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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1918)
Mon ilay. August 10, 1018. Knights Templar Malta Commandcrf No. 4 Stated conclave of Malta Com inandery No. 4, K. T., Wednesday evening. August 21, 191S. Important business preliminary to forwarding annual returns, consequently a full attendance Is requested. 0. WINTER, K. C. W. II. DAY, Recorder. 1 Local and Personal CUt Payne makes fences. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Excbange. tf Make a real man of your son. ML Angel college, St. Henedlct, Ore. Ad dress Rev. A. T. Meier. Tor Sale Broccoli plants, 20c jcr dozen. Phone 83. 323 lower .Imond. 23-7t George Coad, of Dunsmulr, has Moved his family to Ashland and .111 make this city his home. f holes Ciavensteln apples. Can't le beat for cooking, 75c per 20-11) lox delivered. 'I'liono 9-F-ll. Mrs. L. E. Reader left today for I.ovtlnc, Ore., where she will upend several weeks visitliij; with f rlviids. Studio Ashland, Letter portraits. 100-tf Master Mechanic Charles Iicss and Apprentice Instructor Arthur Slioupj were recent lusliif visitors In this lit;-. Mrs. Simons has new white felt l:;:ts. 20 S. Pioneer. 23-tf What your son lacks lie will ac quire at college. Mt. Angel college. I'enedict, Ore. Address Rv. A. T. Meier. Our kodak finishing will please tho Camera Exchange. if itfrs. C. A. Weston of Dunsmulr ''filed at the home of Mrs. Georgj Gillette for several days during tli" nst week. All millinery tt a big reduction at Hrs. Simon's millinery parlors. 23 Pioneer avenue. 1 S-tf Mrs. W. At. Dodge returned home Thursday evening from an extended v sit In Portland, where she was the fuests of her parents. Mt. Angel college, St. Benedict. Ore., will hegin Its 22nd year of ed ucational work Sept. 12, 1&1S. Ad- tlrcsn Rev. A. T. Meier. Mrs. H. McKenzle anil daughter Wllma have been recent guests at ihe homes of Mrs. T. W. Sanford end Mrs. George Gillette. Judge V. Cqjvlg left Thursday eve liing for Portland where he will at tend the annual national G. A. P. encampment In session there. Miss Anna Hargrove, who has l.een in Can Francisco during the pest fortnight purchasing her fall stock of millinery, has returned home. Harold I'endrlcks of the editorial btaff of the Sacramento Bee Is spend ing a two weeks' vacation In Ash' land, a guest at the home of J. P Hendricks. Miss Mabel Hanson of Climax, a former student of the Ashland schools, has been elected to teaci In the Sams valley district the forth coming year. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Saylcs left last Thursday for Portland where they will attend tho G. A. R, encampment. Gravenstein apples, windfalls, C0 II. box delivered, 75c. Finest cook ing, eating and Jelly apples on the unrket. Phone 9-F-ll. Hugh Gillette, yardniaster of the! fcoutuern Pacific company,' and fam ily, who have been spending a month's vacation In the neighbor hood of Fort Klamath, have return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson were among tho visitors to tho national G. A. R. convention In Portland who attended from Ashland this week. Tney left Thursday evening qor Port lard. E. L. WHsiis and family of Al bany have arrived In Ashland and ere occupying a house on Union street. Mr. Wllgus is In the em ploy of tho Southern .Pacific com pany. Sergeant-Major Gerald Wcnncr, who has been spending a furloug'i In Ashland while on his way from Fort Monroe, Va., to Fort Worden, Wash., left Friday for the latter can tonment. Mrs. P. '. Jordan of Iowa stree: i:ad the misfortune to fall at her I on,e last Monday and injure her lilp severely. An X-ray was usol to determine the seriousness of her Injury. Anions those who left yesterday morning to attend the G. A. R. en canipment In Portland were .Mrs Ki . a Rouse, Mrs. K. D. Jennings, Mrs. O. I!. Allen. Mrs. Dora Young, an 1 Mrs. C. V.'. McKlbbon. Wanted Portor at Depot hotel, . Mrs. Ilnrry Pellett and daughter Mrs. Peterson, of Yrcka were guests of friends In Ashland during the past week. Wanted Two dining room girls at Depot hotel. 