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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1918)
Monday, Sepember 2.1, 1018 ASHMXD TIDINGS PAGE HIKED i hi i r Come in and Examine the TIRE With a thous- py and claws. All sizes SOLD BV Till! II Overland Millner Co. Agricultural War Work i:l((!iiolo:;ists in "Cootie" Fllit. Scientists of t!io bureau of ento mology, I'nltnd Sf.tos Department of Agriculture, arc conducting extensive work (learned to find a preventive or O'termlnator for body lice, tha "eoo tlts" of tho war zona. They arc yerking to add to tho knowledge of how to reptd, kill, or drive away the liny parasite on which vorld-wldc nt-U-ntloa was centered by the war. The scientists, in addition to Watching "cooties" as they pass through the Mays of their existence, are tebtln;; chemicals to barn their destructive action on lice, their effect on humaT I'cdies, and their piaetratlon of clothing. Abo, tliey are co-operatin:; vith army officers in testing laun dering and delouslng processes. Irrigate to Fight Drought. "Water on our lands during 191" and 191 S would have meant thous nnsd of dollars to county, to the far tiers, and to the city people," the executive committee In charge of Ir rigation in the Flathead county farm bureau, '.lontnna, writes. Tho Flat head county farrr. bureau Is dctermin el that tho drought conditions of the present season shall not be repeated, and has made Irrigation one cf lis major lines cf work for the year. Dif ferent locality will handle the '.iroblem in different ra-3. Irr!?a t.on In this valley will make it possi ble for the farmers to change from fctrr.ight grain farming to the practice cf a diversified system employing live itock as well as the necessary cropj. Farm Dutcaus Stiiiiiihi!!:: Food i'rmtiiction. More than 10,010 of the mc-.t pro fessive farmers of Idaho are back ing the nation's w IL1 . . rlculture through the medium of farm bureaus organized In 34 of Ida ho's 30 agricultural counties. In the northern part of tho state emphasis nn been given to Increasing food production by demonstrations in clearing land which have been con ducted In co-operation 'with the coun ty farm bureaun. In Franklin coun '.v greater food production 13 assur ed by the reclamation of certain dis tricts through drainage- Here again lN county agent and farm bureau have taken the leading part In sccur hs tho assistance of tho national gov ernment. Grasshoppers und other pa si a have caused much Iobs of food n tiin paai, and the campaigns car iled on against them by tho county fi'Vn: bureaus havo proved most suc-ce.-ful liny Scicits Find lllack Walnut. About. 15, 000, 000 feet of black v.".!niit timber has been located and its exbitenco reported to the forcat f i rvlce liy tho Hoy Scouts s'nci they v.'cc called I'pon by the President to i.ssist the government in locating tills timber for gun stock and propollor R Uterl:1!. Tho Iioy Scouts send the r.'iiortr. to the forest service, whore the Information hi compile and then firwardoJ to tlio war department. The government Itself is not buyliif, tho walnut, l)Ut Bends out the Inforv r.'ation to manufacturers working o government contracts. Kidding the Ritngp of JIava; Hojjues. It is estimated that the Bureau Biological Survey of tha Unite Str.tes Department of Agriculture raving annually over $."i,000,000 USE Land Plaster NOW Ashland Lumber Co Phone 20 crtii cf live stock for the ranche o: tho Koc.iy Mountain section as a loruit of its intensive campaigi: n 'a! nst predatory animals, which has (c:i in progress during tho past three years. During this period 60 4T.S coyotes. S0S3 bol.cats, 182 wolves, L'01 mountain lions, and 137 l errs have been trapped or shot, and many other animals have been pol: one.l. The income from the sale of I'oi'.s of animals kiiled by govern went hunters to protect live stock during the last year will aggregate it program In a,:-l rpproximately $100,000. This work We will win this war Nothing else really matters until we do! ' The Flavor Lasts Fiiralfare 1 And House I FiFiisliis i I rrx fsan rrFn fTfl rPl rm rrn nn nn rn m We Have Acliecl An Installment department to our Furniture business and are pre pared to sell all articles oi house hold lurmture, Stoves and Range i lor a s Small Fayrat vown And the Balance in Monthly Installments This service will bo supplied without extra price. Wages are now high and work plentiful. We have made tho way easy for you to brighten your home with new, need ed house furnishings without feeling the the outlay. Come In find Talk II Over