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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1918)
Thnrsday. September 12, 1918. AflllTiAXD TIDINGS ?' PAGH FIVB iJlll. ' J We Are Going to GIVE AWAY 10-inch Double-Faced, 75c Records with our $35.00 Columbia Phonograph If foM before October 1st SEE OiT. WINDOW. Free Demonstration at POLEY'S DRUG STORE POLEY & ELHART, DRUGGISTS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cllf Payne makes tables. P. H. Keogan has gone to Illinois to visit his father who Is In poor health. Studio Ashland, better portraits. 100-tf Mrs. 0. C. Hinds and Mrs. W. M. McDonald spent yesterday afternoon In Medford. Want a good job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. If "Wilbur Encke, of Robey, Texas, Is In Ashland visiting at the home of liis uncle, Charles Moore. Our kodak finishing will please tho Camera Exchange. W. A. Trcelmrg has returned from an extended tour which he made through Nevada and California. Mrs. C. E. Lane, dressmaking. 14S Lr.urel street, phone 3S3-L. 31-tf Tall and winter hats at Miss Har grove's. Mrs. 0. A. Pa'ulserud returned liotae Monday night from an extend ed visit with her mother In Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. Rolcrt Ralney, of Siskiyou county, Cal., is spending a few days in Ashland with her sister, Mrs. R. Beswick. Mrs. S. B. McNalr has gone to Kansas City, Mo., where she will spend a couple of months visiting her parents. Mrs. Mary Dunn of Portland and Mrs. Ottilia Caldwell of Los Angeles arrived In Ashland Monday evening and will be guests at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. E. J. Van Sant. and son, George Dunn. Mrs Dunn expects to spend the coming winter in Ashland. Mrs. Henry Williamson Is serious ly 111 at her home on Church street. 0 A card was received this week :rom Waldo Stevens announcing his 1.7 fe arrival in France. Vrs. Simons has fall and winter hats on display. Call and see styles mid get prices before purchasing elsewhere. 33-tf C. L. Miller has sold his residence on Third street to Carl McCune, who has taken jossension. The Miller ff.mlly are now residing on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wilson and lit tle son Billy, who have len spend ing the past summer in Pennsylvania, have returned to Ashland for the coining winter. William P.einhart and family left last week for. San Francisco, goins by way of Crescent City In their ruto. Mr. Reinhart expects to locate In that section. Dress hats, semi-dress hats, tail ored hats and millinery novelties on display Friday and Saturday at Miss Hargrove's. Miss Helen Moore has gone to Palo Alto, Cal., to visit her sister, Mr3. Milton Fraley. She will later go to San Jose to enter the normal Bchool to the coming year. Services at tna Presbyterian church next Sunday will be conduct ed by J. Herbert Doran. There will he a congregational meeting at the dose of the morning service. . Mrs. Jennie Wilson of Grants Pass was an Ashland visitor Wed nesday where she came to spend the day with her daughter Mario, who is taking training at the Sanitarium, Lost. Monday morning three five ('ollar bills somewhere on Main street between Provost Bros.' hardware store and Ashland cemetery. FIndei please leave at postoftlce and receive reward. ' ' J. H. McCee, the East Main street merchant, underwent a minor opera tion at a local hospital this week, lie e::pects to be around again In a few days, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Dau'herty of Salem, on Satur day, September 7. Mrs. Daugherty was formerly MIs3 Ethel Drew of Ashland. The families of H. L. Whitcd and F. D. Wagner left yesterday for a camping expedition to Lake of the Woods where they expect to speni several days. The salvage depot sold the large quantity of magazines they have been collecting recently, for which they rt-oelved $S5. L. Gartner, the Junk dealer, shipped a car load yeaterday ant) states that he will send out an other carload as soon as they can b3 collected. Word was received here this week of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Grieve, of Hornbrook, Cal., which occurred at Missoula, Mont., September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Grieve were former Ashland residents. Ashland A A. F. Lodge Y and No. B8 , . V A. M. Stated communication of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., this (Thursday) evening, Sept. 12, 1918. Routine and extra business. Visiting brethren cordially