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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
ASHLAND TIDTXCS Tuesday, OctoW 32, lOffc page ront Do Fog Think There is No Competition? If anyone thinks there is no competition amongst the big pack ers he ought to go through a day's work with Swift & Company. . Let him begin at the pens when the live stock comes in; let him try to buy a nice bunch of fat steers quietly and at his own price, without somebody's bidding against him. Let him realize the scrupulous care taken at the plant that not one thing is lost or wasted in order that costs may be held to a minimum Let him go up into the office where market reports are coming in, and reports of what other concerns are doing. Let him watch the director of the Swift Refrigerator fleet, maneuvering it over the face of the country like a fleet of battle ships at sea. Let him take a trip with a Swift & Company salesman and try to sell a few orders of meat. Let him stay at a branch house for an hour or two and see the retail meat dealers drive their bar gains to the last penny as they shop around among the packers' branch houses, the wholesale dealers, and the local packing plants. And then, when the day is over, let him have half an hour in the accounting department, where he can see for himself on. what small profits the business is done. (Less than 4 cents on each dollar of sales.) If he still thinks there is no com petition in the meat business it will be because he wants to think so. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Ashland Local Branch F. Crouch, Manager Mrs. C. A. Went, of Dunsmuir, died at her home last Wednesday after an Illness resulting from Span ish Influenza. The body wag taken thru here Thursday for burial near Koseburg. The deceased wan the -wife of a well known civil engineer of Dunsmuir and member of the Ash land lodge of Elks.. The Social Realm riPUMiuit Hour flub. The rieasant Hour Club mot at the home of Mrs. W. E. Glendennlng on Fifth street lust Friday. An elec tion of officers was held after which the rest of the afternoon was spent in lied Cross work, and In enjoying the delicious grapes served by the hostess. The officers elected were as follows: Mrs. F, H. Walker, president; Mrs. Carlos, vice president; Mrs. T. M Lynch, secretary and press corres pondent; MlssTlllle Anderson, treas urer. The next mooting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Lynch on Liberty street, on Friday, October 23. All ladles cordially Invited to come pre pared to w ork. Wt'ddinji of Prominent People, Charles E. Abbott and Mrs. Hat tie Camps, two prominent Ashlano people, were united In marriage last Thursday evening, October 10. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. Myron Roozer, pnstor of the Presby terian church of Medford, and was solemnized at the manse of that city In the presence of Immediate rela tives. After returning to Ashland a wedding supper was served. In the bride's apartments on East Main street, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott are 're siding at the farm of the former near this city. CET TlfE SAVING HABIT Wiges are high; real estate Is low. Duy a home on easy terms, and have It paid for before wages come down; then Real Estate will swing upwards and you will have done more than you calculated. The easiest money that one ever gets Is to buy low and sell high. See Beaver Realty Co. about this and they will put you wise. 211 E. Main St., Phone 68 En'frfriJiiPri Dinner GurftlH. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Webster enter tained at dinner Captain and Mrs. H. W. Frame of near Talent Wednes day evening previous to Captain Frame and Dr. Webster leaving for Portland to attend the four days' training school for officers. Accom panying Captain and Mrs. Frame to Ashland were their son, Dana Frame, and wife who were married In Port land a few days ago, and who came to spend their honeymoon nt the homo of the groom's parents. F. H. Walker, city engineer. Is do ing some surveying work at Macdeol, Cal., and is not expected home until Tuesday of this week. " JJIrtlHlay Party. The members of the Sunday school class of the Christian church to which Miss Stella Potter belongs, met at her home on the evening of Oct, 11 In honor of her birthday. An enjoy able evening was spent with diubIc and games and all the young folks had an enjoyablo time and voted their hostess a fine ententalned. Miss Stel la received a number of beautiful presents. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Potter, assisted by her daughter, Miss Elsie, of Duns muir, who 1b home for a visit, and by Mrs. Hattle Lynch. Those present werei Kee Buchanan, Rachel Hurst, Marie Porter, Venetta Burns, Mary Phillips, Maxlne Pracht, Tina Arant, Pearl and Linda Pinion, Albert, Ma bel and Stella Potter. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Goodman en tertained at dinner Thursday In hon or of Clayton Goodman of Wallowa county, who Is visiting at the-Good man home on Union street. The fol lowing guests were present: Mrs. Lou E. Reader, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crow- son and daughter Clarice, Mrs. Will and Clara and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Goodman. Ref. AV. N. Ferris, pastor of the Ashland Baptist church, received a telegram yesterday mornlns stating that his son had died In Seattle of Spanish Influenza. Previous to thh Mr. Ferris had got tidings of the serious illness of his son. Mr. Fer ris, Jr., resided nt Newport. Wash., and had been spending a vacation In Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Barr of Grin noil, Iowa, stopped off here last week while on ithllr way to California where they are going to spend the winter for a day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Day, who are old-time friends. Mrs. D. Perozzl has been appoint ed a member of the women's advisory committee that will aid the state committee In conducting for the re publican candidates whatever cam paign It may find necessary to wage during the last week before election. NOTICE TO CKKIHTOIW Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Mary G. Klrsh baum, deceased, by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same at my office in Ash land, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified, within six months from the first publication l(areof, which is October 22nd, 1918. W. J. MOORE, Executor. 