26-3t Rev. W. N. Ferris, pastor of the local Haptist church, will preach al ternate Sundays In the church at Iilddle, Douglas county. Wanted Competent woman as housekeeper In a small family. Phone 285-Y. , 20-2t Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. FranK Phelps of Seaside, Oregon, a 10-l-ound girl, at the home of Mrs. Ag nes Richards, of 867 East Main itreet, Saturday. J. N. Daker, who has charge of the paving work on the Billings Hill, i.ns moved his family here and will reside In this city during the opera tions ut that point. Miss Eugenia Carson of Omaha, Neb., Is a guest at the home of her" irother, O. F. Carson. Miss Car Bon Is a kindergarten teacher In the Omaha city schools. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Thomas and little son Hilly, who have been visit ing at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hall of Oak street, left yesterday Morning for their home In Valleju, Cal. They will make tho trip ny iiu to. Miss Irene Clark of Roseburg was a guest of Miss Thelma Throne In this city during the week. Wlllard Colo of the Ironmont Cop per mine of Keswick, Cal., has mov ed In tho Minkler house on the Poulevard where ho will reside. Mrs. Jennie Molton of Red IlluCf and two daughters aro spending; their vacation In Ashland. Mrs. Mel lon is a past commander of the Red illuff lodge of Maccabees. Next to a liberty bond, the beat, In vestment you can make Is a college tducatlon of your son. Mt. Angel college, St. Henedlct, Ore. Address Dr. Carl G. Doney To Deliver Lecture 5 Good Reasons My wlfa and four children are the five reasons given 'by a man of prop erty for declining to sign an official surety bondand what flvo stronger Independence, Aug. 14. Dr. Carl Doney, president of Willamette uni versity, lectured to a capacity hous? i reasons could be given by any man at the IsIs theatre here Sunday nf-l tor refusing to Jeopardize the futuro !:ev. A. T. Meier. Sergeant Andrew Krlvda camo to Ashland Thursday after George ,Mc Candless, the young soldier who was being held here for leaving tho camp at the Presidio without leave of ab fcence. They left that night on train No. 15. Morey E. Applegate, of Mazatlln, Mexico, arrived In Ashland Friday rlpht to visit his parents, Mr. and Hrs. J. D. Applesate, and sister, Mrs. -mil Mr. Applegate Is con nected with the Pacific Tropical com- j pany In Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spencer wee r.mong the Ashland members of the ('.. A. It. Post and W. P.. C. who 'ire attending the national encamp .:cnt and ci i.v nilon In Porthnd this week. They left for that city Saturday niui.i. tcrnoon. Dr. Doney spoke vividly of his trip overseas and the condi tion In tho camps. Ho said: "Tlj,c heart of America Is In France, for every town and hamlet Is alive, with the boys In khaki." He told' many Interesting details of his visit to the trenches and of his marvelous return ! ".Ithout a puncture. Ho told of the j splendid work of the Y. M. C. A. l!o u.ald our soldiers find a home In tho Y's on either side of the Atlantic. That It means homo to the boys or lather takes the placo of home to oil those far away. Dr. Doney was loudly applauded throughout his dis course and had he talked two hours Instead of one his listeners would have been delighted to remain. Dr. Doney will lecture In the Chautauqua building In this city on Wednesday evening, August 21. )f his family undiulllfy tho provl- hoh he has made for the prcsorva lion of his home and the competency lie has set aside for old ago, Th better way Is to buy your bonds of the U. S. FIDF.I.ITV AND GUAR ANTY COMPANY. Billings Agency REAL M STATU AND RRAI, INSIUANCK Established 1SS3 I Phone 211 41 East Mala St. A refreshing rain fell during the past week which has done world of good to tli parched earth. Fiiom, Indications a considerable rain must have fallen at the headwaters of Good Attractions At Vining Theatre A party consisting of Maxon Moll inger, Sidney Carter, Cllf Payne, Mr. Stennctt and FiiiTson Easterl'.ng made an auto trip to the natural bridge on the Crater Lake road ye terday.