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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1918)
Thursday,' fkpiMtober 1018,. . AsHLAXD XI&IKG8V nraj - PAGE aiiitiii)iniiTt""""iiflaw"M""r LOCAL AND PERSONAL ittmillllll.WIIWII" nrfiiiiimimr Cliff Payne makes clothes reels. Mrs. J. T. Patterson has gone to Portland to spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Inez Emery. Photo" Rabbits for sale. eery. Holmes Gro 35-tf Mies Eunice Smith has gone to Lakevlew, where she will be principal of the schools during the coming win ter. ; Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf Miss Helen Eske expects to leave today for Berkeley, Cal., to enter tho University of California as a student. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf Mrs. Frank Dalley has gone to Klamath Falls to join her husband, who has a contract there for piling lumber, Our kodak finishing win please tho Camera Exchange. tf Miss Esther Whited returned to San Francisco Saturday after spend ing a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Whited. First-class cooking apples, 20 lbs. 7.1c delivered. Phone 9-F-ll. Allen Davis, W. H. Davis, H. E. Briggs and II. Trusty left this week will tour In the latter's car. wil ltour in the latter's car. Look your roof over. Don't wait till stormy weather. Phone 98. 34-4t It. B. Campbell, manager of the Southern Pacific water service bo tween Hornbrook and Gazelle, Cal., made a brief visit to his home during the past week. Mrs. Simons has fall and winter hats on display. Call and see styles and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. 33-tf O. W. Plerson, chief clerk of the lumber department for the Fruit Growers' Supply company of Hilt, Cal., was a business caller in Ash land Wednesday. " Mr. and Mrs. V.F. Holbert left Tuesday evening for Reedsport, where they will conduct a rooming house which they and their son-in-law, Nick Brown, are building. Mrs. Ernst Mlnuth and little son and Mrs. Marie Mlnuth have gone to Santa Barbara, Cal., on a two months' visit. They were accompanied by Ernst Mlnuth as far as Oakland. Ibums A BIO ASSORTMENT Keep your pictures in perfect order, where you can find easily, in one of these Albums.. SEE OUR RIG DISPLAY IN WIN DOW. Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists fc Mrs. A. L. Harvey, of B street, left Wednesday for Klamath Falls to spend several weeks with her chil dren living there. Misses Myrtle and Edna Dougher ty returned home Sunday from Weed, where they had been spending sev eral days visiting with friends. Mrs. Emma Adams of Grant street received a message this week that her son, James Qulncy, stationed at Fort Monroe, Va., had received his commission as second lieutenant. Miss Irma Phillips Is a guest of Ashland friends while on her way from Oakland, Cal., to near Corval lls, where she will teach school the coming winter. Hubert Prescott, son of W. G. Prescott, left Monday for Corvallis to enter the military training course at the Oregon Agricultural College. He will go to Portland to visit his grand father before starting in at school. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gordon of Los Angeles, Cal., September 5. The mother was for merly Dr. Mary Anderson, who was associated with Dr. Bertha Sawyer In the practice of osteopathy In Ash land. , - 4,.. r' ""Vi .. '' " S; "V-N Captain Richard Russell of the Medical Department of Camp Lewis, who will address the meeting of the selectlves in Medford next Saturday evening. Leith Abbott returned home Tues day from Portland, where he has been employed during the past summer. He will spend a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ab bott, of Alida street, before leaving for Eugene to take up army work Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McClure, of Bend, Ore., were In Ashland over Sunday visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes. They left Monday morning In their Over land car for Crater Lake, and will re turn home from there. Mr. McClure, who was a clerk In the Holmes gro cery store here last year, now has the agency for the Overland and Dodge cars In Bend. ' OJin Con well, has returned from Sunbyslde, Wash., where h has been employed during the past summer. ..... ; Ltist, on Sunday, September ISth, a bar pin with rosette in center, made of twisted gold wire, surmounted with a pearl. Reward. Box E, Tid ings office. 37-2 . . Edmund Barrett, who Is with thu 65th Artillery In France, writes home that his regiment is within sound of the big guns at the front. The largest and most exclusive line of millinery In Southern Oregon. Miss Lounsbury, Milliner, 126 E. Main, street, Medford, Ore. 37-lmo . . Sergeants H. G. Wolcott and G. A. Graham, of the Thirteenth company, Columbia, are home from Fort Stev ens on a seven-day furlough. Any one having a baby buggy they would donate or lend to a worthy party kindly call Rev, Elva Hobart, 417R phone. Gloss Dollarhlde and wife of Port land, Ore., are vlsltli.g their daugh ter, Elva Hobart, pastor of the Free Methodist church of this city. Rev. Elva A. Hobart will hold a special meeting at the Nell Creek schoolhouse beginning Thursday eve ning, September 26, Rev. R. II. Dol larhlde, of Roseburg, assisting. .Notice Is hereby given that permis sion to hunt on the undersigned') property is reserved- This Includes not only hay fields but pasture around the Jackson-Arnold dam on Bear Creek. (5. F. BILLIXG3. 