bates, Prop. First-class Servfce and Equipment. Shoeshlnlng Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. FIRE FACTS. Total $190.9 Circuit Court A. R. Thompson, Court crier $12.00 Sheriffs Office P. H. Daley, Deputy hire .. 2.5 Ralph O. Jennings Sheriff's salary 208.33 Les lie W. Stansell. deputy hire 125.00 Total $335.33 Count r Merk's Office G. A. Gardner, Clerk's salary $1C6.C6 Flora Thompson, deputy hire 83.33 Flora Welch, deputy hire . . 75.00 Total $324.99 County Treasurer's Office Mvrtin w. Hlakelv. Treasur er's salary siuu.uu KrhiHil Superintendent a iMTlce G. W. Ager, Supt's salary .. $150.00 Mm Rnzcne Thompson, depu tv hire 11.U Total H66.90 Fruit Inflection v. n. Dntmon. denutv salary and expenses $78.7 t i Williamson denutv sal- arl and exDense 81.3 II. T. Pankv. deputy salary and expense 129.2 Total $289.35 Assessor's Office T P. Pnlpnmn Assessor's sal- 'ar'y H.00 Tit nhft coieman. aeDuiy nire uu.w Jam Aa M f'ronemlller. deputy hire 100 2 n p fnmnbell. deputy hire 88.00 Llnnle Hanscom, deputy hire J. P. Little, deputy hire .... H. N. Laughlln deputy hire Floyd Pearce, deputy hire . . J. C. Pendleton, deputy hire J. R. Roblson, deputy hire . . Jay Terrlll, deputy hire 80.00 68.00 32.00 12.00 24.00 68.00 28.00 Total $690.00 f'olWflon of Taxes Paul F. Anderson, deputy hire &0.00 w n r.arrett. deputy hire.. 120.00 Leslie W. Stansell, overtime 20.00 Total 220.00 Refined Powdered Sul phur Fertelizer Especially for Alfalfa. This Is the active element in Land Plaster or Gypsum and in this form costs less. Agricultural authorities agree that SULPHUR Is a much needed plant food and lasts more than one sea son. . So get busy now; It Is time to use it. Wa also have a supply of Nitrate of Soda the best or general ierui Izere. ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION Long exemption from tire Is no assurance that one will not occur today. It la Impossible for you to watch your property day and night. "It Is better to be safe than sorry." A few dollars to day may save you $1000 tonight Phone or Call. BILLINGS AGENCY All kinds of 41 East Main Good Insurance. Phone 211 J. HART'S TAXI Phone 450-R Office Phone 149 Alnutt's Cigar Factory 33-lm - MRS. H. E. HULS Taxi Service 3tand Wlneland Parlor Citizens Bank Building Phono 71. Res. Phone 468-Y GET THE HEARD BUT LEA VI THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the roots to continue their growth. "You are next." Ruckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Costolo INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford. Tal ent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m." Also on Satur day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave at 9:00 a. m., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashiana oauy except Snnday at 8:00 and 10 a, m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 10:15. On Sun days 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Meaiora ana Asn land, 30 cents. Round trip 60 cents. Court House Expense J. A. Norrls Janitor's salary $60.00 Jail Expense Paul F. Anderson. Jailor's sal ary ' $30.00 John A. Marsh. Jailor's salary 12.00 Total $42.00 ('are of Poor at Poor Farm Dr. Theo. J. Malmaren. physi cian's salary $83.33 W. N. Wells. Sunt's salary . . 100.00 Total $183.33 Roads & Highways John Blaess. ferrvman's sal ary $25.00 Recorder's Office Chaiincev Florev. Record er's salary $166.66 Mildred Nell, deputy hire . . 