welcome. A. F. ABD0TT, W. M. W. H. DAY, Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson left' Friday for San Francisco to visit with relatives and friends. They aro mpking the trip In their car. i Mrs. Mabel Gonzales and children have gone to Klamath Falls after spending an extended visit with friends In Ashland. Mrs. Anna Moore Is filling the po rtion of bookkeeper and stenograph er at tho Oregon Gas & Electrlct company's office, formerly occupied by Mrs. J. Ed.v. Thornton. l.'r. and Mrs. II. E. Haworth andj sen of Cballls, Idaho, were over Sun day guests of Mrs. August Schuer rjan. Mrs. Haworth is a niece of Mrs. Schuerman. Elbert Far-low, who Is with Bat tery C, 6'itli regiment in France, writes that he Is one of the two radio operators of his battery. He states that he Is very much Interested In hie new occupation. Miss Josephine Saunders, who has Leen engac?d In government service as an instructor In 'construction v.ork at Reed college in Portland for the past six months, is home spending a Bhort vacation. Mrs. B. M. Parrel and little daughter Lllas left Friday for their home at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, after spending a fortnight at the home of Mrs. Farrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Halfhill. CAR OWNERS II, R. Stuart and B. Goodie, expert automobile mechanics, have taken over the mechanical end of the WHITB STAR GARAGE, and are prepared to do all kinds of work, and guarantee same. White Star Garag'e PHONE 110 374 i: MAIN twmnusnamwoTi at Mrs. Jennie Brady received a mcs laso Monday morning from her son, Charles, who is on one of tho United States convoy ships plying from tho Atlantic com:t to Europe, stating that he had Just made port after a trip ov;rsea3. Mrs. J. E. Peck and two daughters left Tuesday night for Glendale, Cal., where- they will spend an Indefinite period. They were accompanied by Mlfes Frances McWllllams, who will teach In the schools at Calexlco, Cal., this coming wlntl-r. Serjeant Vincent Ward Hammond, wlic has been In tho quartermaster's corps In France for nearly a year, has been appolnt'.-d an Instructor In a chauffeurs' school, according to a le'ter Just received by his parents, Uev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond. Mrs. Eva Caldwell and son Cleon ieft last evening for San Francisco where they will make an indefinite sojourn. xotk 1: Home with every comfort with gintlonian wishing to remain and insist with expenses. No rent. For full particulars phone 439-J, or call 207 Vista street. P. 0. box 11 J. 32-2 Oeorgo Roblson, chief of tho firo denartmnnt of this city, accompanied by his wife, has gone to Sun Fran- tUco to spend a IS days' vacation at the homo of his son, Merle Roh!son. Lieut. A. L. HimlH and wlfo stop pod off In Ashland Monday night while en routo from Camp Lewis to Sacramento and Oakland, Cal., to visit with the former's brother, O. C. Hinds. tRaa::mt:m:::t:t::aKnnw 31 Now Open! Hotel Austin Grill : Hoard prr week $H.O0 Ticket Meals 40 FIRST CLASS Commercial a lit Carlo 1 Chicken Dinner Hundny, 1 11 I'm iiin -ir gr 1 f 1 r nrii rTTTTr" m.j.v::L.TuA l...,!,!., .Iim., iiil.Tit in Mtl- - mnf...iiJ.Jh.. COXSERVK FOOD EAST MORE CORN' SAVE WHEAT r THE D A M 11 NfcS uni OFASH The Farmers Have Succeeded Some, feared that the farmers would 1)C liandl eapied this year for lack of lulor, but have found help cnouKh to increase by more than 20.000.000 acres, the urea cultivat ed for leading farm prod ucts. Our congratula tions to tho farmers of our country "ho have (Treatly exceeded tli?ir last year's production. When wishing a strong, reliable, efficient bank Inn connection, make The Citizens Hank of Ashland your depositary. A (tfAii SAVINU5 W0V11 DEPOSITS, Time to Think of Stoves We take your old stove In exchange for a new Heating Stove or Range. Provost Brothers HARDWARE ; ' ra I - 7 JSSb VAUPEL'S QUALITY SHOP MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS IH)X'T FAIL TO IUY THOSE W. S. K. THE HOYS m:i:i them now I can supply a few more milk cus tomers In the vicinity of the Graulte i lty hospital at $3.00 per month per ruart, (J1.C0 per pint. C. M. Row land, phone 359-Y. Wilkle Collins and family spent several days in Ashland recently while on their way from Klamath Fatls to southern California, where they expect to locate. ' Mrs. V. V. Mills ha3 arrived in A'hland and will make her home here during the absence of her hus band, who is in military service over seas. She was accompanied