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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
TuPudny, Octolxr 23, tinfoil tliey have been gathering Is ready to ship, while four tons of magazines have already left the De pot and three tons moro are on hand. The molting pot Is at present almost full to overflowing, and will be dis posed of In the near future. Teople visiting tills establishment for the first time stop In bowlldormcnt at the magnitude of tlio project which has grown In such a short time, and practically everything under the sun may be obtained hero It the order is sent In to the Good Fairy who pre sides over the establishment. ttDV ASHLAND TrDIXGS li i - .. - I Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices SIMPSON'S Hardware Store Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT onrmarKet and your confi dence will be behind the pleainr of eating our meats. The Knowledge of deanlineii and a sanitary work shop will aid your digestion. L. Schuein 81 N. Mala Pbone 107 iiimiinin iiummumi !' J. P. Dodge & Sons Undertakers Lidy Assistant Deputy County Coroner State Licensed Embilmer Pure riilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONt Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. t Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town THE UNIVERSAL CAR Tho Ford Truck is just another arm and 1) and to tho business man, adding through it manifold usefulness to the possible vol ume of his business, and at the same time AllOlhCr doubling the value of , . every hour. In so many Hand for . ways its all around ut-1-Business ity serves the urgent de mands of business big and little the re tailer and wholesaler, the manufacturer and consumer, the contractor and farmer. Everywhere where business exists there is a present want for Ford trucks. Consider tho price $550, without body, f. o. b. De troit. Let's talk it over with you. FORD GARAGE. Lee Hall, Prop. CAPTl'IlK OF JAI'AXKSK MN'KIt. 1JY KAIPKK 'WOW." Captain Cameron, in his story of j life on the German raider "Wolf," tells of the capture of a hie Jap liner: At 3:07 p. m. the "Wolf" hroke out the Imperial Navy flag and sig nalled for the "Hitachi Maru" to stop and not to use her wireless; also dropped a shot across the steam er's bow. When the "Hitachi" failed to stop, the "Wolf fired another shot closer to her how. The Jap concluded to run for it, and started in to work his wireless; also swung his ship in such a posi tion as to bring his gun for subma rine defense, 4:7 quick fire, into ac tion. Meantime the "Wolf" had opened fire on her in dead earnest One 6-inch shell from the after-gun struck the "Hitachi" and exploded just under her gun where the gun crew was working, killing six Japs, and blowing the balance Into the water. I saw one Jap in particular hoisted high Into the air above the smoke of the explosion, and he was spinning around like a plnwheel Another shot from the after-gun put the gun on the "Hitachi" out of com mission altogether, and killed an other man. In the meantime, from 1 forward, the "Wolf" had succeeded I in putting a 4.5 shell thru the wire- ; less room, where the operator was I working; this shell came thru one side of the room, passing between the operator and his "set," cutting one of his aerial leads in two, and passed out thru the opposite side of the room, decapitating a man stand ing outside. This shell eventually hit a ventilator shaft, ripped It to pieces and knocked a man down In the engine room so hard that he af terwards died of Internal 'injuries. There were several more hits, one on the water line in No. 4 hatch, and two more In the stern and one in the wheel-house on the bridge. About this time the flying machine came along and tried to drop a bomb on deck forward, but missed, the bomb exploding when It hit the water just ahead. By this time the Japanese captain decided that he did not have a chance and stopped his vessel, while the "Wolf" sent the prize crew on hoard. In the meantime the passen gers and crew had managed to get clear In the life-boats, which were picked up and the people taken on board the "Wolf." There were some neventy odd paA'ngers, first and second claim, among them six women and one lit'le !la':k girl. They Vere a sorry looking sight as they climbed on board the "Wolf." Many of them were only half dressed, being Just