- "The Six Safe Sous of the Kaiser" sounds like the ti'.lo of a German fairy tale, 'lut It Is no fairy tall either. i F. S. Smith, buyer for the Palac hotel of Oakland, accompanied by his wile, was In Ashland several days curing the past week. .Mr. 'and Mrs. .Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I'ero.zl durlug their sojourn her. Charles K. Short, former editor of li.e Staiisfl-'ld Standard, accompani ed by his two daughters, were ii Ashland tills morning on an automo bile trip from Stansfield to Portland. vhcy made the trip here by way ci ( rater Lake. Mrs. A. C. Keller was called to Heppner, Ore , recently on account of the death of her brother's child, who was accentally killed there. She returned home Friday night after. '. isiting with friends in Pendleton on her way home. Yeunon Hirr'snn. v.'i'i (iilisl',1 !i i i it I w ill also b" p 'se'iled Thursday, the navy several weeks aso ami has been awaiting a call, ban been i.Ui l ed to remirt within the ne:t four u:o city water supply, as Astuanu j cays, no .u go 10 v nicago, in-iic creek has much more water flowing j to New Orleans. Mr. Harrison Is ar tuan has been seen since early In J ranging his bii-lness preparatory to the spring. . P aving. Notice to rnlnitiN I will ret!r from business thin mouth with the Intention of leavhi; The Vlnlng theatre prer.nts some ?,HManii .,,,,1 would a:k that all ar- I unusually good productions this i ,;,,,,,, Um, . i,e s ailed on or bo jv.cek. Among these la Nazlmor.a lii,.)rp August I! PH. Tlio business o: j"TIii Toys of Fat'." which appears Overland Sho Shop has Increas ji' tonight. Following this will t.,i K:fad:ty fn in .;ir to year bIirm i be Viola liana i;i "Illtie .leans." Tties-I ;,, establishment a:id was never bet- lay anil cln.-stlay. A good comedy t ,r ,., 1;l .,, For the continued Prny?r meeting at the Nazare:. church will lie changed this wck from Wednesday evening to Tliurx 'ay. This !s the lust meeting In tli" cliiireh uiilll after the camp meetrig. patronage and fo::.l will of my many friends I wish to tender sincero iheiiks. I appreciate the considera tion shown mo and regret that It I necessary for me P) retire from busi ners lit this time. Respectfully, If J. D. MARS. UCITIZENS(4 W BANK OFASHLAND Re-Morce Your Reserve Fund You may ask "How you can do this under the present conditions and lii(,'h cost of living." Rut it can be accomplished through prudent . econ omy and prompt, week ly deposits with The Citizens Hank of Ash llllld. New accounts life in vited, i SAVINGS On DEPOSITS GARDEN TOOLS Time Is rere to begin that garden. Everybody ought to have a garden this year. Tools will be hard to get later, and they are getting higher every day. We have a number of splendid Garden Hand Cultivators, combining the Plow, WeeJer, Rake, Cultivator. Just the thing;. Let us show you. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Mr. and Mrs. Milt Reynolds, of Dunsmulr, wero guests of thel daughter, Mrs. G. F. Tones, of this city, during the past wek. They were on their way to Grants Pasi and Merlin where they went to loo pfter property Interests. Miss Helen Moore, a well known teacher In this county.-will leave rext month for San Joae, Cal., where she will enter the normal school for tao coming year. MIbs Moore taught In the Putte Falls district last year, and her place there will be filled by Miss Ethel Freeman, a graduate of the high school training class of '18. Mrs. J. D. Crocker left the latter part of tho week for Portland where i-he will attend the national G. A. R. ciicamimient and the W. R. C. con vention In session there. Sho Is a past department president of the latter society. After the convention Mrs. Crocker will visit her daughter, Mrs. Oma E.' Crocker McElhoe of Seattle. Leslie Merrick, of Los Angeles, a former well known resident of Ash land, was in this city during the past week calling on relatives and renow 'nz old-tlmo acquaintances, Mr. Mer rick saw many changes and Improvo uents In Ashland since his absence several years apb, and ' says that vhllo he resides In Dos Angeles he always speaks of Ashland as home. Mrs. Louise Wardncr, of liollli tr.r, Cal., who has