75.00 Total 7. $241.66 fouler of WeiehU & Measures D. T. Lawton salary $33.81 Mater Master Fred M. Cummlngs, salary $100.00 .90 82.00 25.95 28.51 Total Expenditures County Salary fund .. $3,016.77 The following claims were allowed relative to the County Road r unas D. W. Beebe, labor & supplies h nnr nnv roll. dist. No. 13 $526.86 .T M. Beerv. road worK .... 4S.uu v.u Rnllev. hauling wood for road untitle 41.00 H. W. Bingham, lab on road 150.00 Garnett Bros, supplies for gravel pit G. C. Culy, wood for gravel Pit .......... Crater Lake Garage, roaa supplies California Oregon Power Co., nnwor for road worK .... . . . .nn T r G. A. Chllders, roaa material ioo.iu J. E. Davidson, labor and sup- niia nsr nnv roil, rtoaa f"' r ' ,i no Dist. 8 342.Z8 Ed Dutton labor ana bud- tliao ii nor nAV roil, uoaa DlBt. No. 3 271.25 A K. Earhart, laoor, as per -,. will Honrt 1J1RI. 1NU. 11 .. ..." 585.50 Eads Transfer Company, roaa expenses' Eads Transfer uo., naming . wood for roaa engine . . . Fred J. Flck supplies, roaa district No. iu Fred J. FIcK, supplies, iui nail on elne Jack Frlstoe, labor In gravel BudVristoe, labor gravel pit 3.00 8.00 21.00 34.65 87.00 21.00 John Grieve, labor and sup plies, as per pay roil, Road Dist. No. 9 308.76 Garnett Corey, Hardware Co. supplies for road 6.94 .V. L. High & Bon road sup plies, Dist. No. 1 70.80 Hubbard Brothers, road sup pules, Dist. No. 13 183.80 All Hopkins, road work .... 42.00 H. A. Hanscom, wood for road lenglne 112.20 Nick Klme, labor and supplies as per pay roll, road Diot. No. 5 940.00 A. L. Lamb, labor in gravel pit 150.00 A. L. Lamb supplies for grav el pit 83.50 Cliff Larkln, labor In gravel pit 16.90 W. F. Longewllle, sawing wood In gravel pit 20.55 Medford Furniture & Hard ware Co , road supplies . . 27.55 Medford Iron Works, road supplies 27.10 Thos. T. Merrlman, repairing road machinery 3.00 Alfred Miller, labor In gravel pit 6.00 Medford Harness Co., road supplies 1.50 J. N. McCune, labor In gravel pit . 81.23 W. R. Nyswarner, labor & supplies, as per pay roll, DIsct. No. 2 5,220.48 Frank Nell, labor as per pay roll, Dist. No. 7 412.00 Vine Oden, road work .... 21.00 D. W. Pence, labor & supplies, as per pay roll, Dist. 14 700.64 Joshua Patterson, road sup plies, Dist. o. 2 19.50 O. J. Patton, care taker Pacif ic Highway 79.50 George Stacy, labor and sup plies, as per pay roll .... 50.55 W. H. Smith, asphalt for Pa cific Highway 23.75 Jack True, labor and supplies as per pay roll Dist. No. 1 614.76 U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co., appeal bond 10.00 Valley Fuel Co., wood for gravel pit 27.00 Valley Fuel Co., wood for ' road engine 9.00 O. S. Welsher, labor and sup plies as per pay roll, Dist. No. 4 58.65 F. H. Walker, road work . . . 27.50 E. S. Wilson, road work, Dist. 13 138.27 Raymond Walters, work in gravel pit 48.00 Crater Lake Hardware Co., road supplies 3.14 Freeman Wiley & Co., road supplies, Dist. 13 35.88 Fred Furry, hauling cul verts, Dist. No. 1 10.00 W. R. Garrett, labor & sup plies, as per pay roll, Dist. No. 10 531.50 W. C. Leever, supplies for road 1.' Boyd J. Roblson, wood for road engine 149.62 Thom. Stanley, labor and sup plies, as per pay roll, Dist. No. 6 415.3 L. A. Williams, witness 1.65 Total $86.15 School , Superintendent's Office G. W. Ager, traveling expense $50.00 Ashland Printing Co., sup piles 2.10 Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill 3.70 Jacksonville Post, supplies 12.