awakened from their afternoon nap by cannonading. Captain Cameron In the October Sunset. MH.DIKKS Wii.h ItKt'KIVK ill t.l l.MI OAXDV KATIOXS "Every soldier in tho American K:.pedltlouary Korco," says the Stars and Stripes in lu latent edition, "will receive a half pound of candy every ten days as a part of lila ration. '"The ration will include choco lates and hard candies of pure sugar, and Is now being made in factories operated in Franco." This is only one of the many evi dences that Uncle Sam Is endeavor lug to do everything possible for tin welfare of the American soldiers. Jefferson Is developing a walnut and filbert Industry. The Kerry Timber Co. logging line of Astoria Is to be Improved to in crease the daily capacity for hauling logs from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 feet. , . moss s.u,v.(;k dfiw. The Red Cross Salvage Depot has been a success from the beginning. The people of Ashland have co-operated most loyally with the women who have striven to make this branch of Red Cross work a permanent fea ture, and gifts have poured In from all quarters ranging from Jlmcracks for ha'penny to fur robes, Shetlavl ponies and Drunionas worth up Into the hundreds of dollars. The ener getic workers have lieen divided in to depiirliu-nts and are carrying out the enterprise In a businesslike man ner which shows the 'seriousness of Intent with which they ngtird this branch of service. In the two months that the Salvage Depot has ben In existence the promoters have given the Red CroRs $2:.0, and have of fered another $100. The Depot maintains a millinery department which started out with one trimmer, hut Is at the present time keeping four busy. The Immense stock of TAX KM TO UK IXHtKAKKD OX JtlCH OF XKW YORK. Wealthy citizens of New York City will be taxed much more heav ily on personal property next year, It was shown when the books of the department of taxes were opened to the public recently. The assessors have Increased per sonal property valuations by IG00, 483,930, and have placed opposite the names of many prominent rcsl 'denta figures far In excess of the es timates of 1918. Thirteen members of the Vander bllt family, who this year were list ed for sums ranging from $100,000 to $380,000, are now asked to pay on a valuation of $1,000,000 each. John D. Rockefeller, assessed at $5,000,000 this year, is taxed on a $10,000,000 basis. Andrew Carnegie, whose name does not appear on the 1918 books, now Is listed at $5,000,000. Charles M. Schwab, whose valua tion this year was $118,000, has $1,- 000,000 beside his name. Former Senator William A. Clark, of Montana, who has a residence here, and was formerly assessed at there, and was formerly assessed at $275,000, is down for $1,000,000. J. P. Morgan, tho he claims Nas- sua county as his place of residence Is taxed on $500,000. Needy Belgians get Tons of Clothing The Belgian Relief workers have completed the task assigned to them of sending used clothing to the needy people of our sister country, and have upwards of a ton of garments packed and ready for shipment. Thirty boxes were sent out from Ashland during the past week This task has been accomplished by a corps of willing workers who have labored unremittingly towards get ting the shipments ready, and the committee in charge wish to thank the public for their generosity in giving so much for this cause. Thanks are also extended to the men and women who assisted In packing and tying the boxes. Normal School Bill Gains in Interest Superintendent G. A. Briscoe of the Ashland city schools has recent ly returned from a trip to Salem, Portland and other northern points where he Uad been looking after educational interests. At Salem, Supt. Briscoe attended the meeting of the executive committee of the State Teachers' Association of which he Is a member, then later went to Portland in the Interests of the nor mal school measure to be voted upon November 5. ' Supt. Briscoe states that the interest In this bill Is most satisfactory to Southern Oregon, and the various cities in Eastern Oregon that are after 'a normal have active committees at work in their respec tive territories. Butter is going up, and will soon be seen only on the tables of the mu nition workers. Sore Throat, Golds QUICKLY RELIEVED BY 9 HAMLINS WIZARD OIL ' Sore throat and chest cold3 should never be neglected. Few people re alize how often they result in rheu matism, tonsilitis, diphtheria pneu monia and consumption. Hamlnu Wizard Oil is a s.afc, simple and ef fective treatment. It contains in chloroform or other dangerous dniKS but is composed of the most healing, penetrating oils. Used asa garde for sore throat it, br:n:ji quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, dee? seated cold in one night. Wlniinl Oil ix n r'l. ilopondablo prM. nr-.tlmi lo k".'l I" the iwliulne lKt I'.r lrt ulil when lh '"""r ,,ml bo ' r, wuy. How olUMi tin. .l l.rn mmr In eviry rnmlly. ; I Hill., ironbl." Ilk" i-ini.