been a guest of relatives in Ashland for several 'veeks prftt, left Monday morning Tor Portland where 'shs will attend the national convention of tho Wo men's Relief Corps and the G. A. R. (iicampment. Mrs. Warduer served .ip a volunteer nurse (luring the Civil war, while her husband was a sur geon and carried the rank of colonel. She was accompanied to Portland by her niece, Mrs. Julia Hockett. Hi. . . . "- VAUPEL'S SAVE WHEAT ?j MAIL ; ' - i . I 1 .iiimiiimwi. i 1 1 1 i ii mm jm'- -M i it vm iiwt'H Vi !! iiibi I" in ' -nmniiii'inwniiiMT -Mf-ri" in i rummtm R l . jwyyiwup wiiiiqyi. iiu in QUALITY SHOP ORDER SPECIALISTS HO XT FAIL TO Itl V TIIOSK W. S. S.--TIIE HDVS MiliD I'liM NOW VaeafioE Aecessones You Need No! Make Your Oating Expensive Ibis store's aim to give service in nil its ineiclniinllse, in:ikes It (lie proi ir ilii(o to purcbiiM your eiiipinent for vaenliiin, oiillng or spnH event h. I.'i these days of stress out-iliMir net hit lex nee h ncrrssniy relief to war oc'ivilies.. They help miiiiitain the. imlionnl spii'il. The blub qualities of our merchandise insure your get' lug flu full v. i hit's for cveiy cpeli-tinv. Pumps and Oxfords We have placed on sale a hcauti li'l Hue of white canvas pumps and oxfords Kvery pair is an exception si value. Former price of these bar Eains was J.I.TjO per pair. Sale price irZ.M pair. All tho newest patterns .i:o In stock for fall. The niftl?st niu. nobbiest shirt made. Price $l.S.1-$ each. Fall Blankets Don't fall to examine our complete line of now fall blankets that are now in stock. Kvtry pair a beauty. New plaids In I'll colors. Handkerchiefs and Neckwear Wo have the best and most com plete line of popular priced handker ciiiefs for vacation needs. Prices from 5c up. Dainty and modish reckwear plays an Important part in tho trimming of summer drjsses and blouses. We have the styles to meet tho demand. Fancy Plaid Silks The newest and niftiest i lulds In the new fall silks are now abtainable In our stock. These silks are guaranteed to lie of extra good quality. Fall 26 Inches wide. Frice$:i.iM yard. Cotton Challies and Wool Bats Now Is tho time or cover that new fall comforter. We have several new pieces of this challlo In stock which will answer your purpose, also a dandy wool bat full uniform bIzo to fill snld cemforter. Cooper-Bennington and Chalmers Underwear All of our new fall stock Is now on hand. Its true, 'Jastl city insures perfect comfort. It will give you snug fitting comfort in any position. Full line of styles and quality. Prices from $2.00 to $:.."iO suit. , 7 Men's Standard Flannel Shirts Tills now shirt comes In pray and khaki. Full cut and heavy weight flann-Jl used In tin making. Winter Is coming on and row Is the time to purchase your needs. Price ij;t.."! rncli. New Fall Shoes Several new styles of fall slices are on tho shelf. Come In and investigate these ne,v modefs. Kvery one a beauty. Ail the new shades and two-tcne effects are Included in these values. Petticoats Petticoats' which are. well made from attractive and good wearing materials nr. certain to please our trade. The material, stylo and qual ity we offer in Queen petticoats are great values. Athena Underwear For daintiness, comfort and wear Athena Fnderwear Is matchless. Wo nen find that It Is made to fit them xactly, without being stretched Into ...lape, and unne:csr,::: v folds of tho f.'.lirlc nt any point. Corsets and Brassieres Royal orccs'.er, Don Ton. Wo have la nlock a complct; lino of at t'aetivo models In thesa well known coii-ets. Wonr one and you will never chanr," styles. Aluo a full lino of the hid brasslores on tha market. Burngton Hosiery Tii is Imsu Ij a f 'ill-fashioned hoso without a seam. It Is one of the 'est hosiery values that can bo had on the market. Comes In all colors :t medium prfeea. Give this hoso a trial. II immw iiW mil nwiliamin in "1111111 u 1 1 MaMMMMBBMamnMM Tho best hoae manufactured for ni.'i . m men and ehidron. All of the lateat fall shades aro now In sto rk. ('or.-.o In and make your selec tion while our range of colors Is co mp' 'U Prices M)e, 7.1o $1, $1.23 pi-..' .