42-5Tues 1IELLV1EW NOTES At the last meeting of the Parent Teachers' Circle, a very Interesting program was rendered. . The Misses Daugherty favored us with several beautiful Instrumental djuets and were very generous In responding to encores. The songs sung by Miss Margaret Daugherty were appreciat ed by all, .After the business was dispensed with, Fred Holmes, a Nor-, mal Booster, gave an encouraging' talk. A number of visitors from Nell Creek were present. The school board is having a new pump Installed. C. A. Brown has been spending the last four months In Dakota. He Is expected home soon. L. Mlksch went to Montague on Thursday to be gone several weeks. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY". FOR RENT FurnlBhed D-room house, all conveniences. $10.00 per month, If taken for the winter. Phone 411-R. 42-1. WANTED Woman to wash" on Mon days and sweep on Fridays. Call Mrs. L. Schweln, 451-L. 42-tf. TO TRADE FOR ASHLAND PROP ERTY 6-room Bungalow. All modern Improvements. 2 lots in Vancouver, Washington. Inquire J. K. Plgney, 440 Helman St.. Ashland. ' 42-2 SPECIAL NOTICE Owing to the continued 111 health of Mr. T. N. Humphreys, It Is necessary to dissolve the partnership of Denton & Hum phreys, owners of the Ashland Mills. Announcement will be made later regarding the con tinuation of tlto business. In the meantime It Is necessary that all wutstandlng bills be paid. From now jn we will adhere strictly to a cash basis. Ashland Mills ItttffiKffintlilt'tHttllltlttttttttHKttttfffln The largest and most exclusive lino of millinery In Southern Oregon. Miss Lounsbury, Milliner, 126 E. Main street, Medford, Ore. 37-lmo Rummage Sale Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 Beetle and Kinney's Old Stand Ashland Sunshine Society will put on a Rummage Sulo at Beebe & Kinney's old stand October 28 to -November 2. The work of the Sunshine Is well known; and we feel as If every one In Ashland will be Interested. We need your help to make this a success. The money Is. needed to help the needy of your own town. This society Is of no one sect or creed, it Is for all who need help. We try to make this a worthy cause in every way. We help the needy help them to help themselves helping them over rough places. Sometimes It Is only a kind word or a smile that Is everything that Is needed. We do our work without publicity quietly. Now winter Is at our door, and we find we are without money to carry on our work, and take this means of re plenishing our treasury. This is all donation, and I am sure every one in Ashland will want to help a worthy cause. Any thing that can be used In any way will be thankfully received. We have fumigated and cleaned all clothes before putting them out to the public. Remember the date. The rooms will be opened Thursday, Friday and Saturday to receive donations. Phone (morning and eve Mrs. A. L. Lamb, 34G-J, Mrs. Carlton. 278-R, Mrs. Willshlre, 267-L, and they will call for the things. Have You a Stock ol Merchandise In a Poor Location? I have a store building and warehouse for rent at )2.V00 per month In r which three merchants have made a nice stake, or will fell or trade. Big p:' roll; no competition. ' J. F. Maguire, Klamath Falls, Oregon. A ' 'WM Power And Light : J Lk ELECTRIC ' . .ioht By Night. : . yy: '-. j First Church of Christ, Scientist Pionoer Avenue South. Sunday service at 11 a. m., sub ject of lesson-sermon, "Probation after Death." Sunday Bchool at 10. a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room open from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays and boll-, days. PowtR By Qa' Mr and Mrs Farmer S Our grandfathers Cradled the grain and threshed with a Flail. You don't do it now. Why is it? You'could'nt make it pay, if 'you muzzled your efforts by aot using up-to-date ways. Now, are you using every labor-saving tool and machine available? What about milking? What turns the grindstone, the separator, and the corn sheller? How many, pails of water do you carry a day? When you do these jobs by hand you can bet you Pay for it. Ia this the time to waste farm labor? . Why not get right down to it and find out Just what you can do with WESTERN ELECTRIC POWER AND LIGHT This outfit will modernize your work. Do the task easier and better. Safe clean light for the whole place and ample power to do many chores. ' Lights your house Lights your barn Milks your cows , Separates your cream , . ..Turns your grindstone , ,,.1 i Washes your clothes V Pumps your water . Sweeps your floors . ; , . ' . ' . , . .tir, .Western Electric--Power and Light is practical and economical and can be; '" installed wherever you are. ' ' 1 , '-: . It is given a high rating by the War Industries board for ,they recognize the fact that it releases man poVer for other work. Fhone or write us today for our plan of payment that will enable you to put the plant in now. .. PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE ' Phone 90 Medford, Oregon