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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
Tuwtdayi Octoler 22, 1018. ASnLAND TIDIXGS page fivet. JSr-n nil . u Grey Vf m MtfLoms Heel JUST IN A Beauty. I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. T. Graham, who hag been a resident of Ashland for several months, has gono to Seattle where the expects to locate. L. F. Ferguson has purchased a property on Hargadlne street from W. B. Smith, and moved last week Into his new residence. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott of Portland are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallace of CO Mountain avenue. Mrs. Gordon McCracken and two sons, who have heen spending sev eral weeks at a seaside resort In the northern part of the state, have re turned home. Save your cull apples and make vinegar. You can get empty bar rels at Ashland Trading Co. Miss Elsie Potter is the guest of her parents on Morton St., for the present, but Is preparing to go back to Dunsmulr in the near future, at which place she Intends to make her future residence. If you are not satisfied with your coffee, try the best bulk blend that Can be bought and save 10c per lb., at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. C. E. Donnelly and wife of San Francisco are visitors at the home of tho letter's mother, Mrs. E. E. Gld dlngs. 107 North Main street. Mr. Donnelly was at one time local man ager for the Western Union Tele graph company. Miss Rose Tavener was notified Tuesday to report to Mare Island, Cal., to join a corps of nurses who will depart shortly for overseas ser vice. Miss Tavener Is a graduate of a nurse's training school, the whole class of whom enlisted for service in France. Owing to the serious Illness of Mrs. Tavener, whose death oc curred several months ago, Miss Tavener was given a leave of absence until the present call. A full line of Schilling's best unices at the old prices, at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. . ... Mrs. J. V. Wright went to Port land Thursday to visit her daugh ters, Mrs. Alta Weinberger and Mrs Arthur Weber, who reside there While In the north, Mrs. Wright ex pects to visit Camp Lewis where she lias a brother stationed. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. II. Ganlere have gone to Portland to spend the win ter. The change was deemed neces sary on account of Mr. . Ganiere's health. . The Mcdford ladles appreciate the suits they have tailored at Orres tailor shop. You wlll.too, as they are mado from high grade woolens and the very latest styles. ... Newton windfall apples on the ground, 30 cents a box. Patter son Orchard Co Take covered bridge road. - 40-tf ... The street committee reported fa vorably on the proposed Improve ment of Oregon street at the regular meeting of the city council last Tues day night. Our kodak finishing will please tho Camera Exchange. if ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dateman, who have been guests of their son, I. It. Bateman, for the past two weeks, have returned to their home in San Jose, Cal. ... T. W. Hudson", who has been spending the summer In Vancouver, Wash., employed In the shipyards, has returned to Ashland to spend a few days. ... Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trne and Mis? Amy Grnlib have gone to Portland to spend a couple of weeks. They expect to visit the latter's brother, Lieu tenant Millard Grubb at Fort Ste vens while In that section. ... Government Inspectors came to Ashland last week and removed the quantity of contraband whiskey that the chief of police had gathered from a broken down car on the mountain a few weeks ago. The whiskey was taken to Portland and will be com mandeered for government use. ... E. E. White of thin city received word that Major P.ensacller Hall of Cleveland, Ohio, grandson of Mr. White's late wife, had lost his life In France September 16. Major Hall was In the aviation section and was one of the youngest men of that de gree of rank in the service. ... W. T. Cochran and family have re turned from northern and eastern Oregon where they have been spend ing the past month. They attended the Pendleton Round-Up and State fairs of Oregon and Washington while away. Foley's White Pine and Tar i i - . Use it for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Grippe, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW Foley's Drugstore Poley & Elharf, Druggists. Robert Wycoff, a watchman of one of the trestles on the Slskiyous, was taken to the Southern Pacific hospital In San Francisco Thursday evening, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Lulu Wilson, head nurso at the Sanitarium, accom panied him. C. E. Terrlll o'f "llrownsville, re publican nominee for sheriff, was an Ashland visitor during the past week, looking after his political Interests In this end of the county. Mr. Ter ?ill is a prominent citizen of his neighborhood and makes a good im pression among his constituents wherever he calls. ... Portland has a factory that makes 4,500,000 pounds of spikes and riv ets per month. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera. Exchange. tf . Rev. D. D. Edwards, pastor of the Nazarene church of this city, spent several days with a party of hunters In the Evans creek district. The com pany were fortunate enough to bag four deer during the outing, one of which was bagged by tho Ashland clergyman. . Ladies' and men's garments re paired and remodeled at Orres Tailor shop. ' ... We have a few fruit Jars at a bar gain. Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122 . Mrs. G. R. Rose has returned to Ashland after an absence of several weeks. ... Make Kraut In a big stone Jar. Get the large Jars at Ashland Trad ing Co. . . Empty vinegar barrels for sale at Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122. ... A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nell at a local hospital Sunday, October 13. ... E, T. Merrill has presented the Rod Cross with a valuable saddle borne for disposal to Increano the funds of that branch of tho work. ... Mrs. W. II. Gill and children are home from an extended visit in San Francisco. While there Mrs. Gill had tho pleasure of being with her son, Desmond, who is In the navy sta tioned at Mare Island, and who was given leave of absence every wek from Friday until Monday. That sta tion Is under rigid quarantine at pres ent, but Mrs. Gill says that Desmond has riot fallen a victim of Influenza et. . M. C. Reed, who Is traveling with the Eilison-Whlte Clyiutaunua bu reau during the present season, has been spending a few days in Ash land. Mr. Rood has been lecturing at points in California during tho past few weeks, hut was forced to abandon his circuit for a time on ac count of the epidemic of Spanish influenza. ... Men, you can get fino tailoring donn at Orres tailor shop. The fit and workmanship must be satisfac tory, ... Studio Ashland, better portraits, P. S. Morltary of Reaver Dam, Ohio, who Is employed with tho Western Union Telegraph company, has moved his family to Ashland and Is occupying the residence of Mrs. A. R. Gregory on North Pioneer avenue. Walker M. Thorn, of Seattle, wan a recent visitor of his mother, Mrs. O. II. Johnson. Mr. Thorn enlisted last February In the navy and ha heen attending the navssl officers' training school at the University of Washington for several months. Ho expects to take his final examination and get Into active service soon. ... Cllf Payne makes cider presses. FACTS ABOUT WOOL THK XFKD for COXSKKVATIOX Is apparent to all, in tho present acknowledged SHORTAGE of WOOL, and tho growing imxlety as to the question of FUTURE SUPPLY. This problem Is ever Increasing in importance because of the tremendous demands already mado, and in Immediate prospect for the QUARTERMAS TERS department In providing adequate clothing and equipment for an army whose present estimated maximum will be five million men. The requirements for such an enormous military establish ment can bo shown In brluf, by the TEXTILE WOULD In Issuo of recent date, In the following Interesting data. It has boon estimated that 70 lbs. of scoured wool per year will ho required for each man In active service, which, on the hauls of present army estimates, will call for 350 million pounds. It will readily bo seen from the standpoint of military ne cessity alone, that an unprecedented demand for this commodity has heen created. In addition, the needs of tho civilian population, even tho reduced to a minimum, contributes another enormous total to those of tho military estimates. The extent to which restriction Is being placed on civilian consumption of wool Is aptly Illustrated by n recent order from the war Industries board prohibiting tho manu facture of hard knitting yarns of wool until further notice. Witn this unprecedented demand on the world's supply of wool, wo find tho following far from reassuring facts: The United States, produces annually about 110 million pounds of scoured wool or about one-third of the wool required for an army of five million men, which appears to he the present esti mated ultiniato size of- the army. Tho other sources of supply such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Argentine aro cut off on account of the enormous demands of the war department for the transportation facilities to Franco. So It is up to the people who stay at home to have their old clothing re claimed by having them cleaned and pressed or dyed. Master service Is our motto. PMTORIUM Dye ie Works Co. Mcdford I DID YOU BUY YOU II J10ND YET? l f jf jjjjp j KEEP TII2 ROYS GOING OVER V I & B ill J kjf THK TOp ny ri-RCHASI.Va YOUR NOW IS THE TIME OF ALL T.'MES , THE STORE OF QUALITY LIMIT OF THE FOURTH LIBERTY TO DO YOUR BIT. MAIL O.UHCR SPECIALISTS L0A aciTIZENSf I P BANK VJ OF ASjjLAN Dj Liberal) Subscriptions. Make your subscription to the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN IJOXIW a liberal one as much as you can afford. Ourj Government requires the! money to successfully .prosecute the war. Call and subscrile now or send us your subscrip tion by mail. Time to Think of Stoves We tako your old stove In exchango for a new Heating Stovs or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, Mrs. H. O. Butterfleld and two little sons have returned to Ashland after having spent the past summer at Fort Stevens with Sergeant But terfleld. The latter expects to leave shortly for Fortress Monroe, Va., to enter an officers' training school. ... The commissioned officers of the state militia from Ashland compris ing Major J. Edw. Thornton, Captain H. W.