DODGE L SON: Complete House Furnishers on Installments H of special Importance, becauso the cattle and sheep which are already on the rango producing meat, wool and leather, are afforded protection, and thus the actual sources of theso es sential commodities are being con pcrved for market. Furthermore, clearing the' range of predatory ani mals is making conditions more orabb for stocking the grazing area to full capacity and for improving the qurllty of the breeding stock. Accredited Dairy Herds Listed. Federal and state co-operativ control work for the eradication tuberculosis of cattle has been irrgress Ions enough to Justify pub i'cation of results, and the bureau of animal Industry has Issued List No. of herds officially accredited as free cm tuberculosis and of herds that have passed successfully one te with a view to certification. If tl Etatus of any of the accredited herds Eheuld be changed, notice Is to be fu n'shed promptly to state officials Additional lists are to be pubiishe from time to time. ('utile Tick Work Again Rrrnkg Itccord. The cattle fever tick Is entitled to tMnk that the world'B energies hav not been concentrated on the west em battle front. The tick Is bavin a rather busy time, for July, lik June, set a new record in the erail lcation work of the bureau of animal industry. In July the number of cattle dipped for ticks totaled 6,0 SO "32 more than were ever dipped in any singlo month since the work be pan In 1906. Club Rivalry Aids War Program Rivalry for state championships in boys' and girls' club work acts as a tremendous Incentive In getting club members to grow and conserve food in connection with tho war program During the past eight years the chain p'.ons of each state haveheen elect ed into the National All-Star Frater r.ity, an exclusive organization for cnampions In agriculture and home economics pursuits, and open only to boys and girls between the ages of 10 ana vj. Ail-star members are l nown by the fraternity button, lour-ieat clover with on H on each leaf the emblem of the club v.ork. This Insignia gives to tho champions a mark of distinction which at this time Indicates special v'ar service. Kill Itodcnta mid Save Oops. An amount approximating 50,000 hao been raised In Montana to carry on co-operative campaigns under the supervision of the United States De partment of Agriculture, to kill ro dents, such as prairie dogs and ground squirrels, which have proved very destructive In grain fields. This money is used to buy grain and pol son, needed in the preparation of poisonous bait, which is purchased through the co-operation of the de partment at cost. Tli 1b materia is 3old to farmers at cost, and thus tho money becomes a sort of revolving fund for the purchase of more grain and poison. In this way the $3000 alsed In Sheridan county has re volved until $21,000 worth of ma terial used in the preparation of pol- ton has been purchased. The de partment Is this year conducting a cimpalgn to destroy rodents on ap proximately $11,000,000 acres In the f WW How About Your e YOU'VE got it every human being is born with it your large intestine, or colon. It is a large tube a reservoir or sewer intended to collect waste matter and remove it from the body. Plug it up with waste, neglect it, and you're sick on your feet. The waste matter stagnates, under goes decay, fermentation and germ action. Dan gerous poisons are produced, that can easily be absorbed and carried all over the body. Allow constipation to become established, and you are liable to become definitely and miserably sick and not on your feet either. You have broken Nature's laws. Better be kind to her. Keep the danger zone clean, with a regular bowel movement, and Nature will thank you, and pay you back in gold coin health, good nature, and a feeling of eagerness for your daily task. A large proportion of almost every form of sickness is caused or made worse by the poisons produced as a result of constipation. Nujol has the approval of established medical practice because it does not upset the system as do pills, castor oil and purgative mineral waters, salts, etc. It softens the contents of the colon, making them easy for the intestinal muscles to move at regular hours. Don't fight Nature. Help her. Nujol is health insurance for tens of thousands of American families today. Sold at drug stores everywhere. Warning: NUJOL is sold only in sealed bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes. , Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) 50 Broadway, New York Western States.