37-5 RALPH BILLINGS. Mrs. D. D. Norrls and little sons left last evening for Los Angeles, on an extended visit with friends. -Miss Ora Patrick, who .has been spending the past summer In Hono lulu, H. I., Is In Ashland spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, before going to Palo Alto, Cal., where she will teach during the coming winter. The three men who were arrested In Ashland last Thursday on the charge of bringing liquor Into the state were brought back here from the county Jail Monday morning and given sentence, which consisted of a fine of $250 each and 60 days In Jail. Alma Doran, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Doran, of Ash land street, while playing with her cousin, Alice Doran, last evening, fell from the top of a fence and broke both bones in her left wrist. Dr. G. 0. Jarvls was called and reduced the fracture, and the patient Is getting along nicely. Last Sunday evening, while the family of Chief of Police Hatcher were at church the storeroom at their home was entered by sneak thieves and a large quantity of honey confis cated. During the present shortage of sugar the loss of this honey Is a sore trial to the chief, who will have to go without the anticipated sweet ening for hlB hotcakes for the com ing winter breakfasts. George T. Damon had the thumb and third finger of his right hand badly lacerated last Monday morning while operating a circular rip saw In his planing mill on B. street. Mr. Damon, had gloves on at the time and In reaching over the saw the latter caught In the material and drew the hand down against the saw. No per manent Injury resulted, but Mr. Da man will have a sore hand for some time. Mrs. B. M. Shoudy left last evening for San Francisco, where she will visit for a time. . 4 " E. C. Bartlett has purchased tha farm across Bear Creek from G. S. Butler, and will take possesion about October 1. This is very desirable grazing and farm land, and has been operated by Albert Arnold for the past two years under lease, Miss Corlnne Sweet leaves today for Berkeley, to enter the University of California. Miss Sweet has been a teacher In the Bclleview schools for the past two years, and expects to remain In the university for ths en tire four years' course. She was ac companied to the city by her sister, Mrs. M. B. Warren, of Oakland, who had been a recent guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sweet. Having repurchased the Ashland Garage, I will be pleased to have old and new customers call. I am pre pared to do all electrical work, bat tery recharging, overhauling genera tors, starters, and Ignition system". Special price on overhauling engines. All work guaranteed. 37-1 M. n. ROBISO.V. NOTICK OK SALE Oh" IMPOUNDED HTOCK. 1 Notice is hereby glvon that I will on Tuesday, the 1st day of October, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., offer for sale at Daney's barn, 4th at., to the highest bidder for cash, one long yearling hcifur.mark split In right ear, Lazy T with D connected on right shoulder. Said heifer was Impounded in tho city of Ashland on the 17th dny of September, 1918, and will be sold to pay the expense of Im pounding and keeping her since tin above date. Dated this, the 21st duy of Sep tember, 1918. X A. DANEY, Pound Master of tho City of Ashland, Oregon. 36-2 Time to Think of Stoves We tako your old stove in exchange for anew Heating Stove or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Mrs. C. E. Davis has gone to Mc Cloud to visit for a few days, after which, in company with Mrs. E. B. Cary, she will go to Los Angeles and San Diego for a couple of months. Mrs. B. C. Glllls, of Wlndom, Minn., who had been a guest at the home of her brother, H. S. Palmerlee, for the past month, left last week for Call fornla to visit for a time before re turning to her home. Lynn Mowat Is one of the well known Ashland boys who has recent ly received a commission as second lieutenant in the heavy artillery branch of the service. He has been teklng a special-course in the officers training school at Fortress Monroe, Va'., during the past summer. r r inc. - CITIZENS! - M l N K O P AS H LAN I United For Victory Our people of the United States and those of our Allies are firmly united for victory. Your finan cial support is urgently needed. . Subscribe now tlirougu. us for Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. A. Moss and little daughter returned the fore part of the week from San Diego, Cal., where they had been spending some time. Mr. Moss expects to go to Lakevlew In a few days to look after business Interests there. Miss Glen Roberts, who has been serving as bookkeeper at the Ashland creamery for some time, has resign ed her position to accept one In Port land. She Is succeeded at the cream ery by Miss Harriet Trask. Raymond and H. D. Badger, Jr., arrived In Ashland last week from