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 4.25 Medford Printing Co., sup plies 1.25 Vlda Overton, clerical work 2.60 Mrs. Eugene Thompson, clerl- ' cal work 9.00 George J. Kunzman, printing co supplies 7.75 Total $92.55 Assessor's Office J B. Coleman, trav. expense $22.10 Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill 2.25 Med. Book Store, supplies . . 4.60 Total $28.95 Ulicrty Loun Bonds Refund of In terest Citizen's Bank of Ashland .. 3.46 First Nat. Hank of Ashland 6.05 First Nat. Hank of Medford 16.26 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bnk 3.55 Jackson County Bank 17.22 Medford Nat. Hank 5.21 rine Belt Banking Co 1.98 State Hank of Talent 62 First Bank of Eagle Point . . .67 Total road expenditures $13,199.03 Claims disallowed, Cal.-Ore. Power Co.. power for county 28.51 The following claims were allowed relative to current expense fund: Countr Court Commissioners Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill $ 2.55 Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele grams 1.29 $3.84 Total Circuit Court Clark Bush, erand Juror .... $ 6.40 W. A. Folger, grand Juror .. 4.00 J. B. Harriott, graud Juror . . 5.80 Bert Harr, grand Juror .... 8.00 Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill . . 2 60 J. F. Mitchell, grand Juror . . 4.00 J. B. Palmer, grand Juror . . 4.00 A. W. Stone, grand Juror . . . 4.00 I W. Mitchell, supplies. State vs. Winders lou Rnmnpl Mathls. pxnonse. State vs. Winders 'jU Total ,.. 156.20 Justice Court r a rimnmnn. constable fees .! O. O. Tavlor. Justice fees . . 65.0 ) Total 170.25 Khwriffs Office Paul V Anriprnnn. traveling ornptidO ll.Ui Ashland Printing Co., supplies 18.00 Ralnh O. Jennlnes. supplies 4i.ui Horn Tel & Tel Co., tel bill . . Ralph G. Jennings, trav. exp. Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele- erams Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele grams Leslie W. Stansell, trav. exp. T.nninA Williamson, stenog rapher hire '" Western Union, telegrams 9.85 22.5 .92 2.55 24.64 2.96 Total $213 32 County Clerk's Office G. A. Gardner, cash advanced for stamps o.u" Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill 4.50 Vlda Overton, clerical work Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele grams .93 Louis Ulrlch. stamps UM Western Union Tel Co., teie- rrams ' Lillian Pierce, clerical work Remington Typeyrlter Co., supplies 3.45 18.00 6.90 Total $55.u2 Tax Rebates F. C. Smith $99.75 Widow's Pensions Earncstlne Austin $ 17.50 Cora Bacon 20.00 Minnie Hoardman 25.00 Effle Marie Haer 25.00 Cynthia A. Blackburn .... 32.50 Rena W. Barr 10.00 Orpba Belts 10.00 Nellie C. Hush 10.00 Mrs. J. H. Byerly 35.00 Goldie M. Boyer 20.00 Ella May Caine 17.50 Anna L. Corum 10.00 Dora B. Cress 10.00 Lucy M. Davis 17 50 Mae J. Daw 25.00 Nettle Green 25.00 Carrie Grant 10.00 Laura E. Grim 15.00 Lizzie Heath 17.50 Lela F. Hlldebrantl 17.50 Mary R. Hlggens 17.50 Dora Lynch 10.00 Dollle Love 32 50 Emma . Lontz 10.00 Minnie M. Morris 25.00 Amanda McNeal 10.00 Anna E. Nelson 40.00 Sarah E. Ossman 10.00 Mrs. Nlda Oatman 15.00 Mary P. Price 32.50 Mary E. Payne 10 00 Emma Paulson 25.00 Rosa A. Peffler 25.00 Minnie B. Patch 10.00 Rosa A. Robbing 17.50 Rose R. Slngler 40.00 Catherine E. Silver 10.00 Addle W. Shanks 15.00 Laura E. Stewart 35.00 plies 20.00 Weeks & McGowan, burial of T. H. Mathews, indigent . . 20.00 F. D. .Waterman, .Indigent .. 8.00 Z. Wolgamott, indigent .... 15.00 Cecilia Wood, indigent .... 6.00 Alex WIIboh, Indigent 6.00 Chris Wooley, Indigent Pearce Wilson, indigent .... Annie Watklns, indigent . . . Ernest Weldon, indigent . . . W. C. Earhart, cow calf for Mrs. Baer Marsh & Bennett, Indigent supplies Jessie Wood, allowance dur ing husband's imprison ment for non-support of family 8.