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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1918)
Thursday, September SO, 1918, TAGB POCB V? The Oil oi the Season ladies' Low Heel Footwear NEW fillOKS IX STOCK lark Mahogany All Calf, Straight Cap 8.00 I lin k Mahogany All Calf Win Tips 7.."0 Dark Grey Kid Cloth Top, $8.00 Dark liruwn Hid, ( loth Top, $8.00 .Ml Flexible Welt Soles CLUB CALENDAR. Civic Second and fourth Tues- S days. Auxiliary Every alternate 8 Thursday evening. 4 Junior High School Parent- -v Teacher Third Tuesday. 8 Hawthorne School Parent- Teacher Third Tuesday. ? 4 Sunshine Second and lourth Thursday Wednesday Afternoon Second S $ and fourth Wednesdays. Trinity Guild First and Third v Thursday. a W n fl First and third Sat- urdays. a Monday Afternoon Study Al- ternate Mondays. Chautauqua Monday evening. 4 Chautauqua Monday afternoon. a w r t IT. First 'and third v ... . - Tuesdays. a Rtnt Militia Monday evening. $ 4 Eastern Star Embroidery Sec- J ond and fourth Tuesdays. Teacup First Tuesday. Travelers Second Tuesday. Rebekah Embroidery Second . and fourth Thursdays. Christian Aid Second and 4 fourth Thursdays. 0 Choral Society Every Tuesday 4 evening. EaNtern Star Alpha Chapter No. 1, Eastern Star, entertained the grand worthy mat ton, Mrs. Mabel Settlcmler, of Wood .burn, at their rooms last Monday eve ning. Mrs. Settlemler Is making a tour of Inspection of the various chapters In Jackson county and the meeting Monday sight waa called In order for an Inspection of the work ct Alpha chapter. After the routine bnsinea of the evening .was transact ed, a social hour was spent very en tertainingly and light refreshments were served. Krhool Hoard Entertained. Faculty. The wives of the members of the ity school board gave a dinner to the teachers of the city schools last Sat urday evening In the high school building as a welcome to the city, to afford the new members of the facul ty an opportunity to get acquainted. About fifty sat down to the table, and the company was augmented by the wives of the married men of the fac- LADIES Of Ashland If you have any Furs you wish , repaired or remodeled F. IV. BARRETT 126 K. Main St., Mcdford, Ore. can fix them up for you. We also make new Furs to order and carry a fine line of manu factured Furs. When in Med ford call in and Inspect our etock'. , Mj .. 37-t-40 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimininiiiiiiiiiii!imaa The Social Realm ulty. The members of the school board and their wives, who were hos tesses of the occasion, were Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.l Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Engle, Dr. and Mrs. 0. W. Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. 0. C, McAllister. Tea Cup Club. The Tea Club club of the MHhod ist church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Turner, 159 North Main street, Tuesday, October 1. The hos tesses will be Wesdames Milllcan, Wheeler, Cordell, Harry Yeo and Angwin. 37-2 Sunday School (loss Anniversary. The Volunteer class of the Baptist Sunday school celebrated Its fourth anniversary Tuesday, September 24, with a picnic dinner In the church parlors. The tables fairly groaneJ under their weight of good things, and every one present certainly did Justice to the repast. Roll call found 30 members present and each one re sponded with a verse of Scripture given in a very clever class prophecy written by Mrs. Mastier. Rev. and Dr. Ferris then gave short but delightful talks, which were enjoyed. The fol lowing officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. Ca nine; vice president, Mrs. Masters; secretary-treasurer, Mrs1. Peters: teacher, Mrs. Porter; assistant teach er, Mrs. Mastier; second assistant teacher, Mrs. Denton. Business being disposed of the rest of the day was spent In visiting and each one as she wended her way home felt that It had been a day long to be remembered. Aged Woman Answers Call Mrs. Janet Williamson, an aged and highly respected resident of Ashland, died at her home on Church street Monday afternoon after an 111 neBS extending over many months. Mrs. Wiliamson was S3 years of age, and died on her birthday. Funeral services took place this afternoon from the Presbyterinn church, with Interment In the Ashland cemetery. The deceased is survived by her hus band, Henry Williamson, a daughter, Mrs. William Lindsay, of Lily Glen farm, In the Dead Indian country, and three sons, two of whom live In Fres no, Cal., and one In Nevada. The former, Charles and David William son, arrived In Ashland yesterday morning to attend their mother's fu neral. GET THE SAVING HABIT Wcges are high; real estate Is low. Buy a home on easy terms, and have It paid for before wages come down; then Real Estate will swing upwards and you will have done more than v n ii rnlpnlntaH Tim . n .... that one ever gets Is to buy low and Beaver Realty Co. about this and they will put you wise. Ill E. Main St., Phone 68 milillllllllllliiiiiliiiiiiilllllllil'llllllllllii AT TOE CHIMES miiimiiiiiiKitniiimiiimiiiiimmtmtra Trinity Episcopal Church. Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy communion at 7:3 Oa. m. Sun day school at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. Brethren Church. Elder M. M. Eshelman, of Tropico, Cal., will speak Sunday evening, Sep tember 29, at 8 o'clock, at the Church of the Brethren, corner Mountain av enue and Iowa street, on "The cause of tli Is great war and the outcome as seen in the Bible." All are invited. Free Methodist Church. Comer East Seventh and Main streets. Sunday school, 9:45; preach ing, 11; evening, 7:45. Rev. R. H. Dollarhlde, district elder, will preacn at the mprnlng service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. Everybody welcome to these services. Rev. Elva A. Hobart, pastor. Xazarene Church. Are your children In Sunday school? If not, why1 not? Don't rob them of their birthright, They have a right to know what the Bible teach es, whether they accept it in after life or not. If they are not attending elsewhere, we Invite you to take ad vantage of our school. Our sueclalty is teaching the Bible Just as it Is writ ten. We make no apologies for what Is In the book. All classes under com petent instructors. Every Sunday be ginning at 9:45. The Sunday morn ing preaching topic will be "The One Thing That Never Failed." Young People s Holiness League at 7. Evan gelistic service at 8. Good congrega tions last Sunday. A good seat and cordial welcome to all. "And the common people heard him gladly." uorman D. Edwards, pastor. Ashland Soldier In Southern Camp 1 -Vernon H. Doran, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Doraa of this city, vb.3 has been with Battery r, 46th Artil lery, at Fort McCarthy,. San Fedro, Cal., was moved two weeks ago to Camp Eustls, Va,, Here be Is station ed about 90 miles from Richmond in a camp large enoagh to accommodate 65,000 men. During his Journey across the continent, which was made over the southern route, Vernon sent postcards back from many of the sta tlons along the way, giving' brief comment on the country through which he was passing. He was par ticularly Interested in the sites of the old battlefields of the Civil war through which he passed, and which he had heard his grandfather relate of doing service there in the former war. Vernon comes from gocd;i?htlni? stock and Is keeping up the reputa tion as a soldier his family has enjoy ed for many generations. A great, great grandfather of this young sol dier fought in the Revolutionary war. Commodore Perry of Lake Erie fame In the war of 1812 was a relative while his grandfather, William Har dy, Is a veteran of the Civil war Vernon states that the country through which he passed to reach the Eastern camp Is very pretty, but prefers the greet forests and clear wa ter of Oregon to the Sunny South. Canteen Gives Thanks. The Conteen Station states that any one wishing to donate apples for the benefit of the soldiers to leave them with A. C. Briggs, at the Fruit Association building, as he has kind ly ofered to care for them. The man agement has recently received the fol lowing donations In money: Dr. Maude Hawley, $1.00; Unknown Friend, $5.00; Mrs. Denton, $5.00; Mrs. Loosley, $3.00; Mrs. Ora Huls. Mrs. G. Selsby, and Mrs. Joe Zelgler have generously offered the use of their cars for any errunds for canteen purposes. Thanks are extended to the following people: Mrs. J. B. Web ster, Mrs. Glenn, Mrs. Barker. Mm Sam Mc.Valr, Mr. Phlpps and Clark uusn ror rrult furnished; Carson Fowler for the use of horse In trans ferring popcorn wagon: C. W. Mm. K. P. Nlms and C. V. Wlnne for car penter work in making 'canteen con veniences; C. W. Mims and CarsW Fowler for lumber donated; C. W. Nims for nails; T. H. Slmnson fnrfcii can; Mrs. Dil: for quart of Jelly; Mrs. van bant for castor for Ice cream cone carrier; Mrs. Webster for six boxes of pears which she has offered to make Into marmalade with oran ges and lemons for the soldier boys. Belleview Notes Several nunlls from Bellevlnw at tended the school fair at Medford last week and report a good time. They were also very much nlenned with th showing made by