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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1918)
ruwtdayi October 13, to J a. ASHLAND ttMSGS PACE FIVK- LOCAL AND PERSONAL lllliiillliliT II II uniiiitmu Cllt Payne makes gate. Miss Klna Emery, clerk In Vau pel's store, left Monday night for San Francisco, wnere sue win spena 8 two weeks vacation. t Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf j, J. Murphy returned last week from Oakland, Cal., where he had teen looking after business Interests in that city. Studio Ashland, better portraits, 100-tf Mr. and Mrs. John Dill went to Jledford Friday afternoon to trans act business there and call upon f.-lends. J. E Patterson, a member of the entomological bureau force on Third street, has moved into the Klrsh- l.aum residence on Nob Hill. Our kodak finishing win please tho Camera Exchange. tt Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hurdle of Bak-e.-sfleld, Cal., are spending a couple of weeks In Ashland with their son, Ir. It. L. Burdlc. Ju Lester, Iowa. Mrs. Julia McQullkln Is driving a fine new car of the Chevrolet make, which Is a recent purchas?. The largest and most exclusive line of millinery in Southern Oregon. Miss Lounshury, Milliner, 126 E Main street, Medford, Ore. 37-1 mo Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Deaver have gone to Klamath county to spend the winter. They will make their home with their son-in-law, Orvllle Click. Irwin Bateman, a Southern Pacific engineer, was recently scalded se verily about the face, and was taken to a city hospital for treatment. Mrs. S. S. Davenport, who has leen in Ashland for several weeks, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Murray Murphy, left last week for her home J. II. Love has purchased the Tearl W'Jiltemore property on Sev enth street thru the Beaver Realty company. It Is Mr. Love's Intention to Improve the residence and make of it a fine home. 0. E. Delbert, a former popular resident of Ashland, was a business visitor here during the past week Mr. Delbert is now located at Vreka, where he has charge of the Califor nia-Oregon Power company's lines. Mrs. J. H. Monroe has returned from an extended visit In California which Included Menlo Park, Burlln- game and other cities In that section of the state. Mrs. W. II. Flagg and little daugh ter, who have been spending several weeks In Ashland visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Frank Crouch, at her home on Factory street, re turned to their home In Portland Tuesday evening. They were ac companled by Mrs. Flagg's mother, Mrs. Anne Stephenson, who will spend the coming winter In that city Rev. R. II. Dollarhlde and wife, who have been assisting Rev. Elva Hobart, the local Free Methodist clergyman. In services at Nell Creek, went to Medford last week to hold their quarterly conference from Oct, 10 to the 13th. P BANK J Liberal Subscriptions Make your subscription to the FOURTH LI BERT V LOAN HOXOS a liberal one as much as 'u can afford. Our Government roquii-eti the money to successfully prosecute the war. Call and subScril now or send lis your sulwcrip tion by mail. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whitney Jiave returned from San Francisco Utter spending some time In that city. Studio Ashland bettor portraits, 41-tf Water Commissioner Earl Hosier is taking a much needed ten days' vacation from his duties Incident to the city irrigation problems. ' R. L. Walker of Dunsmulr, a plumber employed by the Southern Pacific, has moved his family to Ash land and Is occupying the Dunn resi dence on Granite street. Newton windfall apples on the ground, 30 cents a box. Patter son Orchard Co. Take covered bridge road. 40-tf The Ladles of the Maccalees of Ashland are not falling behind any In the spirit of patriotism that per vades all Institutions as well as in dividuals at this time. Tho order has Invested the sum of $500 in the Fourth Liberty loan. . Miss Mabel Merrill, who has been visiting her father, E. T. Merrill, at his home on the Boulevard for sev eral days, returned to iter home in Oakland, Cal., last Wednesday eve ning. D. A. Applegate, the genial local agent for the Wells Fargo Express company, returned last week from a hunting trip made to the wilds about Drain and has brought with hint as an exhibit of his hunting prowess the limit of deer. William Smith, while repairing the Kinsman store loom on East Main street which Is being used by Miss Illgdon for a millinery parlor, fell from an elevation In the room last Tuesday and sustained quite