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 76.00 9.85 45.00 Total $681.02 Juvenile Court C; E. Gates, Auto Co., auto for County nurse $614.39 N. L. iNarregan, probationer officer, expense 7.4.? J. W. Robinson, examining Insane 5.00 C. E. Gates-Auto Co., supplies for County nurso 1 55 Rosetta McGrall, salary and expense County nurse .... 116.19 Total $744.56 Advertising . Printing Ashland Printing Co., print ing Co. Court proceedings $28.35 Medford Mall Tribune, print ing Co. Court proceedings 15.60 Total $760.00 Court House Expense Applegate Lumber Co., sup plies 1219 Cal-Ore Power Co.. lights .. 2.74 Fred J. Flck, supplies 50 John A. Marsh, lalwr 3.75 Southern Oregon Traction Co., freight 103 $20.21 4.27 Total Jail Expense Cal-Ore Power Co., lights . . $ Mrs August Slngler, board of prisoners 53.93 Louis Ulrlch, supplies 3.50 Total $61.70 Care, of Poor t Poor Farm Fred B. Brant, labor $ 7.00 Cal-Ore Power Co., light and nower Henry Duer, nursing 10.00 Economy Meat Mkt. supplies 14.75 Hutchison & Lumsden. sup- nl les Tnckson County Creamery. supplies Medford Furniture & Haru- ware, supplies "- Joshua Patterson, supplies.. 257.50 Pnelfln Tel & Tel Co.. tel bill 165 w im WpI s. trav. expense Edna M. Wells, labor n.w Total $J2 Election Kxpenso E. E. Ash, rent for polling ,95 Allen, registering .$ 6.00 place Susie L. voters George Brown & Sons, rent for polling place and labor C S. Butterflold, polling pi Billings Agency, polling placo E. W. Cooper, polling place Cal-Ore Power Co., election expense David Dorn, election expense J. L. Demmer, polling place A S. Furry, election expenso G. M. Grainger, clec expeiibe E. A. lilldreth, election exp W. W. Hlttle, election exp R. II. Halley, polling place . . J. W. Ling, polling place and expense 6 00 Samuel Mathls, polling place Frank R. Nell, election exp H. F. Pohland, rent for three polling places 15 00 3.30 7.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 8.75 8.60 2.20 5.00 5.00 6.00 O. E. Hose, rent for polling pi F. E. Redden, labor on elec tion supplies Alta Steel, labor Delbert A. Wood, stamps . . Wayman Warner, expense . . Mrs. Chas. Wahl, polling pi Wlllet C. Wilson, expense . . .00 27.7. 5.00 50 1.20 5.00 1.00 Total $141.80 Roads and High ways The Prlntery. road vouchers $10.16 County Itocordcr'ti Offico Chauncey Florey, stamps ..$15.00 Etta Grieve, labor 30.0, Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill 2.55, E. A. Langley, Indexing .... 18.00 . John F. Miller, indexing ... 18.00. Francis Neal, Indexing .... 17.50- Total $101.05 8urveyr'n Office Willie Howard, clerical work $30.00 Med. Book Store, supplies . . 1.95 Fred Pelouze, viewing roads 4.00. C. Frank Roades, surveyors expense 13.00 C. Frank Roades, surveyor's salary and expense 32.50 W. A. Walles, surveyor's exp 4.00 Total H5.9S rni of Poor Not at Poor harm R. Anderson, Indigent ..$ 10.00 nn Averv. ind gent .... Nancy Arrasmlth, Indigent 6.00 Sara Austin. Indigent l-.0 Maggie Bohl. Indigent .... 1."0 Sue Bailey, Indigent "' Mrs. O. R. Brobeck, Indigent A. E. BeardBley, indigent . . C. A. Boles. R. R. rare ior Agnes Burr, indigent . . . . Cranflll and Robnett, indigent supplies Mrs. Kate Coppie, inuigeni Mary M. Chllders, Indigent Dave Daniels, inaigeni .... Mrs. L. E. Downing, mumem Dr. J. J. Emmens, care of in- Jlir.nt H. Fattlg, Indigent 10 00 Mrs. Gunn, Indigent Katherlne Gillette, maigcni Mrs. Hudson, Indigent W. H. Houston, indigent .. viola Jones, indigent, Martha Jones, indigent 8.00 8.00 12.53 15.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 5.44 12.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 Etta Jewel, Indigent 6.00 Total ' County Treasurer's Office Mvrtle W. Blakely, stamps Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill Medford Book Store, supplies Vlda Overton, clerical work 55.34 $5.00 2.25 .90 25.00 $33.16 $1.00 1.00 5.00 Total Coronnr's Office F. M. Amy, Juror William Bays. Juror Dr. R. J. Conroy, Inquest ex amination Dr. Mc. M. M. DOW, inquest pxam nation Cecil Heard, Inquest witness 1.06 Leon Leonard, Inquest wit 1.06 M. T. Murphy, Juror l u Dr. E. B. Pickell, Inquest ex amination Dr. E. B. Pickell, inquest ex. John A. Perl, coroners iees T. Richardson, juror .... D. Roberts, Juror G. Trowbridge, Jr., Juror 5.00 5.00 56.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 T J. Kelsoe, indigent .... Mrs. and Mr. Cane, Indigents H. C. Knapp, inaigeni .... E. Kimball, Indigent Lena Lee, Indigent Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, Indi gent : Mrs Carrie E Miller Indigent Mrs. J. Myers, Indigent .... Dan Mayhar, Indigent Doc Parsons, Indigent Mrs. Frank Poyser, Indigent Phoenix Merc. Co., Indigent, supplies :',',''' 1 Katherlne Rodgers. Indigent Mrs. A. M. Rule, Indigent . . Nancy Slsemore, Indigent . . T. D. Stafford, indigent W. H. Smith, Indigent .... W H. Stewart, indigent . . Mrs. L. Schelffolln, indigent Alias Slover, Indigent . . . . a. mm Tnffer. indigent IVl I n at, aun- ----- . Mrs. Alice Ulrlch, house rem for indigent 6U Louis Ulrlch, lnaigfrn. ap plies Ulrlch & Ryan, Indigent sup- 8.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 12.05 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 15.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 6.15 Total $S3.4Xv War Emergency Paul F. Anderson, travel ex pense $ 11.67 C. A. Chapman, constable services 7.00 Home Tel & Tel Co., tel bill 1.70 Llpman Wolf & Co., supplies for Home Guard 253.80 Optimo Cafe, meala for draft ed men 16.15 Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele gram .10 Flora Thompson, labor for W. S. S. Committee 34.65 Westslde Pharmacy, supplies for W. S. S. Committee . . 1.65 Margaret S. Ames, clerical work for W. S. 8. Com... 40.00 Eads Transfer Co., W. S. S. expense 2.25 Llpman, Wolf & Co., uniforms for National Guard 427.60 Medford Printing Co., print lug for W. S. S. Committee 13.25 The Prlntery, supplies for Lo cal Board '75 H. S. Stlne, labor on local Board t....... 45.UO Total ...... $865.67 Water Master Fred N. Cummlngs, expense. . $ District Attorney's Office n. F. Forbes, clerical work ..3U.ui Home Tel & Tel Co.. tel bill 3.45 Med. Book Store, supplies.. 1.75 Postal Tel & Cable Co., tele grams Western Union Tel. Co., tele gram 1.90 .70 Total ".80 Enforcement of Prohibition Law Ralph O. Jennings, trav exp. $21.35 Harold McDonald, spec police 150.00 Total $171.35 Total warrants Issued current expense fund $5,000.97, The following claims were disal lowed: . E. E. Ash. rent polling place $ 2.00 George Brown & Son, rent polling place o.OO Pnunr Cn llellts & power W. H. Gowdy. Justice fees . . i The following bill was allowed relative to the Pacific Highway Road fund: Medford Printing Co., print lng, re Sweeney case . . . .J1' G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk. U3 The fuel administrator gives detailed advice as to how we are to get our coal, but he neglects to gfvo any Information as to how we are going to pay for It. 1 1