the school. The school exhibit won second prize In di vision u. tjiuo members taking priz es were Eleanor Moore, baking; Ale- ma uray, potato growing; Herbert Miller, rabbit raising. C. E. Gray now sits hnhlnil h steering wheel of a new Dodge. Miss uertrude Mlksch spent the week-end with Nellie Peachv Dunn at Wagner Springs. C. A. Jenson moved to town this week. Oscar Love. Who ftcrMpntnllv am. putated some of his toes with an axe, is doing well. Y.r.l.C.A.WorkIs Given An Impetus The Coos Bay Times of September 18 has the following to say of the work being conducted by Rev. Dr. H. A. Carnahan. former Dastor of the Ashland Presbyterian church, who left several weeks ago to engage In the Y. M. C. A. work in the snruce di vision: H. A. Carnahan, divisional Y. M. C. A. secretary for the Coos Bay district of the spruce division, and Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, lecturer and entertainer on the staff of the war council of the "Y", are making a tour of the camps about the Bay. . The headquarters of Dr. Carnahan are at Powers, where In conjunction with H. If. Lewis, the educational di rector, the work of organization is proceeding most satisfactorily. There Is a spirit of co-operation of the Pow ers Logging company and the ladies of the Powers Fellowship club, and the Home Guards organization, who are doing splendid work. The ladles have opened their build ing to the "Y" for a recreational hall, the Home Guards have given their armory to the "Y" for two nights each week Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday nights when not used by the Guards for dancing. The "Y" will direct their athletic sports In the armory. Basket ball volley ball, in- i a a a4A4 WW W V f f f f f f Buy Liberty Bonds Musical Accompaniment By Orchestra Vining,Friday-Saturday,Sept. 27-28 Admission 25c Children 10c door baseball, wrestling and other games. Mr. Lewis, who has charge of the educational work, has the men sign ed up in the different camps for classes In French, English, mathe matics, farming and current events, Dr. Carnahan will direct the work of religious Instruction In Bible classes. K1 GLASSES JL. WHITED. OptlUoa 4e Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOUNDV-Red steer with brand C G ' or O," fork In righ'. ear, crop on left ear. Owner can have same by pay ing for keep and advertising. L. H. Teeter, R. F. 1, Ashland. 37-1 FOR SALE CHEAP 7-room house; will take cow as part payment. Call 667 Beach street. 37-2 J '-"" ' (iP0'DRr3 oca cm &mxt xxm&w co ceo- cue weans xim i go mmtKC' II i i cjj, in i Every heart in America will beat will grip tighter; every mind In Supremo Duty of the Hour! FOR SALE Furniture, dining table, buffet and 6 chairs, fumed oak, in flret-clasB condition, used only one year, $42.00. Enlisting, must sell at once. A. E. Stonehouse, Hilt, Cal. 37-tf GOOD PASTURE Clayton Orchards. 37-lmo FOR RENT Furnished 8-room mod ern house, barn, 30 chickens, 1 yr. supply of wood. Inquire G. Her sey, 384 Helman St. 37-tf NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution In foreclos ure and order of eale, duly issued out' of and under the seal of the circuit court for the state of Ore gon, for Jackson county, dated September 6th, 1918, In a certain suit therein, wherein Noah L. Townsend as plaintiff, recovered Judgment and decree against R. P. Monnett and E. M. Monnett, his wife, defendants, for the sum of $500 with Interest thereon at 8 per annum from November 29th, 1917, and $24.58, paid for taxes, and $50.00 attorney's fee and $23 00 costs, which Judgment was ftw Both Coal and Wood at Reasonable Prices SIMPSON'S Hardware Store rn IJJ ,j.. It -UK, .V.. . , mi faster; every hand In America America will see clearly the , nsL.i.' A enrolled and docketed In said court August 21st, 1918; Notice i9 hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of said execu tion, I will on October 12th, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash to the high est bidder to satisfy said Judgment with the costs of this sale, sub ject to redemption aa provided by law, all of the right, title and In terest that the above named de fendants Jointly or Individually bad on November 29th, 1916, or have since acquired, or now have In and to the following described property, situated In Jackson , county, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot eleven (11) in block one (1) of the SuniiBe Home Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, September 10th. 1918. RALPH O. JENNINGS, Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. By Leslie W. Stansell, 33-5 thnrs Deputy.