se vere bruises. He Is able to be about, however. Mrs. F. F. Whittle, who Is spend ing the winter at Hilt where Mr. Whittle Is engaged as manager of a store,, came to Ashland Thursday evening and spent the night looking after affairs at her home here. Time to Think of Stoves We tako your old stove in exchange for a new Heating Stove or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE George Klncald has returned from an extended business trip thru many points In Washington. Mr. Klncald states that the wheat crop Is very poor In the sections of the northern state that he visited. Lloyd Caselieer, who Is a member of the military band at Camp Meade, .Yd., has sent word home that he had been an Inmate of the hospital at the camp, suffering from an at tack of Spanish Influenze. From last reports he Is recovering. f)r. A. M. Lamar, who In 1897 gave three most Interesting lectures about "The South" at the Southern Oregon Chautauqua, celebrated his Golden Wedding Oatober 8th, at Clearwater, Fla. C. E. Johnson, who has been em ployed In the L. Schweln's meat mar ket during the past summer, left last week with his wife for Red Bluffs, Cal., where they will spend a few days, after which they will go to Sacramento to see their son who wlill shortly enter the government service. ' It is Mr. Johnson's lnten tlon to locate somewhere In Call fornla. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hadfiejd have moved to Hornbrook, Cal., where the latter Is employed with the Southern Pacific company on a Hornbrook helper. c Rev. Elva Hobart, pastor of the Free Methodist church of this city, went to Portland last week to at tend the W. C. T. U. state conven tion In session thore, as a delegate from the local union. During her absence Sunday Rev. J. W. Sharpe filled the pulpit In the local Free Methodist church both morning and evening. Mrs. C. V. Beeler and daughter Goldle, who have been spending the past month with the former's daugh ter, Mrs Diamond, In Denver, Colo., has returned to Ashland and will re side here during the coming winter. INFLUENZA 1 PREVENTATIVE Keep nose, mouth and throat sprayed freqent ly, and rendered anti ceptic by using our In fluenza Gargle and Spray Scientifically prepared in our Prescription de partment. AT Poley's Drugstore Peley & Eiharl, Druggists. Mrs. V. V. Mills, Misses Victoria and Rose Tavener, Ruth Whitney and Nellie Drlggs composed a party who made a horseback trip to the wilds of Ashland Butte, Saturday, and spent the day In the mountains. D. A. Smith of Fifth street is raising beans by the yard apparent ly, from the specimen on view In the window of C. B. Lamkin's real 'estate office. This vegetable Is called "but ter bean," but Is of the squash fam ily and Is upwards of a yard long. Mrs. Clint Edson and children of Gazelle, Cal., were recent visitors at the Harris home on the Boulevard. One of the daughters, Miss Margery, will remain with Mr. and Mrs. Har ris during the coming winter to at tend high school. Dr. Mitchell, who has been locat ed at Ashland during the past sum mer, has moved his family to Med ford, and will mako that city his future home. Supt. G. A. Briscoe, Mayor C. B. Lamkln, Mrs. Perry Ashcraft and Misses Mary Ives and Vere Murray drove to Wlraer Suturday In the mayor's car to attend an open meet ing of the grant;e. The ostensible errand of the Ashland party was to present the needs of the normal school' for this section of the state, and to encourage the people of that section to sustain the measure at the coming election. Miss Lucile Barber, a telegraph operator for the S. P. company, spent a few days in Ashland during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Barber, of Granite street. Friday afternoon she re ceived a hurry call to report to Del ta, Cal , to take charge of an office there. Dr. J. O. Hall of the Willamette University, who was one of the popu lar Instructors and lecturers at the Southern Oregon Chautauqua here last summer, was ln Ashland over Friday night, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fuller. Dr. Hull was on his way to Washington, D. C. where he will hereafter fill a responsible educational position. Mr. and Mrs. Conzollaz and chil dren have been guests of Mrs. Gon zollaz's uncle, E. K. White, during the past week. Mr. Conzollaz Is In the navy and Is stationed on the 1'. S. S. Vestal off Charleston. S. C, and was here on a furlough. They left for their home In Los Angeles Fri day night. NOTICE AUTO OWNERS We have just received a iull stock of TIRES and TUBES that we can Sell at the low