-he. to." ri-l v ruM mirm. cunker nrn. kiiIT nurk. " ' ' tlr-.l. aching f-Lt. HoMliimy. koO im Wlmiril Oil will iilwayn l"'n u1, " rellnf. Oft n lia'iu from your druKElrt for !:,n nml iim tho iii.Mil. lih'. If nm emir y lulu! th rmitk i"''k lo lilm ha will rolurn yur nionc. If you nm troulliil with ronstln "tlon r nli k hnu.lut h try llumllnn VM-'. l.lvr Wklni". Jimt pluwmit lltllo ) pill t lrultn for S6c. Ouurunloja. How Is Your "Culebra Cut"? i The Panama Canal is a clear passageway as far as the Culebra Cut.. But Gold Hill has a way of slipping into the cut. And until drciltics can clear the channel, the industrial schedule of the world is out of jrcar. How about your own canal ? The intestinal is a clear passageway as far as the larirc intestine. There, if you become constipated, waste matter is allowed to stagnate. It becomes unnaturally dry and undergoes abnormal fermentation and putrefaction. Germ activity is increased. Your whole system is out of cear. Result, the production of irritating and poisonous substances, whic h arc absorbed into your blood and carried all over your body, liable to pro duce disease anywhere. - The longer such stagnation is allowed to exist, the harder it is to clean out the canal r of human disease originates in the "Culebra Cut." If engineers tried to blast out the slide from Culebra Cut they would have more slides to cope with. If you try to blast out accumulated waste from ymr Culebra Cut with pills, salts or purges, you will increase your constipation and next time you will have to take stronger medicine in a larger dose. You can't dredge your canal. You can clean it out with Nujol. Nujol softens the mass, and supplies the intestinal canal with sufficient moisture to replace deficient mucus. It causes the obstructive waste matter to pass gently out of your system at a regular hour, absorbing and removing the poisons as it goes Nujol regularity keeps the traffic of your mind and body operating on schedule. You admire the Panama Canal system. Why not .safeguard your own? Your druggist has NujoL Warning: NUJOL is sold only in scaled bottles bcarine the Nujol Trade Mark Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) SO Broadway, New York Vtqularet 3a:kWortr JFL. Industrial war service clubs have been established by the Young Wom en's Christian Association In twenty two munitions cantonments recently built by the government. In sonis cases a cafeteria is conducted by the club. In others it is mainly .a recre ation center. At base hospitals in France the Young Women's Christian Associa tion maintains huts tor the nurses. A secretary in charge arranges for recreation. She Is always on hand to help the nurses, or serve them hot chocolate in the middle of the night, or whenever they come off duty. The Choice of Those Who Know Manufacturers and lead ing motor car distributors recommend ZEROLENE. The majority of motorists use ZEROLENE. . ZEROLENE reduces wear and gives more pow er because it keeps its lu bricating body at cylinder heat. Gives less carbon because, being refined from selected California asphalt -base crude, it burns clean and gces out with exhaust. ZEROLENE is the cor rect oil for all types of au tomobile engines. It is the correct oil for your auto mobile. Get our lubrica tion chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Correct Lubrication for the "V"-Type Engine This, the "VVType of automobile engine, like all internal combustion engines, requires an oil that holds its lubricat ing qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes out with ex haust. Zerolene fills these requirements per fectly, because it ia cor ' recfjy refined from select ed California asphiilt bast crude. . ZgROLEN The Standard Oil forMtor Cars