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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1918)
Tuesday, Ocl-bcr IS, lOJfl. AsflLAfcD fIDtC4 Food Administration's Weekly Price Quotations for Jackson County lS The lower figure, under "consumer pays" are the maximum price, that thou?d belharged by "cash and carry" stores, and the higher figure, max Z that Sid not be exceeded by .tore, giving credit, delivery, and almllar services. . " Retailer pays Local Wheat flour. In 1 9 lb sack. . . ; - -" Wheat flour, Portland; etc. make, 49 b sack 292 Wheat flour' less than mill package 10 . . .06 Rye flour, Jn 10 lb sack . Corn flour, per lb ; J:;7 corn meal, yellow. In 10 lb sack . . . .Bo Eastern corn meal, in 10 lb sack 63 Corn grits and hominy, in 10 lb sack .... .7- Rolled oats, per 9 lb bag Ixcal barley flour, per bbl . . Imported barley flour, per bbl inu Rice flour, lb in Corn starch, edible, ordinary grade, lo... .10 Rice, ordinary grade, lb lL r Granulated sugar, bought at old pr ice . . .08 s-o Cranulnted sugar, bought at new price . .10 Dried white beans, per lb -J A Dried red beans, per lb u Evaporated milk, large size, por can l Iard substitutes (compound), ordinary grade, In tins, per lb . ....Zj Canned corn, standard No. 2, ordinary grade can u & Canned tomatoes, standard No. 2V4 ordinary grade, can ;?.3 Canned peas. No. 2, ordinary grade, can. . .13 Canned pork & beans, ordinary grade, can .19 Prunes, local, per. lb -07 Mi Dried peaches, California, per lb J Dried peaches, local, per lb 08 Evaporated apricots, California, lb ZZ Corn syrup, ordinary grade, In 2 lb can 17 Cora syrup, white, in 10 lb palls .82 Vs Corn syrup, ordinary grade, In 1 11 can.. .13 Corn syrup, dark, in 6 lb palls Cheese, per lb , ' Butter, per roll Pntnne nnr ID iu uo 7 Eggs, per doz. . Consumer pay. 12.87 to 12.97 3.12 to 3.23 .06 to .82 to .09 to .65 to .76 to .86 to .93 to .07 to .08 to .12 to .12 to .15 to 10c lb. llClb. .13. to .11 to .16 to .84 .09 .70 .80 .90 .99 .07 .08 .13 .13 .17 .13 .12 .17 .28 to .31 .20 to .32 17 to .17 to .25 to .09 to .17 to .10 to .30 .22 1.03 .16 .50 .40 1.32 .05 .40 to to to to to to to 18 .18 .27 .10 18 .11 .32 23 1.10 .17 53 45 1.34 to .45 There has been an advance In the wholesale price of sugar of lc "per lb. but dealers buying at old price of $8.60 per 100 lbs. will continue to sell at 10c lb.; dealer, buying at new price of 110.11 per 100 lbs. may charge 11 c lb. When you use the Imported article you pay the freight, as well as requir ing the railroads to transport It. RAWLE3 MOORE. Chairman. JACKSON COUNTY PRICE INTERPRETING BOARD. Taught How to Tell Profitable Pullets Farmers and poultry fanciers were given an opportunity to learn more about the proper facilities for keep- WILSON'S TERMS. ACCEPTED (Continued from Page One) portunlty for autonomous develop ment, with the Dardanelles perma nently opened to all nations. 13. Establishment of an Indepen dent Polish state, including terri tories Inhabited by Indisputably Pol ish populations, with free access to Jng chickens during the present high ti,e gea and political and economic prices last Wednesday forenoon than Integrity' guaranteed by internatlon has ever been their privilege before, covenant. 14. General association of na-for KlM(uiu,ucii... ona-lfl- rnvpnanU the home of John Dill on North Main . -narf,n,pp. of olltlcal inde- etreet. This was conducted by Prof. pendence and territorial Integrity to Brewster of the Oregon Agricultural large and small states alike, Collets and C. C. Cate. county ag rlcultural agent. Empty vinegar barrels for sale at Mr. Dill's flock of several hundred Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122 chickens were given a culling dem- If you are not satisfied with your oBHtratlnn In order to show those' coffee, try the best bulk blend that that were profitable and those that can be bought and save 10c per lb, were "slackers." In this brood only at Ashland Trading to. rnone in rnmnnratlvelv lew beloneed to me we nave a lew iruil jars at a. uur latter class, but those In attendance gain. Ashland Trading Co. Phone 122 learned the signs to follow In order A full line of Schilling's best to tell the profitable fowls from spices at the old prices, at Ashland those who are simply boarders. Trading Co. Phone 122. About forty were at the demonstra- Save your cull apples and make 4lnn Wodnoorlnv anil at (ha ponclu- vlneear. You can Set empty bar- elon Prof. Brewster visited several rels at Ashland Trading Co poultry raisers at their request and Make Kraut In a big stone Jar, culled their fowls. . Get the large jar. at Ashland Trad Ing Co. A number of Ashland residents saw an aeroplane flying over the city yesterday forenoon at about 10:30 Those! who observed It say It was flying slowly towards the south and OXE ISSUE A WEEK. The Tidings received sev oral letter anil tnlenhone calls last week asking about the non-arrival of the Thurs day's Issue. The notice In Monday's issue stating that owing to war conditions and the advanced price of paper only one Issue will be made each week must havebeen overlooked. Hereafter the ryi .1 1 .MI 1 , I i .M iiumgB win ue ihbucu umy uu I certainty Tuesday of each week. "1 Tjjj8 bank a a a i Gambling With Destiny Spending your income as you make It In simply gamming witn aesuny nd with all the odds against you. You stand all to lose and none to gain SYSTEMATIC SAVING even thou eh small, if constant, ellm Inatea the element oi chance ana establishes your future on a basis of Been Resident of Ashland 42 Years desires to co-operate with you in building on that basis Wa have unusual facilities for pro uiotlng the Interest of our customer. STATE BANK Of ASIILANP waa lorn enough that its pilot was visible. It is supposed that the air craft was from the aviation field at Fresno, where It Is stated planes are G. E. Billings, the well known being sent out on long trips dally realestate dealer and notarv nubile James Yeo has been seriously 111 of this city, celebrated a notable an- with double pneumonia during the nlversary last Thursday. On Ccto- past week. He Is reported to have her 10, 1876, Mr. Billing, came to passed the crisis Saturday night and 'AsWland from Wanltineton. D. C . was Improved yesterday, and unless with the intention of remaining one other complications set In It year. At the expiration of that time thought he will recover reauuy. however, the lure of the west had Mrs. J. H. Jackson and son Harold such a hold unon him that he deter- snent the week end In Medford as mined to settle somewhere on the guests of the formers sister, Mrs. S, Pacific coast. For some time Mr. S. Smith. Billings made extensive Inquiries as Miss Maude Putnam, who has been to varlntm lnrnlltlaa In Ih. Mi.t A,m-l ononrHne the Past Bummer In Ash - .vuMiav.... ... i ii v vvna, w u " I try, and finally came to the conclus- land with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ion that Ashland offered more In- F. L. Putnam, returned to pan r ran ducements and fewer dlscouraee- Cisco Saturday. 'ri'WW ments than any other section, so he Rev. C. F Koehler, pastor of the finallv rant hln 1n uilth thnoa hla Inrnl Preabvter an Church. Will (16 section to settle here for the remain- liver the Installation sermon in Med der of his life.' ford next Wednesday evening, where by Rev. L. Myron Boozer will be In- V.?hltnev. Henrv P vrv Thnnni ducted Into the pastorate of that T. Ryan and Georee Ehret are llst-1 church. ed at $1,000,000 each i while Felix Mrsi A. R. Gregory left Saturday and Paul Warburg, T. Coleman Du evening for Santa Ana, Cal., to spend Pont and other, are each flown for the coming winter. -with her dnugb 500,000. ter, Mrs. J. A. Harvey ana iamny 4 ft ' Liberty Loan , Good, Safe Investment Subscribe at once and help Ashland go over promptly and voluntarily. Garments That if Buy Libert Bonds , ' Willingly Why wait to be solicited? Subscribe '' ' . at once and all you can. Fashion Favors Smart Models Have Come to Grace the Ward robes of Every Admirer of Stylish Apparel. The newest of Fall Garments are here in Selections that will meet with the enthusiastic approval of Fashionable Women. Suits The values are certainly being appreciated if sales are a criterion. Have you looked for yours yet? Coals A surprisingly complete showing. It is im portant that you get good material that will give you long and satisfactory service. Dresses Smart dresses for the street or more elaborate models for occasions that require them. Blouses New Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses are arriving every few days at this store. Furs An especially fine showing of good Scarfs, Muffs and Sets are here now for your selection. Skirts Korrect Skirts. New ones in silk Just receiv ed. You will find Korrect Skirt, fit perfectly and are splendidly tailored. Sweaters Several snappy style, shown at $6.75 are good values. Other good styles up Ho $16.50. Crepe de Chine Waists $3 95 New lot, clever styles in popular priced Waists. One style is a slip-over model. I i, ... , : y r " : m Fall Dress Fabrics In Quantities and Qualities that You Will Not Find Again For, Several Years to Come. Wool Dress Goods You should buy Wool Dress Good. NOW, whether you need Coatings. Suitings or Dress Materials for now or for next season. You should not put it off. You will not be able to get the quality later, nor the usual quantity to choose from. Silks Satins the most favored for Fall wear, in almost any wanted shade at $1.73 to $2.23 New Fancy Stripes and Plaids for Silk Skirts. 1 Xew Oeorgette Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Silk and Wool Poplin, Silk and Cotton Poplins and a big selec tion of black Silks. ' September In France Is a cold month, hut the allies managed to keep warm running after the Ger mans. The soldier gives; you must lend. In November ,we shall probably have two million soldier. In France. Your contribution to the Fourth Lib erty Loan will help provide them with food, clothing and shelter. Sub scribe to your limit. The numerous war weddings have at least demonstrated one thing that however useful & sword may be on the field of battle, it Is a most awkward Implement to cut a cake with. If you will Investigate you will doubtless find In the vicinity of et- ery school a complicated system of trenches, defended and attacked by heroic soldiers from ten to fourteen year, of age. il T mi 1 Fnnmore m n n tttt 11 Ul III II IIII lllllllr 11 1 illiilUJl UliWlUlurH' m dtrrn IslSrfl I IU H Iflf II II lilt II II II II II II llkT I m pub u $N iy i m n inn - 1 1 1 1 ii ii 11 villi - IMS I -IftO I IT H Nil m Vy zini i i f ? lW UUglCjluugugJ j We Have Added . An Installment department to our Furniture business and are pre pared to sell all articles ot house hold furniture, Stoves and Ranges for a Small Payment Down And the Balance in Monthly Installments This service will be supplied without extra price. Wages are now high and work plentiful. We have made the way easy for you to brighten your home with new, need ed house furnishings without fueling the the outlay. ; Come In and Talk It Over . DODGED SONS Complete House Furnishers on Installments 1