- Frame, First Lieutenants P. L Spencer and J. B. Webster and Sec ond Lieutenants D, D. Edwards and Charles Robertson left Wednesday night for Portland to attend the four days' officers' school In session there to which they were requested to at tend. ... Dr. J.C. Reasoner, a resident of Ashland several years ago, has re turned from Bombay, India, and lias been a guest of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Ganiere, during the past week. Dr. Reasoner tins returned to the United States In order to register under the recent draft regulations, and hopes to get Into a machine gun company. He gave iro his dental practice in India in order to offer his services to his own country during the war. ... Don't delay ordering that over coat. The doctor will get your mon ey If you do. Gee the fine over coatings at Orres Tailor Shop. . Orres cleans clothes. Phone 6L ... Mrs. Walter Everton was a Grants Pass visitor over Thursday night. Are you prepared for winter? We are. There is a big store full of necessary items for wear and for the home at your service. There is inuch home sewing this year and we are pleased to announce that we are prepared to meet tho demands of those who are making their own clothes. The dress and suit ma terials on our shelves are,.correct in every detail. FALL SH0WIMG OF DRESS GOODS Gloves Cloves of all kinds are going to be scares for Fall, but we were fortunate In buying a line that was delivered. Full stock of Kids and Cottons on hand. Wool Dress Material! Velvets Drapery Fabrics Our big lino of Colonial Drapery Fabrics awaits your Inspection. Screens, Pillows, Table Runners and many other useful home articles made of this well known Drapery lend just the right touch to your home decorations. Our Fall line of new dress materials aro the newest and latest fabrics known on the market. New goods arriving every day. Come in and Inspect our line he fore it gets picked over, and you will be surprised at the big values we are offering. Our line of Velvets Is complete In every detail. Any color you would wish for we have it In stock at popular prices. IS and 34 inches, if 1.75 uml $2.2.1 yd. Table Linens Now Is tho time to begin preparing for your Thanksgiving Linens. Complote stock on bund in both mercerized and all linen. Prices from $1.0(1 up to $;LOO yd Also big line of Napkins to choose frcm. Eye Glasses Scientifically Fitted and Guaranteed. Broken Lenses Replaced. TfRYPTOTf IV CLASSES IV II. L. Whited Registered Optometrist. Ashland, Or. Mall Orders Promptly Filled New Fall Shoes Four swell new models have Just arrived. Each one a beauty as follows: Field Mouse Brown Kid. Cloth top $" Reindeer Kid Vamp Cloth Top, Nlgre Brown Kid Cloth Top '..! Crulsef Grey Kid, Kid Top l-x Athena Underwear The right undorgarment for the particular customer. Women, find that It Is made to fit them exactly, without being stretched Into shape and with no unnecessary and annoying folds of fabrlo at any point. Give this Underwear a trial and become convinced. Royal Worcester Corsets. The new and snappy Fall Mod els are here. Both In the back and front lace. All prices from ' $1.00 to $3.00 each Wearwell Blankets The right blanket at the right price. Ve have the new pluids In all colors; also all plain colors; Silk Suitings. Our stock of Plain and Fancy Silks for Fall are complete. We carry the well known lines Pine Tree and Monejbak. Silk Underskirts rhangeables, Plains and Fancya In all colors. Skirts that will wear. Prices, from $:.Ot) to $(1.00 each Ribbons Buy your, Ribhpng now for Fancy Work. Nothing more acceptable than a dainty gift made out of our big line of Fancy Ribbons. Tiny Lots . Tiny Tot Is the only garment forthe little folks. We have a large line In both Merino and Cotton at popular prices. Sheets and Slips Sheet's and slips are going up every day in the wepk so buy now and save money. We car ry all standard makes in all sizes. Remnants Don't fall to Inspect our Rem nants table while In the store. It Is always chuck full of bar gains you can't afford to overlook. Every member of the family will find here the finest selections of quality merchandise in the city, and best of all is the satisfaction of knowing that goods purchased from Vaupel's are of the very highest quality. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR WINTER SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS.