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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1918)
Monday, September S3, 1018 ASHLAND TIWVG8 AGE FIVE? O. E. 8. ' ' - The Worthy Grand Matron of Or egon will make her official tIbU to Alpha Chapter No. 1, O. E. 8., this yonday evening, September 23, at 8 9'clock. Cordial Invitation Is extend ed to visiting members. A good at tendance la desired. By order GRACE H. TURNER, Worthy Matron. LEAH M. CALDWELL, Secretary. ' I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Orres cleans clothes. Phone C4. First-class cooking apples, 20 lbs. 7Dc delivered. Phono 9-P-ll. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Turner will leave Tuesday for San Francisco to upend a short vacation. W. A. Turner has returned from a visit of several months' duration spent In the state of Iowa. Mrs. Simons has fall and winter hats on display. Call and see styles and get prices before purchasln? elsewhere. 33-tf Miss Margaret Hodgson left Friday for San Jose, Cal., where she will be enrolled as a student for the coming school year. The war tax may be slapped on clothing at any time. Buy now while buying Is good at Orres Tailor Shop. Miss Madeline Silver left Sunday for Alaska, w here she will be an In structor In a government school for Indians for the coming year. Our kodak finishing win please the Camera Exchange. tf Mrs. Francis Murphy left '."at week for San Jose, Cal , to enter the nor mal school there. She was accompa nied by her little son, Charleb Fran cis. , Knock the old kaiser In the head with what you save at Orres Fall Opening Sale, September 23th to Oc tober 5th. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wenner re ceived word several days ago that a son was born to their daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hunter, of , Prospy, Alberta, Canada September 18. Buy a Liberty Loan bond and then buy another for what you save at Orres Fall Opening Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frulan, Bar ton Frulan, Miss Angle Walrad and Jean Holmes left Friday morning fir Crater Lake, where they expect to re main for several days. Ix)ok your roof over. Don't wait till stormy weather. Phone 98. 34-4t . ' ' Mrs. Joseph Poley and two daugh ters. Misses Evangeline and Minnie will leave this week for Corvallls, where the latter will enter the 0. A C. for the coming winter. Miss Gertrude Engle, former prln clpal of the Junior High school, left today for Berkeley where she will en ter the University of California for the coming year, as a student. Mrs. C. E. La"ne, dressmaking. 143 Laurel street, phone 383-L. 31-tf Mrs. R. A. Lares daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd of North Main street, who has been visiting relative for several weeks this summer, re turned to her home In San Francisco Thursday evening. aCITIZENS(( ! BANK Cliff Payne builds houses." '" " We remodel ladles' suits and coats at Orres Tailor Shop. Oscar Hanson, a high school boy who Is employed on the Ralph Bil lings ranch, while hunting near his father's ranch In the Antelope coun-t try last week, was fortunate In secur ing a fine five-prong buck. Misses Florence Allen, Mvra Gun ter, Beatrice Myer and Edith Moody were among the Ashland stuacnts who left during the past week for San JoBe, Cal., to enter the t tato nor mal school for the coining winter. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf Charles Harris will move his household goods to Dunsmulr the last of the month, and the family will reside there In the future. Mr. Harls has been transferred to a southern run on the Southern Paci fic. Mrs. C. E. Lane Is serving tempo rarily as bookkeeper In the Ashland Transfer & Storage company office during the absence of the regular em ploye, Miss Angle Walrad, who Is taking a vacation to Crater Lake this week, t Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf Ralph Billings and J. R. McCrack en recently purchased two fine regis tered Jersey calves from the herds of G. G. Hewitt of Monmouth. The animals descend from high-grade pedigreed stock, which has scored a no'ed record. Mrs. M. F. Swlgart, a former well known resident of Ashland, arrived Friday morning from Wheatland. Wyoming, for a visit with friends In this city. She is making the home of Mrs. Emma Coffee on Oak Btreet her stopping place while here. Time to Think of Stoves We take your old stove In exchange' for a new Heating Stove or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE United For Victory Our people of the United States and those of our Allies are firmly united for victory, Your finan cial support is urgently needed. Subscribe now through us for Fourth Liberty Loan HomR Itf. SAVINGS Have a fit at Orres, tailors. Mrs. Bessie Burke and little son arrived Sunday, September 13 from Alameda, Cal., for a month's visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Woods. Nell Shlnn, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Shlnn, of Oak street, has been quite sick with an attack of mumps at Camp Lewis, where he Is stationed. He has been In quarantine for the past two weeks but wrote that he expected to be released last Saturday. The Red Cross of Phoenix will give a chicken supper Wednesday, Sep tember 25, In the W. O. W. hall, Phoenix. Supper served from 6 to 8. Adults, 50c; children under ten years 25c. 36-1 The roof of a house on Oak street occupied by Roscoe Applegate caught fire from the flue Friday noon. The fire department respond ed to an alarm but the fire was extin guished by the time they arrived there. No damage was done to the building. Elmer Bagley, Jr., and Lisle Sams took out hunters' licenses and went to Rogue river the latter part of the week to spend a few days In the open before leaving Wednesday for Cor vallls, where they will enter the Or egon Agricultural College for the coming winter. Mrs. F. J. Shlnn and daughtar Al lle left Friday morning for an ex tended visit with friends In Portland, Seattle, Belllngham and other points in Washington state. While absent they will visit their son and brother. Nell Shlnn who Is stationed at Camp Lewis. They expect to be away about two months. Mrs. Ernest Reimers, of Alameda, Cal., who was called here several weeks ago on account of the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Ganinrd, returned to her home Thursday eve ning. She was accompanied by Mis. Ganlard, who will stay In the Califor nia city for some time for the bene fit of her health. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Fossen and Rev. C. A. Edwards leave this evening for Portland to attend the annual meeting of the Oregon conference of the, Methodist Episcopal church, which will be In session In that city from September 25 to the 30th. It is expected that Mr. Edwards will be returned to Ashland as pastor of the local Methodist church for another year. ; - ... , ! ,; t . . ... . : Miss Marlon 8haw has gone to San Jose, Cal., to enter the state normal school there for the coming term. ' ' Fire Chief George Roblson and H. Hern are away on a bunting and fishing trip near Grants Pass. They expect to be gone three or four days. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Putnam and family are spending the week at Neil Creek on a brief vacation. H. C. Galey Is In Klamath Falls this week, where he Is mingling busi ness with pleasure In a vacation spent in the neighboring city. O. Winter and Professor I. E. Vin ing have gone to Bessie RockB, near Prospect, where they will spend a couple of weeks hunting In the wilds of that section. Mr. and Mrs. Kale Shepherd and little son, who have been visiting their parents in Ashland for several weeks, expect to leave the middle of the week for their home In Bend, Ore. Miss Hortense Winter returned the last of the week to Hilt, Cal.. where sho fills a position as telo graph operator, after spending a short vacation with her parents on the Boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Vilnlng. of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Myer, of Seattle who have been vis iting with relatives In Ashland for Several weeks, started Thursday on their return trip home, which will be made by automobile. James E. Shelton, editor of the Eu gene Guard, was one of the crew of 25 public speakers who are touring the state on the German War Tro phy train in the interests of the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign, and stopped in Ashland this morning. Winnle'Philllps'arrlved home this morning from Camp Lewis, where he Is stationed In array service, and will spend a furlough with his parents here. " ' , Mr. and . Mrs. George Smart and Miss Jessie Barger, of Fort Collins, Colo., have come to Ashland to spend the winter. ' The have rented a house ol W, M. Barber on Granite street. Mrs. Benton Bowers has rented the E. A. Estes house on North Main street which she will occupy for a time In order to allow her son to at tend school here. Miss Mary Freeman, who was a teacher in the city schools, has been appointed postmistress at McCloud, and has resigned her position here to accept her new office. She expects to leavo for McCloud the latter part of the week. W. H. Canning was a visitor last week to the big exhibit of Southern California products at Los Angeles. This exhibit Is the largest of any In the country and Is maintained by a commercial organization In that city. Before returning home Mr. Canning expects to visit Beveral of many other places of Interest In Southern Cali fornia. i Fire Chief Geo. M. Robinson and wife have returned from an automo bile trip to San Francisco, where they had been spending a short vacation. They were accompanied home by their son, Merle Roblson and wife, who had been living In San Francis co for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Roblson, Jr., are rejoiced to return to Ashland which, they claim, has not a superior In the world for a res idence. The trip was made In Merle Roblson's Hudson Six, and ony two days were spent on the road, which was remarkably fine. Mrs.' 8. 8. Davenport, of Lester, la., arrived in ABhland Thursday to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Murray Murphy, Owing to bad roads and tire trou ble, W. II. Merrln and M. T. Draper, who were expected here this week to conduct a series of meetings at the Full Gospel Assembly rooms on Fourth street, will be unable to reach here until Thursday, Septem ber 26. Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT For one year, furnish ed house with garden and orchard Call 275 Scenic Drive. 3-2 FOR SALE A 1916 model Fcrd car In good condition. Also 1 '.308 Savage rifle. Plnne 354R. 30 tf FOR RENT 3 partly furnished rooms. Inquiro Mrs. L. W. Rogors, 983 Oak street. 36-tf FOR RENT Good home, with cow, chickens, vegetables, fruit anil wood, and board owner. A. II. Da vis, Beaver block, Phone 68. 