here by her mother, Mrs. Cordell, of Berke ley. Cal., who will spend the winter here with her daughter. Miss MarEuret Relchllng, of Whit- tier, Cal., has been elected to teach Spanish and history in the hlgu school this year, In the place of Miss Lillian Eohnson, who resigned oa account of illness In fir family. Miss P.eichling Is a graduate of the Uni versity of California. A daughter was born to Mrs. Or ville H. Gaines Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Clark of 114 Iowa street. The little lady tips the beam at 34 pounds, and is a particularly welcome visi tor at. the home, as the father Is away taking part In the great world war In France. Mrs. Caines was formerly Miss Gertrude Clark of this city. New Fall Shoe One of the niftiest models in our fall shoes le now In stock Brown Pat leather vamp with cloth top, Louis XIV heel $8.30 pair, i (Vacation Accessories You Need Not Make Your Outing Expensive Li i Fourth Liberty Loan Don't forget the date, Septem ber 28th o October . Buy your limit of these bonds. Un cle Sam and the boys over there need the mon'ey. Help them go over the top. ' 1 Whipcord Trousers One of the best values to be had for camping and rough wear. Will not tear like a khaki. Price 93.00 pair. Fancy Hosiery New combinations. All the lat est fads. Come In and look them over. Price $1.50 pair. Fall blankets Don't fail to examine our complete line of new fall blankets that are now In stock. Every pair a beauty. New plaids in all colors. Fancy Plaid Silks The newest and niftiest ilalds in the new fall silks are now abtainable in our stock. These silks are guaranteed to be of extra good quality. Full 36 inches wide. Price$2.00 yard. Cotton Cliallies and Wool Bats Now is the time of cover that new fall comforter. We have several new pieces of this challle In stock which will answer your purpose, also a dandy wool bat full uniform size to fill said comforter. Cooper-Bennington and Chalmers Underwear All of our new fall stock Is now on hand. Its true, elasti city Insures perfect comfort.. It will give you snug fitting comfort in any position. Full line of styles and quality. Trices from $2.00 to $3.50 suit. , Men's Standard Flannel Shirts This new shirt comes in eray and khaki. Full cut and heavy weight flannel used In the making. Winter Is coming on and now Is the time to purchase your needs. Trice $3.50 each. New Fall Shoes Several, new styles of fall shoes are on the Bhelf. Come in and Investigate these new models. Every one a beauty. All the new shades and two-tcne effects are Included in these values. Ihls store's ulin to H'vo service in all its, makes It tho prop er place t purchase your equipment for vacation, outinj; or sMirt events. In those days of Mriss out-door artititioH are a necessary relief to war activities.. They help maintain the. national spirit. Tim hlnh qualities of our nieriiiundiso Insure your getting the full value for every rxpedU ture. Pumps and Oxfords We have placed on salo a bcautl fill line of white canvas pumps and oxfords. Every pair Is an exception al value. Former price of these bar ealns was $3.50 per pair. Sale price $2.50 pair. Handkerchiefs and Neckwear We have the best and most com plete line of popular priced handker cniefs for vacation needs. Trices Loin 3c up. Dainty and modish reckwear plays an important part !n the trimming of summer dresses and blouses. Wo have the styles to meet the demand. Petticoats Petticoats which are well made from attractive aRd good wearing Gir.terials are certain to please our trade. The material, style and flual ity we offer In Queen petticoats are great values. Athena Underwear For daintiness, comfort and wear Athena Underwear Is matchless. Wo !iien find that It Is mado to fit them exactly, without being stretched Into r.nape, and unnecessary folds of thu fabric at any point. Corsets and Brassieres Royal Worcester, Bon Ton. We have In stock a compieto lino of at tractive models In these well known corsets. Wear one and you will never change styles. Also a full lino of the best brassieres on tho market. BurUngton Hosiery This hoso is a full-fashioned hose without a Bam. It Is ono of the est hosiery values that can bo had on the market. Comes In ull colors nt medium prices. Glvo this hoso a trial. "1 9 The best hose manufactured for men, women and children. All of the latest fall shades are now In stock. Come In and make your selec tion while our range of colors is complete. Prices 50c, 75c $1, 11.23 pr.