Oakland, Cal., In their car, where they spent a few days preparatory to going to Corvallis. Raymond will en ter the O. A. C. during the coming winter. Miss Lydta McCall, of the local postoflce force, has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent in Klam ath Falls. She was accompanied home by her brother, John McCall, assistant postmaster of Klamath Falls. Rev. W. L. Melllnger, who has been with the Mutual Chautauqua Bureau for the past summer, Is expected home this week and will fill the pul pit in the Christian church next Sun day. Mr. Melllnger has traveled ex tensively through the Middle West ern states lecturing In this circuit. Miss Lillian Kaiser left Monday for Berkeley, Cal., where she will en ter the University of California for the coming year. Miss Kaiser has been teaching for some time In the public schools of San Jose, Cal., where she has a life position. This year, however, she has had a leave of absence In order to take special training at the University. Lieutenant John Flnneran is spend ing a short furlough here from the training camp at the Presidio, San Francisco, where he lately completed the course In the officers' training camp and won his commission. Lieu tenant Finneran expects to leave HELP YOUR UNCLE SAMUEL A IT T WII7 '1 THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN IS TAKE THE GERM OUT OF GER- W tV Jl ICjJLl S W TS " 4 ED TO CO THE LIMIT WHEN MANY GET YOUR BOND SATUR- BTYLE SH0P T1IBY GET TO YOU. DON'T HESI- DAY SEPTEMBER 28 ' "ail rdCr SP(lali8t8-Aut"orlzeJ TATE. JJAY, TL.MLiLK 28. tQ Wa(p gavInga gtamp3 , ! CORRECT FALL MATERIALS FOR HOME SEWERS - i Many people who have never bothered with their own sewing before, are this year following the prevailing habit of thrift and are making their own clothes, or making over things to wear another season. With this in view our buyer has exercised greater care than ever before in selecting the correct suitings, silks, dress goods, and trimming, need for fall selling. Here Is a Big List of Most Attractive Oiierings Corsets Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, and Nemo com prise our complete stock of Corsets. For style, fitting .and wear these corsets are In comparable. Prices range from f 1.00 up to $3.00. Velvets New piece of 36 Inch black velvet in black at the popular price of t25.per yard. Just the thing for the new cap'eii Also full line of colors In the 8 Inch velvet -wed extensive ly for trimming; Silk Petticoats I'ettlcoats which are well made from attractive and good wearing mate rials are certain to please our trade. New stock Just In. Look for win dow display. Silks Plain and fancy silks It fail to give us a trial fall dress fabrics. Our new stock Is now complete and Is ready for your Inspection. New plaids are arriving every day. In mak ing your selection don't tall to give us a trail and become convinced that we have the right merchandise at the right prices. Silks are going to be strong for the spring season as well as this fall so no mistake can be made in buying silk silk. Wool Dress Material All of our new fall dress goods are all ex ceptlonal valnes and It will be to yonr own personal satisfaction and benefit to Inspect our new line before making your pnrchase. Broadcloth Broadcloths are going to be used extensively for fall. It lis one of the prettiest fabrics made lor dress wear. All colors aie In Btock 1 bq don't delay In mak ing your selection. All prices. Athena Underwear The best fitting and quality of un derwear that can be bought for the money. Complote stock on hand for women and children. Patterns We carry a full stock bf the wp'1 known Butterlck Pattern. It Is considered the best. New fall Quarterly now In stock showing you all the latest styles In which your new fall dress can be made up. Give them a trial. Suitings Both In the plain and plaids. We have a wide range of patterns and colors to choose from. Now Is the time to be thinking of that new fall dress before It Is too late. Buy now and save money. Blankets ly. Allrof our new fall blankets arjf now In stock awaiting your Inspection. It is the newest and brightest line wHhave ever had. Prices ' from 3.50 to 8.50, We have all the new plaids in every combination of colors. Ev ery pair Is a beauty and1 would be a credit to any home. waofHosiera MEN. WOMEN JEJKAND CHILDREN Nothing better In the hosiery line can be had for appearance, wenr and fiurabillty than the Holeproof. We carry a full Btock for men, women and children. All the new fall shades are now In stock. Come In and make your selection while our range of colors Is complete. -r Notions and Trimmings Complete stock of buttons of all kinds now on the shelves. We also cover buttons In all shapes. Our line of Dress Braids and Bindings Is complete. Also full line of fringe In all colors now on "hand. Fall Shoes All Black kid Louis XIV heel, pair 4 .$7.30 Brown cloth top, brown pat ent vamp, Louis XIV heel, pair .8.50 All gray kid high top Louis XIV heel. A value. Priced, pair t. f 10.00 Brown and gray cloth top, military heel with kid vamp Priced, pair .......$8.00 g-7oUri deposits J Ashland today for a camp at Boul der, Colo.