36-3 WANTED Experienced farmer ac customed to irrigation; one with family who can assist In m'lkln? preferred. Write or telephono, Frederick Pelouze, Eagle Point, Ore. 36-4 FOR SALE White Leghorn year- old hens. Have averaged 198 eggs for the year. Will make good lay era for another year and excellent breeders. Mrs. W. D. Booth, Phone 291R. 36-1 THOROUGHBRED Flemish and New Zealand rabbits for sale. Breed ing stock $3 and $4 each. None better. Am quitting the business Order at once. H. W. Stanley, Hilt, Cal. 36-2 FOUND A watck. Coolldge street. Inquire 151' 36-3 . STOCK PASTURED by R. D. San ford, Lower He I man street, Ash land. 36-2 ltl KINKKH OI'YORTIIMTIKH. HERE IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY The demand for farm tractors Is increasing by leap and bounds. Western representative of Eastern concern manufacturing popular priced line of four-wheel tractors will be In this vicinity soon to closo contractu. If Interested ad dress P. W. Wisdom, care Ashland Tidings. 36-4 KOTK'll OF HALM ' IMPOUNDED 8TOCK. Notice Is hereby given that I wllV on Tuesday, the 1st day of October, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., offer for snlo at Danoy's barn, 4th st., to tho highest bidder for cash, onu long ' yearling helfer.mark split In right enr, Lazy T with D connected on right shoulder. Said holfor was impounded In tho city of Ashland on the 17th day of September, 1918, and will bo sold to pay the expnnso of Im pounding and keeping her since tho above date. Dated this, tho 21st day of Sep tember, 1918. 3. A. DANEY, Pound Master of tho City of Ashland, Oregon, 36-2 Gambling With Destiny Spending your income as you make It in simply gambling with destiny end with all the odds against you. You stand all to lose and none to gain SYSTEMATIC SAVING even though small, if constant, elim inates the element of chance and establishes your future on a basis of certainty. This bank doslrcs to co-operate with you In building on that basis. We have unusual facilities for pro moting the Interest of our customers. STATE BANK OF ASHLAXl Boets, carrots and eabbagos still flourish in the war gardens, even though green peas and sweet corn are now only a boloved memory. HELP YOUR UNCLE SAMUEL TAKE THE GERM OUT OF GER MANY GET YOUR BOND SATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 28. VAUPEL'S STYLE SHOP Mall Order Specialists Authorized rirra to Sell War Savings Stamps THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN IS NOW ON ITS WAY. BE PREPAR ED TO CO THE LIMIT WHEN THEY GET TO YOU. DON'T HESITATE. CORRECT FALL MATERIALS FOR HOME SEWERS Many people who have never bothered with their own sewing before, are this year following the prevailing habit of thrift and are making their own clothes, or making over things to wear another season. With this in view our buyer has exercised greater care than over before in selecting the correct suitings, silks, dress goods, and trimming, need for fall selling, Here Is a Big List of Most Attractive Offerings Corsets Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Nemo com prise our complete stock of Corsets. For style, fitting and wear these corsets are in comparable. Prices range from f 1.00 np to $5.00. Velvets New piece of 36 inch black velvet In black at the popular price of $2.25 per yard.. Just the thing for the new capes. Also full line of colors in the 18 Inch velvet used extensive ly for trimming. , Silk Petticoats Vettlcoats which are well made from attractive and good wearing mate rials are certain to please our trade. New Btock Just In. Look for win dow display. . Silks Plain and fancy silks it fall to give us a trial fall dress fabrics. Our new stock is now complete and is ready for your Inspection. New plaids are arriving every day. In mak ing your selection don't fall to give us a trail and become convinced that we have the right merchandise at the right prices. Silks are going to be strong for the spring season as well as this fall so no mistake can be made in buying silk silk. Wool Dress Material All of our new fall dress goods are all ex ceptional values and it will be to your own personal satisfaction and benefit to inspect our new line before making your purchase. Broadcloth Broadcloths are going to be used extensively for fall. It lis ono of the prettiest fabrics made for dress woar. All colors are in stock so don't delay In mak ing your selection. All prices. Athena Underwear The best fitting and quality ef un derwear that can be bought for the money. Complete stock on hand tor women and children. Patterns We carry a full stock bf the we'! known Butterlck Pattern. It is considered the best. New fall Quarterly now In stock showing you all tho latest styles In which your new fall dress can be made up. Give them a trial." Suitings Both iu the plain and plaids. We have a wldo range of patterns and colors to choose from. Now Is the time to be thinking of that new fall dress before It Is too late. Buy' now and save money. Blankets All of our new fall blankets are now in stock awaiting your inspection. It Is the newest" and brightest line we have ever had. Prices from 3.30 to 8.50. We have all the new plaids In every combination of colors. Ev ery pair Is a beauty and would be a credit to any home. ffplepraofHosierq 4 formen, women JLJLano. chiloren-X Nothing better In the hosiery line can be had for appearance, wear and nurablllty than the Holeproof. We carry a full stock for men, women and children. All the new fall shades arc now In stock. Come in and make your selection while our range of colors Is complete. Notions and Trimmings Our line of Dress Braids and Bindings Is complete. Also full line of fringe In all colors now on hand. Complete stock of buttons of all kinds now on the shelves. We also cover buttons In all shapes. Fall Shoes JUlf Black kid Louis XIV heel," pair $7.50 Brown cloth top, brown pat ent vamp, Louis XIV heel, pair i. $8.50 All gray kid high top Louis XIV heel. A value. Priced, pair $10.00 Brown and gray cloth top, military heel with kid vamp Priced, pair $8.00 m fit BrAvn DEPOSITS,