price ot 30X3 - - $12.50 30X3 1-2 - $18.50 30X3 Tubes - $2.50 30X3 1-2 Tubes $3.50 f on wrapc Lee Hall, Prop. Mrs. Ma J. Elder and family have moved to Ashland for the benefit of the health of one of her daughters. They are occupying the Buckman property on the corner of Iowa and Morton streets. Chief of Police J. W. Hatcher Is spending a two-weeks' vacation In the mountains. His place Is being filled by Night Patrolman G. M. Lowe during his absence, and J. W. Mosler Is looking after the night pa trol duties. ' Notice Is hereby given that permis sion to hunt on tho undersigned'! property Is reserved. This Include not only hay fields but pasture around the Jackson-Arnold dam on Bear Creek. G. F. BILLINGS. 37-5 RALPH BILLINGS. Mr. and Mrs. H. ('. Chamberlain and daughter liavo come to Ashland from Klamath Fulls to resldo this winter. They have taken a house- on Fourth street. DID YOU BUY YOUR JIOXD YET? f A If JPlPf KEKP 2 D0YS C,0,Nt! 0VEH " iaBi Bin J kJr T,IE T0P ItY purchasing your NOW IS THE TIME OF ALL TIMES STOKE OK QUALITY LIMIT 0K TIIK FOURTH LIBURTY TO DO YOUR BIT. MAIL OttDF.K SPECIALISTS LOAN. Are you prepared for winter? We are. There is a big store full of necessary items for wear and for the home at your service. There is much homo sewing this year and wo are pleased to announce that we are prepared to meet tho demands of those who are making their own clothes. The dress and suit ma terials on our shelves are correct in every detail. FALL SHOWMG OF DRESS GOODS Gloves Gloves ot all kinds are going to be scarce for Fall, but we were fortunate In buying a line that was delivered. Full stock of Kids and Cottons on hand. Wool Dress Material AOni SAVINGS DEPOSITSj Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. G. Bates, Prop. First-class Service and Equipment. Shoeshlning Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. . Drapery Fabrics Our big line of Colonial Drapery Fabrics awaits your inspection. Screens, Pillows, Talle Runners and many other useful home articles made of this well known Drapery lend Just the right touch to your home decorations. Our Fall line of new dress materials are the newest and latest fabrics known on the market. New goods arriving every day. Come In and Inspect our line be fore It gets picked over, and you will be surprised at the big valu3s we are offering. Velvets Our line of Velvets Is complete la every detail. Any color you would wish for we have It in stock at popular prices. IS and 34 Inches, 91.75 and $2.23 yd. Table Linens Now Is tho time to begin preparing for your Thnnksglvliig Linens. Complete stock on hand In both mercerized and all linen Prices from up to $3.00 yd Also big line of Napkins to choose frcin. New Fall Shoes Four swell new models have Just arrived. Each one a beauty as follows: Field Mouse Brown Kid, Cloth top $;" Reindeer Kid Vamp Cloth Top Nlgre Brown Kid Cloth Top 'Cruiser Grey Kid, Kid Top luu" Athena Underwear I he right undergarment for the .particular customer. Women find that It is made to tit them exactly, without being stretched Into shape and with no unnecessary and annoying folds of fabric at any point. Give this Underwear a trial and become convinced. Royal Worcester Corsets. The new and snappy Fall Mod els are here. Both in the back and front lace. All prices from $1.00 to $5.00 each Wearwell Blankets The right blanket at the right price. We have the new plaids In all colors; also - all plain colofsi Silk Suitings. Our stock of Plain and Fancy Silks for Fall are complete. We carry the well known lines Pine Tree and Moneybak. Ribbons Buy your Ribbons now for Fancy Work. Nothing more acceptable than a dainty gift made out of our big line of Fancy Ribbons. Tiny Lots Tiny Tot is the only garment for the little folks. We have a large line In both Merino and Cotton at popular prices. Sheets and Slips Sheets and slips are going up every day In the week so buy now and save money. We car ry all standard makes In all sizes. Silk Underskirts iMiangeahles, Plains and Fancys in all colors. Skirts that will wear. Prices from $;I.(M) to $0.00 each Remnants Don't fall to Inspect our Rem nants table while In the store. It Is always chuck full of bar gains you can't afford to over look. . . Every member of the family will find here the finest selections of quality merchandise in the city, and best of all is the (satisfaction of knowing that goods purchased from Yaupel's are of the very highest quality. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR WINTER SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS.