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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
TlmrwlAy, August 23, 1018. Asnuxn tidixos PAGB riVW 'UStttttt LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Eagle Polut school will com ticnco this your September 9. Tor Sale Broccoli plants, 20c per dozen. Phone 83. 323 lower Almond. 23-7t Oscar Cooper hag secured employ ment at tho Dead Indian wood yards. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf F. II. Walker Is speudlng a fc-v days at Macdoel, Cal., where ho la doing somo surveying. , Studio Ashland, letter portraits. 100-tf George Carpenter, wife and daugh irr Resale, have returned from a 10 days' outing ut Crescent City. Our kodak finishing will please the Camera Exchange. if Miss Blanche Hicks has returned fsom her vacation, which she spent with friends In Klamath county. Choice Gtavenstcln apples. Can't l,e brat for cooking, Tile per 20-lb box delivered, riione 9-F-ll. Mrs. Hattlo Lynch of Liberty street K It Thur3('cy for a visit of several week at Rosoburg and Portland. On Thursday. August 2!t, the Christian Sunday school Is planning an injoyu'de Sunday scliool picnic. Wanted Two dinlii'; tt Dj.ot hotel. Something New The Drake Electric massage Vibrator bred In treatment of Headache, In digestion, Nervousness, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Weak Lung 0! eslty, Sallow Complexion, and Fal ling Hair. Free Demonstration SEE OCR WINDOW Foley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists New end second-hand sewing ma chines for sale or rent at Pell's. 27-4 Miss .Nana Seeley of Portlaud is a guests of her sister, Mrs. G. II. C rover. W. W. Fordney, a merchant of Lo 11a, Klamath County, was an Ash land visitor Saturday. rccm cir's 20-ot C. Booth cf 15 street is making some Improvements upon his resi dence in lann or aua.uoiiai I'll i I (I In, 3. Graveiisloin apples,' windfalls, CO IL, box delivered, 7.',c. Kin st cook Rig, eating and jelly apples on tht1 L .-uket. I hone 9-F-ll. Miss Nellie Terry ha3 returned home from a few days' visit with her cousin. Mi.-s (.race Raypholtz, of Jacksonville. Mrs. Christine Harr of the Apple gato ccuntry was visiting her par- rnts Mr., and Mrs. J. M. Reaver, the l'lrKt of the week. Mesdamcs Roberts and Van Wcgen and Mls:i Nellie Perry were recent Mic::ts at ihe home of M". and Mrs E. E. Call at Btllcvlcw. Mrs. Ceo. HeJrick and Mrs. Hor ace Putnam cf Drain, Ore., have re t i-ned to their homes after spending t'ic summer months in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. James Vokum, ac couipanled by Miss Alta Yokum and Mrs. W. L. Melllnger, vent to Crater Lake by auto this wet'k for a few days' outing. State Fair, Salem, Oregon, Sep tember 23-2S. Splendid exhibits, excellent music, high-class enter tainment and a superb racing card For particulars write A. II. Lea sec retary. Salem. Oregon. 22-o m Mrs. Edith Mcintosh accompanied by her two daughters, Misses Edna and Isma. camo up from Grants Pass last week and is visiting her cousins, tho Benedict sisters, ani Mrs. W. A. Cccper at present. Arthur Harrlman of Euguene visited Ashland friends a few days recently. Mr. Harrlman while here enjoyed a trip to Mount Ashland, and was delighted with the trip, also (lie view of Mount Shasta in the distance. fW F CITIZENS OF ASH LAND Miss May Ives, who has been sMtndlns the past month in Mouta Mie, Cal., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs Hay Johnson have ;-one to Roseville, Cal., where they ( Xpert to spend the coming winter. Mrs. Jane Carter Is In Aden. doc county, Cal., where she will visit with her two sisters residing there. J. P. Carson and family, of Fleet wood, Lake county, are spending two ' eeks In Ashland visiting friends and : relatives. j ... j Miss Stella Hays left Wednesday j far Portland after spending the sum-1 iu?r with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. A L. Hays, here. j ... I Mrs. M. II. Vinlffg and daughter, Mrs. G. M. Grainger, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. i Nate Huffman of Jacksonville. Mrs. Jesn'e Stannard has returned from Fools creek where Kiie visited fo- several days with the parents and pupils In tho district where she (aught so long. ... Lester C. Leech, day baggageman tt the local passenger station, wife J and two sons have gone to Lewlston, lilabo, where thr-y will visit for couple of weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Stock, Mrs. Ceorgo Jenkins and Mrs. C. Ulegel I' ft Tuesday for Lake of the Woods v here they will spend the week at fio Stock cottage there ... Mrs. Clinton Edson and two chil dren and Mrs. James Parker of (!a relle, Cal., are guests of the Harris limlly on tho Doulevard. ... Jack Mehan, Inspector of Western I'nlon telegraph lines with heud ruarterg at San Francisco, was a week-end visitor of friends In Ash land where h- formerly lived. ... Mr. and .Mrs. Luke Gibbon and little daughter of Lakevlew were quests recently of the Russlll family of Scenic Drive, while on a tour of i be coast by way cf Crater Lake. ... Among the successful hunters ii- Fay Yaryan, a lumberman and rancher of Sand Point, Idaho, arrived In Ashland this week with his wife and children; and will spend some lime here until they definitely do ('do upon a location for a home. ... Private Leland C. DeCarlow, of i'luehurst, who has been stationed at Camp Fremont, Cal , for somo time, has left that point for Little Rock, Ark., to enter an officers' training i school. ... Mrs. Mabel Gonzolez and chllJ ren of Los Angeles Charles Porter will leave this eve ning for Fort Stevens after spending a month's furlough In Ashland with hlr parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Por ter. ... Mrr.. C. II. Fpannnus and son Ern est of Hornhrook have moved to Ash land In order to allow tho latter to enter school hero during tho coming winter. ... Tho school directors of Valleyview district are contemplating closing loiiiug inn loniiers granuratiier, Kill, their school dnrlntr the comlnir term uro at lres"ntnn(1 gpI1(nK t,,e puplllJ , tnat dU). ;randfather, Kdi, . . , .,,,,, ,nnv White, of Mountain avenue. Mrs. r-onzolcz was formerly Miss Mabel Hendricks of this city. I C- A Moore of naker City 0rc- . t i Is spending several days In Ashlan-l Mr. and Mrs Mark S. Hamaker' 011 ' way llomo from San Mid children of Klamath county' Fraticlsco. He Is a guest of his came over lundav to v Kit with Mr. iTomer, j-.iionicy v . j. aioore. liatuaker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I Moore. .Mr. Hamnker returned home Wednesday, while Mrs. Ilam j,ker and children will remain for a more extended visit. ... Among the numerous Ashland peo ple who are camping at Lake of the Woods are V. (. X. Smith and fam ily, O. F. Carson and family and J. W. McCoy and family. Mr. McCoy H'd Mr. Smith will attend a meeting Mrs. Mary Ashurst, a teacher In fio llibln school and I'niversity of Orison at Eugene, and dnughtcr Ethel are guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. Van Sant, at her home on Oak street. ... Dr. and Mrs. Chauncey Cnsebocr il Los Angeles. Cal., are In Ashland where they will spend a week with the former's parents. Dr. Casebeer lave been taking advantage of tti- ,n0 southern Oregon banke-s ut ceer season are Ira Reedr arid Will-! Harrlnian Lodi;e, on Pelican bay, Sep ia ni Rush, who killed t'.r-- backs back cf Mount Ashland tlii;) v. "d- Mrs M. E. Ihr.oIr'r-T. Mr. and Mrs. il. Marsh of Me.lford were In Ash ijiid Tueday. T!.ry came her" to f l i:d a Flint t time with Corporal an.l .Mrs. R. E. McElhes?, who passed t'ii('u;;h on their way f oni Camp Lewis to Camp Fremont. Cal. Cor oral McEibose v. Ill remain there for ',10 .ja week or so. after which lie will emiiark for Hllierla. Mrs. McElhose 'f a daughter of Mrs. Hazelrigg and b'uter of Mrs. Marsh. len.ber 2. George I'.: daughter::, b outing ft I. Klamath I'vlls. was taken rick t In hume and sl'u. tly of the little Kills III. On suniineni.ig a piiy.-ician h ; I renounced il a r :. of ptomaine l-o'tonlu';. i.nd It t(,ok sonic very I rcmpt mea ;r.r: s to relieve her. They are all well now and planning mother trip. Oregon Gets Half Of Ships Contracts With nine of eighteen wooden ahlps contracted for, Oregon goes over th tjp In tonnage for tho emergency ;icet so far as the Pacific coast Is con cerned. With the new contracts Or egon will contribute almost a round 1,000,000 tonsto be exact 972,000 tons of all ships, which are a quar ter of all vessels on the coast not counting the concrete ships. Of steei ships Ore,",oii in contributing H5, a total tonnage of 421,000; wood ship 100, a total tonnage of 330,000; com poi.ito ships commandeered, 8, a to tal tonnage of 32,000; steel ships requisitioned, 2,", a total tonnage of ls'1,000. Of tho new wooden ships nine go to Oregon builders. Six wooden ships, ot 3.'00 tons, go to Kruse & Dunks, of .North Rend; two wooden ships, of 3, .100 tons , go to the St. Helens Shipbuilding company, of St. Helens, and ouo of tho sani-i sire to George F. Rogers & Co., As toria. Previous to tho wooden ship con tracts had been placed In Portland I'oi a total of 32 ships, a (otal ton ingest I32.O0U; Marshfleld C, a to tal tonnage of 21,000; Tillamook. 1, expects to enter the naval servlcojn tonnage of :!,rni); St. Johns, 20, a "!:in!'!er. wife and two .e i'-;ur'.ied from their e of ilu- Woods and ' i s. Mrs. Ilreokmllle. day they return 'd S'fn r arriving one became violently :is u dentist in the near future. ... Mrs, Roy G. Walker and children left last evening for Cordova, Alas i;a to Join Mr. Wulker who Is In the isnrranrp business there. She will ::n l from fi-atMo F.ituiday and ex lects to make tb.e trip In eight days. total tonnage of -10,000; Astoria, 20, a total tonnage of 70,000; St. Hel ms, 2. a total to:.;:ags of 7,000; and Columbia City. !. with a total ton rave of I t.OO'i. Mrs. r.yduey II. Smith Sewn l-'.wedts were taken from train No. 10 Saturday evening by j tbe local police, i:i:d were held hern of Sand 1 on a charge of 'ntoxicatlnn. They i'oint. Idaho, Is n gm st of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Storey. Af ter spending a short time here Mrs. Smith will leave for New York to Join her husband, who Is In training in tho radio service there. bail boarded the train u,) tho lino In California and were bound for Post burg, but became offensively no'sterioiis and were put off here. After paying the required fine, tin eien were released. .GARDEN TOOLS Time Is rere to begin that garden.! Everybody ought to have a garden I this year. Tools will be hard to get I later, and they are gettia; higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake. Cultivator. Just the thing. Let us show you. Provost Brothers HARDWARE a CONSERVE FOOD more omx SAVE WHEAT VAU PEL' QUALITY SHOI MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS DO VT I'M I. T: lll'V THOSE W. S. S.TIIE I'.OYS Mililt Til i M NOW We have one of the latest linprov- eJ Singers for half price. A bargain tor somebody who comes first. Emil Pell. 27-41 ... Mrs. F. F. Whittle and daughter Vi-lglnia lea this week for Hilt, where they joined Mr. Whittle, who is employed in the company store 'here. ... Renjamln II. Smith of Marshfleld wa3 a guest of hl3 uncle, A. li. Davis, in Ashland last we,ek while en route to San Francisco to enlist In tha en gineer corps. ... Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gustafson loft Wednesday morning for a trip through the Willamette valley to visit their many relatives residing in that section. P-t.Mi v,bava.KLfcrife- r rtli-irf in iim ni iei r-ir i V -1 il V-wrgtwm-awilWilW) WIIWWIItWW.MWIWWWLI iniwi VjP 11ll1IIIIMmiMIIM HIMll HIIIMM Vacation Accessories You Need Not Make Your Outing Expensive Tills store's iiI.mi to give service in all its loercbanilise, tiuikes it the prop i r place to piii-cliaM' your equipnieut for vacation, outing; or sport events. Ju tlioe days of stress out-door net hides are n invcssm y relief to war iic'ivltics.. They help maintain the. national spirit. The hi!i (uallties if our merchandise insure your get'.'n the full v..lues for eveiy e.vpedi ture. ' Re-lnforce Yoiir Reserve Fund You may ask "How you can do this under the present conditions and high cost of living." I!nt it ran he accomplished through prudent econ omy and prompt, week ly deposits with Tho Citizens Hunk of .Ash land. New accounts nje invited. DEPOSITSJ Cedrlc Myer, to ho has been spend ing several weeks at the home of h's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Myer, returned to Dunsmulr this week. Mr. Myer came here to re cover from a recent illness and Is much Improved In health His wife eceompanicd him horn?. ... Mrs. J. E. Barrett will teach 'the lall and spring terms of school at Happy Camp, Cal. This school sus pends during the severe winter wea tliere for two months, and the first term will open Monday. Mrs. Bar rett has already gone to Happy Camp lo be ready to assume her dut'es. ... O. II. Johnson and family and Dr. ttnd Mrs. R. L. Rurdic have gone on in auto trip to Crescent lake In the! Cascade mountains where they will ' trend a 10-days outing. Mrs. W. L. j '.oveland has charge of Mr. John-, ton's jewelry store during his ub-' seuce. i A campaign to secure games, musl- ( ,ii lusiruincjiis, icuui ut,, auuci, iuii.u, etc., was utarted among the'ehild- .Kjjl ten cf Ashland today for the ure of the army Y. M. C. A. These . MI be sent to the various camps and cantonments throughout the country v here tho demand for recreational r.ids Is great. All the newest patterns a :( In stock for fall. 1 nobbiest shirt made. Trice ljll.VI.."( each. Fall Blankets Don't fall to examine our complete line of new fall blankets that are now In stock. Eviry pair a beauty. New plaids In all colors. Fancy Plaid Silks The newest and niftiest llaids In the new fall silks are now abtalnable In our stock. These silks nre guaranteed to bo of extrn good quality. Full 30 Inches wide, Prlce$'J.() yard. Pumps and Oxfords Athena Underwear We have placed on sale a beaut!- For daintiness, comfort and wear lnl line of white canvas pumps and Athena I'nderwear Is matchless. Wo- (.xt'orils Every pair Is an exception- wii find that It Is made to fit them el value. Former price of these bar- Mictly. without beln-.; stretched Into rains was JS.iiO per l air. Sale price -"Po, 'nd nnnecessarv folds of tho )r2..V pair. f'l,,,le ut c!m- Handkerchiefs and Neckwear corsets and Crassicrcs V have the best and most com- ,, , , I, .. Royal Worcester, Ron Ton. We p ete line of popular priced handker- ' , ' , ,, , have In stock a complete line of at- cn efs for vucat on needs. I rices ' , . , ,, , trnctlvo models In thesj well known f i om fie up. Dainty and modUli ', .... cornets. Wear one and you will lvckwear p ays an Important part ' , ' , , never change styles. Also a full lino In the tr min iig of summer drssvs , ,, , . ... , . , of the best brassieres on the market, and blouses. Wo have the styles to , meet tho demand. Petticoat Bur'inflton Hosiery Petticoats which are well made This hoso Is a full-fashioned hose from nttracilve and good wearing without n seam. It Is one of the materials are certain to pleuse our best hosiery values that can bo had trade. The material, stylo and (itial- on the miirket. Conies In all colors Ity we offer In Queen petticoats are .M medium prices. Clvo this hose a great values. 'rial. Cotton Challies and Wool Bats Now Is tho time of cover that ii?w fall comforter. We have roveral new pieces of this challlo in stock which will answer your purpose, abo a dandy wool bat full uniform slzo to fill said comforter. Cooper-Bcnninfllon and Chalmers Underwear All of our new fall stock la now on hand. Its true, elasti city Insures perfect comfort. It will give you snug fitting comfort In any position. Full line of styles and quality. Trices from t?2Mi to $:$..) suit. Men's Standard Flannel Shirts This idiirt comes in gray and kluikl, Full cut and heavy weight flannel used In the making. Winter is coining on and now is the time to purchas? your needs. Trice $;5.5( curb. New Fall Shoes f-'evral new styles of faU shoes are on the shelf. Come In and investigate these no ,v models. Lvery one a beauty. All the new shades and two-tcne effects are Included In these values. I OA 1 piw A Tho best hose manufactured fo r men, wemen and children. All of the latest fall shades are now In sto ck. Come In and make your selec tion while our range of colors Is co mpbte. Prices Cue, 75o $1, $1.25 pr. gHlU.lrfWVtWX'