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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1918)
f"1 1 !i Monday, September 2, County Registrants Enroll For Service PACK " I i r..,1, iiimii " - ' i i inium i in n I U ; r M H f. ( ' Li Medford Four Days Commencing Saturday, Sept. 7 2:00 p. m. TWICE DAILY 8:00 p. m 'l HIS ATTUACTIOX DDKS NOT COME TO ASHLAXl) The Sweetest Love A ROMANCE OF THE GREAT WAR Direct From "Helig" Portland Accompanied by a special SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRICES Evening 75, $1.00. IjogC!,$ 1 .5(1. Matinee, 50c, 75c. liOgrw, $1. OX SAIJ; AT THE 1UALTO, MIJFOUI, NOW Talent Tidings A delightful surprise party was riven at the home of Mrs. Jno. Robl sun Inst week by Mrs. Cochran and Mrs. Roblson In honor of their moth er. Mrs. S. A. Coleman, who had reached her "1st birthday. The fol lowing guests were present: Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Ella MiHtlson, Mrs. Toogood, Mrs. J. E. Koss, Mrs. Ella Holdrldge, Mrs. Dean. Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. Josh Patterson, Mrs. Dudgeon, .Mrs. LItha Mills. Mrs. Chllders, Mrs Edith Cochran. The evening was rpent In conversation. Mrs. Coleman .us been a very earnest worker in the Red Cross work and has a great me.ny friends which was shown by t'.io number of gifts and birthday avis she received. Mrs. Cole 1b the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. George Carter, this week. Carl Bceson left Tuesday for tho north. It Is understood that Mr. Bee son Is Intending to enlist. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Denhnm and foii Franky were visiting In Medford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Williams, ac companied by their guests, Dr. Louisa Pavls of Wbittier, Cal., and her niece motored to Crater Lake last week. John Roblson has excepted a posi tion in the fire department in Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wolters are receiving congratulations on the i'lrth of an eight-pound daughter last week. Ed Roblson, If. H. Goddard, Bel bert Goddard and Homer Neal, ac companied by Fox Goddard, were hunting In tho little Butte country ".act week. They returned Monday, reporting game very scarce In that district. Hubert BrlttRon and John Lacy are up from Wonder. Church service.) as usual next Sun day. Sunday gciiool at 10 a. m.; preaching services at 11. Epworth Liague at 7 p. tn. Evening service nt 8. Rev. Reed has now returned nd It Is expected he will now be with us till the closo of the confer ence year. A cordial Invitation U extended to the public to all these r.crvlces. The Red Cros quilt is still on ex hibition at the mercantilo store. This ttuilt was put up for the benefit of the Red Cross and there should be more Interest shown for the causa than to have It stay there all t'ala time. H. If. Goddard received a card Tuesday from tils sou, stating that he had arrived safely In France. i . - - Hotel Austin Barber Shop N. G. nates, Prop. First-class Service and Equipment Shooshlning Parlor Baths. Ashland, Oregon. Story Ever Told I toO.OOO GERMAX WORKMEN' GO OIT OX STRIKK Geneva, Aug. 30. Serious strikes involving 200,000 workmen have broken out at Bochum in Wesphalla, according to dispatches from Munich. Three thousand strikers have been aent to the front, and 8000 deported trom the region under escort. Troops arc guarding tho town, It Is said, as i lota aro feared. Bochum Is an important manufac turing town, and Is one of the fources of war supplies for Germany. Gambling With Destiny Spending your Income as you make U la simply gambling with destiny rnd with all the odds against you. Vou stand all to lose and none to gain SYSTEMATIC SAVING even though small, it constant, elim inates the element of chnnco and establishes your future on a basis of certainty. Thin bank desires to co-operate with you In building on that basis. We have unusual facilities for pro moting the Interest of our customers. STATE BANK OF ASHLAXl ITl.h MILEAGE SIIOILD BE (JOTTEX FROM TIRES War economy demands that every car owner get the maximum mileage from his tires, Bays an expert of the risk Rubber company. Any driver who is not getting full mileage from hlJ tires should make an earnest ef fort to find the cause and apply the' remedy. The relation of load and Inflation to mileage Is often not appreciated. Any ono Interested In helping to con serve can get a number of hints on this subject from any Fisk dealer or manager. Premature wear on Urea Is often caused by carrying too treat a load with insufficient pres- nire. In such cases It would be well t.i both lighten the load and Increase the air pressure. If the lightening of the load Is undesirable, use an ever-sized tire. The proper air pressure for tires used and the load carried should be known In order that sufficient pros sure may be applied and yet not so much that comfortable riding will be lost. The happy medium of In flation on average cars equipped w ith 4-. 4 to- or 5-inch tires Is 55, GO and 65 pounds. This permits the maximum mileage with a minimum of road shocks. Phone job orders to the Tidings. Twenty-two young men have be come of age lit Jackson county Blnco June 5, 1918, and registered at the various offices last Saturday. Those !n the county ore: William Bacome, 72 North Sixth btrcet, Portland, Ore. Ilarley Ray lirower, 216 Factory ttrcet, Ashland, Ore. .dial Tllghman Dubcll, Central Point. Ore. Robert Everett Edmonson, Butts Fulls, Ore. James Francis, Ruch, Ore. - .Tcsse James Clbbs, Modford, Ore. George Il'.tzler, Central Point, Oro. John Earl Lacy, Talent, Ore. Manuel Llebman, 612 Catharine r.trect, Medford, Ore. James Bryan Lusk, 1020 Court street, Medford, Ore. Edson Rnucy Lyons, 1020 Cour; ttrcet, Medford, Ore. Carl Lewis Margrelter, Jackson ville, Oro. Ralph Raymond Mutney, Murphy, Ore. . Major M. Morris, 209 Portland avenue, Medford, Ore. Marvin Milton Mow, Ashland, Ore. Jamrs Rubnrt McCalllster, Lake deck, Oro. Raymond Ronald Retor, 511 South Crapo street, Medford, Ore. Field Martin Rice, Talent, Oro. 1 awrenco Rountreo, Jacksonville, Ore. Robert G. Stuart, 912 North Cen tral, Medford, Ore. Ormey S. Weeden, Central Tolnt, Ore. Henry G. Wolff. 60S South New town Ktreet, Medford, Ore. ffit. Ashland Scenery Impresses Campers Rev. C. A. Edwards, wife and son and Miss Jean Anderson, who have been camping up the Ashland-canyon tor the past week, came down from the wilds last Wednesday and have nsrunied their normal existence Tho pirty in company with the family of Homer Billings had camped at Long's cabin, and had set Wedncs dsy of last week to closo their out ing with an ascent of Mount Ash land. Tho party arose at 4 o'clock In the morning and by 4:30 were under way. Stopping only at tho Ilummlnp Bird springs for breakfast, the hik ers mado a continuous march until they reached the top of the moun tain at 10:30. Here they spent some time sightseeing after which they re turned to tho camp, and tho Edwards family concluded their outlug and re turned home In the evening, while Mr. Billings and family remain In ramp for several days more. In speaking of the scenic point of Mount Ashland, Mr. Edwards cla'ms that there Is nothing In this part of the United States can any where compare with this point. He Mates that Crater Lake does not be frln to come up with Mount Ashland In point of scenery, and that the only place that equals It Is the Gar den of tho Gods In Colorado. Mr. Edwards has traveled extensively, and has climbed Pike's Peak and all the scenic high points of tho Rockies and says that none of these can com pare In beautiful scenic views with '.hose disclosed on Mount Ashland. "The trouble Is Ashland people do not appreciate Mount Ashland as a scenic point," Mr, Edwards remarked in telling of his trip. "Those who have not traveled all over the world looking for picturesque scenes take this too much for granted, while many people have spent years in Ash land and never realized that the most beautiful scenery In the world lies almost at their doors. "What is needed is a good auto mobllo road to Mount Ashland, and this could easily be mado. With a good road to within the final climb at the top Mount Ashland can be made accessible, and can afford tour itts a panoramic view that Is not equalled In the Alps of Switzerland." Phono Job order to the Tiding. IXTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Tal ent and Phoenix dally excopt Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 11 a. m., and 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. ra. AIbo on Satur day night at 6:30. Sundays, leave at :uu a. ra., 12:30, 4:30 and 6:30 u. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 and 10 a. m.. and 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night nt 10:15. On Sun- cays 10:30 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 and b: ao p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash land, 30 cents. Round trip 50 cents. I GET THE BEAUll BIT LEAVB THE ROOTS I'm not after the "pound of flesh" I leave the roots to continue thtli growth. "You are noxt." Bnckhorn Barber Shop Clyde Costolo , , iff I 1 : HAWLEY BILL TO ADD TO FOREST SERVICE A sort of referendum on the ques tion of adding to tho forest reserve tho southern tier of townships In Jackson county is desired by Repre rentative Hawley, who has introduc ed a bill providing that the lands Bhall be added. The area comprises about 100,000 teres, practically all of It cteep and rough, and suitable only for graz ing. This land has been devoted to cat tle raising for many years. It Is not only rough hut high in altitude, ly ing near the summit of the Sisklyous In former years it was grazed only by cattle, but this year large bands ot sheep were driven In, cropping tho crass so closely as to kill out the vegetation. The cattlemen sent a representa tive, D. M. Horn, to Washington, D. C. to confer with the department with the result that a bill was pre pared placing the land In the reserve so that grazing could be regulated. Representative Hawley has had no opportunity to give the subject personal investigation and has, there fore, sent copies of the bill to the county authorities and others with a request for their views and wishes In the matter. SOLDIERS' LETTERS Lloyd Stratton, who Is in the United States school of aerial photo graphy of Rochester, N. Y., has sent to Rose Brothers a booklet entitled "Kodak Park In War Time," Issued by tho Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester. The book contains many fine views of the building and work rooms of the school, and gives an outline of the work carried out in hat branch of the service. Lloyd also wrote the following letter of his life In the east: Rochester, N. Y., August 21, 1918. Bear Chas. and Unk. Woll, leffows, the spirit has moved me to tender you a few brief phrases this evening. I am over at the hut this evening brushing up my corres pondence a bit and as soon as you are tended to I will go over and do my week's washing, take a bath and go to bed. I am enjoying life to the fullest extent possible with the milt It ary yoke suspended from your neck. We have to be in at eleven o'clock during the week. They used to give Vou are Anxious For a Peep af Them? All Right; They're Ready. And truly they are fascinating gar ments in which the style features of the new season have been developed to a remarkable degree of beauty and effectiveness. riush coats arc very much in demand again. Wool Vclour is the most used and Navy, Brown, Green, Taupe, Burgundy, Black and Bcindcer are the most used shades. Many are fur trimmed. The suits arc made of serge, poplin and broadcloth, mostly, and arc snappy in style, and while the selection is not so large perhaps, as usual, the quality is good, for we prefer not to stock a line of snili that will not give you satisfaction. So we cordially invite you to come in soon and see them. There is no war tar yet and the prices arc not as high as you might expect. Our advice, though, ?' h buy at once your fall coat or suit. all-night passes for the asking, but there got to bo too many fellows go ing to sleep and snoring during lec tures, when they should have been inking notes that they cut out the Into passes. Only week ends we can cavort around all we dam please, we are given leave of absence from Sr.turday noon till eleven p. m. Sun day night. I am now In my third veek ot school, which leaves me two weeks to go after this one. Aerial photography Is a great thing and very fascinating to me. I've had some great times here. ITave been all around to all the re torts and there are lots of them around Rochester. I said all of them. I didn't mean that. A man would have to go some to take In all of them In one summer. There are doz ens of them. I have been to several of the most popular, though the tlndness of Mr. Smith, who I was fortunate enough to meet. He is a shoe manufacturer and is lousy with money and he has nothing too good for the boys. Every Saturday evening and Sunday his car and his time belongs to the boys and I have been with him every week end since I've been hero. It's only a short dis tance to Lake Ontario and there are a dozen resorts along the lake within an hour or two ride from Rochester. Sea Breeze Is the spiciest, and I'll sev it is the right aromatic at that, then there is Glenhaven, Summer villo, Charlotto and Manatan beach Manatan Is the swells' hangout. Every summer the Colony club from Pitts burgh comes up there and camps for a couple of months all millionaires. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Smith took four of us fellows to Niagara Falls In his car. Didn't cost us a cent, and besides Mr. Smith there ;.rc numerous other fellows the same as he. We are entertained royally. Every Monday night 100 seats at the T3mple theatre, the swellest in I'ochester, are roped off for Kodak iark boys, and It free also. I cer tainly will never forget Rochester. Maybe you have heard of Roches ter's parks. They have more park3 in this place than any place I ever saw. There Is a band concert In come one of these parks every night of the week and they are real bands having quite a lot of hung on the organization. I was once a member tf the Ashland silver cornet band led (not driven) by the great vir tuoso, Carl Loveland. Well, boys, how Is everything In my home town? In spite of all the i : .4') ft 1 new sights and good times, I hare a spot In my heart for old Ashland iind the good people therein. I wouldn't give the west for the east with Cuba thrown In to boot. It can't compare with the wild and woolly west. After I am through the course prescribed In the Aerial Photography 3cliool I e::pect to go to some avia tion field for practical experience. They are sending the boys west now. Seems like tho eastern camps are filled to capacity. They sent 60 ot the boys to California a short time age. If I can land up somewhere short of 1000 miles from home, I'm going to get a furlough, but Its hope less to think of getting a furloug'i here. It would take me nearly two veeks to go and come, let alone hav ing any time to visit. What did you think of the little booklet I sent you? Pretty nlco, eh? Well, I must closo now. Give my regards to all my friends. Do you have any Idea where Deacon Walker hi Haven't heard anything ot him for two or three years. Wonder If he is in the service? I have my ukulele with me and Its got me lots of good times. Yours very truly, LLOYD W. STRATTOX, To. 1, Doom 18, U. S. A., S. A. P., Rochester, N. Y. This year's seed crop ot yellow pine Is unusually abundant In Call frrnia, and an effort Is to be made by forest officers to gather large quantities of the seed for use la the reforestation work of the forest serv ice Western yellow pine Is one ot the most Important sources of the ciuntry's timber supply. Modern Bungalow on paved street, double-size lot, con ti ally located, conveniently arrang ed, first-class condition. $2700 clear. Come and see It. Buy a home row. i . , Billings Agency REAL ESTATE AND REAL INSURANCE Established 1883 Phone 211 41 Eust Mala St.